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Chapter 486: One step is a lonely goose, one step is a demon

In the dark sea of ​​​​abyss, Ye Zhou was extremely fast, almost ten times faster than before. He was walking madly in the sea of ​​​​abyss, as if he was afraid of delaying Xu Qing's time.

Especially when he noticed that Xu Qing's face was gloomy, he speeded up again.

After learning the information about the Yanmiao Clan, Xu Qing gave up the idea of ​​going to Qingwu Mountain for transit. He planned to rush to Chaoxia Mountain immediately, but at the same time, a huge haze arose in his heart.

On the one hand, he was worried about the war in the two major war zones in the northwest. On the other hand, the information about the Yanmiao tribe made it difficult for him not to think about the evil behind the scenes in the jade slip given by the palace master.

"I can't control matters on the battlefield... The only thing I can do is to complete the tasks assigned by the Palace Master."

For a long time, Xu Qing murmured.

In this way, time passed and several days passed. In the past few days, the large net in the sky had more light flowing than before. From this, Xu Qing could judge that the war in the northwest should be extremely intense.

He sighed softly in his heart and raised his head to look at the distant world.

Finally, on the night of the fourth day, Zhaoxia Mountain came into Xu Qing's eyes.

This mountain is very special. Its color is not black, but colorful.

At first glance it looks like it's pieced together, but it's actually a whole.

And its size is obviously larger than any mountain Xu Qing saw along the way. It stands on the abyss of the sea, straight into the sky, and the part on the surface is almost ten thousand feet high.

Under the moonlight, the colorful colors of Zhaoxia Mountain are reflected in all directions, forming a halo, giving people a gorgeous feeling.

You can vaguely see the bottom of the abyss, and it's even more majestic.

It is an astonishing mountain with a large spread.

Especially when the two of them approached, Xu Qing felt waves of coercion spread out from the mountain, covering the surrounding area. At the same time, the solar wind was also extremely violent here. Wherever it passed, not only was there the sound of whimpering wind, but also countless...

Space cracks appeared, healed quickly, formed again quickly, and started over and over again.

Looking at this mountain, Xu Qing felt a little complicated in his heart, and rarely felt uneasy. These emotions blended together and eventually became worries about gains and losses. On the one hand, it was the task assigned by the palace master, but more importantly, it was because his parents were here.

's grave.

Xu Qing stood on the leaf boat and stared at the Chaoxia Mountain in the distance. After a long time, he suppressed all his thoughts, took a deep breath, walked out of the leaf boat, and quickly approached Chaoxia Mountain in the abyss.

As for Ye Zhou, he suddenly sank almost as soon as Xu Qing left. For fear of disturbing Xu Qing if he left too late, he dived into the depths of the abyss in the blink of an eye, clinging to the bottom and leaving quickly.

The head on the stone lion's tail looked at this scene from a distance, with an expression of strong envy.

After burning the incense, Xu Qing approached Chaoxia Mountain, where he felt an invisible barrier surrounding Chaoxia Mountain, like a huge cover, covering the mountain from top to bottom.

This is the grand formation of the Sword-holding Court in Chaoxia Mountain.

This formation prevents all unauthorized persons from entering. Even if sword holders from other states want to come, they must have permission. Only sword holders from this state can enter smoothly.

But because this place is a secret place designated by the Sword Holder Palace, there are too many places in Chaoxia Mountain that the sword holders of this state cannot break into.

Only by consuming battle merit to redeem the qualification to enter the secret place can you truly have unimpeded access.

However, all this no longer exists for Xu Qing now. The jade slip given by the palace master has as high authority as if the palace master came in person.

Therefore, his arrival will not cause any fluctuations in the formation, and there will be no secret places that will prohibit him.

"First complete the investigation, and then go find your parents' tombs."

Xu Qing's eyes showed decisiveness, he took out the jade pendant given by the palace master, walked into the formation of Chaoxia Mountain and stepped into the mountain without causing any disturbance.

The moment his footsteps landed on Chaoxia Mountain, ripples arose in Xu Qing's heart. A feeling of blood caused him to breathe quickly and his heart felt tingling.

That's what parents feel.

