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Chapter 524 The hand that can create all things

Seeing the captain's eyes shining, Xu Qing was about to nod, but at this moment, a cold snort came from beside them.

"What fun thing? And when did I become an old man."

Xu Qing took a breath, and the captain's expression also changed. The two instinctively looked towards the place where the familiar voice came from.

The void there was distorted, and the master's figure was revealed.

"This is the second lesson for you. Sometimes, what you see with your eyes may not be true. In the future, you have to leave a certain range before discussing things."

Qi Ye spoke calmly.

Xu Qing lowered his head and said nothing. The captain looked sad. He didn't expect that his master had left, but ended up hiding aside.

"Okay, I just remembered that Lao Si's cultivation level was about to break through, so I came back to give you some advice."

"Fourth, it is not difficult for you to break through the golden elixir to the Nascent Soul realm, but in the process of practicing the realm of the Destiny Nascent Soul, it will attract the calamity of destiny five times. Each time you experience it, you will become much stronger."

Xu Qing nodded, he had understood this before.

"However, in the realm of Nascent Soul, the increase in combat power is only incidental. The key point is to rely on heavenly tribulations to accumulate enough destiny, which will affect the future spiritual treasure."

"According to my experience as a teacher, if multiple Nascent Souls are deployed together during each Heavenly Tribulation, although the Heavenly Tribulation will be extremely powerful, once it succeeds, the Heavenly Life gained will be extremely large."

"So in this forbidden land of immortality, if you are good at it, don't be in a hurry to invite heavenly calamity. I will tell you the details later."

Master Qi gave some instructions, glared at the captain, turned around and disappeared.

Xu Qing thought thoughtfully, these contents were something he had never known before.

When he was deep in thought, the captain blinked and pulled Xu Qing away quickly. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he was far away.

"Master has been so kind to us, little A-Qing. I feel like I have gained more enlightenment in this class."

"I feel the same way."

Xu Qing glanced at the captain and felt convinced.

"Master's love, we cannot repay it in this life."

"So we must work harder to protect our master in the future!" Xu Qing said solemnly.

"Yes, junior brother, we should aim for this!" The captain's face was bright, and he spoke while walking with Xu Qing.

It wasn't until several hours passed that they looked at each other.

"She shouldn't be here anymore, right?"

"That's almost it..." Xu Qing looked around.

"This old man is so elusive!" the captain smiled bitterly, and then spoke in a low voice.

"Let's go to the place I mentioned before. There must be good things there!"

After saying that, the two left quickly.

In this way, time passes slowly.

Three days have passed since the Forbidden Land was opened.

In the past three days, the first batch of hundreds of thousands of ethnic monks who arrived have opened up a safe area with a radius of thousands of miles.

Compared with the entire Immortal Forbidden Land, this area is like a drop in the ocean, inconspicuous. Even within the Eastern District, it occupies less than one hundred.

It is true that this forbidden place of immortality, formerly known as the Thirty-Sixth Palace of Ancient Emperor Xuanyou, is too big.

This is understandable, after all, every palace of Ancient Emperor Xuanyou is actually a small world.

And because the gods are sleeping in this place, it has not been fully developed since ancient times. There are countless rare treasures, many ancient books, and even part of the past human race's heritage may exist in it.

Even if it is invaded by aliens, there is still nothing available.

Especially in today's Wanggu Continent, the research on heterogeneity has been very in-depth, and it also has some methods to dispel heterogeneity, such as the various expulsion techniques of taboo magic weapon heterogeneity, that's all.

Therefore, the imperial capital naturally attaches great importance to this forbidden land of immortality, and it cannot be completely opened up in a short time.

According to the plan, the Immortal Forbidden Land will be excavated for several months until it finally encroaches on all sides and is pushed step by step into the imperial palace in the center.

Of course, the premise of all this is that there is no god here.

At this moment, the captain and Xu Qing were resting on top of a tall palace a hundred miles away from the safe area.

