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Chapter 441 The Ten Intestines of the True Immortal

Watching the captain leave, Xu Qing pondered.

Although he still didn't know the details of the big event the captain mentioned, he had made some guesses in his heart and knew that this trip would probably not be short.

So he simply took a long vacation first, and spent the next three days in the county to buy all kinds of things he needed. After everything was prepared, Xu Qing returned to Jiange and took out the Black Sky Clan eyes that Ghost Hand had given him.

Study it.

This object is wonderful and has some spiritual amplification effects. However, when Xu Qing used the power of the Purple Moon Heavenly Palace to drive it, the object underwent abnormal changes.

Three days passed by in a flash.

In the past three days, whenever dusk fell in the county capital, the sky would be a little different from usual days. Perhaps it was because of the season. The sky was no longer dim, but red.

The earth and all the buildings were dyed red, like blood.

I can't tell if it's auspicious or a bad omen.

It was like this for three days in a row.

Standing in the sword pavilion, Xu Qing looked at the sky. Some inexplicable uneasiness suddenly rose in his heart. This feeling came very suddenly and dissipated quickly.

Xu Qing looked confused. He had never had a similar feeling before. Thinking about it now, it seemed that this uneasy feeling came from his natal mosasaurus.

Just as Xu Qing was deep in thought, a person walked out of the red clouds.

It's the captain.

He came over excitedly, smiled when he saw Xu Qing, and arranged the formations around him. He also asked Xu Qing to open the sword pavilion formation, shielding the surroundings, and then spoke mysteriously.

"Little Aqing, everything is ready. This time it's just you and me, no one else is going to be called."

"I originally planned to call Ning Yan, but this guy actually disappeared after passing the test. I searched for him for a long time but couldn't find him. Could it be that he knew that I wanted to lend him a human shield?"

The captain sighed regretfully, as if the overcooked duck had flown away.

Xu Qing was also surprised when he heard this. After thinking about it, he asked.

"If he doesn't participate, will it have a big impact?"

"Originally it had a big impact, but with the Heitian Clan jade slip you gave me, it doesn't matter whether Ning Yan participates or not." The captain's eyes flashed and he spoke in a low voice.

"Little Ah Qing, we won't act recklessly this time, we will outsmart you, and I will take you to the Shenglan Clan!"

Xu Qing was thoughtful.

"Shall we go to the Shenglan Clan, pretending to be the Black Sky Clan?"

The captain laughed and beamed.

"Little Ah Qing, you know me. Yes, this time we are going to the Shenglan Clan dressed as Heitian Clan members. Think about it, the Shenglan Clan are the slaves of the Heitian Clan. We pretend to be their masters. After we go

All plans will come true."

Xu Qing nodded, there were still many details that needed to be resolved, but the captain was obviously very talented in dressing up, so Xu Qing didn't worry about these details.

He analyzed the general direction and felt that this matter could be done.

"Where to go to the Shenglan tribe?" Xu Qing asked.

"The Great Wilderness East County of the Shenglan Clan!" the captain whispered.

"There are fourteen counties within the Shenglan Territory. Among them, the Great Wilderness East County borders Fenghai County. There is a different place in it called Zhenxian Shichang!"

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed. He didn't know much about the Shenglan tribe, but when he heard the name, he still felt a little weird and felt uncomfortable all over.

Noticing Xu Qing's expression, the captain spoke in a low voice.

"Do you think this name is weird? The True Immortal Ten Intestines refers to ten strange trees that grow like intestines and grow straight into the sky."

"This True Immortal Ten-Intestinal Tree has existed for an extremely long time. Before the arrival of the gods, its area covered more than half of the three regions and was worshiped and sacrificed by all the people in this region."

"It is said that at that time, all the eyes in this area were looking at the branches of this tree, which were covered with countless corpses, all of which were sacrificed to him. It is said that this could bring blessings, and even the ancient emperor Xuanyou did not stop him.

This is the custom in this area."

"Of course this is because of the ten intestines of the real immortal, and there is also a legend." The captain's eyes flashed.

"Legend has it that this true immortal ten intestines was transformed into an immortal by the last member of the Exian tribe countless years ago!"

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed.

"The Exian tribe is mysterious and unpredictable. They believe that the intestines are the wheel that runs through life and are the beginning of all origins. To become an immortal, you need to open your body and use yourself as a supplement to release your spiritual intestines and integrate them into the world, so that you can absorb the nutrients of the world."

"According to legend, this Exian tribe succeeded in the end. He turned into a true immortal in Wanggu Continent, and the ten intestines of the true immortal are his true form. However, the arrival of the gods imprisoned him again, and he is now sleeping."

As the captain spoke, he took out an apple and a peach, handed the apples to Xu Qing, and took a bite of the peach before continuing to speak.

"Is this also a real immortal?" Xu Qing took a deep breath, this was different from the immortal he imagined.

"I didn't expect that true immortals are like this. Little Ah Qing, your understanding of this world is still not enough. In the future, you need to learn more from me, senior brother." The captain bit the peach with a proud look on his face.

Xu Qing felt it made sense and nodded seriously.

The captain spoke softly with deep meaning in his eyes.

"What do you think immortals look like? We human beings believe that they are immortals who have passed away from the world and are ethereal in the wind."

"But each tribe has different understandings. The Exian tribe believes that immortals are ten intestines, and there are more alien tribes. In their ethnic mythology, immortals have various appearances."

"We will go to many places in the future, and you will see countless weird and bizarre things."

"This world is very interesting." The captain smiled.

Xu Qing's heart was filled with confusion and she looked into the distance.

The captain's voice continued to be heard.

"Surrounding the Immortal Tengu Tree, an endless jungle spreads out around it. That's where we are going this time!"

