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Chapter 502 The body is very honest

Xu Qing's suppression of the Mi Ling Tribe is spreading. Not only has his reputation risen, but the provision of materials by various tribes has also been significantly smoother than before. At this moment, no tribe is offering high prices anymore.


After all, the human race has not fallen yet.

After all, Xu Qing has the power to exterminate clans.

In this way, the collection of materials will be smooth, which is what should be done.

"The Shuiming Tribe provides 180,000 Hailing Healing Pills and three war weapons."

"The Ting'er clan sold 130,000 drops of clan blood. This blood contains medicinal properties and can suppress serious injuries in a short time. They also provided a war weapon."

"The ghost shop provides the elixirs free of charge, and is more willing to provide the ghost soldiers to go to the battlefield. The requirement is the soul of the battlefield Shenglan, and they can collect it."

"There is also the Mi Ling clan. This clan... took the initiative to give away one million high-quality elixirs without paying a penny."

Qingqiu's heart was filled with ups and downs. As she reported the information she had collected over the past three days to Xu Qing, she could feel the fear of the various clans in Fenghai County towards what Xu Qing had done before.

As a sword wielder, Qingqiu is very clear about the concept of the Sword Holding Palace.

Especially after the war, Xu Qing was assigned to the Shuling Division, which broadened her overall view and gained rare experience.

All this made her understand that what Xu Qing did this time was actually exactly what the palace master wanted to do.

It's just that the timing is different, and the difficulty is also different. For example, when there was no war before, all parties were restrained. Once this was done, it would definitely cause a backlash, and the Shenglan tribe was eyeing it with eager eyes, so it couldn't be done.

As for the mobilization stage of war, the same is true. It involves the whole body, and the situation is complicated. Multiple factors are heavily checked and balanced. It is like a tangle of teeth and a quagmire. Once you plunge into it and affect the war situation, there will be a disaster.

Only in the current situation, where the front line is tight and the strong men of most ethnic groups are tied to the battlefield, can we truly break away from all fetters and act vigorously and resolutely.

Of course, the prerequisite is that you must have the qualifications to crush everything and negotiate with powerful tribes on an equal footing.

"This kind of game standing on the shoulders of giants may seem simple, but the requirements for the executor are very high. Not only must they be tenacious and determined, but they must also be ruthless and bold, and they must be crazy enough, but they must not lose their reason and calmness.

Cleverly give others steps, while using offense instead of defense, you must also use the technique of retreat to advance..."

Qingqiu quickly glanced at Xu Qing. Even though she hated him in her heart, she still felt admiration in her heart at this moment.

"There is a sense of propriety that no one can do. If it were me... I have determination, ruthlessness, and madness, but how to grasp propriety, make calm judgments, and negotiate rationally, I am not as good as him."

Xu Qing didn't know what Qingqiu was thinking at this moment. He looked thoughtful and thought about it in his heart before responding slowly.

"The elixirs given by the Mi Ling Clan are not enough. What I have seen in their clan is definitely not the same. Let them take out some more, but not too much. This is not the time, so we will buy the next ones.


"As for the request of Guifang... I agree in principle to this matter, but I also told them that they need to confirm it with the palace master, so I asked them to arrange for Li Gui to go to the battlefield first and communicate with the palace master."

"Then all ethnic groups' supplies must be delivered to the county capital within three days, and we will send them to the battlefield together."

"In terms of money, let them go to the Lord Commander after delivering the supplies."

Following Xu Qing's explanation, Qingqiu nodded in agreement, and just when he was about to leave, Ning Yan, the commander of Shuling, arrived quickly.

"Report order!"

Xu Qing raised his head and looked at Ning Yan. Ning Yan shivered instinctively at Xu Qing's gaze, stood up straight, and spoke loudly.

"An envoy from the Wood Spirit Tribe is here, asking to see Lord Shu Ling."

Almost at the same time as Ning Yan spoke, Xu Qing's sound transmission jade slip vibrated. Xu Qing took out his spiritual consciousness and scanned it. The voice of the old man on Banquan Road echoed in his mind.

"Xu Qing, I am bringing the second wave of Wood Spirit Tribe to fight for the human race!"