In three days, they searched many places in the outside world and made some gains. At the same time, they saw many palaces in the process of being dissipated. It seemed that the reason was that the closed environment here was broken.

As for the dangers, we encountered a lot of them.

For example, the good thing the captain mentioned before was actually a huge statue that was invaded by strange things here and dissipated with only the head left.

The statue actually came to life when the two of them got closer.

Extremely dangerous, with a narrow escape from death.

Fortunately, the concealment provided by Master Qi was effective, so the two of them avoided it in fear.

After this incident, the captain sighed repeatedly. The feeling of seeing fat but not being able to get it made the captain's eyes redder and redder.

Then along the way, they went back and forth several times, advancing and retreating, until finally, they saw a special palace, but they could not enter.

So after many failed attempts, the two of them rested on a relatively safe roof ten miles away from the palace.

The captain was still gritting his teeth, with various thoughts running through his mind.

"Little Ah Qing, this place is too big and we have too little information, but I think there must be treasures in that palace, otherwise there would be no way that there would be four parasitic statues guarding it around it."

When the captain's words came out, Xu Qing was looking at the area opened up by the human army in the distance.

The heterogeneity in that area has been driven away, and is isolated by a cover composed of a formation. Looking around, in the dim sky and earth, the only bright light shining here shines in the distance.

Although the surrounding edges are covered with heterogeneous materials and invaded all the time, it is difficult for the cover to last for long, but it is still possible for a short period of time.

Through the light shield, you can see that there are a lot of buildings built inside, which are a bit strange and triangular in shape. They are all made of spiritual stones, like towers. While emitting bursts of astonishing fluctuations, there is an invisible connection with each other.


It's like a huge magic circle.

You can see small teams coming in and out from time to time. Those are teams like Captain Xu Qinghe who have taken on exploratory missions.

In addition, the items in the palaces within a thousand miles have been removed, and their appearance has been transformed, turning them into part of the formation.

Compared to these, the most astonishing thing is that there are nine white crystal stones floating in the sky that are as big as a mountain and are as large as ten thousand feet.

These nine crystals were brought by the blood nightmare commander. They were not so big originally, but in the past three days, they became more and more amazing.

It floats in mid-air, like nine black holes, absorbing foreign matter.

To be precise, it is not absorption, but filtration.

The foreign matter is drawn in, blends into it, and then dissipates.

As this process continues over and over again, some golden threads are faintly formed in the white crystal stone.

"Absorbing the divine energy that is free from foreign matter?"

Xu Qing was thoughtful.

He didn't know the ultimate use direction of these nine mountain-like crystals, but judging from the expanded knowledge his master had given him, this object might also be prepared for frontline wars.

"Don't look at that, it has nothing to do with us, little Ah Qing, I have an idea!" The captain sat up suddenly, pulled Xu Qing, and spoke in a low voice.

Xu Qing looked away from the distant world and turned to look at the captain.

"Are you still thinking about that hall?"

"Of course, the palaces we have seen in the past few days are all rubbish if they are not guarded. The one with one statue is fine, but the one guarded by four statues is that one!"

"Although it is nothing compared to the sleeping gods, but since we are here, why should we get something good ourselves?"

The captain licked his lips with a look of madness in his eyes.

Xu Qing's mind flashed to the special palace that the captain was thinking about. Each of its four corners had a statue parasitized by flesh and blood. They were all alive, and only a small part of them had dissipated, while most of the bodies were still there.

The fluctuations emanating from it are astonishing.

As for the palace they guard, the shape is also different. It is not like a normal palace, but boxy.

Xu Qing remembered that there were countless small ventilation holes as thin as a finger on the roof.

Those small holes are very strange, not covered in flesh and blood, and obviously avoided.

As for what is inside the square hall, Xu Qing doesn't know, and Shadow can't get close to it. Xu Qing has tried, but the hall blocks all exploration.

"Actually, after the red moon wakes up and the sleeping gods here are swallowed up, it will be much easier to get in there. Must it be now?" Xu Qing looked at the captain.

