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Chapter 421 The Dream That Never Dies

The heavy rain continued to pour down, covering the ground and falling on the fortress.

The place where the teleportation array is located is in the open air, so the rain quickly washes away the blood on the ground.

With lightning flashing and thunder roaring from time to time, Wang Chen's Yanmiao clone was quickly repairing the formation and changing its destination.

After all, this place was previously occupied by black-clothed guards from the Shenglan tribe who infiltrated Fenghai County. Even if the teleportation array is repaired, it will be difficult to ensure the safety of the planned destination.

So a safer way is to change the place where the teleportation reaches.

During the repair process, Kong Xianglong also frequently raised his head to look at the direction of the border of the Shenglan tribe, with a somewhat gloomy look on his face.

"The burial here doesn't seem to be specially set up for me. They can't possibly know my whereabouts, and if they were targeting me, they wouldn't have so many manpower."

"So it's more like stopping everyone who comes close to the border, and there should be problems with more than one teleportation array fortress." Xu Qing, who was standing by, said in a deep voice.

"The Shenglan tribe should search for the person we want to rescue in the area ahead." Shanhezi walked over and said slowly.

"Is our route real?" Ye Ling asked in surprise, and then instinctively looked around, because according to their previous analysis, there was a high probability that the real connection route would be followed secretly by strong people.

"Not necessarily. The performance of the Shenglan tribe also reveals that they have not yet grasped the true route of our Anzi, so they should be searching in the border areas of multiple states."

Kong Xianglong's eyes shone brightly.

Xu Qing nodded secretly.

For this mission, everyone knew that there was a high probability that what they were told was fake. The return of the dark son lurking in the Shenglan tribe must be similar to nine fakes and one real one.

This makes it difficult for the Shenglan tribe to accurately target and kill it, and naturally there are Anzi of the Shenglan tribe in Fenghai County, so the movements of the Sword Holding Palace can also represent the accurate route of Anzi to a certain extent.

This is also the reason why the field office has dispersed multiple teams.

Xu Qing even thought that it was possible that all the support teams on the surface were smoke to confuse the Shenglan tribe, and perhaps there were also secret teams in action.

In addition, it is possible that Anzi, who has truly returned from the Shenglan tribe, does not need any support.

This is a two-sided game.

However, through this incident, Xu Qing once again felt the decline of the human race.

Although there are restrictions on who can enter this border area, the fact that there are monks from the Shenglan tribe below the Yuanying level is enough to show that Fenghai County's defense line is fragile.

Everyone knew this and kept silent.

It didn't take long, and after a series of thunderous roars and explosions, the teleportation array was repaired.

Regardless of whether this response was true or false, the group of them was determined to continue moving forward. At this moment, they quickly stepped into the teleportation array. As the light of the array shone, everyone disappeared in the heavy rain.

When he appeared, he was already in a hidden valley on the border of Linlan Prefecture.

"Everyone, stay vigilant. There should be quite a few infiltrators from the Shenglan tribe here. Let me first explore the hiding place of the Anzi we are going to contact. I hope he is still alive."

The moment he walked out, Kong Xianglong spoke in a low voice and took out a compass.

There are a series of secret methods of communication between sword holders, and each mission uses different methods. Only the person in charge of the mission can know...

For example, this compass is the equipment for this mission, a special magic weapon. It will guide the location of the hidden object.

Their mission is to find each other through the compass and then leave together.

Xu Qing understands these things, and they were popularized and taught in the Sword Holding Palace during the secret training.

In front of these people, Kong Xianglong pointed at the compass, and the pointer on it suddenly rotated rapidly. It did not simply point out the direction, but a scene was transformed during the rotation.

There is a red dot in the screen, some distance away from here, and it is flickering weakly at the moment.

Seeing the flashing red dot, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This means the other person is still alive.

Kong Xianglong also cheered up and began to make arrangements for everyone.

Don't be reckless when responding. If you go directly, it is very likely that the opponent's position will be exposed.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to attract the Shenglan tribe from this place, to eliminate them at the same time, and to provide support at the same time. These three steps must be carried out together.

What Xu Qing wants to do here is to clear this area as much as possible, and his partner is Ye Ling.

