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Chapter 437 If I dont go to hell, who will?

"Huh?" The captain was stunned, not understanding the meaning of Xu Qing's sudden words, so he became surprised.

"What does it have to do with me? What's the situation? Little Ah Qing, are you showing off to me? If it weren't for my letter..."

Xu Qing glanced at the captain.

The captain coughed.

"If it weren't for your letter..."

Then his expression straightened and he spoke solemnly.

"Speaking of this, I want to criticize you. In fact, I have wanted to tell you for a long time. Monks like us need to be alone. Only in this way can we have an iron will, keep our beliefs intact, and be able to face everything calmly.


"Woman, hey, are these apples delicious?" The captain took a bite of the apple with a look of disdain on his face.

"Those are the mountains and boulders that block our progress, and the fetters and hells that affect us from drawing our swords. You have to be careful about this matter, and don't imitate Lao San. I was mostly joking when I advised you to follow the Purple Xuan Immortal.


Xu Qing was moved when he heard the words, and after thinking about it carefully, he was absolutely right what the captain said, and nodded thoughtfully in agreement.

"Elder brother is right, then I won't introduce you to Immortal Zixuan's best friend."

The captain was stunned, his eyes widened, and he stopped eating the apple.

"What did you say? Introduce him to me?"

Xu Qing nodded, looking a little embarrassed.

"Senior Brother, I was wrong. Senior Li Shitao from the Fengxing Palace originally asked me to introduce her friends to her. I was narrow-minded. This will affect your will and belief, Senior Brother."

"Li Shitao? The name sounds pretty good, but...does it look good?" the captain suddenly said.

"It's okay." Xu Qing was surprised and nodded.

The captain was refreshed, but he tried to restrain himself. He stood up, put his hands behind his back, and let out a long sigh, full of regret.

"Junior brother...you, senior brother, and I have been alone for twenty-six years, which is a bit too long."

The captain turned his head and looked at Xu Qing.

"We monks need to be alone." Xu Qing hesitated.

"We, the monks, are number one in terms of marriage, law and wealth!" the captain said solemnly.

"The mountains and boulders blocking the way forward." Xu Qing hesitated.

"If you don't understand this mountain, how can you finally cross it!" the captain said sternly.

"The bond and hell that affect drawing the sword?" Xu Qing looked at the captain.

The captain looked pitiful, looked at the world outside the window of the Jiange Pavilion, and sighed softly.

"If I don't go to hell, who will?"

Xu Qing looked at the captain silently, and the captain looked at Xu Qing shamelessly without any embarrassment.

After a while, Xu Qing sighed and nodded.

"Captain, please eat more grapefruit next time."

The captain was extremely excited and didn't mind Xu Qing mentioning the grapefruit again. He ran to Xu Qing, raised his right hand and took out three big apples, and handed them to Xu Qing with a beaming look.

"Junior brother, senior brother, my love for you is not in vain. Hey, I'm waiting for your good news." With that, the captain left happily.

Looking at the senior brother's leaving figure, Xu Qing's eyes showed deep contemplation. Although the senior brother's words were inconsistent, Xu Qing still felt that what he said before made some sense.

"Only when the mind is at peace can we be firm." Xu Qing murmured, closed his eyes, and meditated without any distractions.

In the blink of an eye, four days passed.

In these four days, Xu Qing dispersed all distracting thoughts, calmed down the waves that had risen in his heart, and returned to the state of mind he had in Yinghuangzhou, fully immersed in adapting to the rules of the small world.

Finally, late at night on the fourth day, he successfully tempered his endurance time to two thousand breaths.

"You can go try it."

After a short rest, Xu Qing's eyes showed a bright light, and he did not immediately step down, but entered the world of murals again in the ninetieth floor.

Walking in the void, Xu Qing reached the outside of the eggshell-like light curtain, rushed forward, shuttled away, and appeared above the small world in the clouds and mist.

Huge coercion suddenly fell, like mountains falling, and a sense of invisible fetters arose spontaneously.

Xu Qing's body shook, and there was a clicking sound coming from his body, but his expression did not change at all.

This is where he usually sharpens himself.

And he was already very familiar with the feeling of the rules coming and the mountains suppressing him.

