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Chapter 532: Jun Cheng, please correct me!

In the past twenty days, Xu Qing had used countless reasons to convince himself, but he couldn't help but think about another ending.

So he has always understood that once he gets out, the catastrophe that awaits him will be roughly divided into three possibilities.

The first possibility is that he was killed by Thunder after he appeared. Although this possibility exists, it is not very common.

After all, everyone is focused on it. Although I oppose it, my opposition is not an act of rebellion.

So there is a second possibility, which is to be convicted and imprisoned, and life and death will depend on other people's thoughts from now on.

As for the third possibility, everything goes well, but there will be huge hidden dangers later on, leading to boundless catastrophe.

Of course, the premise is that he fails.

Therefore, as soon as Xu Qing walked out, he said the words "The Emperor's heart is boundless" to resolve the first possibility. As for the appearance and protection of the deputy palace master and others later, he did not expect it.

This allowed him to pass the first stage smoothly, and then he passed the second stage from the moment he told the sword-bearing palace master's last order, took out the jade slip to prove it, and went to report it.

Even though this matter has been concluded before, Xu Qing's words are not to overturn the previous conclusion, nor to protect Yao Hou, but to add more suspense so that the humans in Fenghai County can learn more specific details.

Although the people's support of the county magistrate is strong, he cannot compare with the old county governor.

And the Palace Master's illustrious achievements are not simply forgotten in everyone's memory.

Xu Qing used words to move these two mountains out, and in conjunction with his status as a great emperor, he gained the opportunity to speak at this moment.

In the former case, it is the common customs of the county that are shaken.

In the latter, the one who was shaken was Fenghai Zhixiu who participated in the war.

This is also the reason why Jun Cheng finally looked at Xu Qing deeply, as if he recognized him again.

Because, if Xu Qing's previous words showed any trace of protecting Yao Hou or overturning his previous conclusions, he could suppress them in an instant.

At this moment, the world was silent.

In the opportunity created by himself, in the spotlight of all people, with the crown of luck gathering above his head, Xu Qing stood in the air and took a deep breath.

He understood that every word he said at this moment was very important, and there could be no mistakes. Once he said the wrong word, he would be doomed.

So he was silent for several breaths, stared at Jun Cheng, and spoke in a deep voice.

"In April of this year, the old county guard died mysteriously, and the Shenglan tribe invaded simultaneously. The eight-hundred-year peace of Fenghai County was thus broken. The Heitian tribe invaded the human royal domain and blocked the new county guard and reinforcements sent, causing Fenghai County to

Isolated and helpless, the weather is precarious, and people are in panic."

"The master of the Palace of the Sword Holding Palace was ordered to protect Fenghai County with the Palace of the Sword Holding Palace as the county guard."

"In the same month, as an accompanying scribe, I accompanied the Palace Master to handle the war report. At the end of April, the front line of Fenghai County was in emergency. The Palace Master commanded the Fenghai County army. In order to protect the Fenghai human race, he fulfilled his oath to hold the sword and went there in person.

On the front line, at that time, I was the one wearing armor for the palace master."

Xu Qing's voice echoed in all directions. These words were not meaningless. He wanted to evoke the memories of hundreds of thousands of people here. He wanted the common people in the county capital to recall the scene half a year ago.

Let them know who was protecting all of this at that time.

"Before leaving, the Palace Master did not ask me to accompany him. Instead, he used a substitute to cover up and asked me to secretly go to Chaoxia Prefecture to investigate the cause of the old governor's death."

"The palace master suspects that the cause of the old governor's death is from a pill called Shangguang Life Tribulation. This pill has been famous since ancient times and can be traced back to history. Its principle of action is to detonate people who gather their luck. The stronger the luck, the more lethal it will be.


"The old county guard gathered the luck of sealing the sea. His death is consistent with the appearance of the poison of Shangguang's fate."

"As for why the palace master thought of the Shangguang Ming Jie Dan, it is recorded in the Nineteenth Volume of the Secret Words of the Sword Palace. I don't know if this volume is still there, but even if it is not there, before the death of the governor, the sword palace had a task to handle.

Anzi of the Shenglan tribe obtained an empty wish box, and many people participated, which is proof."