"At that time, there were more people searching. Even if we get it, we can't keep it. And most of the palaces here are starting to decay and dissipate. I'm afraid we won't be able to wait. Besides, little Aqing, based on my intuition, the treasures there are incredible!"

The captain licked his lips.

"Little Ah Qing, my plan is very simple. We will go there again later. Just like last time, you will absorb the surrounding strangeness and attract the attention of the statues. After the four statues leave, I will go in and get the things!


"Didn't you open the door last time?"

Xu Qing asked. In fact, they had used this method before. Xu Qing was taking a huge risk here, but the captain was not strong enough to open the door.

"This time is different. I have a way. At worst, I will try my best again!"

The captain's eyes were red and he gritted his teeth.

Xu Qing pondered, seeing that the captain was extremely persistent, so he nodded.

"Thirty breaths at most."

"No problem!" The captain cheered and pulled Xu Qing to hurry over. Xu Qing took a deep breath and stopped resting. He was also very curious about the things that existed in that special palace.

Just like that, the two of them quickly left the roof and sped towards the distance.

Hidden all the way, after burning a stick of incense, a black square palace appeared in front of their eyes.

Looking at the flesh and blood statues standing at the four corners of the palace, feeling the terrifying fluctuations coming from them, Xu Qing and the captain's breathing became much lighter. After the two looked at each other, they split up.

Xu Qing rushed out quickly, part of the suppressed absorption force in his body dispersed, and suddenly the foreign matter around him rushed straight towards him, pouring into his body along the pores of his body.

The feeling of ultimate comfort makes people obsessed, as if their souls are about to float, and the constant strength from the physical body makes people instinctively not want to reject it.

Those who are not determined will easily be immersed in it for a moment and ignore everything.

Xu Qing also used a lot of perseverance to stay calm.

At this moment, with the absorption, the golden threads in his body were trembling, emitting strong desire, and constantly stretching. Xu Qing even felt that his body seemed to have grown a little bigger.

At the same time, the statues outside the black square palace raised their heads one after another, their faces covered in flesh and blood, their facial features distorted, and their eyes lit up with red light.

The next moment, they moved at the same time.

Xu Qing noticed something, and his mind trembled. He took out the mask given by his master and held it in his hand. He quickly absorbed it and silently counted the time. It was more than ten breaths. A feeling of impending disaster fell from the sky.

When the life-and-death crisis broke out at this moment, Xu Qing did not hesitate and immediately put on the mask given by his master on his face, got into the ground paved with flesh and blood, and remained motionless.

His face tightened, and all traces of him were covered.

The next moment, roaring echoed, and four terrifying fluctuations spread here, as if they were searching instinctively.

However, after Xu Qing puts on the mask, as long as he doesn't move, he can maintain a high-intensity state of concealment, so Xu Qing does not exist in the perception of the four statues that only have instinct.

In fact, he and the captain had tried it before and found that if they moved while wearing masks, the distance was fine, but if they were close, the four statues could still be vaguely sensed.

This was different from the statues they encountered in the palaces they had visited before, which also showed that this black square palace was special.

"I hope Captain can succeed."

While Xu Qing was murmuring in his heart, the captain was galloping wildly. Taking advantage of the statue being attracted away, he ran straight towards the black hall at an astonishing speed.

This time, the captain did not try to open the door, but approached and went straight to the top of the hall filled with countless small holes. When he arrived, he did not hesitate at all, with a crazy look in his eyes, and his body shook violently.

His flesh body decomposed in a strange and direct manner, turning into thousands of finger-sized strips of flesh, which were drilled through the small ventilation holes.

These ventilation holes obviously cannot be that simple. They contain terrifying restraining power. When they explode in an instant, a large number of meat strips collapse directly.

The remaining ones, as the front end squirmed, transformed into the face of the captain, like worms with human faces, opening their mouths and biting continuously, trying to break through the restrictions.

