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Chapter 532 The truth is revealed!

Xu Qing fell silent.

After a long time, he raised his head, and the waves in his heart turned into wind waves in his mind, one after another, constantly rolling.

"Jun Cheng..." Xu Qing murmured.

He didn't have much contact with Jun Cheng, but in fact, in Xu Qing's heart, he respected Jun Cheng very much.

This comes from the opponent's alchemy and the aura of a scholar similar to Master Bai and the Great Elder of the Sword-holding Court.

Xu Qing still clearly remembers the gentle voice of the other party in the Sword Palace when he first came to the county capital, and the great merits of Su Dan mentioned by Deacon Sun.

After the war started, Xu Qing saw the opponent's tired look many times.

He also recalled the scene when he faced the Immortal Clan and the other party came to dig a hole with them in tacit agreement.

Although after the arrival of the seventh prince, the commander-in-chief integrated into him very smoothly, this does not mean anything.

Many subsequent things that were beneficial to Fenghai County were initiated by the county magistrate. Together with the deputy palace masters of the three major palaces, they invited the seventh prince many times to win over them.

In this way, when Xu Qing just returned, it was the county magistrate who suppressed the joint crusade by the ethnic groups he had ordered.

For example, the rules and protections for exchange after the war in the Sword-bearing Palace were also discussed by the county magistrate many times with the Seventh Prince, and they were fought for for the Sword-bearer.

Jun Cheng is involved in many things.

And that he can be trusted by the palace lord and stay in the county capital, it can be seen that although the palace lord has some doubts, his instinct is still to trust him.

Especially during the war, the county magistrate did not delay at all and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the frontline war, gaining the trust of countless ordinary people and becoming his backbone.

The commander-in-chief has contributed greatly to the fact that the front line has been able to sustain it for so long.

Such a person with great merit.

Such a person protected the home front during the war.

Such a person continued to gain advantages for Fenghai County many times after the war came to an end and the Seventh Prince took over.

At this moment, Xu Qing felt that it was a bit untrue to say that he was the culprit of all the crimes.

Before this, he had not seen any signs that there was a problem with the county magistrate, nor had he obtained any evidence.

Xu Qing remained silent, suppressing all the turmoil in his heart.

This matter was too big, so he could not make a hasty decision, but regarded it as a clue and added it to his analysis.

Then he recalled the contents of the palace owner's jade slips, and also recalled the results of his investigation in Chaoxia Mountain.

"According to the records in the 19th volume of secret words, the Shangguang Life Tribulation Pill was once placed in the empty wish box. The palace owner knew this, so he determined that this pill was responsible for the death of the governor after his death."

"Because there are too few ways to make a strong county guard die silently, unless it is at the Yun Shen level, but if that is the case, there is no need for this war."

"So all the signs point to the Shangguang Life Tribulation Pill."

Xu Qing murmured, turning all the clues he had obtained into ideas in his mind and smoothing them out one by one.

"But if you want to use the Shangguang Life Tribulation Pill, you first need a morning glow. This is why the palace master asked me to investigate. Secondly, it is the method of poisoning."

Xu Qing had discussed this with Kong Xianglong at the beginning. He really couldn't think of any way to prevent the county guard who had been blessed by luck to reach the half-step Yun Shen realm from noticing and was poisoned.

"Zhao Xiaguang, I found clues that prove that there is indeed one that has not been recorded. This evidence makes it possible for Shangguang Life Tribulation Pill to be used."

"And the way of poisoning..."

Xu Qing lowered his head to look at the powder of Sudan that fell on the ground, took out the last Sudan from the elixir bottle, held it in his hand, and observed it carefully.

Xu Qing had studied Sudan before, and at that time he concluded that this elixir indeed surpassed Baidan in its effect of dispelling foreign matter.

The refining method is very strange, and even Xu Qing's understanding of alchemy cannot be analyzed.

Many of the herbs in it do not seem to match, but are formed after their own medicinal properties have been altered.

This is Jun Cheng's unique method of medicine. By changing the external environment of the herbal medicine, it can be unknowingly changed and influenced to achieve the desired effect.

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed as he thought of this crucial point.

