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Chapter 544: Huangs Relatives

The silent restricted area becomes eerie as the singing comes.

The ethereal voice brought a chill, and ice formed on the ground wherever it passed. The green grass condensed into frost thorns, and the big trees turned into withered ice.

And this song seems to be a part of the night, so its appearance does not break the silence here, but makes the entire restricted area even deeper.

Xu Qing stood there, listening silently, with some waves rising in his heart, and memories from seven years ago emerged.

This was the second time he heard singing.

The singing in the restricted area is a source of fear for scavengers, and those who hear it are basically dead.

But for Xu Qing, things are different now and then.

Back then, he had no power to protect himself, so he could only freeze everything in the cold, waiting for death to come.

But now, even though he is standing on this land that is not Fenghai County, he can still feel the gathering luck from Fenghai County.

This kind of blessing of luck, unless he encounters that kind of terrifying weirdness, will not be able to affect him in the slightest.

Not to mention that on the sky, the big wings are vaguely visible, and higher up, Qingqin is staring at it.

Therefore, there was no fear in Xu Qing's heart due to the appearance of the singing. Instead, there was expectation in Xu Qing's eyes, staring at the direction where the footsteps came from.

He was waiting for the figure to appear there.

Under his feet, the shadow has spread to a hundred feet, as if it has become a special restricted area. Within this hundred feet, all the grass and trees have turned into eyes, and all the big trees have turned into coffins.

Countless eyes opened at this moment, surrounding Xu Qing and staring with him.

The strange aura from the shadow itself also erupted at this moment, revealing ferocity, hunger, and fear.

If you look at the restricted area at this moment from a high altitude, you can see that it is filled with thick fog. Only Baizhang where Xu Qing is located is the only clear place.

The empty singing in the fog is gradually becoming clearer, and the footsteps are getting closer and closer.

Until a hundred feet away, the singing still continued, but the footsteps stopped.

Faintly, at the edge of the mist, you can see a pair of straw sandals stained red with blood.

This pair of shoes does not exist in Xu Qing's memory, he has never seen it.

Above the straw sandals, the mist rolled and gradually formed a figure. This was also a stranger. It could be seen that she was a woman, wearing a black robe.

The robe was so large that it seemed to cover the restricted area behind it, and as she arrived, the surrounding vegetation bent down and the big trees twisted, as if they were also worshiping her.

More heterogeneous elements spread out and merged into the mist, causing the mist to billow more and more, forming a coercive pressure that enveloped all directions.

And her eyes are even more special, one red and one white.

In the red eyes, you can see countless dead souls, while in the white eyeballs, there are endless skeletons.

At this moment, these eyes were staring at Xu Qing and also at Xu Qing's shadow.


The hoarse voice came from her mouth, from the mist, from the grass and trees, from the entire restricted area, and continued to reverberate, forming a lingering sound.

The eyes of the shadows within a hundred feet range revealed a faint light, and while they locked onto this woman, their fear was extremely strong.

"The Lord of the Forbidden Zone..."

The emotional fluctuations coming from the shadow were quickly transmitted into Xu Qing's mind at this moment.

Xu Qing's eyes were cold, and the woman in black robe was about to step within a hundred feet of Xu Qing, but she paused, suddenly looked up to the sky, and fell silent.

After a while, the sound started again.


The sound turned into rejection and expulsion, rising from the restricted area.

Xu Qing's expression remained as usual, he cupped his fists and bowed to the lord of the restricted area, and spoke calmly.

"Excuse me."

The mist rolled, gradually submerging the woman's figure, and the force of repulsion became stronger at this moment, with a vague hint of malice, as if she was looking for an opportunity.

However, the pressure from the sky clearly made it afraid, so it did not turn its malice into action.

Seeing the figure of the lord of the restricted area continuing to appear in the lake, Xu Qing spoke politely.

"Did you forget something?"

The mist figure turned a deaf ear.

Xu Qing's expression remained polite and she spoke softly.

"In this restricted area, there will be a gift for those who hear the singing for the second time, allowing them to see the figure they most want to see."

"Today is the second time I heard singing."

The mist figure swept past Xu Qing coldly, without paying attention, and turned around to walk into the mist. As it approached the lake, the surrounding coldness became thicker, and the lingering sound still echoed in the heaven and earth, forming a stronger driving force.

