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Chapter 480 The wind is rustling and the water is cold

The hall became quiet.

Here, whether it is Jun Cheng or Yao Hou, or the two palace masters Sheng Xing and Xing Lu, they all know some battle reports, but they are far less comprehensive than those here in the Sword Palace.

After all, the owner of the Palace of Swords is temporarily acting as the county guard, and everything will be taken over by the Palace of Swords during the war. The news here is naturally the most complete.

"Did you hear it?" The master of the Sword-bearing Palace said slowly with a blank expression.

"Jun Cheng, it's not that I don't want to use better means to ask those foreign tribes to send strong men, but I don't have time."

The county magistrate was silent.

"Yao Hou, 70% of the alliance's allies, why haven't you sent out yet? Asking for a huge amount of supplies, how brave you are!" The voice of the master of the Sword Holding Palace revealed a hint of solemnity.

"As for the more than 400 ethnic groups who refuse to send strong men, what will happen to them if Fenghai County is in chaos at this time? Yao Hou, have you ever thought about it!"

"Now that the two major battlefields are in danger, Fenghai County has reached this level, and Kong is killing some foreigners, so why do you need to come and complain!"

The master of the Sword Holding Palace spoke coldly, and the entire hall became cold.

"What if those foreign races join forces to resist?" Yao Hou frowned and looked at the master of the Sword Palace with a gloomy expression.

"Kill." The Master of the Sword Holding Palace faintly said this word.

"If you send strong men to rebel on the battlefield, will you kill them all?"

"Xu Qing, inform the four deacons and continue to exterminate the clan. I'll see who dares to disobey." The master of the Sword Holding Palace spoke slowly and ignored Yao Hou.

Xu Qing nodded and recorded it.

"Kong Liangxiu, you are stubborn. If you do this, if Fenghai County cannot defend it, those foreigners will then..." Yao Hou stood up and stared at the master of the Sword Holding Palace.

The master of the Sword-holding Palace looked at Yao Hou coldly.

"If Fenghai County is destroyed, why should I consider these foreigners?"

Yao Hou stared at the Master of the Sword Holding Palace, flicked his sleeves, and turned to leave.

"Yao Tianyan, when will the foreign alliance start?" The master of the Sword-holding Palace narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke calmly.

"One day!" Outside the main hall, Yao Hou snorted coldly.

The commander sighed, stood up, bowed to the master of the Sword-holding Palace, and left in the same manner. As for the other two palace masters, they each stood up and left the hall expressionlessly.

Soon, the entire hall became quiet, except for Xu Qing and the palace master.

"Palace Master, I'm leaving." After waiting for a while, but seeing no other instructions from the palace master, Xu Qing bowed low and left the hall.

After everyone left, the palace master was silent for a long time, took out a jade slip, pinched it gently, looked up in the direction of Yao Mansion, and frowned slowly.

"Is it him?"

Marquis Yao, who left the Sword Holding Palace at the same time, looked filled with anger. When he returned to his yamen, in the secret room, the anger on his face disappeared and turned into a deep gloom as he murmured.

"It shouldn't be Kong Liangxiu, then who murdered the county guard..."

Time passed slowly, and ten days passed.

During these ten days, Xu Qing had no time to rest at all. Every day, more and more battle reports came from all sides, especially as the armies from the second battlefield in the northwest arrived one after another, and the battles with the Shenglan tribe began to be fierce.


Battle reports come in every moment.

Among them, Yao Hou did what he said on that day. It only took one day, but he didn't know how to communicate to get those foreigners from the alliance to dispatch...

And he himself, together with most of the Yao family members, also went to the northern battlefield.

Before setting off, he saw no one.

However, Xu Qing saw the palace master walking out of the main hall and looking in the direction where Yao Hou was leaving.

The actions of the four major deacons and even the arrival of the two deputy palace masters, with their forced push, finally frightened all the foreign races that did not participate in the war, forcing the strong men within their clans to obey the decrees of the Sword Holding Palace and were forced to do so.

Scattered among the armies in different states.

So now in Fenghai County, apart from the battlefield, there are no Lingzang Guixu monks anymore.

This is true even for prisoners.

The arrest operation in the Sword-bearing Palace,

It started from top to bottom. The higher the level of cultivation, the more likely they were to be arrested first. As for the weaker criminals, although many of them still escaped, the stronger ones were all killed.

So soon, the sword holders who went out began to return, and finally on the tenth day, they all returned to the county capital.

At this time, the crisis on the battlefield has also reached a critical moment.

The battle reports Xu Qing received were filled with endless tragedy. The number of casualties was shocking and increasing every day. Until late at night on the tenth day, he received simultaneous emergency calls from the west and north.

The entire blockade of Fenghai County's forbidden magic weapon is about to collapse and cannot hold on for too long. Once it collapses, the Shenglan Clan's army will rush into Fenghai County like a mountain torrent.

But the human reinforcements still haven't arrived.

Xu Qing even knew from the battle reports that the Imperial Territory and other counties, which were extremely far away from here, also encountered similar situations, and the Black Sky Clan... mobilized in large numbers.

All the dependent clans under his command also broke out, and for a while, the entire human race territory was in crisis.

When Xu Qing handed this battle report to the palace master, the palace master obviously knew that a man was wearing battle armor alone in the hall.

This armor is black and consists of hundreds of pieces, and every piece exudes terrifying power.