Xu Qing was moved and immediately stood up and walked out to greet him personally.

The Wood Spirit Tribe is an ally of the Human Tribe. When the Palace Master was recruiting troops, they had sent a group of tribesmen to the northern battlefield together with the coalition forces organized by Yao Hou.

Now, this ethnic group, which was not a very big one, actually sent a second wave of reinforcements. This happened for the first time in the entire Fenghai County defense war.

Soon, outside the main hall of the Sword Holding Palace, Xu Qing saw the old man Banquan Lu standing there, and thousands of Wood Spirit tribesmen floating in the air behind him.

Their tree-like figures were very strong, exuding a good aura, and they were obviously elites.

Next to the old man on Banquan Road, there was an old man standing.

This old man is also a tree man, with wisdom revealed in his vicissitudes of life, and there are also extraordinary fluctuations emanating from his body. His eyes have a thousand ways, and he is the first level of Guixu.

"Xu Qing, this is the great elder of the Wood Spirit Tribe." The old man on Banquan Road saw Xu Qing and spoke quickly.

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed, he quickly walked in, cupped his fists and bowed.

"I've met the Great Elder of Wood Spirit, thank you for your support!"

"Xu Shuling, please don't be too polite. You are my clan's spiritual leader. In terms of status, you are equal to our clan leader. Moreover, the human clan has protected our clan for many years. We, the Wood Spirit clan, naturally want to repay the kindness."

"I was about to break through the seclusion before. Thanks to the master of the Sword Palace, I was exempted from being called up to fight. Now that the breakthrough has been completed, how can I stay alone?"

Xu Qing didn't know what Ling Zun was, but he figured it must be related to Ling'er, so he paid his respects again and immediately ordered someone to accommodate him. He made an appointment three days later to escort the various tribes' supplies to the western theater and deliver them to the palace master.

The Wood Spirit Tribe is gentle by nature, and this elder has never looked down upon Xu Qing based on his own cultivation. This is partly because of Ling'er, and partly because of Xu Qing's current status in the Sword Holding Palace.

More importantly, he knew very well that the young man in front of him could only make friends and not make enemies.

On the way here, he also heard about the Mi Ling Clan and the negotiations between Xu Qing and the Near Immortal Clan, so he saw clearly that Xu Qing has now solved the material problem here, which is of great help to the front line.


This in itself is a huge military achievement.

If the opponent can still solve the problem of military strength in the future, then after the two skills are superimposed, this skill will be so powerful that the opponent will have astonishing power in the Sword Holding Palace of Fenghai County from now on.

The premise is that the human race ultimately wins.

The two waves of support from the Wood Spirit Clan can be said to have exhausted the whole clan. This matter was a bet, a bet that the human race would win this battle, and a bet that Fenghai County would still be in the hands of the human race in the future.

Once the bet is successful, it will ensure that the Wood Spirit Clan will be safe for the next thousand years.

With Xu Qing's relationship, it is not impossible for the Wood Spirit Clan to reach a higher level.

Therefore, the elder of the Wood Spirit Clan had no objections to Xu Qing's arrangement. He knew that the Holy Spirit Protector and the Spirit Lord had something to discuss, so he said goodbye and left.

After he left, the old man from Banquan Road looked Xu Qing up and down, his expression showing satisfaction, but he didn't seem to want to reveal his true thoughts, so he quickly put away his satisfaction and coughed.

"Although the reason why the Wood Spirit Clan came here is because they want to take a gamble, Ling'er's contribution is huge!"

"Ling'er is still in seclusion?" Xu Qing nodded, took out the jade slip and ordered to arrange the affairs of the Wood Spirit clan and coordinate the materials sent by the clans.

"It will take some time. This time of creation will take a long time for Ling'er to digest." After the old man on Banquan Road finished speaking, he didn't know what to say, and Xu Qing was not good at chatting with others and was constantly dealing with official duties.

After a while, the old man on Banquan Road coughed.

"So, you have nothing to ask?"

Xu Qing was surprised and glanced at the old man.

"For example, Ling'er's past, what can be changed by the fortune she obtained, and whether she woke up occasionally during this period, you didn't even ask!" The old man from Banquan Road was a little dissatisfied.