Xu Qing's expression darkened, his eyes turned cold, he stopped being polite and spoke slowly.

"Big Wing!"

As soon as the words came out, the sky roared, and the thousand-foot-long wings came down in an instant, exuding terrifying pressure. The auras of Taoist Sinan and the thousand sword-holders spread out to suppress the restricted area.

The restricted area was shaken, and the fog rolled stronger. The departing figure paused, and when he turned around, his body emitted dangerous fluctuations. He stared at Xu Qing with a ferocious expression.

"My request is not unreasonable."

Xu Qing looked into the eyes of the lord of the restricted area and spoke slowly.

"Senior Qingqin."

In the sky, there was a squeaking sound that penetrated the cracked gold and stone, as if it had been waiting for a long time for Xu Qing's call. It echoed in all directions with excitement, and the wind fell from the sky, like an invisible big hand, hitting the restricted area.

Qingqin's body descended.

The ground shook, the fog collapsed on a large scale, and the rolling intensity reached the extreme.

The owner of the forbidden area had shining eyes and a fierce evil intent all over his body. There was also a sharp piano sound faintly heard from the depths of the forbidden area.

The sound of the piano spread throughout the entire restricted area, and the restricted area trembled as it swirled. Skeletons walked out of the trees, and evil spirits emerged from the vegetation.

Murderous intent broke out towards Xu Qing.

And the appearance of this place also changed drastically under the sound of the piano.

Just like before, the entire restricted area was covered with a veil, and now the veil is lifted, revealing its true appearance. Many of the vegetation here are formed by evil spirits, and many of the big trees here are piled up with corpses.

There are also normal vegetation and big trees, occupying 40% of the area, and 60% of the restricted area is filled with skeletons.

Those are all the sentient beings who have died here for countless years.

"This restricted area is not very powerful. It has only been transformed to half of its level. When the alienation here reaches 100%, it will be the restricted area at its peak. At that time, we will not be able to suppress it, and we will need more manpower."

"And now, you can try to seal it."

In mid-air, Taoist Sinan's figure walked out of the big wing, looked at the owner of the restricted area, and spoke to Xu Qing.

Taoist Sinan's words made the sound of the piano in the depths of the restricted area even sharper, and the bones around him roared and mourned.

Shadow here also showed his longing mood swings towards Xu Qing.

But Xu Qing ignored this. After bowing to Taoist Sinan, he looked at the owner of the restricted area and spoke calmly.

"Please reveal the person I want to see. This is the rule of this restricted area."

The sound of the piano echoed with determination, and the owner of the restricted area spoke coldly.

"The dignity of the restricted area is inviolable!" After saying this, she raised her hand, and the entire restricted area began to revive, rejecting and driving away, and erupted in full force.

Seeing that the war is about to break out.

Xu Qing had no expression on his face and raised his right hand to point at the sky.


In the capital city of the county, which is extremely far away from here, the forbidden magic weapon shook with a bang, and the golden light in the sky flashed, heading towards Nanhuang Continent in an instant.

Marquis Yao, who was handling official business in the governor's mansion, noticed something, looked up, smiled and didn't pay attention.

And in an instant, the golden light appeared in the sky above Nanhuang Continent, appeared in the sky of the scavenger restricted area, turned into a golden net, and enveloped the restricted area, spreading a terrifying suppressive power.

The sound of the piano stopped suddenly.

The owner of the forbidden area changed his expression for the first time. He suddenly raised his head and stared at the golden net in the sky. The mist rolled behind him, and it was obvious that there was a huge wave in his heart.

The skeletons and evil spirits occupying 60% of the entire restricted area were also stunned.

After a while, the owner of the restricted area withdrew his gaze, remained silent for a moment, waved his hand, and a red mist immediately separated from his body and began to gather at the side.

This mist seems to have been transformed from its origin. Now that they are separated, she has obviously become more blurry.

The process of gathering was not fast, as if there was some reluctance, but in the end a pair of shoes was slowly formed.

Those were the shoes that Captain Lei wore before he died.

Waves arose in Xu Qing's heart. At this moment, the mist twisted and slowly transformed Lei Dui's figure. He and Xu Qing looked at each other through the mist.