After reaching his level of cultivation, he can sense blood. It was this kind of perception that made Xu Qing instinctively raise his hand and press it on his heart.

"Mom, dad," Xu Qing murmured, her eyes a little red.

Even in the eyes of outsiders, Xu Qing is a decisive and ruthless person, and his mood swings are not very obvious. However, this is forced by life and not his nature.

But now, on this Chaoxia Mountain, scenes of Wushuang City could not help but appear in his mind.

For a long time, Xu Qing lowered his head, completely hiding his breath, and suppressed the ripples in his heart. He knew that he had to complete the palace master's mission first.

So he silently walked up the mountain.

From a distance, he saw hundreds of large and small palaces built near the top of the mountain.

The materials of these palaces are all stones from Chaoxia Mountain, so the colors are also colorful, and the buildings are very grand. They look full of sacred meaning under the moonlight.

Very beautiful.

Compared with Yinghuangzhou, the scale of the sword-wielding court here is much larger, and the number of sword-wielders guarding here on weekdays must also exceed that of Yinghuangzhou.

But now during the war, ninety-nine percent of the sword-holders in the sword-holding court in Chaoxia Mountain have gone to the battlefield. Xu Qing felt extremely quiet in this huge sword-holding court as he walked along.

The number of sword holders seemed to be less than thirty. Xu Qing noticed from hiding that most of these sword holders were patrolling and looked extremely vigilant. Apparently, they had heard rumors from the outside that someone was going to attack the Sword Holding Court.

Most of these left-behind cultivators are, the one with the highest Jindan cultivation level in the lower palace is a Nascent Soul sword wielder, his aura is similar to that of Chu Tianqun, and he is also in the early and middle Nascent Soul stage.

Xu Qing looked at the opponent's location from a distance, and then checked the sword-holding court's formation.

It is not easy to break through this formation. Together with the taboo net in the sky, it can ensure that any sword-wielding court in Fenghai County is in a safe state.

After making a judgment, Xu Qing withdrew his gaze and sneaked towards the top of the mountain while avoiding the patrolling sword holders in the silent sword-wielding court.

His goal is very clear, to go to the Archives Pavilion of the Sword Holding Court.

The palace master's jade pendant and Xu Qing's own concealment made his journey smooth. After burning a stick of incense, he found the cabinet where the files were stored.

There are also restrictions here, and the sword holder is not allowed to step in at will, but as the jade pendant in Xu Qing's hand emits a soft light, the restriction is modeled in front of him.

Before stepping in, Xu Qing sent out his spiritual thoughts towards the shadow, and soon the shadow spread violently, like a bag, covering the stone lion and its head.

Xu Qing took a look to make sure it was okay, then walked in, felt it carefully, and confirmed that there was no sword holder on duty in the Archives Pavilion, so he walked inside and started to look through the archives here.

There are four floors in this pavilion, and there are so many files that Xu Qing cannot read them all in a short time, so what he is mainly looking for is the records about Zhaoxiaguang.

In this way, on the third floor, he found a file with extremely high permissions required for viewing.

After opening the restriction above, Xu Qing started to check it out.

After a while, he frowned.

The record in this file is indeed the morning glow. According to the records in it, the light emitted by the sun before its fall is not a dead thing, but has spiritual intelligence.

There have been a total of 752 occurrences over the years.

But this is actually somewhat contradictory, because if it was really formed by the fall of the sun, it should have been a sexual explosion that year, it is impossible!

It appears from time to time after countless years.

Therefore, through the research of Zhijian Palace, it was discovered that although the morning glow is related to the sunset of the sun to a certain extent, it is not all formed in this way.

It is more like a life form that naturally formed in this area after the sun fell and changed the laws of heaven and earth in a certain area.

Therefore, it has appeared occasionally for countless years, and only in Chaoxia Mountain.

This point is also recorded in the archives. It is said that Chaoxia Mountain is the place where a mouthful of blood spilled before the sun fell. The blood of the sun is colorful, so this mountain also becomes colorful.

The aura of the sun that exists here is also the condition required for the formation of the morning glow. At the same time, the morning glow does not really help the monks' cultivation.