At this moment, a big hand seemed to appear in his mind, quickly pushing away all the fog, so that when he first saw Jun Cheng, the content of the lessons he taught for their group of new swordsmen could be seen under the fog.

, emerged clearly.

"If you want to change the state of a medicinal herb, you don't need to make drastic changes, nor do you need to remove the yin and yang to reconcile the external transformation after picking. In my opinion, what is needed is to moisturize the thing quietly."

"Unknowingly, you change the environment it lives in, change the nutrients it needs, and let it slowly absorb it without knowing it, affecting it from the inside."

"To be precise, it was not me who changed its state, but its own power that changed its own state. What I did was just create an environment and nutrients that guided its direction."

These were the original words of the county magistrate at that time.

In the past, Xu Qing, no matter how he heard this sentence, he felt admiration in his heart. He had great respect for the county magistrate who could think of such a method.

Because the other party did successfully improve the white pill, and in this way created a sudan that benefited the people of the county.

But looking at these words now, a shocking thunder rumbled through Xu Qing's mind.

"Actually, if the word "medicine" mentioned by the county magistrate in class was replaced by the word "medicine" by the county magistrate, everything... would be logical."

"If you want to poison the governor, you don't need to be aggressive, what you need is to moisten things quietly."

"Unknowingly, the county guard changed his environment...the environment is the human race of the county capital."

"Without the governor noticing, changing the nutrients he needs... nutrients, combined with the principles of the Shangguang Life Tribulation, wouldn't that be luck?"

"Let the county guard slowly absorb it without knowing it and influence it from within."

"It was not the county magistrate who changed the county guard's state, but the county magistrate's own power that changed his own state. What the county magistrate did was just create an environment and nutrients that guided his direction."

Xu Qing's body trembled slightly, and his mind was getting bigger and bigger.

"So, the county magistrate did not directly poison the county guard. He regarded the county guard as a medicinal herb. The objects he poisoned... were all the human races within the boundaries of the county capital, which is the environment where the medicinal herb is located!"

"Using the harmless and cheap sutan as a carrier, incorporating the power of the Shangguang Life Tribulation into it, hundreds of millions of human beings have been eating it continuously for many years, thus changing their destiny and changing the county governor

of nutrients.”

"This is using the luck of the human race within the county capital to change and influence the county guard, thus achieving the purpose of poisoning."

"Such a method..."

Xu Qing's breathing was rapid. This idea was logical. Everything was completely clear at this moment.

The empty wish box once contained a glorified Life Tribulation Pill. Because it had been stored in the wish box for too long, even if the Life Tribulation Pill had been taken out for many years, the scent like osmanthus still remained and had not completely evaporated.


The original mission was for Anzi of the Shenglan tribe to discover a huge secret, so he escaped.

Looking at it now, the real Anzi must have died. Only Xu Qing and the others got this wish box from the young man who was Anzi's descendant.

As a result, there were nineteen volumes of secret words, which provided a basis for subsequent palace owners to determine the manner of the county governor's death.

OK, everything is OK.

Then, Xu Qing thought of Ding Yisaner's little boy, who was transformed by a ray of luck from Fenghai County. It was after the wish box was retrieved that he became depressed.

At that time, Xu Qing felt that the other party was weak and had some unclean things in his body.

However, the little boy recovered quickly, so Xu Qing didn't think much about it. With the information he had at the time, it was difficult to think too much.

Then the county governor died, the prison department collapsed, and the little boy disappeared.

Xu Qing thought that it was due to the collapse of the Prison Department, which caused the impact and dissipated it, but looking at it now, it is not the case!

The palace owner may have been investigating the matter after completing the nineteen volumes of secret words, but unfortunately, he was not omniscient and omnipotent after all, and it was too late. The governor died and the war came.

In the end, everyone can only be doubted.

Xu Qing's scalp was numb.

Especially when he thought that countless human beings thought that Su Dan was a great meritorious deed of the Commander-in-Chief, yet the Commander-in-Chief acted openly and openly and told the world all the answers.

But... no one can see the truth from it.

Sudan, this is a big lie!

Jun Cheng has been laughing at everyone in Fenghai County!

Millions of thunders in Xu Qing's heart kept exploding, and his mind recalled the way Jun Cheng looked at everyone when he was in class.