His expression showed relief and emotion.

Xu Qing's eyes were slightly red.

"Thunder Team..."

Captain Lei smiled, nodded towards Xu Qing, then looked around, seemed to sigh, and slowly backed away until it turned into mist again and dissipated.

The pair of shoes gradually retreated until they disappeared into the mist.

Xu Qing was silent.

He remembered what Lei Dui said back then.

"Don't wait, waiting until the end will be in vain..."

"Is it all in vain?" Xu Qing murmured, looking at the fog, he was still waiting.

Waiting for the figure that may appear next.

Since the legend of this restricted area is that people can see the person they want to see after hearing the song for the second time, then Xu Qing felt that in addition to Lei Dui, he also wanted to see Master Bai and Liu Ye.

He also wanted to see his parents.

It's just that... time passed little by little. Xu Qing waited for a while, but he didn't wait for the second pair of shoes to appear. This made him look a little lonely and depressed, and looked at the owner of the restricted area.

"Senior, are there any other figures?"

The owner of the restricted area condensed his eyes and stared at Xu Qing.

Qingqin roars, its wings spread its power, and its taboo net shines.

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone is silent.

Gradually, Master Liu's figure appeared in the mist.

Master Liu's expression was a little dazed at first, then thoughtful, and finally his eyes fell on Xu Qing.

Show a smile.

Looking at Mr. Liu, Xu Qing felt sad in his heart, and he cupped his fists and bowed heavily.

Mr. Liu returned the favor with a smile, and his figure slowly moved around the lake until it disappeared into the mist.

The fog begins to return.

"I wonder if the senior can attract Master Bai and my parents. If there is a certain price, the junior can pay it."

Xu Qing spoke politely.

But his politeness was ignored by the owner of the restricted area. The dignity from the restricted area caused the sound of the piano to sound again, extremely sharp. The owner of the restricted area had an extremely cold expression, and the cold sound echoed.

"Yanhuang has an order that the Nanhuang Forbidden Zone is not to be invaded, but anyone who invades the Nanhuang Forbidden Zone will be suppressed by the Phoenix Ban!"

All the bones around him were mourning.

Even if the taboo net in the sky and the coercion of Qingqin and Sinan Taoists broke out at this moment, the tyranny of this place still rose.

Restricted areas can be suppressed and sealed, but dignity cannot be offended.

But in the next moment, Qingqin's body flashed with purple-red light, and her head showed pride and contempt. With a flick, there was a crimson feather in her mouth.

The moment the feather appeared, the restricted area trembled. The black-robed lord of the restricted area was stunned for a moment, struggled with his expression and finally lowered his head, and the deep sound of the piano turned into a vibrato.

This is the feather of the Flame Phoenix.

For Nanhuang Continent, Yanhuang is not only the emperor of the Phoenix Forbidden City, but also the emperor of the entire continent, and even more so of all restricted areas in this state.

The mist returns, continues to squirm, and continues to gather.

But it is strange that no matter how the lords of the restricted area gather together this time, the three figures still cannot form.

The figures of Xu Qing's parents only formed an outline and then dispersed. However, although the outline of Master Bai was formed, it was never clear and could only dissipate in the end.

This scene made Xu Qing's eyes narrow and he looked at the owner of the restricted area.

After a while, under the sound of Qingqin, the hoarse voice of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone echoed in a low voice.

"There are two human souls that were sacrificed to God the Father. I have no right to attract them."

"There is still a soul that is not in Wanggu."

After saying that, the owner of the forbidden area suddenly retreated and merged into the fog in an instant. The thick fog here also quickly retreated, gathering from all directions in the deepest part of the forbidden area, forming a sealing force to block the outside world.

, and also blocked myself.

Obviously, this time outing was extremely unpleasant for it, so after everything was said, it chose to close down.

What followed was rejection from the entire restricted area.

Xu Qing acquiesced.

Regarding the fact that he could not see his parents, he actually had a premonition in his heart that the Wushuang City back then was sacrificed to the gods.

It's just Master Bai's soul that makes Xu Qing a little confused.

"Not in Wanggu?"

Xu Qing frowned, recalling the previous death of Master Bai, and finally looked in the direction of Zi Tu.

