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Chapter 479 Sea Sea War

The Palace Master's unyielding character does not require many words to express, just this sentence is enough.

All the sword holders raised their heads and focused their gazes on the palace master. There was persistence, respect, and trust in their eyes.

"All of you swore an oath the moment you became sword bearers, and you also had a sentence in the ceremony you participated in."

"Protect the human race, cut off the misfortune of dawn, and shine the light of heaven and earth."

"This sentence is not a slogan. You have shouted it, and I have shouted it, and now we need to do it." The palace owner said calmly.

"So next, you must be brothers and sisters, try your best to help each other, never waver, never give up!"

"We will live and die with Fenghai County and fight to the end!"

"Even if the entire Fenghai County falls into war and collapse in the future, our human army will continue to fight under the Holy Order of the Human Emperor."

"Until the appropriate time comes, the inheritance fire of the Shenglan clan will eventually be extinguished!"

The palace master stared at the one hundred thousand sword-holders in front of him.

"Now, I will give the order!"

"Xu Qing, record."

The palace master's voice was cold.

Xu Qing took three steps forward, took out the jade slip, looked serious, and prepared to record.

"Recruit all the human sect forces in Fenghai County except Yinghuangzhou and Quzhaozhou, which are fighting against corpses and Yiliangban!"

"The Shenglan tribe invaded to exterminate the clan. If those sects don't obey orders, they will become traitors to our human race in the future, even if they don't die at the hands of Shenglan."

"Inform the Sword-bearing Courts of each state and ask them to lead the human monks in each state to listen to the orders in a unified manner, gather into an army, and immediately go to the western battlefield to prepare for the battle."

"Notify Fengxing Palace, organize foreign alliance allies, and order the Yao family to cooperate and guard the northern front of Fenghai County!"

"Inform the Palace of Criminal Law to organize the three major sects in the county and capital to serve as a bridge between the two major theaters in the northwest and coordinate with logistics and transportation!"

"Notify the county magistrate to use the power of the county system to protect the county capital and maintain public order in Fenghai County."

"In addition, all foreign races and forces in Fenghai County that have not participated in the war, regardless of whether they are evil or strange, are informed. In order to prevent internal chaos during the war, all spiritual treasures and cultivators in the Guixu realm must participate in the war. No one can be left behind, and those who disobey will be exterminated!"

"Inform all human forces and activate all forbidden magic weapons. During this period, except for Ying Huang and Qu Zhao, the county's forbidden weapons will take over all authority."

"Four Stewards."

The four sword-holding palace deacons, including Taoist Sinan, immediately walked out after hearing this and bowed solemnly to the palace master.

"The four of you are responsible for supervision. If anyone disobeys orders, he will be killed!"

"Respect the decree of the law!" The four deacons looked solemn and spoke in a deep voice.

Xu Qing recorded all the orders issued one after another. This was his responsibility. After the next meeting, he should immediately announce the execution and complete the recording.

"Brother Yunfan, Brother Shentu!" The palace master turned his head and looked at the two deputy palace masters holding swords. The two old men stepped forward with respectful expressions.

"The Prison Department prisoners have escaped from prison and need to be dealt with as soon as possible. Thirty percent of the sword holders from the county capital will stay in the county capital, and the seventh percent will be divided into 700 squadrons, with a team of 100 people, and then divided into several small teams, turning into at least 7,000 teams."

"Each team is responsible for a part of the area and is equipped with several pawns to kill the fugitives!"…

"Catch them if you can. If it's not convenient to arrest them, then kill them all and leave no one behind."

"Please ask the two deputy palace masters to lead the team for this matter. The arrest must be completed within ten days. After ten days, we will gather in the county capital and go to the battlefield!"

The two deputy palace masters nodded immediately after hearing this.

And the one hundred thousand sword-holders below were all filled with murderous intent, and they all agreed to obey orders.

Especially the prison guards inside, each with a cold expression and a stronger murderous intent. After all, their duty is to suppress the prisoners, and they are extremely familiar with the prisoners. If there are other sword holders to cooperate, the efficiency will be even higher.