In the past, he always stopped here, but today he didn't stop at all and took a step forward.

Back up the mountain and move forward.

With each step, there was a loud roaring sound between the sky and the earth, like a rock falling to the ground, the sound was huge, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the wind and clouds surged.

This scene may seem shocking, but in fact it is because Xu Qing cannot lift things lightly. He accepts the rules of one world, so every step he takes will cause drastic changes in the world.

Wherever he passed, there was lightning and thunder, and clouds and fog rolled around him, which looked extremely amazing.

As Xu Qing walked away, the expressions of the hidden alien races on the earth changed after seeing Xu Qing.

Although they also knew that Xu Qing's performance was not in a state of ease, they understood that the more this happened, the more dangerous it was.

Because you cannot fully control the rules of endurance, it is inevitable to spread...

This is indeed the case. As soon as Xu Qing's body descended into the air, seven or eight kinds of weather appeared around him, sometimes acid rain, sometimes thunderstorms, sometimes violent winds...

The ground beneath his feet was also affected, the plains changed into mountains, and the mountains changed into lakes. They were constantly changing and could not be stabilized. They would only be finally settled after he left.

And in the process, the prisoners there... suffered great misfortune.

So when Xu Qing lowered his head, the first thing he saw was a large number of prisoners rushing out from hiding places on the ground, and each one fled in panic.

Of course, there are also some prisoners who have died too many times and are about to lose their memory completely. With gleaming eyes, they come straight to Xu Qing and want to use his rules to commit suicide.

After committing suicide, they will not be reset, which is also a relief.

Xu Qing frowned, raised his right hand and pressed it down, speaking softly.

"All around me in this world, no air or no approach!"

As soon as he spoke, the invisible rules of this world he carried suddenly trembled. The next moment, a clicking sound came from the heaven and earth. Invisible threads spread out from all living beings, spread from everything in the world, and finally gathered in Xu Qing


New rules are established.

Those prisoners who wanted to commit suicide were immediately repulsed as soon as their bodies came close to them. They could not get close at all, let alone fly.

You have to wait until Xu Qing leaves before you can recover.

After doing this, Xu Qing calculated the time and knew that he could not delay for too long, so he gritted his teeth, raised his feet, and rushed forward quickly.

His body made constant rattling noises along the way, and the law of movement made the earth shrink under his feet, in exchange for faster speeds.

Finally he arrived at the plain where the group of near-immortal prisoners were.

This is the first thing he does when he comes this time.

After arriving here, he immediately changed the rules. He raised his right hand and grabbed it. Suddenly there were two near-immortal prisoners inside. Their bodies instantly rose into the air and they were caught by Xu Qing and flew away.

Arriving in an uninhabited land, he followed the methods of the near-immortal prisoners in District D, and did the same to the two near-immortal clansmen with Nascent Soul cultivation. After successfully planting his own heterogeneity, Xu Qing's eyes widened and he pondered.

"If their memories have not been erased, then the possibility of becoming immortal puppets will also be reduced... But the Immortal Tribe is not stupid either. In the past three hundred years, the near Immortal Tribe prisoners who have had their memories suddenly appeared will definitely be suspicious, so

You can’t go too far, and you can’t do it too absolutely.”

Xu Qing thought for a while and simply sent one of the two unconscious near-immortal clansmen back to their original place, while the other was thrown outside.

"I have come here frequently during this period to observe. Before the near-immortal clan outside completely loses his memory, I will send him back and only allow part of his memory to be erased."

Xu Qing had just finished, leaving the near-immortal clan in the wilderness, and was about to do the second thing, but at this moment, his expression changed and he suddenly turned his head.

Five hundred feet away behind him, someone appeared at some point!

This man was also wearing a jailor's robe and was one of the pawns in Area C. He was staring coldly at Xu Qing and then at the near-immortals in the wilderness, with a faint light in his eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Xu Qing looked at the jailer from Area C who appeared and felt the fluctuations in his Nascent Soul cultivation level.

He has seen each other but has not spoken.

Facing this person's inquiry, Xu Qing looked thoughtfully at the area with a hint of apology on his face.

"I'm doing an experiment."

