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Chapter 481 The clues left by the palace master

That night, after the two palace masters Feng Xing and Xing Lu left the county capital and headed for the northern war zone, the one hundred thousand sword bearers from the Sword Holding Palace set off in a mighty manner under the leadership of the palace master.

These 100,000 people are the elite strength accumulated by the entire Fenghai County over hundreds of years.

Every one of them was once a leader in each state, and after passing through various examinations, he finally became a sword bearer.

Each of them has performed many missions, whether it is killing or tenacity, and has experienced many hardships.

It can even be said that they are the core of Fenghai County and the future is entrusted to them!

But today, these 100,000 sword-bearers went out.

With determination, with a vow to die, with the words and vows recited in past ceremonies, we headed towards the western theater.

Xu Qing stood on a mountain peak outside the county capital, hiding himself, looking at the direction of the army in the dark night. In the cold wind, his clothes were blown up, and there was the sound of hunting. His long hair was swaying,

Flying behind.

After staring silently for a long time, Xu Qing's eyes flashed sharply, he turned around, blended into the darkness, and embarked on the road to Chaoxia Prefecture.

Like a lone wolf walking in the dark night.

In the darkness of "Zhaoxia Prefecture", Xu Qing was galloping at full speed. Under this vigilance and alert, there were waves in his heart.

Because Chaoxia Mountain is in Chaoxia Prefecture.

And what he longed for most when he came to the county capital was to go to Chaoxia Mountain, but he never expected that he would accomplish it in this way.

During this journey, Xu Qing took out the jade slip given by the palace master, held it in his hand and began to examine it.

Before setting off, the palace owner talked a lot with him and expressed his thoughts very clearly.

The sudden death of the county governor is full of strangeness, and anyone could be the culprit behind it.

The content in the jade slip also caused Xu Qing to suddenly pause and breathe slightly after a moment.

"Shangguang Life Tribulation Pill?"

Xu Qing murmured in his heart that he had never heard of this kind of elixir as he studied medicine very deeply.

The palace owner's jade slips emphatically introduced this elixir, which was a forbidden elixir that was strictly forbidden to be refined during the ancient emperor Xuanyou's time, destroyed uniformly, and had long since been lost.

Even the original ban on this elixir was met with response from all races. The top leaders of every ethnic group hated this elixir deeply.

This Shangguangming Tribulation Pill has no effect on ordinary monks. But for the rulers of all races, it is a calamity pill that cannot be resolved and may even lead to immediate death.

Because its principle is related to luck.

This elixir can detonate the power of a person's luck, causing him to die instantly. The more his own luck gathers, the greater its power will be.

Historically, this elixir was first created in the light of the setting sun to fight against the rule of the Ancient Spirit Clan.

Later, during the ancient emperor Xuanyou's time, this pill appeared again, poisoning many people who gathered their luck in the human race, and also poisoned many rulers of foreign races, and even three emperors of foreign races died in the hands of this pill.

Whether it is a human race or a foreign race, as long as they are in Wanggu Continent, those in high positions will naturally gather the luck of their own race.

This luck can give oneself a certain degree of destiny.

But at the same time, if these fortunes turn into disasters, the backlash will be terrifying and astonishing.

The Master of the Sword Holding Palace, during the past half month of investigation, has directed all the clues to the Shangguang Life Tribulation Pill.

Xu Qing's pupils shrank, and the message left by the palace master in the jade slip appeared in his mind.

"According to my investigation during this period, there are many possibilities for the death of the old county governor. But among the many possibilities, only a few... can affect the Prison Department where Kong is guarded at the same time."

"What was suppressed in the Prison Department was the last clone of the sleeping spirit in the Immortal Forbidden Land. The method of suppression was related to luck and turned into the power of forgetfulness, making the clone of the spirit think that it was the weapon spirit of the Prison Department.


"Follow-up investigators can look through the files and check Ding 132. Regarding the Prison Department, Ding 132 is the epitome and representative. They can also ask Xu Qing, my secretary, who is the last guard of Ding 132.

They are also the future successors I am preparing to train.

One of the people, trustworthy."

"Cell No. 132 in the Sidian District of the Penal Prison is formed by the dispersion of the power of suppression. There is a finger of a divine clone in it, and there is also a spirit formed by Fenghai County's luck."

The power of the avatar of the spirit in the Immortal Forbidden Land causes everyone who remembers him to fall into endless misfortune. According to past records, this misfortune will become more terrible each time until death!

As for the function of Ding 132's luck spirit, it is to erase the memory of those who see the spirit and make them forget, thus breaking the cause and effect.

Therefore, normally speaking, no matter what happens in the county, even if the old county guard dies, it cannot affect the Prison Department, because the Prison Department has existed for too long and has experienced the appointment and resignation of many county guards.

After I eliminated the few possibilities one by one, I finally set my target on the Shangguang Life Tribulation Pill. As for why I associate this pill, subsequent investigators can check the Nineteen Volumes of Secret Words.

"However, I investigated all of this based on limited clues, and time is not waiting for me, and because the enemy is hiding from me, I cannot reveal my suspicions. Moreover, the war zone is now in danger, and the safety of Fenghai City is more important. I cannot keep silent.

Go check it out.”

"So, I will send Xu Qing to secretly investigate and verify a clue."

"That's the morning glow."

"Because of the Shangguang Life Tribulation Pill, if you want to activate it, you need a condition, which is the light before the sun falls, and the retention time of this light is extremely short."

"It happens that this light occasionally forms on Chaoxia Mountain."

