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Chapter 457 Sacrifice to Heaven!

At this moment, in the East County of the Wilderness, above the True Immortal Ten Intestine Tree.

As the sun rises, Xu Qing and his party move forward hard in the morning light.

The captain was still cutting his intestines, his expression showing persistence and madness.

Xu Qing gritted his teeth and continued the same process, cutting off a section of his intestines again and blending it into the tree.

Although he didn't know the specific reason why the captain did this, he had already experienced a lot in his practice and had already seen that what the captain did after stepping into the depths of the ten intestines of the True Immortal was like performing a ritual.

Especially when they got here, they did not encounter dangers such as time and space confusion and curses that the leader of the Zenith Kingdom mentioned at the beginning.

All of this caused rumors about the descendants of the Exian tribe to come to Xu Qing's mind many times.

"The countless dangers of the True Immortal Ten Intestines are like pieces of a puzzle. If you break in with the wrong method, you will be surrounded by dangers. Only by mastering the correct method can you successfully enter."

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes and looked at the captain in front of him.

"The first time he stepped into the depths of the True Immortal Ten Intestines, the captain must have performed some operations unknown to outsiders, so the so-called Shebi Corpse Tribulation occurred. This may be the first piece of the puzzle."

"After the first piece of the puzzle appeared, there was the second piece of the puzzle, which was the furless woodpecker, Arrow."

"Then we went directly to the tree, and then the third puzzle piece appeared, Bismu Jie."

"After experiencing these three tribulations, the captain began to cut his intestines and merge into the trees."

"Then there may be other catastrophes next." Xu Qing pondered in his heart, while walking hard and looking at the ground below.

At this moment, he was already at an altitude of more than 2,000 feet. There was a strong wind here, and the earth shrunk a lot in his eyes. Not only did the entire jungle come into view, but even the thirty-six city-states turned into colorful spots on the ground.

Can be seen.

"What exactly is the good fortune that the captain is talking about?"

Staring at the ground, doubts arose in Xu Qing's mind, but before he could continue to think deeply, his expression suddenly changed and he withdrew his gaze and looked forward.

It wasn't just him whose expression changed, the captain also paused and looked at the tree trunks in the distance.

On the dark brown tree trunk in front of me, pieces of bark suddenly began to squirm. In the blink of an eye, the bark lifted up one after another and turned into strips of granulation.

Each bud is almost half a foot long and one foot thick. It grows on the trunk like a snake. The color of the body is no different from the trunk. The position of the head is like a blooming flower. It is split into five parts, revealing the red flesh and blood inside.

And fangs.

A large amount of mucus dripped from these wide open mouths.


Xu Qing's eyes narrowed slightly. At first glance, these sprouts were definitely unusual.

Ning Yan and Qingqiu both had serious expressions on their faces, but only the captain's eyes were a bit more crazy, and laughter could be heard from his mouth.

"The direction is right, it's right here."

"The sky is about to open!"

Almost at the moment when the captain's words came out, there were almost more than 100,000 open-mouthed sprouts densely packed on the tree trunks in front. At this moment, the bodies all swayed, and they all stood up, with their mouths facing the sky above, and the body shook violently.

It was as if they were shouting with all their strength and roaring to the sky, but no sound came out.

It seemed that the sound they made was different from the sound spectrum that the monks could hear, so in Xu Qing's eyes, they were making a silent roar.

This is not only the case with the tree of intestines where everyone is, but the same scene is also going on in other nine-intestine trees around.

This is all very strange.

What's even more weird is that millions of sprouts on the ten-intestine tree are shouting silently, and the color of the sky changes at this moment!

At the end of the sky, there seemed to be a crack forming.

Xu Qing was shocked. He had seen this scene before in his perception.

There was a crack like this in the sky at that time.

He still remembered that in the picture he saw in his perception, there was an unimaginable existence inside the crack.

Xu Qing's breathing was slightly rapid, and at this moment, the surrounding world suddenly became distorted. Then the captain's whole body was shaken, as if he was bombarded by something invisible, and he actually took a few steps back.

Not only was this the case here, Ning Yan also trembled, and Qingqiu also let out a low roar from the evil spirit with the sickle in his hand.

Then Xu Qing also felt the invisible thing.

He didn't know what it was, he just felt as if something had fallen on him. The next moment, his mind roared, and his body felt bursts of pain. In an instant, his flesh and blood became numb, and a sense of annihilation spread throughout his body, extinguishing life.

"Thunder Tribulation?" Although he couldn't see it, he could sense it and Xu Qing immediately made a judgment.

This feeling is exactly the same as being struck by thunder.

The screams of the ancestors of the Vajra Sect also proved this point.

"Master, it's thunder and lightning. This is thunder and lightning, but it's strange that it can't be seen or sensed. What kind of thunder disaster is this?"

As Xu Qing's expression changed, the roar in his mind echoed again. There seemed to be countless lightning disasters in front of him. Unable to sense or notice them, they kept pouring in, blocking people's progress.

Everyone had to retreat, and a maniacal smile appeared on the captain's face.

"This is the Togayin Tribulation!"