"But to use the Shangguang Mingjie Pill, one condition needs to be met, that is, a morning glow. Maybe there is one in the outside world, but there is also one in Fenghai County's Zhaoxia Prefecture, so the palace master asked me to go and investigate whether there is an unrecorded morning glow.


"Everything I said is clearly recorded on this jade slip!"

"After that, I followed the palace master's order and went to Chaoxia Prefecture to resolve the crisis at the Sword-holding Court in Chaoxia Prefecture. The results of the investigation there were found. The Chaoxia Prefecture Sword-holding Court can be used as evidence for this matter. The traces along the way can be used as evidence. I also have jade.

The simple photos can also prove it. As for the result, there was indeed a morning glow in Zhaoxia Prefecture a few years ago, but it was not recorded."

As soon as Xu Qing spoke, Kong Xianglong flew into the sky and spoke loudly.

"I participated in the matter of handling Anzi. I can prove that the nineteen volumes of secret words and the empty wish box exist, and the contents are exactly the same as what Xu Qing said!"

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of soldiers at the altar took in their breaths, and the entire county was shaken.

The Seventh Prince's eyes were introverted, while the Commander's face was expressionless.

Xu Qing took a deep breath and continued to speak.

"I reported all this to the palace master. In the same month, the palace master died in battle. I continued to investigate secretly."

When Xu Qing said this, the county magistrate sighed softly.

"Brother Liang Xiu, you and I thought about it together."

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed.

Jun Cheng looked away from Xu Qing and looked at the hundreds of thousands of troops, with some sadness in his voice.

"What Xu Qing said is also what I have in mind. I have read the nineteen volumes of secret words."

"Actually, from the beginning to the end, not only Brother Liangxiu was investigating, I was also investigating in secret. But this matter is so big that I have always been a little doubtful. The county governor is so powerful, who could do it without him knowing it?

Just poison him?"

"This matter is related to the cause of death of the county governor. The county governor is not only my colleague, but also a close friend, and a hero of Fenghai County. I hope the cause of his death is accurate. Only in this way can we truly avenge him!"

"Until the war came to an end, I finally had some results and announced all this. However, what Xu Qing said makes sense. The human race in Fenghai County should be allowed to know the truth."

After Jun Cheng finished speaking, he raised his right hand and waved, and suddenly a chessboard appeared in mid-air.

There is an unfinished chess game on this chessboard, and the black and white chess pieces on it are in the middle of a fight.

"This is the county guard's chessboard. In addition to the county guard, those who play chess on weekdays include me, brother Liang Xiu and Yao Tianyan."

"Only the four of us have touched the chessboard."

The county prime minister recalled, sighed softly, turned around and cupped his fists towards the seventh prince.

"Excuse me, Your Highness, just as we discovered the secret of poisoning that day, use the blood of the emperor to reveal your destiny."

The seventh prince had no expression on his face. After taking a look at Jun Cheng, he raised his hand and bit the tip of his finger. A drop of red blood fell from the fingertip and flew towards the chessboard.

That drop of blood contained an astonishing power of blood, causing the bodies of all races to shake. The next moment, this drop of blood fell on the chessboard.

Immediately, the chessboard seemed to have been lifted open, and bursts of black energy emitted from it. If you look closely, you can see that the source of this black energy comes from the chess pieces.

"This black energy is the poison of the Shangguang Life Tribulation. We can't see or feel it, and the same goes for the county guard. Only the bloodline of the Xuanyou Ancient Emperor who has unified Wanggu Continent can have the power to reveal it.


"The person who poisoned me is using this chessboard."

As soon as the governor's words came out, there was a sensation in all directions.

The authenticity of this scene is extremely strong.

But Jun Cheng was bitter at this moment, glanced at the world with nostalgia, and spoke softly.

"Actually, I, the county magistrate, originally planned to serve Fenghai County for the last time after taking over as the county governor. I would spend the rest of my life cultivating a successor, Li Yunshan, from the deputy palace masters of the Three Palaces.

You are my first choice."

After saying that, Jun Cheng raised his hand and pressed it on the drop of blood that had not dissipated from the chessboard prince. Immediately, the blood spread rapidly along his fingers. Wherever he passed, thick black Qi suddenly came from Jun Cheng's body.


After the blood energy was completely swept away, the governor standing there was filled with black energy, and black lines could be seen on his skin. His appearance... was very similar to the illusory scene before the governor's death.