This time when he came to Nanhuang Continent, his last stop was to go to Purple Earth to worship Master Bai and at the same time visit his childhood friend.

"It seems that regarding the details of Master Bai's death, after I go there this time, I need to ask Chen Feiyuan and Tingyu carefully."

Xu Qing groaned, then clasped his fists towards Taoist Sinan and Qingqin.

"I'd like to trouble you two seniors to wait for me for a few days. I plan to let one of my spiritual pets evolve here."

Taoist Si Nan glanced at the shadow at Xu Qing's feet, nodded slightly, and led the people away. Qingqin made a sound, then flapped its wings and flew straight to the fog-blocked place deep in the restricted area.

Obviously, it is very interested in the owner of the restricted area.

The sound of the piano trembled, the mist rolled, and Qingqin's figure disappeared into the mist.

As for what will happen inside, Xu Qing can't judge, but no matter what the outcome, Qingqin with the flame phoenix feathers will not suffer.

So Xu Qing didn't pay attention and turned around and walked towards his home in the restricted area.

It was not far from dawn at this moment. At the break of dawn, Xu Qing arrived at the place where he fought with the Thunder Team and the Black Scale Wolf.

Here, Xu Qing sat down cross-legged and spoke calmly.

"I was here to seal you."

"Then today, use this place as the boundary. Don't go to the depths of the restricted area, and don't go to the temple complex. You can spread anywhere else."

"Let me see how far you can grow."

As soon as Xu Qing spoke, the shadows under his feet spread out for hundreds of feet. Countless eyes opened from inside, and when they looked at Xu Qing, they conveyed emotional fluctuations.


After saying that, the area of ​​100 feet was instantly molded into the lake, spreading rapidly in all directions, away from Xu Qing, and in this restricted area, every vegetation that had not been alienated by the owner of the restricted area was covered.

Endless heterogeneous things gathered from all directions and poured into the shadow. The sound of chewing spread in all directions.

Whether it’s grass, trees, or big trees, they all seem to be food for shadows.

The same is true for the strange beasts here. The sound of wailing echoed in the restricted area, and the scavengers who entered here all trembled after feeling all this and chose to escape immediately.

Regarding these scavengers, Shadow thought about it and did not dare to swallow them. It was not sure of Xu Qing's attitude, so it continued to devour the strange beasts and aliens here.

Gradually, its aura became stronger and stronger, and the grass and trees swallowed by it did not really disappear, but changed their appearance. The grass and trees were covered with eyes, and the big trees became coffins.

The same is true for strange beasts. Those swallowed by shadows will grow a large number of eyes and then be resurrected.

It seems that it is devouring the authority of this restricted area in this way.

In this way, time passed and three days passed.

Almost 10% of the restricted area exuded the aura of shadow and changed its appearance.

The swallowing of the shadow was also saturated and could not continue. It rolled back from all directions and returned to where Xu Qing was cross-legged, exuding the fluctuation and joy of an impending breakthrough.

Xu Qing opened his eyes and looked coldly.

"I swallowed 10% before I managed to break through. It was a bit useless."

Shadow, who was originally proud, trembled when he heard the words and quickly conveyed his emotions.

"Continue...slowly...get stronger..."

"Break through as soon as possible." Xu Qing snorted coldly.

The shadow trembled and quickly shrank, and soon a huge tree with a height of a hundred feet appeared in front of Xu Qing.

This tree is thick and thick, with an umbrella-like crown. It is astonishingly powerful and exudes a good aura. There are no leaves on it, but it is covered with red eyes.

But what appears in every eye is not cruelty, but kindness.

So, it looks even weirder.

Ling'er poked her head out of Xu Qing's sleeves, looked at the big tree, and spoke in a crisp voice.

"come on!"

Her words clearly encouraged Shadow and made him extremely excited. The tree trunks shook violently, and waves of earth-shattering roars came from within the body.

The next moment, the appearance of this hundred-foot-long tree changed and turned into a huge coffin, also covered with eyes. Its aura was stronger, and there was a sense of death that spread in all directions.

Then all of this turned into a black vortex, with roars of struggle coming from within, and the shadow's third-level state was taking shape.

Xu Qing stared at the black vortex, anticipation rising in his heart.