As for the people who attracted the Shenglan tribe, it was Shanhezi, Wang Chen and others.

The response will be completed independently by Kong Xianglong.

Listening to Kong Xianglong's arrangement, Xu Qing nodded. His side's approach was very routine and what should be done, so they soon divided into three parties and acted separately.

Xu Qing swayed, his body melted into the night, and he began to look for the Shenglan tribe around him.

The same goes for Ye Ling, and the sword holders from their team of field offices also dispersed.

Time passed, and half an hour later, as the roaring sound echoed, the fluctuation of the spell came from a distance.

Xu Qing looked up and saw that that was where Shanhezi and Wang Chen were. They were responsible for attracting the attention of the Shenglan tribe.

But Xu Qing soon frowned.

Because he went all the way, he found no trace of the Shenglan tribe in this area, and it seemed that the other party did not exist. This was inconsistent with their previous judgment that the other party was searching for An Zi.

"Something is wrong!" Xu Qing became even more vigilant.

I also found that something was wrong, and

Shanhezi and Wang Chen, their attracting actions did not attract any Shenglan tribe.

This strange scene made everyone's hearts sink.

Soon after, a signal light formed by magic shot up into the sky and shone in the sky. This was a signal for urgent gathering.

Looking at the signal, Xu Qing's heart sank, and he knew something was indeed wrong.

Because the place where the signal came from was the place where the recipient Kong Xianglong went to.

If everything goes according to plan, Kong Xianglong cannot release the signal anywhere. He should take people away before notifying everyone.

Xu Qing immediately changed direction and went straight to the place where the signal was transmitted. After burning incense, he finally arrived and saw Kong Xianglong, Shanhezi and others from a distance.

This is a plain, and a few hundred feet in front of them, there is a dying man lying on the ground.

This man was a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old. His body was covered in blood and covered with countless wounds, most of which were deep enough to show the bones.

Even if you look carefully, you can see that except for the normal skin on his face, the skin on other places has been skinned alive!

He obviously endured unimaginable torture and pain.

Most of his bones were broken into pieces, and not a single aperture was left in his body, all of which collapsed...

From the point of collapse, it can be seen that this girl is actually a genius with 120 Dharma Acupoints.

Now he is also blind in one eye, his eyeball was dug out and placed in his own mouth, and his two ears have disappeared.

Even the body has been poisoned and is rotting.

I can't live anymore, I only have one breath left at this moment.


Xu Qing's expression was solemn, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. As he walked quickly, he noticed that there were hundreds of feet around the young man, and formations were arranged on the ground.

He didn't understand the formation, but he could feel the terrifying killing intent here. This formation was extraordinary and a killing formation.

That young man was placed at the center of this deadly formation.

"This girl is not the secret agent we want to deal with, but she should be related. She was like this when I came here, and there is this jade slip left by the Shenglan tribe."

Kong Xiang's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and growled, opening a jade slip he found here.

Suddenly a calm voice came from the jade slip, echoing around.

"Hello fellow sword holders."

"It's a pity that I can't meet you, but our black guards have left a small gift for you sword holders. I hope you like it and appreciate it."

The voice was cold and cruel, and he smiled at the end.

This is a leftover message.

Shanhezi and Wang Chen on the side, as well as Ye Ling and other sword holders who also came at this moment, looked at all this and listened to the voice on the jade slip, their expressions showing anger.

Things are very clear and everyone can understand everything without much thinking.

The Shenglan tribe used the fortress to delay the rescue time of their group, and at the same time found the target that the sword holder wanted to respond to.

But obviously this target was not the real Anzi, so they used cruel torture to beat him until he was breathless, and then arranged this killing array and left.

The purpose of the black-clad guards of the Shenglan tribe is to let the sword holder see the mission target die with his own eyes.

This formation will be triggered once you step into it. The people inside will die, and the one who steps in will die. Even the most likely trigger method is not limited to stepping in. There are other unknown behaviors that can also cause the formation to explode.

Moreover, even if the formation doesn't explode, the young man inside will be extinct. At this moment, he only has that breath, which may die at any time.

This is the viciousness of the Shenglan clan.

Everyone was silent.