When he saw Xu Qing, his expression was as serious as ever and he waved to him.

"Here, help me put on my armor."

Xu Qing walked silently, picked up the armor, and put it on for the palace master. The palace master stood there, looking into the distance.

The dusk glow in the distance suddenly smiled.

"The last time I went to the armor, my eldest son was by my side. It's been many years."

Looking at the palace master who had obviously aged a lot during this period, Xu Qing remembered what Guishou had told him about the death of the palace master's heirs in battle.

"My two eldest sons committed suicide. Back then, I arranged for him to infiltrate the Shenglan tribe. After completing his mission, his identity was exposed. In order not to affect my decision, this child committed suicide." The palace master said calmly.

Xu Qing remained silent, picked up another piece of armor, and continued to put it on for the palace master.

"I also have a second son who is too upright, values ​​love and justice, but is also romantic and very contradictory, so he can easily be plotted to death."

"But no one knows that he still has an heir. My grandson... is very, very good." The palace master smiled. Xu Qing had never seen a smile on the palace master's face. This was the first time.

As for the grandson he was talking about, Xu Qing had already made some guesses in his mind after he learned the palace owner's surname was Kong a few days ago.

However, this smile disappeared from the palace master's face after Xu Qing put on the last piece of armor.

His expression became serious again, giving people a sense of rigidity and harshness. He took the helmet from Xu Qing and spoke in a deep voice.

"Xu Qing, please send orders to the Palace of Enforcement and the Palace of Punishment, the Lord of the Second Palace, to go to the northern war zone and be sure to hold on!"

"And I will lead one hundred thousand sword-bearers to the western battlefield. I will go and see how much the old guys of the Shenglan tribe have grown in cultivation."

Xu Qing solemnly obeyed the order.

"Palace Master, when are we going to set off? I'll go make preparations."

"You don't have to go to the battlefield. I will arrange a substitute for you to take your place and show it to others." The palace master turned his head and looked at Xu Qing with a deep gaze.

Xu Qing was stunned. He looked at the palace master in front of him. Thick evil aura rose into the sky. It seemed that there were vaguely the roars of countless ferocious beasts echoing around him. Countless ferocious figures appeared on the armor.


"I have other plans for you. You have to go on a confidential mission." The palace master's eyes fell on Xu Qing's eyes, as if he wanted to look at them more carefully.

"After you burn the incense, set off for Chaoxia Prefecture, go to the secret place of the Sword Holding Palace there, and investigate a matter for me in secret!"

After saying that, the palace master raised his hand and handed a jade slip to Xu Qing.

This jade slip was exactly what he had pinched in his hand when he was alone in the hall a few days ago.

Xu Qing took the jade slip with a solemn expression and said nothing.

The palace owner turned his head and looked at the sunset in the sky outside the hall. After a long time, he slowly spoke, his voice a little hoarse.

"Half a month ago, the sky was like this, and the governor... fell."

"Xu Qing, if I die in battle this time, you will hand this jade slip to the new county governor who will be appointed after the arrival of human reinforcements."

"The jade slips contained clues about the sudden death of the old county governor that I investigated during this period..."

Xu Qing was shocked and looked at the palace master.

The palace master still looked at the sunset in the sky outside, and calmly let out a low voice.

"The death of the old county guard is full of weirdness. This matter is far from as simple as an assassination by the Shenglan tribe. How could the old county guard, who was only half-step Yun Shen, fall silently without any resistance, if I didn't understand him?

Old man, I thought he did this on purpose!"

"But the old county guard has really died. His death... is a big problem."

"But time waits for me, and I don't have time to continue investigating."

"I don't know who the Human Emperor will send to Fenghai County, but you can just give it to him."

"And the reason I gave it to you is because I don't trust anyone here. My grandson is even more impulsive and is not suitable for this!"

"Yao Tianyan, the county magistrate, the lord of the palace of punishment and law, and the lord of the execution palace, they may all be the culprits behind the scenes. The death of the old governor and the collapse of the prison department must be the work of their own people in the county capital, and even some people

In my eyes, I am the most suspicious!"

"The person behind this is hidden too deep. If not dug out, Fenghai County will be in dire straits...Xu Qing, I believe you are not the other party's person, not because of your background, but because of your brilliance."

The palace lord spoke softly.

Xu Qing's breathing was rapid, and the palace master's words caused huge waves in his mind.

"I will give you another token. This token allows you to go to any secret place in the Sword-holding Palace in Fenghai County. It does not require military exploits, and it will not cause fluctuations in the formation of the secret place. You can sneak in to investigate secretly."

"In addition, this token also contains the right to kill with a forbidden magic weapon in the county to ensure your safety during the investigation."

The palace master took out a blue token and handed it to Xu Qing. He turned around and walked out of the hall. When he reached the door, his back was turned to Xu Qing, and suddenly a deep voice came out.

"Xu Qing, do you still remember the first words I said to you when I saw you in the Prison Department a year ago?"

"Remember!" Xu Qing looked at the palace master.

"Read it out."

"As a sword holder, everyone is a sharp sword for the human race. We must always be prepared to die for the human race." Xu Qing said loudly.

When the palace master heard this, he laughed, put on the armor's helmet, and stepped out of the hall, his voice echoed in Xu Qing's ears.

"I am also a sword bearer!"


This chapter has been completed!
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