Big, it is more of a tool that allows monks to realize the power of the sun and reverse their own bloodline.

At the same time, there are also unparalleled and amazing features in refining weapons.

In addition, research in the Sword-holding Palace has shown that the morning glow has a powerful effect in resisting the power of gods. Therefore, due to various reasons, and because of its scarcity, every morning glow that has appeared so far, the Sword-holding Palace has

There are detailed records.

These records include the time when the alpenglow appeared and its final destination.

Xu Qing checked it out and didn't find too many problems. There were traces of every morning glow in it. Most of them were sent to the Sword Holding Palace, and a small part were traded away by other forces in barter.

The sword-wielding court also records the whereabouts of those who were traded.

Xu Qing searched for a long time and found only these.

"Unless we trace the whereabouts of each one one by one, it will be difficult to find clues."

Xu Qing frowned, looking at the massive files, his eyes were a little deep.

At the same time, in Chaoxia Prefecture, the depths of the abyss are filled with endless heterogeneity, and there is even more terrifying coercion, with the will of death, covering all directions.

"A4 Everything is a lake, everything is distorted, as if the world was formed by the unfolding of the gods. It seems that any monk who comes here will be affected and will either die suddenly or be alienated.

This is a restricted area for life. And the source of all this is the remains of a sun that seems to have long since disappeared from the outside world.

On the flesh and blood of this thousand-foot-sized remains, old man Danqing was standing there shivering, looking at a hundred-foot-sized finger floating in front of it, exuding terrifying power.

"My lord is mighty. I heard that for countless years, various tribes have searched for the remains here like crazy and never found them again. But my lord found them as soon as I came. I am indeed the chosen god!"

"It's just that the remains of the sun have fallen for too long and now lack activity, making it difficult to use as paint."

Old Man Danqing spoke in a trembling voice.

"Only by finding more living life, feeding it in, and filling it with activity can it become possible to become paint..."

After hearing this, the god's finger turned slightly, and as the surroundings molded and twisted, its figure disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the finger go away, old man Danqing suddenly frowned.

"How wonderful is this? After the painting is finished, it will definitely... If it kills the painting, it will be killed..."

At this moment, it was dawn and the sky was pitch black. Although the moon hung high, the moonlight could not penetrate the fog in Zhaoxia Prefecture, so the entire Abyssal Sea was still pitch black.

Only the tops of the mountain peaks standing on the deep sea can penetrate the fog and see the bright moon in the sky.

However, most of the mountains in Yuanhai are not tall, so the brightest place in the entire Chaoxia Prefecture is only Chaoxia Mountain.

On Chaoxia Mountain, Xu Qing stood on the third floor of the Archives Pavilion, looking at the sky through the wooden window. The mountain wind blew up his long hair, revealing his eyes reflecting the moonlight.

"If I want to trace the clues, it will take a long time just with my own strength." Xu Qing murmured in his heart, and his brows slowly wrinkled.

He could not tell other people about this matter, even the sword holders who stayed here could not talk about it easily, because once the palace master made the right judgment, the person behind the killing of the county guard would definitely be powerful.

So even if the sword holder is here...Xu Qing is not sure.

Because the price of a wrong belief was a life-and-death crisis for him. After pondering for a long time, Xu Qing checked some files again, and finally left the Archives Pavilion, walking in the quiet and empty Sword-holding Court in this hiding place. It was approaching dawn, and as the bright moon dimmed, the sky and the earth became darker and darker. This was an inevitable experience before dawn.

And often at this time, the wind is a bit colder than usual, blowing on Xu Qing's body and lifting the sleeves of his Taoist robe.

Xu Qing walked silently in Zhaoxia Mountain. He was going to find the tombs of his parents and wanted to pay homage.

He had been waiting for this day for a long, long time.

The ups and downs of mood, the fluctuation of thoughts, all these became ripples, constantly rippling in Xu Qing's heart.

Can't suppress

It cannot be buried.

As he grew bigger, Xu Qing's body began to tremble uncontrollably, which was rare for him.

Xu Qing did not control it. He closed his eyes, and his perception spread. He followed the guidance of the bloodline, silently walked forward, and passed a house. Here, there was the guidance of the bloodline.