"But based on the scheming and methods of the person who pulled the strings, there is a high probability that this investigation will be invalid. It can't be done without investigation. As for the result... If Kong died in battle, please follow up the investigators and ask Xu Qing."

Xu Qing stood on the plain at night, silently put away the jade slips, and turned back to look in the direction of the western war zone. After a while, his body swayed and he galloped towards Chaoxia Prefecture.

In this way, a few days passed.

When everyone thought that he was still following the palace master and had already headed to the battlefield, Xu Qing opened the hidden jade slip given by Master Zixuan all the way and quietly reached the state border between the county capital and Chaoxia Prefecture.

This state boundary area is not small, and a special kind of wind occasionally blows between heaven and earth.

Wherever this wind passes, countless space cracks will appear in mid-air, making it difficult for people to fly, and they can only speed on the ground. Moreover, this wind only targets the sky and does not affect the earth.

Legend has it that this kind of wind is a unique climate caused by the sun falling in Zhaoxia Prefecture and spreading in all directions. It is called solar wind by the locals.

When the solar wind blows, unless one's cultivation is astonishingly strong, it will be difficult to resist.

You can only fly after the wind subsides.

Only by walking through this area can you truly enter Chaoxia Prefecture.

Here, Xu Qing was galloping all the way, falling to the ground when the wind blew up, and rising into the sky again after the wind blew away. During this rush, he also saw the huge impact of the war on Fenghai County.

Everywhere in this small human country, people are in panic.

The villages and towns in the wilderness are becoming more and more desolate.

In everyone Xu Qing saw, there was fear of war and confusion about the future.

As for the foreigners, although this was also the case, Xu Qing, who had changed out of the sword-wielding Taoist robe and put on an ordinary gown, could still see greed and ambition in the foreigners he met.

It is conceivable that once the battle zone of Fenghai County is lost and the Shenglan Clan army rushes in, these foreigners in Fenghai County may immediately turn against the human race and take advantage of the chaos to loot everything.

The palace master's decree is correct. If these strong men from outside the clan are not recruited out, the danger will be even greater.

There was coldness in Xu Qing's eyes. As he continued on the road, he also saw places where human sects used to be. At this moment, all of them had the mountain sealing formation activated, and most of the monks in them had been recruited.

Beyond the battlefield

The forbidden magic weapons from the great sect also appeared in the world, and the forbidden magic weapons of the county capital took over the authority and used them uniformly.

In the past few days, the sky has changed hundreds of times. Every time, the color of the sky and the earth changes, the winds and clouds surge, and there is roaring in all directions.

Xu Qing knew that this was a taboo magic weapon that was induced and transformed.

At this moment of noon, the sky roared again. Xu Qing looked up and saw bright lights flowing rapidly from the big net, exuding astonishing pressure. They split into two parts and headed to the west and north.

There, the power formed from the forbidden magic weapons of human clans will explode, causing huge damage.

The roar of the sky that would appear every few moments constantly reminded Xu Qing that the war was going on fiercely.

Xu Qing withdrew his gaze and continued to move forward.

Two more days passed.

On the edge of only one day's journey from Chaoxia Prefecture, when dusk fell and solar wind appeared in the sky, Xu Qing, who was speeding on the ground, saw a village.

There is something very wrong with this village.

Everything inside is extremely irrational and completely different from the village I know.

For example, the trees in the village do not grow on the ground, but in mid-air.

There is also a group of flying birds floating in the sky. Although their wings are flapping, they cannot move forward, as if they are restricted there.

Under the solar wind, they are gradually becoming disabled.

The ground is even more bizarre. The houses in the village are actually built upside down. There are even many areas that sometimes disappear and sometimes appear, as if they are stuck.

At the entrance of the village, there was a bald native dog with a human face, growling at Xu Qingya.

As Xu Qing glanced across, the dusk dissipated at this moment and darkness fell.

In an instant, everything here changed again. As it got dark, everything returned to normal and it became a very ordinary small mountain village.

As for the dog at the entrance of the village, it also turned into a tall, silly man. It showed its black and yellow teeth at Xu Qing and kept waving.

Xu Qing's face was expressionless. He had no time to waste here. In a flash, he had bypassed the village and was about to leave.

But at this moment, the village behind him suddenly shook, and all the buildings grew slender legs, stood up from the ground, and pursued Xu Qing.

Xu Qing paused, and when he turned around to look, all the buildings in the village were squatting down. The stupid guy at the head of the village was still baring his yellow teeth and waving to Xu Qing.

While the smile was weird, the whole village also exuded a sense of malice.

Xu Qing took a look and walked over.

The shadow behind him hidden in the dark night emitted excited mood swings that continued to spread, and even the sound of swallowing saliva echoed in the quiet night.


Hearing Shadow's saliva, Xu Qing felt Shadow's mood swings, and couldn't help but think of how Shadow had endured nausea all the way in the Ancient Spirit Emperor's world, ate a lot of evil souls, and finally vomited them all.

This kind of loyal performance made Xu Qing feel that he should be rewarded, so he walked faster. In an instant, he arrived at the village he found on his own initiative, and stood at the entrance of the village with a weird smile on his face.

In front of the silly big man, Rong saw Xu Qing arriving. The silly man was about to speak, but the shadow behind Xu Qing could no longer hold back and rushed out suddenly.

Shrouded in black shadow, the silly guy disappeared.

As the sound of chewing came from the shadows and echoed throughout the village, all the buildings in the village trembled.

Eyes sprouted from the trees in these houses, and they shrank rapidly when they looked at Xu Qing.

"Go and eat." Xu Qing stood there with no expression on his face and said calmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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