"Because, I was also poisoned."

"I have touched the chess pieces on that chessboard, more than once. During the previous war, I have been insisting on it."

"Xu Qing, when you came to see me once, didn't you also see how tired I was? I knew that this poison could not be cured by medicine, so I told my servants at that time that I would not take medicine."

"The governor has fallen, brother Liangxiu has fallen, and I won't live long. Only Yao Tianyan escaped. Who is the murderer?"

The county magistrate smiled bitterly.

His words echoed, and the black energy on his body was revealed, like thousands of thunders, exploding under the altar, exploding in the county, and roaring everything.

Countless people were moved by it.

Even Xu Qing was stirred up in his mind. His original firm belief was slightly shaken at this moment.

"Xu Qing, you are a good boy. What happened today proves that you indeed have a great heart and virtue. Very good, very good." Jun Cheng spoke softly, with a gentle look on his face.

"So now, with your overwhelming heart, do you agree that I will become the county governor and protect you from now on?"

Xu Qing was silent.

This sentence sounded benevolent to everyone. Only the Seventh Prince on the side felt a little more afraid of the county magistrate when he heard it.

Because he understands that this is to... kill his heart!

So what if you, the emperor, have such a heart?

Thousands of you and I will go, so what?

I neither acted in anger, nor did I kill anyone in anger. I just reasoned with you, and then... I wanted to hear the word "but" from your mouth.

Use the hearts of the people to punish your ten thousand ambitions.

The earth was silent, and countless eyes looked at Xu Qing.

The captain's expression was a bit ferocious, Ning Yan shrank his head and showed fear, Qingqiu's expression was expressionless but he held the sickle tighter.

In the crowd, the unattractive man who had shown pride towards Xu Qing now frowned and stared at Jun Cheng, with evil radiating from his body.

Under the altar, the masked Blood Demon Marshal moved his right foot slightly, as if he was about to walk out...

At this moment, Xu Qing raised his head and spoke softly.

"After the death of the Palace Master, I continued to investigate the matter, because I thought that just finding the evidence of Zhaoxia Guang could not prove that the death of the old county guard was caused by the Shangguang Life Tribulation Pill. Because the old county guard was half-step Yunshen, he wanted to

It’s too difficult to poison.”

Xu Qing's words made many people frown. At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten everything Jun Cheng said before, and did not see Jun Cheng's black look. He continued where he had been interrupted.

, keep talking.

"I began to wonder how I could poison the old county guard silently. I am good at medicine, but I didn't have an answer. But I thought that there was a smell similar to osmanthus in the wish box."

"Until twenty-three days ago, after I returned from the Immortal Forbidden Land, I tasted a similar taste from a piece of elixir."

The moment the word "Su Dan" came out of Xu Qing's mouth, the county prime minister's childish eyes shrank, and then he spoke calmly.

"Although I have never thought that Su Dan is a great meritorious deed, Xu Qing, you are using this as an excuse to make others feel shameful and slap you in the face."

As the words came out, a force of return to the void erupted from the waving of Jun Cheng's sleeves, and enveloped Xu Qing in an instant.

The deputy palace master's expression changed, and he tried his best to block it, but he was still unable to defeat Jun Cheng's luck blessing, and his body fell back. But at this moment, the clouds in the sky suddenly burst, and a sound of gold and stone cracking suddenly came from the sky.


The moment the sound appeared, a three-headed giant bird arrived instantly.

With such speed, it appeared directly under Xu Qing's body. The right head landed on the bottom of Xu Qing's feet. After lifting it up, the three heads locked on the Jun Cheng. The thorns all over the body brushed and emitted huge waves.

Ominous, the mask made a harsh squeaking sound!

The sound waves exploded and formed a roar, shocking all directions, making the county tremble, and the color of the world changing!

At this moment, the common people in the entire county were breathing heavily, hundreds of thousands of monks on the ground were all shocked, the seventh prince's expression was slightly condensed, and the county prime minister frowned and his face darkened.

In the whole world, only the big bird Qingqin attracts everyone's attention.

Only its croaking sound resounded through the sky.

The only thing that can surpass it in attention is the slender figure wearing a white sword-wielding Taoist robe standing on its raised right head, the clothes rustling in the wind!