But the restriction here was too strong, and soon 90% of the captain's meat strips collapsed. When less than thirty were left, each worm spat out a fragmented order filled with ancient aura.


It is the ancient Taoist decree.

A dim yellow light emitted from it, causing the body structure of the more than thirty human-faced worms to change, and the luster of crystal appeared. When they shined brightly, although most of them collapsed, four of them finally managed to get in.

After the small hole in the main hall fell, they saw everything here.

There is only one thing in the entire hall, which is placed in the middle.

It was empty all around.

This object is a severed hand that has been severed at the forearm.

It's a hundred feet in size.

As for the severed area, it was as if flesh and blood had proliferated, and a huge sarcoma had accumulated, surrounded by countless tentacles that were swaying.

As for the five fingers of the palm, they are in an extended state at the moment, and you can see a ferocious mouth in the palm, with countless sharp thorns interlaced.

"What the hell is this!"

In the hall, the captain's exclamation came from the mouths of the four crystal worms, and then the four crystal worms quickly merged together and turned into a crystal villain.

It's exactly the shape of the captain.

But the face is not that of the captain, but a human-skin mask that reveals ferocity and greed.

Without any hesitation, he suddenly opened his mouth and performed the Tengu Immortal Technique.

The next moment, a huge dog head appeared in the hall. With endless greed, it suddenly swallowed the severed hand and swallowed it directly into its mouth.

Then the crystal villain separated again, turned into four worms and went straight to the small hole above, frantically drilling out from inside, but at this time, thirty breaths had passed.

The four statues that unsuccessfully searched for Xu Qing have returned.

Under the pressure, the restrictions of the black palace seemed to be strengthened.

The more the captain drilled and climbed, the harder it became. Finally, he was stuck in the restriction in the small hole and could not move up or down. As the restriction broke out and the power of destruction enveloped him, he suddenly became anxious.

But at this moment, another wave of foreign absorption suddenly came from the distance. The four statues shook violently and turned back quickly. During the roar and reverberation, the captain took the opportunity to rush forward.

The four crystal worms finally all emerged, gathered into small figures, and galloped forward to escape.

After a stick of incense, everything here returned to normal. The four statues returned and stood in the distance again, motionless.

But at the place agreed upon by Xu Qing and the captain, Xu Qing squatted there in a state of embarrassment, vomiting blood and feeling lingering fear.

When he saw that the captain did not return, he knew something had happened, so he gritted his teeth and attracted the statue again. Although he was able to hide in time, he could continuously attract the statue, making it go crazy and bombard all directions.

Although Xu Qing hid, it was still affected.

With his heart palpitating at this moment, Xu Qing suddenly turned his head, saw a crystal figure coming quickly, and noticed the face of the captain on it.

Before Xu Qing could ask, the captain's body swayed and grew rapidly. He quickly transformed into a normal person, but his face was pale and his whole body was extremely weak. He lay directly on the ground, panting, but his eyes were filled with excitement.

"Fortunately, I have the decree to seal it, otherwise this time it would be over, but... it's worth it!"

Seeing that the captain was okay, Xu Qing also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's in it?"

"I don't know what it is, but I feel like it's a big treasure." The captain panted heavily and took out the human skin mask with a proud look. After putting it on his face, he transformed into a greedy tengu and spit it out.

As the tengu's throat continued to wriggle, a large amount of saliva spilled out, and a severed hand that was a hundred feet long was spat out and fell to the ground.

Before Xu Qing could take a closer look, the big mouth in the broken palm suddenly opened and swallowed the nearest captain.

The figure of the captain was swallowed up in an instant.

All this happened so fast, Xu Qing's complexion changed, a dagger appeared in his right hand, and he slashed at the severed hand instantly.

But his invincible dagger had no effect at all this time. Not only was it unable to cut open the palm, but the counter-shock force emitted from it made Xu Qing's body tremble and he had to retreat.