The jailer looked at Xu Qing coldly, then glanced at the near-immortal on the ground who was about to wake up at the moment, and spoke in a cold voice.

"This is my guarding place. You should tell me in advance, and the county guard has an order to prevent the prisoners of the Immortal Clan from suffering amnesia... What happened today is only this once."

After saying that, he turned around and left the place without stopping him.

After all, everyone is a jailer. Although Xu Qingxiu is not a Nascent Soul, he still has the right to deal with prisoners. Although this matter is a bit against the rules, there is nothing wrong with each other, and the other party's expression is also apologetic, so he is too lazy to be serious.

Xu Qing also knew that he was careless, and his actions were not justified and justified.

In fact, he would not have made this mistake. After all, that was what he did in District D.

But he had just been able to try to patrol today, and the area and time had not been divided yet, so he didn't know who was responsible for this area, so it was inevitable that he would be negligent.

"Apologise." Xu Qing looked solemn and bowed to the jailer who was leaving.

The departing jailer waved his hand to Xu Qing, most of the displeasure in his heart dissipated.

When the opponent was no longer visible, Xu Qing turned around and left. He originally had the second thing to do, which was to find the three Black Sky clan members and leave marks on them for observation.

But at this moment, he changed his mind and did not go looking for it. Instead, he lifted his body into the air and left this small world while the roar of the sky and the earth continued to erupt.

As the feeling of the rules coming to him dissipated, Xu Qing took a long breath and stepped back to the Prison Department.

After appearing in the Prison Department, Xu Qing immediately found Guishou and told him that he could bear the law and patrol independently.

In the corner of the 90th floor, lying on a rocking chair, Gui Shou, who was drinking, raised his head when he heard this and looked at Xu Qing.

"So fast?" The ghost hand expressed surprise, and pointed at the mural. Suddenly, a soft light emitted from the mural, and the original picture inside was blurred, forming a new picture.

The scene on the screen was of Xu Qing patrolling inside, but it only showed the figure that had just arrived, and did not reveal his subsequent dealings with the Immortal Clan.

"You're a good guy, okay." Guishou didn't look much at it, waved the screen away, and threw Xu Qing a token.

"You are responsible for guarding the East 13th area."

Xu Qing took the token and solemnly said yes, then thought about it and spoke softly.

"The humble position released a near-immortal clan in the small world to prepare for an experiment..."

"Little things." Guishou chuckled. He naturally knew this matter well. As a prison master, he was very clear about things in the prison. He also understood that none of his jailers were actually honest.

Personal matters.

But in the final analysis, they are all sword-wielders, and there is no malicious intent. At most, it is just self-convenience.

He turned a blind eye to this kind of thing.

After all, even he does this occasionally.

And Xu Qing could take the initiative to say it, which made him very happy.

Seeing this, Xu Qing knew that he had done the right thing.

There is no point in hiding some things, but it will arouse some unnecessary suspicions, so after he pondered, he spoke again.

"Senior, I want to see those Black Sky clans."

Guishou laughed and pointed at the jade slip in Xu Qing's hand.

"When I explained it last time, I saw that you were very interested. Just go and see the place where you are guarding."

Xu Qing was startled when he heard this, bowed deeply to the ghost hand, turned around and left.

Looking at Xu Qing walking away, Guishou took a sip of wine with appreciation in his eyes.

He really admired Xu Qing, whether it was his way of poisoning the sick man at the beginning, or his later understanding and courtesy at all times, which was rare.

Now that the Jindan cultivator is able to patrol independently, everything shows that Xu Qing is good.

What's more important is its immense splendor and the guarding arranged by Ding Yisaner. The latter... he knows the meaning of it very well.

So he arranged those Black Sky tribesmen at the place where Xu Qing was guarding, because for any old man, everyone would have thoughts in mind. After all, the Black Sky tribe was rare and everyone was very interested.

As for the newcomer who was very ambitious, it would be hard for everyone to say anything. Besides, it would also help Xu Qing get acquainted with other colleagues in District C.

"Boy, you have to work hard. The East Thirteenth District has a lot of luck today." Guishou took a big sip of wine, lay on the rocking chair, and hummed a ditty.

This chapter has been completed!
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