The four canopies are shining brightly, the mosasaur is revealed, breathing in the morning glow, and the shadow of Ghost Emperor Mountain stands behind it, and there is a vague long river of time, which seems to be winding around the body.

At this moment, it was as if Xu Shuling, the palace master half a year ago, had returned!

At this moment, the various races around who witnessed all this were all shocked, and the shadows of the original reappeared again!

And Xu Qing's voice is still echoing at this moment.

"That's Sudan, a Sudan that has been eaten by hundreds of millions of ordinary people in the county over the years."

"At that time, I understood the method of poisoning."

"The murderer did not directly poison the old county guard. Over the years, he diluted the Shangguang Life Tribulation in countless parts and blended it into individual elixirs, allowing all the humans in the county to eat them."

The moment his three words came out, they were like the thunder of creation that created the world, roaring in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of monks here, and exploding in the ears of countless ordinary people in the county.

The weight is too heavy!

The sounds of inhalation, exclamations, confusion, and restlessness all erupted to a greater extent based on Qingqin's appearance.

"Treat millions of people as poison, changing the fate of all people in the entire county, turning everyone into poison. The poisonous fate contained in countless human races is flowing towards the county guard at all times, causing the county guard to silently... Suffering from the poison of Shangguang’s life calamity.”

Xu Qing was still talking, and the county capital roared completely. The rapid breathing of hundreds of thousands of people under the altar shook the earth and set off a huge storm.

"Sudan is poisonous?"

"Sudan, how is this possible!


"But it's all reasonable and logical."

"Sudan is made by the Jun Cheng. It is the only source of goods in the entire county. All pharmacies must go to the Jun Cheng Mansion to get it!"

"What is true and what is false!"

"Here...what's the truth!"

There was an uproar.

In fact, what Xu Qing said was extremely shocking to everyone, making everyone's scalp numb involuntarily and causing huge waves.

Kong Xianglong took a breath, and all those holding swords trembled all over. The expressions of the deputy palace master also changed drastically.

As for Jun Cheng, he took a deep look at Xu Qing. From the moment Xu Qing mentioned Su Dan, he knew that the other party knew about it, so he sighed in his heart.

Xu Qing stood on Qingqin's right head, lowered his head and looked at the capital of Dadi County, and spoke softly.

"Everyone in the entire county has been poisoned. I don't know how this poison will attack later... once it happens, what kind of catastrophe it will be."

"I, Xu Qing, the emperor's inquisitive person, am responsible for every word I say."

"Master Jun Cheng, my report is complete, please correct me!"

When Xu Qing's voice continued to reverberate and spread in all directions, all eyes in the altar square, whether they believed it or not, looked at Jun Cheng in unison.

Not only them, but also the common people in the county capital at this moment, hundreds of millions of eyes gathered from all directions in this shock and anger.

Because this is related to the personal safety of each of them!

When anything is personal, no matter how small it is, it is a big deal.

At this time, few people will consider anything else. All of them, at this moment, just want an answer!

Are the sudan you have given us to eat over the years poisonous?

Xu Qing once again stood on the side of the people's hearts!

For the first time, he used the remaining power of the county guard and the palace lord to break up the people's hearts and minds of the county magistrate, giving himself the qualification to speak.

It was later resolved by the county magistrate.

This time, he took everyone's safety and stood on their side, gathering momentum and forcing him to attack the county magistrate.

All of this is not that Xu Qing is self-taught, but that after experiencing a series of events in the county capital, he learned from the seventh prince how to use the hearts of the people.

After that, Master Qi opened the door of cognition to him in the Immortal Forbidden Land, letting him know that when doing things and thinking, he needs to stand at a higher level, so that he can see the overall situation and see more clearly.

Only with clarity can you truly reach the top.

In the past seven years, he has finally gone from being a scavenger in the slums to where he is today. His character and mentality have been like a piece of jade in the past seven years, constantly polished and learned, and finally shine.

The teacher in the slum taught him how to read and enlightened him.

Lei Dui taught him tolerance, so that he, who was originally a lone wolf and didn't trust anyone, felt like a family and had the warmth of a human being.

Master Bai taught him that plants and people are like plants and trees, and everything is clear. This is the way to be a human being.

Qi Ye taught him the structure, the way to do things, and broadened his horizons.

The captain taught him to be crazy and fight for everything, so why not go against the will of heaven?