His eyes were gloomy, and he immediately opened up the poison channels in his body, and was about to attack his palm, but at this moment, the five fingers of the palm suddenly shined with light of different colors, and as they flowed around each other, there was a clicking sound echoing inside.


And these colorful lights flowed down the fingers to the arms, until they converged on the proliferated flesh balls, making the area filled with light, and then returned to the five fingers.

Immediately afterwards, five light strips spread out from these five fingers, floating in the air and swirling around each other rapidly, outlining a heart shape.

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed.

There was no end, these five strips of light seemed to be weaving. Xu Qing was stunned, and within three to five breaths, a colorful peach actually appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the light on the fingers dissipated and returned to normal. The palm of his hand opened wide and spit out, and the captain's body was spit out.

"Ultimate treasure! Little Aqing, come and eat!"

After the captain got up, he looked at the peach floating in the air. His expression was extremely excited. After exclaiming, he rushed forward and took a bite of the peach.

Xu Qing hesitated and did not move.

The peach shook at this moment, and its luster dimmed. Under the captain's mouth, it collapsed and turned into black water. It gave off a rancid smell and filled the captain's mouth.

The captain's expression changed, and he suddenly started retching, with disbelief and confusion on his face.

"How could this happen? Damn it, this thing is a lie. When you asked me what I wanted, I said I wanted a peach that can imbue the spirit after eating it."

Xu Qing looked strange. He looked at the black water on the ground, then at the palm, and finally his eyes fell on the lost captain.

"Captain, what's going on?"

"Little Qing, I was cheated!" the captain gritted his teeth.

"After this thing swallowed me, there was a voice inside, asking me what I wanted to make, and saying that it could use life force to create all things. After I told me, it made such a piece of garbage."

The more the captain talked, the angrier he became. He kicked him and severed his hand. However, he still didn't feel relieved, so he opened his mouth wide and bit him hard.

With this bite, he screamed, and Xu Qing's eyes narrowed. He saw the captain's teeth shattering and took a breath.

"How hard!!"

The captain also opened his eyes wide and looked at the severed hand. There was only a tooth mark on it and no skin was broken.

"It can make my teeth crack. This thing is not simple. Could it be that I used it wrongly? Xiao Qing, go and try it."

Xu Qing was thoughtful, walked up and took a look, raised his hand and pressed it on the big mouth in the palm of the severed hand. The next moment, the mouth opened, and a huge suction force came out. Xu Qing did not dodge, and was enveloped by the suction force, and was swallowed.

Go down.

After a moment, the five fingers of the palm shone again, and colorful light ribbons flew out and began to weave. Soon, a mirror appeared in mid-air.

It is the forbidden magic weapon of Seven Blood Pupils.

Both the appearance and the smell are extremely real.

The captain watched this scene with anticipation in his eyes. At this moment, the palm of Broken Hand opened wide and Xu Qing's body was spit out. The moment it appeared, he immediately raised his head and looked at the mirror in mid-air.

After he was swallowed before, he appeared in a bloody space, and a calm voice came to his ears, telling him that he could use his life force to create all things.

So Xu Qing created this mirror, and at the same time he discovered that his life had not been sucked away, as if the severed hand had been damaged and had lost the ability to absorb it.

Looking at the mirror at this moment, Xu Qing raised his hand and grabbed it. The mirror suddenly arrived. The moment he touched it, it turned into black water and spilled all over the floor.

Xu Qing frowned and the captain sighed.

"Liar, you lost money this time!"

"Elder brother, do you think this severed hand could be placed in that hall? In the era of Ancient Emperor Xuanyou, would it... really be able to create all things?"

The captain thought for a while and nodded.

"It probably took too long and it was severely damaged, so it broke. But if that's the case, this thing is indeed a treasure. If it doesn't work, I have to try again."

The captain said, and immediately approached the severed hand, which was swallowed many times. He tried again and again, and made a variety of items, including mundane items, but none of them could be really used, and they all turned into black water.

Xu Qing also tried it several times, and it was the same.