Xu Qing frowned.

"Why should I ask you about these things? I can just ask Ling'er directly."

"Uh..." Old Man Banquanlu opened his mouth to retort, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that was indeed the case, but some emotions still rose in his heart.

Xu Qing glanced over and noticed the other person's emotions.

He was very familiar with this kind of thing, the captain always did this, so he looked into the old man's eyes and spoke seriously.

"In fact, I don't have full faith in the Wood Spirit Tribe. The escort of supplies is of great importance. I hope that senior will pay more attention when accompanying them to ensure that there is no problem. Now in this capital, the only one I can trust is you, senior."

When the old man from Banquan Road heard this, he was immediately satisfied, laughed, and spoke proudly.

"Don't worry, after the supplies arrive, I will personally unfold the method of my destiny and seal it heavily. I will also do my best to keep an eye on it on the way, so that nothing will happen!"

Xu Qing cupped his fists and bowed deeply.

Seeing Xu Qing like this, the old man felt extremely happy. He felt that this boy Xu knew how to respect him and was not so annoying anymore.

In this way, three days passed.

The foreign supplies were delivered as scheduled. Finally, under the watch of Xu Qing, the Wood Spirit Tribe and the old man escorted the supplies to the western battlefield.

Although most areas along this route can use the teleportation array, there are still some areas that cannot be teleported due to various reasons. The overall time required is about five or six days.

After bidding farewell to the Wood Spirit Tribe, Xu Qing stood on the edge of the Sword Palace on the stone slab, looking at the sky and the earth.

Behind him were Ning Yan, Qingqiu, and a group of sword bearers from the Shuling Division. They looked at Xu Qing, most of them with deep respect in their eyes.

Especially Qingqiu, various emotions arose in her heart, trying to suppress her respect for Xu Qing. The sickle on her shoulder made her sigh deeply.

"Aqiu, don't resist... I can feel the struggle in your heart. Why are you still unconvinced? It is not a normal choice to bow to the great, handsome and peerless Xu Shuling."

"Shut up, you started talking like this ever since you found out that Xu Qing also had a spirit around him who could hear your words, and the Shichangshu was captured. Isn't it disgusting?"

"You who have died together every time in the past, why don't you die!" Qingqiu snorted coldly in her heart.

"If you, a disgusting person like you, can clearly understand what I am thinking, I will never bow my head to others as easily as you in my youth!"

"The same goes for Xu Qing!"

Xu Qing naturally doesn't know what Qingqiu is thinking.

It was early morning, and the refreshing wind blew up, lifting Xu Qing's long hair. He stood on the bluestone slab at the edge of the Sword Holding Palace, looking at the sky and the earth for a long time, with thoughts in his eyes.

During this time, he was always thinking about a question.

How to provide troops for the battlefield.

Just a few thousand people from the Wood Spirit Tribe are not enough for the front line.

This is a protracted battle. Facing the Shenglan Domain, which is much larger than Fenghai County, even with the resistance of all the forbidden magic weapons in Fenghai County, casualties still appear all the time.

Materials can only make the front line less stretched, but if we want to maintain it, the demand for troops will be even greater.

After a while, Xu Qing suddenly spoke.


"Ah yes!" Qingqiu was mentally scolding Sickle. In this contempt, his heart was filled with pride. Now when he heard Xu Qing's voice, his body couldn't help but trembled. He quickly stepped forward and stood upright.

"Give me the clothes ban in Qu Zhaozhou and the corpse ban in Ying Huangzhou, and all the information in the two states in a stick of incense." Xu Qing looked calm, looking in the direction of Ying Huangzhou, and spoke.

"Follow the law! Make sure to complete the task within one stick of incense!!" Qingqiu raised her chest and spoke loudly instinctively, her voice full of passion, as if she had once faced her own palace master.

"Who just said that they will never surrender?" In his heart, the sickle faintly said a word.

"Shut up, I'm just making a fool of myself, I'm doing it for the frontline battlefield!" Qingqiu reacted and immediately scolded her in her heart.

"Aren't you going?" Xu Qing saw Qingqiu still standing there, so he took a look.

"Yes!" Qingqiu stood upright, spoke loudly again instinctively, and left quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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