The Seventh Prince taught him the importance of people's hearts, right and wrong, merit and demerit, black and white can be reversed, and there is no turning back from the thought of being a hero.

Master Gong, he is a man of integrity and holds the oath of holding a sword. There are some things that must be done even to the death, and there are some beliefs that must be protected even to the death.

The county magistrate taught him strategies and calculations, and that all things would turn according to the circumstances, and that turning one's hands would make the sky and turning one's hands would make the earth.

Too many people, either proactively or passively, have made Xu Qing grow up over the past seven years.

Until, today!

In an instant, the five-pointed crown ring formed by luck on the head of Jun Cheng's head, which had not completely fallen, trembled loudly.

A large amount of luck spread from it, and with waves of cheers that could not be felt by outsiders, it went straight to Xu Qing's head.

As they continue to gather there, the crown ring that has been floating on Xu Qing's head becomes more and more substantial.

In the eyes of those who can see this scene, Xu Qing, who is standing on the right side of Qingqin, is shining with light, and the crown on top of the canopy above his head is emitting surging fortune, as if blessing him.

Vaguely, there is a figure of a little boy, jumping for joy in the crown.

It seems to be telling everyone who can see it, who is the orthodox one today!

Who is the one who seals the sea and gathers his luck!

Who is the real sea sealer!

At this moment, with the blessing of luck, all the people gathered together, the color of heaven and earth changed, and the wind and clouds surged, forming a general trend of gathering people from heaven and earth, with Xu Qing as the leader, watching the county magistrate.

The county magistrate was silent.

The seventh prince stared at Xu Qing with strange eyes. Like the county magistrate, he had re-recognized Xu Qing again and again in this short period of time.

"This child is not something that belongs in the pond!"

When the Seventh Prince was deep in thought, the Jun Cheng was about to speak. Xu Qing clasped his fists, bowed deeply, raised his head, and spoke softly.

"This bow is for your kindness in giving lessons and solving my doubts, Lord Jun Cheng. After this bow, I feel at ease and I can only say something if I have something to say."

"Lord Jun Cheng, I know you are Zhu Zhao."

"And Zhu Zhaozhixiu disdains lies and pays attention to everything being reasonable. Just like you answered the questions in class before and stated the answers clearly. With such courage and reasonable layout, it is just as reasonable for you to be exposed."

"Master Jun Cheng, please correct me." Xu Qing stared.

As soon as these words came out, the light in the seventh prince's eyes became even stronger. Previously, the county magistrate wanted to kill Xu Qing, but now Xu Qing's words in response were also heart-wrenching.

According to his cooperation with this county magistrate so far, the other party's character is indeed disdainful of lying, and everything is based on reasonableness.

Whatever you ask, I will tell you.

But now, if he admits it, there will be no possibility of covering up, and all plans will be in vain.

But if you don't admit it, you violate the principle of always acting. Your mind is blocked and your thoughts are not smooth.

Jun Cheng was silent again.

After a while, he took a deep look at Xu Qing, sighed, and seemed to be older, with exhaustion radiating from his body. Then he took out an elemental pill, transformed into a tall figure, and made the whole county visible, swallowing it in front of everyone.

He stood down and spoke softly.

"Sudan, non-toxic."

People from all directions were shocked.

"Xu Qing, I don't know why you are so slanderous, but after thinking about your military exploits, I still can't bear to kill you, so I imprisoned you in the Sword Palace and asked about the reason behind it. Li Yunshan, this is my bottom line. You are responsible for guarding and guarding you.


"Someone is coming!"

After finishing speaking, there were rumbles from the ground, and silhouettes suddenly rose into the sky. One of them was the old slave beside Jun Cheng that Xu Qing had seen.

He looked at Xu Qing regretfully, and his body erupted with Guixu level 2 fluctuations.

As for Jun Cheng, as he waved his hand, a vortex appeared around him. In the rumbling rotation, a black-armored puppet with a face that was molded of flesh and blood and whose appearance was unclear, stepped out of the vortex step by step.

Death energy permeated the air, his eyes were dark and cold, and a Guixu fourth-level wave erupted from his body.

"So, you are not Zi Qing." Xu Qing said softly.

The Jun Cheng's face was expressionless, and his words came out indifferently.

"Take it."

This chapter has been completed!
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