"The True Immortal Ten-Intestinal Jungle will grow a large number of True Immortal Dao Fruits every hundred years. Of course, these fruits look weird, and they look exactly like glasses."

"You can't eat this kind of fruit. If you eat it, you will go crazy and develop multiple personalities. Even the people from Taisi Xianmen don't dare to eat it even if their skills require multiple personalities."

"But the True Immortal Dao Fruit is a rare material for refining weapons. It can greatly increase the power of the refined magical weapons, so it is valuable."

"As for our county official, since we do not have trade relations with the Shenglan tribe, we issue missions to acquire this kind of Dao Fruit all the year round. Each Dao Fruit will give you 10,000 military merits!"

"This time, if we get a few hundred Dao Fruits, wouldn't that mean millions of military merits?"...

"How about it, little Ah Qing, your senior brother and I are not that good. This is a line of major things I have done after digging in the Gongbo Division for a long time. Of course, this is just the first goal. There will be others in the future.


The captain looked a little proud. After eating one peach, he took out another peach and took a bite.

Xu Qing instinctively expressed admiration, with thoughts in his eyes.

"Junior brother, can you stop being so perfunctory? I taught you your ability to change expressions." The captain looked at Xu Qing longingly.

Xu Qing nodded, his eyes widened with a look of disbelief, and then he spoke calmly.

"Senior Brother, apart from the tree itself, what other arrangements and dangers are there around the True Immortal Ten Intestines? And for such an important thing, the Shenglan Clan should also be able to pick it."

The captain watched Xu Qing's expression change, reluctantly accepted it, and continued to explain his plan while eating peaches.

The ten intestines of the True Immortal itself are dangerous, after all, they are sleeping."

Around the jungle where the Tree of the Ten Intestines of the True Immortal has been transformed, the existence of causes and effects for countless years has resulted in the formation of several small city-states, most of which are attached to the four major dynasties in the Shenglan Domain."

There is indeed danger, but as the Black Sky Clan, as long as the details are taken care of, great things can be accomplished!

The captain licked his lips with a look of madness in his eyes.

The key to this matter is how we go there. It would be a bit abrupt if we go directly as the Black Sky Clan." Xu Qing said softly.

The captain is confident, one

The deputy owner seemed to be strategizing on his own.

"Every time the Taoist Fruit of the True Immortal Ten Intestines is about to mature, it needs a special nutrient called mica stone. Although this nutrient is also available in other places, the yield is not large. It is only abundant in Chaoxia Prefecture in Fenghai County.


Therefore, whenever the Dao Fruit is about to mature, many caravans from the Shenglan Clan will sneak in and smuggle mica stones. Although the government does not trade with the Shenglan Clan, the Yao family owns the Shenglan Clan.

"This is also an important source of income for the Yao family."

Speaking of this, the captain looked into Xu Qing's eyes.

Do you understand what I mean, little A-Qing?"

Xu Qing's eyes flashed and he spoke easily.

Let one of the convoys take the initiative to send us into the Shenglan Clan!"

The captain laughed, his eyes shining.

"That's right!

"I have already planned it. I asked you to take photos and observe those Black Sky tribesmen. Just for this reason, we disguised ourselves as Black Sky tribesmen. I am sure of this and I am prepared for it."

Although the arrest of the Black Sky Tribe by the Sword Holding Palace was secretive, I secretly spread the word to a target convoy to make them aware of the incident, but they did not know how many Black Sky Tribes were captured."

Next, what we have to do is to act out a scene, and this requires the cooperation of a sword holder.

"You know Kong Xianglong so well, how about I leave this matter to you?" the captain whispered.

Xu Qing thought for a while and nodded.

Well, it's settled, we'll set off tomorrow morning!" The captain took a deep breath, with anticipation in his eyes, and swallowed the peach of the phone in one gulp.

"Little Qing, this time we are prosperous and there is absolutely no danger. We will go there as the masters!"

Xu Qing understood that this time was extremely dangerous, but he was well prepared, and once he succeeded, his military exploits would be truly astonishing. His eyes also showed expectations, and he was extremely eager for military exploits...

As for how the two of them would return after this was completed, Xu Qing did not ask. Xian and the captain had done many important things, and the rhythm of the two of them was to work together in the early stage, and then each would settle down with his or her destiny.

At this moment, watching the captain leave, Xu Qing took out the message jade slip and transmitted the message to Kong Xianglong. He did not tell everything, but only put forward the request. Kong Xianglong laughed after hearing it.

If you have any ideas about dressing up as the Black Sky clan, take me with you!"

My senior brother Xu Qing and I hesitated.

Uh...I won't go then, Xu Qing, I know you don't like to hear it, but I still want to remind you, be careful of your senior brother, he is unreliable, don't be fooled by him."

Xu Qing smiled bitterly, chatted a few more words with Kong Xianglong, agreed on the details for tomorrow, and confirmed the sound transmission.

Seeing that it was already getting late, Xu Qing packed up his storage bag and thought that the time of his outing was uncertain, so he sent a message to Immortal Zixuan to tell him that he was going out.

After doing this, the immortal sat cross-legged and waited for dawn.

But before dawn, a person came outside his sword pavilion."

It is none other than the Immortal Zi Xuan.

When she walked into the sword pavilion, the fragrance of her body filled the sword pavilion. She looked at Xu Qing with gentle eyes and spoke softly.

"I won't stop you from going out to work, but you don't have enough protection, so I'm here to help you."

Outside the door behind her beautiful figure, the moonlight reflected like a river, flowing on her dress and falling on the ground.

Under the moonlight, Zixuan seems to be standing in the moon river, with her elegant expression and gentle eyes like a lotus blooming in the moon river, holding on to her own peace.


This chapter has been completed!
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