However, after many experiments, the two of them figured out another way to use this palm, that is, after parasitizing it, if they are not creating objects, then they can use it as a shelter.

Its sturdiness was astonishing. The two of them fumbled around and finally came to a conclusion.

"This solidity has reached the level of Guixu!"

The captain took another bite, extremely sure.

Xu Qing nodded and spoke in a low voice.

"The material of this thing is not like flesh and blood, but more like a specially crafted instrument. It is very suitable as a shield."

The captain's eyes were bright again, and he finally felt more balanced in his heart, feeling that he was not at a loss this time.

"Haha, this thing can be used as a shield for our brothers, and Ning Yan can be used as a meteor hammer. It's perfect!"

"Let's go, little junior brother, let's hold this hand and go look elsewhere."

Xu Qing also felt that using this object as a shield, coupled with the concealment of the two of them, made this place very suitable.

So soon, in the mist of this forbidden land of immortals, a severed hand of a hundred feet could be seen, moving quickly on the ground.

The five fingers of the severed hand had been pushed and bent by Xu Qing and the captain with all their strength. They even raised it on the ground and smashed it, and finally bent it into a fist.

In this way, covering the body gave Xu Qing and the captain a sufficient sense of security.

In this way, time passed, and in the subsequent exploration of the two, the fourth day arrived.

The human army here has opened a way to evacuate. It is not mandatory, everything is voluntary.

Some left, and some chose to stay and continue exploring. On the night of the fourth day, the second group of human legions arrived here.

This second batch of people who arrived were mainly composed of the imperial army, with more men in black robes among them. After their arrival, they quickly dispersed and went deep into the unknown area of ​​​​the Immortal Forbidden City.

Xu Qing, who was already nearly five hundred miles away from the human race's safe zone, did not see all this.

But after all, they are not too far away. Although they are invisible to the naked eye, the signal tower built in the safe area can still transmit some announcements to the command sword within a certain range.

At this moment, as the sword vibrated, Xu Qing and the captain knew about the arrival of the second batch of arrivals, and also knew that three days later, the third batch of arrivals would arrive.

At the same time, that night, a strange light red color appeared in the sky of the Immortal Forbidden Land.

It is spreading slowly.

A strong palpitation kept rising in Xu Qing's mind.

There is also an early warning from heaven, which is transmitted strongly in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Senior Brother, we have to hurry up. I have a feeling that Hongyue... is about to wake up. It should be the time when the third batch of descendants will arrive in three days." Xu Qing squatted in the severed hand and spoke solemnly.

The captain squatted aside, nodded when he heard the words, then pointed forward and spoke in a low voice.

"Junior brother, look there. I didn't pay much attention to it before, but I just discovered that there is such a place here."

Xu Qing turned around and looked around. It was a group of palaces surrounded by walls of flesh and blood.

"You see, they are still intact. Unlike the ones we encountered before, they have not begun to dissipate or decay. Although they are covered in flesh and blood, it seems that the palace has some phoenix-like shapes. Could it be that one of the harem empresses of Ancient Emperor Xuanyou once used it?

The palace where it is located.”

"Female cultivators generally like to be clean and like to take baths. If this is really a harem palace, do you think there will be a place similar to the fairy pond? Will there be some clothes like the quiet place? Also

There’s jewelry and stuff like that…”

"There are also some ornaments. Generally, where a female cultivator lives, there must be a lot of these gadgets. Look at the ghosts, don't you think? They are all treasures."

The captain's breathing was rapid and his eyes were gleaming.

"Besides, this is the East District. I don't know much about it, so I don't know much about it, but I think it's not easy for an old girl living in the East Palace!"

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed when he heard this, but at this moment, the dry cough of the ancestor of the Vajra Sect could be heard in his mind.

"Master, um... according to the palace battle stories I read when I was little, it seems that most of the people who live in the East Palace are the empress dowager, princes, and princesses..."

This chapter has been completed!
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