After walking through a rocky area, there is also the guidance of blood here.

After passing a high tower, here, there is also the guidance of blood.

Xu Qing walked for a long time, passing through various areas, including the small half of Chaoxia Mountain exposed on the Yuanhai Sea.

Until finally, at the top of the mountain, he stopped and stood there in a daze.

"The wind became stronger at this moment, and the dark sky slowly turned red, like fire. Gradually, light penetrated the clouds, fell on the deep sea, fell on the mountain peaks, and was also reflected on Zhaoxia Mountain. .

The colorful light emanates from every rock in Chaoxia Mountain, and after reflecting with the sunlight, it forms a gorgeous halo, becoming the only eye-catching thing in the world at this moment.

Looking from a distance, the black abyss and a colorful mountain are so brilliant that they seem to be the source of all light, trying to compete with the sun.

Its light enveloped all directions, and as the sky became brighter and brighter, as the early sun rose into the sky, the colorful light of Chaoxia Mountain also became brighter at this moment, continuously emitting dazzling rays of light to the surroundings.

Incomparably beautiful.

In this beautiful scene, Xu Qing opened his eyes. He lowered his head and looked at the rocks at his feet. He understood.

Why, I have walked through all areas, and every location is guided by blood.

Why did I find it now? I clearly felt that it was around me, but I still couldn't find the tomb.

"I buried my parents in Chaoxia Mountain." This was what Prince Ziqing told Xu Qing.

At this moment, Xu Qing knew the reason.

"My father and mother's tomb is this Chaoxia Mountain. They were buried deep in the center of this mountain, so the moment I stepped on this mountain, I felt the guidance of my blood." Xu Qing murmured, looking at the foot of the mountain. Zhaoxia Mountain, he wanted to enter the interior of this mountain, but Zhaoxia Mountain was so special that he couldn't do it with his cultivation level.

A long time, a long time.

Xu Qing knelt down silently, touching the rock with his hands and lowering his head. No one here could sense his presence, and naturally no one saw him. On the rock where Xu Qing lowered his head, water dripped down his face and the tip of his nose. The drops fell and swam into the rocks, like ink.

Only the colorful colors of Chaoxia Mountain itself continue to spread, as if they have turned into a gentle hand, gently caressing Xu Qing's trembling body and silently crying face.

I don't know, but after walking for a long time, Xu Qing's forehead touched a rock.

"Mom and dad, rest in peace"

Xu Qing murmured, his voice a bit muffled, and only he could hear it.

Finally, he raised his head and couldn't see the tears.

He stood up, filled with desolation, and silently walked away towards the bottom of the mountain.

The sky was getting brighter at this moment.

Endless sunshine fell, shining on Xu Qing's back and completely shining on Chaoxia Mountain.

The glow is brilliant, magnificent and bright, very beautiful, very beautiful.

Xu Qing left.

His longing was actually not that complicated. He just wanted to come to Chaoxia Mountain and worship at his parents' tombs.

After a long time, Xu Qing, who had walked to the bottom of the mountain, turned back and looked at the colorful mountain between heaven and earth for a long time.

"In the future, when I have no regrets, I want to live here."

Xu Qing murmured softly and closed his eyes.

When he opened it again after a few breaths, he put away all the thoughts in his heart, his eyes showed coldness again, turned around and walked away, his steps becoming more determined.

He was going to a canyon under the deep sea outside Zhaoxia Mountain. It was not far from Zhaoxia Mountain and was the place where the last morning glow in the record was formed.

He was going to go over and check if there were any clues.

Under the deep sea, it seems as if it is the same as above

There are two worlds, the fog cuts off the sunshine, and the cold cuts off the warmth.

Xu Qing followed Zhaoxia Mountain and walked into the darkness. The speed became faster and faster, turning into an afterimage. In this darkness, it went deeper and deeper until it reached the bottom of Zhaoxia Mountain.

It is also the bottom of this abyss.

This place is filled with foreignness, full of evil, and occasionally appear in the darkness all around.

Some green will-o'-the-wisps appeared, and there was silence as they floated up and down.