What I saw at the time was gentleness, but looking back now, I can see that there was clearly a hint of ridicule and even playfulness in that gentleness, as if it was just a guessing game for them.

I told you the answer, I told everyone the answer, but you...why haven't you discovered it yet?

This matter was so big that after Xu Qing realized all this, when the truth was revealed, he was not only enlightened, but also palpitated.

"Why did Jun Cheng do this? He and Zhu Zhao..."

Xu Qing murmured, but paused mid-sentence.

"Actually, Chu Tianqun already told me the answer before he died."

Xu Qing always remembered what Chu Tianqun told Chu Tianqun when he was asking about the whereabouts of Zi Qing and Ye Jiu when he was on his deathbed.

"When you know how to change the color of the sea, you understand everything."

Xu Qing silently raised his head and looked at the county capital in the dark night outside.

"The color of the sea can be easily changed according to Jun Cheng's method. You only need to change the color of thousands of rivers flowing into the sea. Then slowly, the color of the sea will be changed without even realizing it."

"This is the answer."

Xu Qing whispered softly.

"Jun Cheng, it may be Ziqing, or it may be Yejiu."

"It was him who poisoned the county guard."

"The mysterious man in black who appeared on the battlefield that day was not Marquis Yao, he was the county magistrate."

Xu Qing understood the truth.

But he no longer knew who he should report this matter to.

The person who asked him to investigate all this has died.

At this moment, the Jun Cheng is the only backbone of Fenghai County. All the elders in Fenghai County are led by him. Coupled with his Su Dan's great merits, it can be said that he has won the respect of the prince and the hearts of the people.

Like the sun is rising.

Thinking about what the Seventh Prince did after his arrival, it is not difficult to see that the two of them were obviously cooperating with each other.

"The reason why the White Jade Hand appears in the Immortal Forbidden Land is because this is a transaction..."

Xu Qing sighed softly, pushed open the door of the sword pavilion, stood at the door, and looked at the dark night sky and earth.

After a long time, a piece of light appeared in the distant sky, extremely bright, illuminating the sky.

Its appearance made the dawn break much faster on this day than before.

And as the sky brightened, the earth also felt the aftermath, bringing with it warmth.

At the same time, all the monks in Fenghai County received a notice from the county magistrate.

"Human Emperor Xuanzhan raised a domain treasure belonging to our human race in the Heitian clan's domain ten hours ago!"


As I said before, I am trying a new idea, which will bury many foreshadowings of a major event in one chapter. But looking at it now, there are also disadvantages, because it takes too long, and it can be swept away or

If you skip chapters and read, there will be considerable obstacles in understanding.

There's nothing I can do...

For ease of understanding, there are two ways:

1. In the upper right corner of the chapter of the Qidian APP, click on it and there will be a search function. Search for keywords, which can facilitate everyone to check the foreshadowing in the past subscribed chapters.

Second, let me sort it out for everyone.

In Chapter 1,419, the scent of osmanthus appears in the empty wish box for the first time. Xu Qing detects the smell, which is the first foreshadowing.

In Chapter 2, 431, Yangui (Osmanthus fragrans, also known as Yangui) appeared in the Juncheng's mansion. There was a cover for my release and the second foreshadowing.

In Chapter 3, Chapter 512, Xu Qing learned that the wish box in Chapter 419 was related to the death of the Sheriff, so the smell became a huge clue.

Chapter 4,528, the smell appears in Sudan.

In Chapter 5, 402, the county magistrate told that all things change according to circumstances. This is the biggest foreshadowing in the entire plot of the county capital. What he said at that time is actually the entire answer to today's chapter.

Chapter 6, 466, when Xu Qing asked Chu Tianqun, where Zi Qing and Yejiu were, Chu Tianqun said, when you know how the color of the sea changes, you understand everything. This is a foreshadowing to supplement Chapter 402, and it is also a small


In Chapter 7, 422, the little boy with Ding Yi San Er's luck has changed. This is the foreshadowing before the onset of the Shangguang Life Tribulation Pill.

The above are some of the foreshadowings I laid down in the previous hundred chapters, and there are others that will be revealed one by one in the follow-up.

Writing is not easy, but I put a lot of effort into this book.

Asking for monthly ticket

This chapter has been completed!
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