The shadow's effect can be miraculous at certain times, so after realizing the suppressive terror of the purple crystal, he hoped that the shadow could become stronger.

"What will become of the third level?"

When Xu Qing murmured, a roaring sound came from the black vortex, and its range suddenly expanded from a hundred feet to a thousand feet, floating in the air.

It is not upright, but spread out, like a black cloud, covering the sky thousands of feet.

Bursts of black rain fell on the ground from the vortex, but if you look carefully, you can see that this is not rain, but just shadows.

Gradually, everything within a thousand feet became pitch black, as if this area was isolated.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qing was a little moved.

Taoist Sinan in the sky and those holding swords in the county capital also looked sideways.

At this moment, thunder echoed from the vortex, and a huge face actually stood out in the vortex.

The face was unfamiliar, and he was clearly roaring at the moment, but what came out was the sound of thunder, as if his voice had been robbed of recognition and given the concept of thunder.

And its existence did not last long. After just a few breaths, it disappeared into the vortex again. At the same time, a wave of Nascent Soul emanated from the vortex.

Its shape also changed rapidly, and gradually it was no longer a vortex, but became a black curtain thousands of feet in size, like a black spot in the sky.

There was also a powerful wave of emotions that echoed in the whirlpool.


Xu Qing snorted coldly.

In an instant, this emotional fluctuation gave off panic and changed its meaning.


Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Xu Qing to inquire, the shadow turned into a black sky and immediately showed its new ability. Many stars appeared in the thousand-foot sky.

It seems that this thousand-foot area is not a black spot, but a starry sky.

Those stars are clearly eyes. They themselves emit bright light, and as they blink, they form a twinkling effect.

"Master...I hide...escape...teleport..."

Shadow's mood fluctuated and he quickly informed him of his abilities.

Xu Qing frowned. This time, the shadow's advancement, apart from the process and appearance being a bit weird, didn't seem to be that outstanding in terms of ability.

Sensing Xu Qing's dissatisfaction, the sky trembled, and the shadow quickly spread its emotions again.

"Eye...Seize body...Seal..."

"That's all?" Xu Qing's eyes were slightly cold.

The shadow became more and more trembling and spoke loudly.

"I... seize the body of... the god!"

Xu Qing's eyes suddenly condensed, he stood up and looked towards the thousand-foot sky.

"The future..." On the sky screen, all the eyes blinked.

Xu Qing had no expression on his face and spoke calmly.

"Come back."

The thousand-foot-long sky fell to the ground in an instant, and returned behind Xu Qing in an instant. When she was shivering, Ling'er chuckled.

"Brother Xu Qing, Xiaoying still works very hard."

After saying that, Ling'er blinked at Xu Qing.

The shadow trembled, and emotional fluctuations arose. This feeling had never happened before. All previous perceptions came from Xu Qing's coldness.

So the only warmth in this cold place immediately made it extremely grateful to Ling'er, and it didn't know how to repay it, so it twisted its body and performed various tricks, causing Ling'er to laugh.

This laughter made the shadow feel happy, but the next moment it saw Xu Qing's expressionless face, it still trembled and did not dare to show too much happiness.

Xu Qing ignored the shadow, stood up, and walked straight to the big wing. The moment he stepped on it, Taoist Sinan gave Xu Qing a meaningful look, and his comrades all showed smiles.

Xu Qing also smiled, thanked them, and turned to look deep into the penalty area.

As if aware of Xu Qing's gaze, the mist rolled in the depths of the restricted area, and Qingqin flew out in high spirits, letting out a satisfied squawking sound in the sky.

As for what it does there, outsiders don't know.

Xu Qing was a little confused and glanced at the restricted area. The fog there was shrinking rapidly and he couldn't see anything.

However, Qingqin was fine after all, so Xu Qing didn't think too much about it. Soon, the big wings roared and headed straight for the purple soil.

There was Xu Qing's last stop on his trip.

After experiencing the restricted area, he planned to ask Master Bai if there was anything unusual before his death.

When he went to Purple Earth, he only paid attention to the revenge after Master Bai's death and neglected his life.

The words of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone made Xu Qing feel that there might be a mystery behind this matter.

This chapter has been completed!
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