"After the sun falls, what is emitted is also foreign..." After Xu Qing sensed it, he thought thoughtfully and galloped forward with vigilance and vigilance.

He knew very well that there must be a crisis in the heterogeneous and rich abyssal sea, and many evil spirits would definitely be born here. In fact, this was also the reason why the monks from Chaoxia Prefecture did not rush underground.

Just like the Forbidden Sea, no one knows how many terrifying existences there are under this abyss.

Staying for a long time will increase the danger. As Xu Qing is alert, he will also increase his concealment, and his figure is like a ghost, quickly approaching the canyon he is going to.

Two hours later, Xu Qing, who left the formation range of Chaoxia Mountain, arrived at his destination.

The so-called canyon is actually a huge crack on the bottom of the abyss, which is a hundred feet wide and stretches thousands of feet in length.

Bursts of black mist floated out from the crack and blended into the surroundings.

Xu Qing saw it from a distance and was about to rush away, but his expression suddenly changed and he suddenly squatted down and hid behind a rock. He squinted his eyes and looked at the mist emanating from the canyon in the distance.

In the mist, Xu Qing sensed some familiar fluctuations.

Almost at the same time that Xu Qing was exploring, the shadow also quickly transmitted spiritual thoughts, and spread out at the same time, causing the stone lion and head wrapped by it to tremble.

After the two of them appeared, they didn't dare to move. The feeling of being shrouded in shadows made them frightened.

Xu Qing ignored the lion and the head and stared for a moment. After noticing that the figure of the Yanmiao clan was indeed present in the mist, he did not act rashly. Instead, he gave the order to the shadow to spread over and investigate.

Soon the shadow was flying forward on the ground, submerged into the canyon, and soon returned, expressing its emotions to Xu Qing, but this expression was very vague, as if what it saw was too complicated.

Even the ancestor of the Vajra Sect.

They were all a little confused.

Xu Qing frowned, waved his hand and took off the head of the stone lion's tail, and threw it to the shadow.

"Take it with you."

In the panic of the head, the shadow swallowed it in one gulp and went straight to the canyon. When he returned again after a while, the head hurriedly spoke.

Sir, I saw it, there are all Yanmiao people inside, there are almost hundreds of them, and there are several Yuan Yao among them!"

"They were assembling a magic weapon. After my careful observation and research, coupled with my rich knowledge, I recognized it at a glance. It was something that would burst out and interfere with the forbidden magic weapon."

The ancestor of the King Kong Sect frowned and glanced at his head, feeling even more in danger.

Xu Qing heard this and looked towards the canyon with a cold light in his eyes.

Being so close to Chaoxia Mountain and assembling such a magic weapon, it is not difficult for the Yanmiao clan to guess that the target that the opponent wants to interfere with is most likely related to Chaoxia Mountain. Although such a guess is a bit hasty, after all, there is still a possibility that it may be used in other places.

But if it's wrong, it's wrong. It doesn't matter to Xu Qing. He already has a bad feeling for the Yanmiao tribe. In addition, Chaoxia Mountain is very different in Xu Qing's heart now.

Therefore, the canyon where the Yanmiao clan is located is destroyed.

"If there is a Nascent Soul, it's better to go in directly." Xu Qing raised his right hand and waved it, and the Third Heavenly Palace was suddenly shaken, and the power of the poison ban spread rapidly along his body in all directions.

Then he sensed the direction in which the cold wind was blowing, and quietly went downwind and released the poison again. In this way, it took him half an hour to spread the power of the poison ban in all directions, and finally

After calculating and making sure it was enough, he squatted in the distance, with murderous intent in his eyes, and raised a finger with his right hand.

The poisonous moment that suddenly filled the surroundings

The clouds surged, containing countless small black insects, whizzing towards the cracks in the canyon.

In the blink of an eye, all the poison rushed into the canyon.

Soon, shrill sounds and roars suddenly came from the canyon. At the same time, in the depths of the abyss some distance from here, a finger the size of a hundred feet was galloping unscrupulously, wherever it passed.

All living creatures are bound behind it.

Looking around, there are hundreds of monks of various races behind them, each one of them is involved and unable to escape, looking desperate.

This chapter has been completed!
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