In fact, for the pawns of the Prison Department, even if the palace master does not have this order, they have already reached a consensus that they are the ones guarding the cell.

Pawn, catch it yourself.

Xu Qing also has the same consensus on this!

At this moment, following the order, all the sword holders immediately took action that night, and most of them left the county capital under the arrangements of the two deputy palace masters.

Although Xu Qing did not go out, his subsequent work was extremely tedious and he had almost no time to rest. He had to assist the palace master in handling complicated government affairs and compile war reports from all directions.

So after the conference, when the palace master convened a small meeting between the Fengxing Palace and the Xinglu Palace, Xu Qing stood by and recorded everything while also quickly publishing the palace master's announcement.

Soon, Xu Qing's voice spread throughout the states of Fenghai County through the internal power of the Sword Holding Palace. After the decrees were conveyed, all the forces in Fenghai County knew about the palace master's situation overnight.

Follow the instructions.

Following the Palace Master at such a close distance, Xu Qing witnessed with his own eyes the Palace Master's mental exhaustion due to his sleepless nights. Almost every day, the Palace Master had to maintain communication with the Princess and the other two Palace Masters.

During this process, more decrees were issued, and Fenghai County became turbulent for a while.

Xu Qing needed to compile more and more battle reports, so in the end he simply recruited some sword holders to come to his place and established the Shuling Division.

Youth and autumn are among them.

She returned two days ago. Xu Qing, through his position, found out immediately and recruited her immediately.

After seeing Xu Qing, Qingqiu's expression was obviously complicated and weird, but Xu Qing didn't have time to go there at the moment.

Talk a lot and arrange a lot of things quickly.

"It would be great if the captain was here." Xu Qing thought of the captain many times while he was busy, but unfortunately there was no news from the captain.

In addition, there were occasional visits from foreigners, and Xu Qing was often the one to receive them at this time.

At this moment, in the guest reception hall of the Sword Holding Palace, Xu Qing rubbed his eyebrows while looking at the angry foreign monks in front of him.

This is the messenger of the Ling'er tribe. This tribe looks similar to the human race, except that they have an extra ear, eyes with double pupils, their skin color is gray, and they have no hair.

"Sir Xu, it is not that our clan will not participate in the war. Our ancestor and the others really cannot leave. Once we leave, our clan's archenemy, the Zishui Tribe, will definitely take advantage of the chaos and come back."

Xu Qing held the jade slip in his hand. Almost all the foreigners who came during this period were for one thing, that is, the palace master required that the spirit treasures and Guixu monks of all races must participate in the war.

This incident caused a backlash from many forces, but they did not dare to resist, so they could only come here to complain and protest.…

"Your tribe has nine Nascent Souls in the late stage, thirty-seven in the middle stage, one hundred and forty-five in the early stage, and a total of three hundred core formations, which is equivalent to the strength of the Zishui tribe. Why are you taking advantage of the chaos?"

Xu Qing's eyes were cold, staring at the foreign race in front of him. As soon as he spoke, the Ling'er tribe's envoy's face changed. The numbers Xu Qing said were extremely accurate, but in fact they were the secrets of their tribe, and 30% of them had not been exposed.

Secret cultivators.

After being told the truth at this moment, he hesitated and was about to speak when Xu Qing received the summons from the palace master, so he stood up and spoke quietly.

"Either you comply or the clan is exterminated. Qingqiu, you will handle it. If you don't comply, tell Deacon Sinan."

Qingqiu on the side heard the words and said yes, and walked in front of the Ling'er tribe monk. Xu Qing ignored it and left for the sword-holding hall.

There are too many things like the Ling'er clan. Their thoughts are actually very simple. On the one hand, the strong men of their clan do not want to go to the battlefield and be tied to Fenghai County.

On the other hand, there may be other thoughts. For example, once Fenghai County is defeated, the remaining strong groups and forces will be able to steal a share of the pie. Be careful. In the midst of war, they are not worried about what will happen in the future.