"In the Exian tribe's understanding, the way to become an immortal is to open your belly and place your intestines in the heaven and earth, penetrating everything."

"Similarly, in their perception, the appearance and essence of thunder calamity are also different from many tribes."

"They believe that when the world was just born, there was a being named Tuojia who wanted to subvert the way of heaven. In the end, he failed and was sealed by the way of heaven in the nothingness of the world, so that the world cannot remember, perceive or know. Therefore, from this

level, erase it.”

"And this existence is unwilling to dissipate, so it often roars in nothingness. Its roar... turns into the sound of Toga, which can be heard in any corner or area of ​​the world."

"This is what the Exian clan thinks of thunder and lightning."

"In order to cover it up, Heaven endowed Tuojiayin with the law of light, making it visible from invisible, and named it thunder calamity, lightning, thunder, thunder and lightning, etc."

"Therefore, all sentient beings only know thunder and think they know its essence, but from the perspective of the Exian clan, it is the sound of Toga."

The captain laughed and explained everything.

Xu Qing's heart stirred up when he heard this. This was the first time he heard Lei Ting explain it like this.

He was about to speak at this moment, but the captain raised his right hand and tugged on the cane. Ning Yan screamed and flew forward. He was lifted up by the captain like a shield and held in front of him.

Ning Yan was already scolding endlessly in his heart, but he did not dare to say anything out of his mouth. As the sadness and anger in his heart continued to rise, he was carried forward by the captain and whizzed away.

All the invisible thunder struck Ning Yan directly.

Ning Yan screamed and wailed constantly, but the toughness of his skin impressed Xu Qing.

Despite such a bombardment, he was unscathed.

"Elder brother is right, there is definitely something wrong with Ning Yan!"

Soon, with Ning Yan as a shield, the captain crossed the area filled with granulation.

After reaching a distance, he waved his right hand and threw Ning Yan down, shouting in his mouth.

"Catch it!"

Ning Yan screamed and flew across the area, but was caught by Xu Qing.

"Lord Son of God, I..." Ning Yan had tears in his eyes. When he looked at Xu Qing sadly, Xu Qing imitated the captain and raised it as a shield and rushed forward.

Ning Yan howled.

Soon Xu Qing also successfully passed through this area. When he felt deeply about Ning Yan's tenacity, he followed the same pattern and threw him towards Qingqiu behind him.

"No, it hurts." Ning Yan cried, and he suddenly regretted his protection.

Qingqiu's eyes revealed a strange light, and he grabbed the vine growing on Ning Yan's belly like a treasure and rushed out.

Just like this, dozens of breaths later, Qingqiu finally rushed out of the Granulation Thunder area and handed Ning Yan, who was hopeless, to the captain.

"No need." The captain shook his head.

When Ning Yan heard this, he felt a sense of survival after the disaster, but soon he felt a little uneasy. When he felt a little uneasy, the captain looked at Xu Qing.

"Junior brother, the good fortune I mentioned before is right there." The captain raised his hand and pointed at the crack in the sky.

Xu Qing's eyes showed a bright light.

They are now at an altitude of more than 3,000 feet, still some distance from the sky, but standing here and looking up, the cracks in the sky are clearly visible.

"I still can't say it now, but I will tell you everything soon!"

After the captain finished speaking, he stepped out. At this moment, his robe changed from black to white.

It no longer looks like a Taoist robe, but more like a special kind of divine robe.

As the wind blew, he took nine steps forward, raised his hands and waved suddenly, dancing on the tree trunk in front of him.

This dancing posture is somewhat similar to the transformed figure of the ten-intestine tree that Xu Qing saw before. When Xu Qing was moved by this scene, the captain's mouth came out with the sound of chanting.

Unlike the ancient and obscure chants perceived in the illusion, the captain's voice was very clear.

"The emperor ascends to heaven, shines upon the earth below, collects the spirits of the past, and delights his ancestors during the four tribulations."

"Extravagant is more expensive than corpse calamity, and the present is lost to the past."

"Aluo's misfortune, the thin road."

"Bishimu is a calamity, and Mu Mu is on the sidelines."

"During the Tuojiayin calamity, the hidden Dharma tools will wither."

Then the surroundings roared, transforming into flames that soared into the sky, and countless dancing figures formed, spreading in all directions, all emerging on the ten-intestine tree.

Seen from a distance, it looks magnificent, as if hundreds of thousands of Exian tribesmen are dancing together to please God and worshiping Heaven together.

The color of the sky changes, the wind and clouds roll back, and the thunder roars through the night sky.

The captain's dancing postures opened and closed, revealing a strange rhythm. At this moment, his voice became even more passionate. Finally, he bowed to the sky, and the sound of singing reverberated throughout the sky.

"The sacrificial catastrophe is completed, the sky opens to a thin line, look at the ancient way of heaven, and the world is full of joy!"

Hundreds of thousands of figures from the Exian clan all around bowed in unison.




The sound of the creation of heaven and earth came from the sky. In an instant, under the deafening sound that spread throughout the world, the cracks in the sky suddenly opened!


At the beginning of the new year, I feel like a new kid again.

Asking for a monthly ticket~

This chapter has been completed!
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