At this moment, Wang Chen, who was good at formations, crouched down, looked up at Kong Xianglong bitterly after sensing the formations, and spoke softly.

"It is the spiritual soul killing formation unique to the black guards of the Shenglan tribe. This formation is said to be passed down from the Heitian tribe and uses humans as the core of the formation. The young man is completely integrated with this formation. Entering in any way will trigger it, even if the control is weird.

It’s useless, the principle of its formation is still there

It is still being studied by Lord Jun Cheng, but unfortunately there are no results yet."

"It was a one-time trigger with no solution, and the young man... has also run out of energy."

Kong Xianglong’s eyes became redder and his breathing became rapid.

Xu Qing looked at the unconscious young man in the formation and silently walked to the edge of the formation. He didn't know if the shadow could do it, so he spoke softly.

"I can give it a try, but I'm not sure if it will work..."

Kong Xianglong clenched his fist, gritted his teeth and was about to speak, but at this moment, the eyelids of the young man in the formation trembled slightly and he opened his eyes weakly...

There was pain remaining in his eyes, and he looked at Xu Qing and others blankly.

"You...are the sword holders?" The young man murmured in an extremely weak voice, with a hint of distrust.

Everyone looked at it instantly.

Xu Qing took out his own sword, and Kong Xianglong and others also took out their swords. As the swords shone brightly, the dying young man lying there showed a faint light in his dim eyes.

"My father's imprint on my soul makes me feel that you are the sword bearers..."

"I'm sorry for letting you see me like this." The young man seemed to care about the sword holder. He tried hard to make himself more decent, but he couldn't do it anymore.

"My father is from the human race, and my mother is from the Shenglan tribe...I am not a sword wielder."

"But I know your secret method of hiding things. My father taught me."

"I didn't tell those black-clothed guards of the Shenglan tribe. No matter how they pressed me, I didn't say anything!" The young man seemed to have regained his consciousness, and his voice gained some strength.

He tried hard to smile, but the pain made his smile lose its beauty.

"My father asked me to bring something here and give it to the sword holder. He told me that this object will not be destroyed. You can take it away after I die."

"I've accomplished my mission."

The young man still tried his best to smile, as if this was his last act of dignity, and the completion of the task finally gave him a look of satisfaction on his face. However, the seriousness of the injury made his smile slowly fade and his breath became weaker.

The pain in his body also made his words tremble.

"My father is a sword bearer. He has always been proud of being a sword bearer. I also want to be a sword bearer, but I am not a human. He said that as long as I complete this mission, I can stay in Fenghai.

County, become a sword bearer!"

These words moved Xu Qing.

Kong Xianglong and others were also shocked.

"It seems... to become a sword bearer like my father..."

The young man murmured. He didn't seem to have much strength to support his open eyes, which were gradually closing. But before closing, he worked hard to open his hiding space.

A package appeared next to him.

This scene caused indescribable thoughts to rise in everyone's hearts, filling their bodies and minds with overwhelming emotions. It was very, very heavy.

"You are the sword holder!" Kong Xianglong looked at the young master and spoke loudly, raising the sword in his hand.

"I am willing to be a sword bearer and fulfill my duty without fear of sacrifice."

Kong Xianglong shouted the Sword Holder's Oath, and everyone around him also heard their voices at the same time. Xu Qing did the same, and his heart felt strong.

The young man's body trembled, his eyes that were about to be closed suddenly opened, he looked at everyone, and murmured the same words.

"I would like to be a sword bearer, never betray the human race, and always be ready to fight."

"I would like to be a sword bearer, fight for the human race, and protect the human race."

"I would like to be the one who holds the sword, cut off the misfortune of dawn, and shine the light of heaven and earth."

The young man's voice blended with the crowd's voices.

The next moment, his eyes closed, and the satisfied smile on his face became eternal, until an earth-shaking roar erupted from the formation.

When he died, the formation ascended.

The violent wind and waves swept around, lifting everyone's clothes and long hair, until a long time... As the storm dissipated, the young man's body disappeared into thin air.

Only a box appeared at the place where he died.

That's a wish box.

An opened wish box.

That was the information he sent back with his life.

This chapter has been completed!
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