Be liquidated.

This was actually what the palace lord was worried about, so he came up with this mandatory decree.

As for the recent genocide, the four major deacons have already carried out it several times.

"Internal and external troubles."

Xu Qing murmured in his heart, what kind of state is the entire Fenghai County in now? It can be said that Shulingsi is the place that knows most about all this.

All battle reports from all directions must be gathered here, and he will sort them out and report them to the palace master as soon as possible.

This was an appointment from the palace master. While everything was kept simple during the war, Xu Qing's burden was also extremely heavy. Not only did he have to sort it out, but he also had to find ways to ensure accuracy.

While thinking about it at this moment, Xu Qing quickly arrived at the Sword Holding Hall.

As the palace lord's only accompanying order, he had the right to do so without notification. As the sword holders outside the main hall bowed their heads respectfully, Xu Qing quickly walked in.

In the main hall at this moment, there is not only the palace owner, but also the Jun Cheng and the other two palace owners of Shangxuan Palace. There is even a middle-aged monk dressed as a scribe.

Xu Qing had seen this person in the past few days and knew that he was Yao Hou.

Right now, these five people are arguing.

"Brother Liangxiu, how can we oppress all the tribes in the county too much at this moment? If this matter cannot be resolved in a short time, and each of them is rioting, until the power of the taboo dissipates, our preparations for forming an army will also be delayed!"

The speaker was Yao Hou.

"What Tian Yan said makes sense, Liang Xiu, is there something wrong with this matter? In fact, we can use these powerful people from other races in other ways."

The county magistrate sighed softly and spoke from the side.

As for the palace masters of the Palace of Enforcement and the Palace of Punishment, the two powerful women and one man were expressionless at the moment, watching with cold eyes.

Xu Qing lowered his head and came behind the palace master. He saw that the palace master had a cold face and was listening to the words of Yao Hou and Jun Cheng without saying a word, so he stood there without disturbing him.

After a while, the master of the sword-holding palace spoke calmly.

"Xu Qing, read out today's battle report."

Xu Qing nodded, took a step forward, and spoke calmly.

"The two bans of corpses and clothes broke out on a large scale. Among them, the corpse ban caused the greatest disaster, followed by the clothes. In the end, with the efforts of Yinghuangzhou and Qu Zhaozhou, they both successfully contained their respective bans. Now they are in a stalemate. According to the sword-holding court of the two states

If you report it, they can persist for a month.”…

"Among them, the Seven Blood Pupils of the eight sect alliances in Yinghuang Province are invited to assist from the ninety-three foreign races of the Forbidden Sea and Nanhuang Continent."

"The remaining eight state sword-holding courts have completed their recruitment today, gathering three major sects, 975 intermediate sects, and 7831 small sects to proceed to the western battlefield one after another."

"A total of thirty-nine human sects, large and small, refused to obey the order. According to the order issued by the Sword-bearing Palace, they have been dealt with by their respective Sword-bearing Palaces as a warning to others."

"The foreign coalition forces organized by Fengxing Palace and the Yao family have reached 30% of the northern battlefield and have not yet started."

"The three major sects of the Xinglu Palace organization in the county have been fully armed. Especially the three major sects have all the strength to send the first to the sixth batch of strategic materials to the battlefield."

"In addition, among the foreign tribes and forces that have not participated in the war, 421 refused to send strong men, and only 215 tribes responded to the decree. The four great deacons destroyed thirteen tribes today, which has a great deterrent effect.

Please continue."

"The human race's power to take over the forbidden magic weapon was completed half an hour ago."

"In Fenghai County, those who went out with swords today will kill the criminals.

There are 49,513 people, 10% more than yesterday, but 971 sword holders died."

"The western battlefield is in danger. Several powerful third-level warriors from the Shenglan clan have appeared, and the Earth Dynasty has joined the war. The county has banned the magic weapon's net and retreated 70,000 miles."

"On the northern battlefield, the Tianfeng Dynasty descends today, and its emperor personally conquers."

Xu Qing spoke softly, then took a step back.


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