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Chapter 551: Xu Qing, a new disciple of the Yin Yang Huajian Sect

On the border between the Shenglan Domain and the Moon Festival Domain, there are scattered small mortal countries, and there are also some markets prepared for people who leave the river.

After all, outsiders entering the Moon Festival Territory will not be affected by the curse as long as they do not stay for too long, so there is some trade between them.

As for the border, it is actually a majestic long river.

The name of the river is Sacrifice Yin, which surrounds the entire Moon Sacrifice area and covers it.

The river water is always red, like blood, and even the smell is the same. Occasionally, the wind blows across the river, blowing the bloody smell to the shore and spreading in all directions.

For those who don't understand all this, they will instinctively become wary after smelling this smell, but as they get closer to this area, most passers-by will get used to it.

The same was true for the convoy that Xu Qing and his party were in.

The traveling merchants and escorts inside obviously often walked this road, so they all looked as usual.

Xu Qing took a sip and looked thoughtful.

In addition to the blood, this smell also has a faint hint of the red mother's breath.

It's just that this aura is extremely weak, and it would be difficult to detect it if Xu Qing didn't have Ziyue.

"There is a curse here."

Ling'er suddenly spoke, her voice was clear and pleasant.

In the carriage, the captain stretched, opened the door curtain, looked outside, and laughed.

"This is the smell emanating from the Sacrificial Yin River. That river is not naturally formed. It was the Red Mother who gathered all the living beings from the Sacrificial Moon Region and transformed it with their blood. It was also imprinted with a curse."

"This river is not dangerous to outsiders. They can enter and exit as long as they give enough sacrifices. But for the various tribes in the Moon Sacrifice Region, it is the door of a prison."

"Calculate the time, we will reach the shore at dusk today, and after crossing the river in a few days, we can enter the Moon Festival area." The captain's eyes showed anticipation.

After leaving Fenghai County, their group hid all the way in the Deep Blue Territory, and even more so after entering the Shenglan Territory. Finally, at Xu Qing's suggestion, they blended into the convoy and followed.

It is easier to hide while walking in the mundane world than it is to cast spells and move forward.

In this way, within this month, they came here.

Soon dusk fell, and the sky was covered with red clouds, which was the same color as the river water that caught Xu Qing's eyes.

This picture of the same color of the Tianhe River gives people a feeling not of beauty, but of strangeness and splendor.

Here, Xu Qing and his party left the motorcade and stopped by the Siyin River.

The long, rolling river surges southward. The smell of blood is extremely strong here. Skeletons can still be faintly seen rising and falling in the river. They are the remains of people who died trying to escape from the Moon Sacrifice Territory.

Due to the corrosion of the river water, their appearance in life is no longer visible, but it can be seen from the size of the bones that there are still many children inside.

"The living beings in the Moon Sacrifice Domain are food at the moment of their birth." The captain said calmly.

Ling'er looked at all this, sighed softly, and said nothing, but moved closer to Xu Qing, as if the warmth of Xu Qing's body could make her feel safer.

Xu Qing was silent, looking up at the remains of the gods in the sky.

Compared with the Moon Sacrifice Domain, in fact, the entire Wanggu Continent is not like this.

Behind the two of them, Ning Yan's face was originally crying, but it was even more bitter.

He didn't want to come. He felt that he was fine and comfortable in the county, but he was forcibly taken to such a ghost place.

He knew about the Moon Sacrifice Domain.

It is precisely because he has heard about this large area that he is very afraid of it and does not want to get close.

"That damn Chen Erniu, that's too much!" Ning Yan cursed in his heart, but he didn't dare to show anything on his face because he was afraid of being bitten.

Compared to his reluctance, Wu Jianwu was extremely willing to join this time.

Even though the river looked strange, it would not affect the pride in his heart. Standing on the shore, he took a deep breath and spoke loudly.

"I see the sunset and the solitary smoke, and the waves of the great river roll over for 70,000 years!"

"What a poem!" When the captain heard this, his eyes lit up and he praised.

Wu Jianwu coughed and raised his chin. Just as he was about to speak again, Xu Qing frowned and he quickly stopped speaking.

Xu Qing was a little tired of listening. He had written hundreds of poems along the way. At this moment, he waved his hand and the spirit wheel appeared and landed on the river.

Xu Qing's spirit wheel was led by Zhang San, and the elders of the Six Peaks worked together to build it for him. Its shape was completely different from his French ship, and it even broke away from the category of a boat.

This is Zhang San’s genius-like design.

She looked like a hunchbacked old woman, five hundred feet tall, wearing a loose black robe.

On the hunched back, buildings were built here and there to serve as cabins.

The robes were spread out on the river, causing ripples. They were the sails of the ship.

What's even more strange are the old woman's hands.

In his right hand, he held a lantern that emitted a faint green light. The flames inside were burning, and from time to time, shrill screams could be heard.

Here is the source of power.

As for the left hand, there is a red eye floating on it, constantly looking in all directions.

This is a replica of the forbidden magic weapon of the Seven Blood Children.

Xu Qing was surprised when he got such a spirit wheel before. Now that it has landed on the Changhe River, both Ning Yan and Wu Jianwu felt waves in their hearts after seeing it.

"Is this the spirit wheel of your seventh peak?" Wu Jianwu took a breath and spoke in human words.

The captain smiled from the side.

"It seems that Zhang San misses Juying a little bit."

The appearance of this old woman is very similar to the spirit of Mermaid Island.

Xu Qing nodded without saying anything. He stepped onto the old woman's back in a sway and stood on the balcony inside, looking into the distance.

Others came up quickly, and soon as the lantern in the old woman's hand shone, the black robes like sails fluttered around her, and her figure galloped away on the river.

The scope of the Siyin River is not small, and its width is even more so. At the speed of Xu Qingling Wheel, it took five days to cross less than half of it.

During this period, they also encountered some dangerous dangers, but they were mostly avoided by the imitation eyeballs of the Seven Blood Children's magic weapon.

However, there will still be some emergencies.

For example, at this moment, countless long blood-colored hairs rushed out of the river, wrapped around the spirit wheel, and spread rapidly towards Xu Qing and the others.

But Xu Qing and the captain don't need to take action.

Wu Jianwu had been waiting to show off his skills for a long time. He had no chance before on the road, so on this long river, he flicked his sleeves, and dozens of ferocious-looking beasts suddenly appeared around him.

Some of these ferocious beasts flew into the sky, and some rushed directly into the river. There was also a parrot that made a harsh cry, spread its wings and landed on Wu Jianwu's head.

The parrot raised its head like a stick, looked in all directions, and heard human voices.

"No one in the world will be convinced by my father!"

Wu Jianwu looked proud and spoke calmly.

"The Wu family has a son named Eight Hundred, who dares to be so crazy in all the nine states of the sky!"

Xu Qing looked strange, Ling'er's eyes widened, Ning Yan took a breath, and the captain's eyes shone.

As Wu Jianwu opened his mouth, a bear flew out from his sleeves, swayed and turned into a body of several dozen feet, stood in front of Wu Jianwu, and roared.

The sound was like the roar of thunder. His arms stretched out, grabbed the hair that was about to spread, and tore it apart.

Each of those ferocious beasts is very impressive. Although they look different, their bloodline seems to have the same origin, and their coordination with each other is perfect. They ignore Xie Chong, and they seem to have a high level of bloodline status.

So soon, under their attack, the hair broke into pieces and returned to the river.

Wu Jianwu was proud, and the parrot on his head raised his head with all his might. This action was very uncoordinated, but it was obviously something he had been trained on many times, so he was used to it.

At this moment they opened their mouths at the same time and were about to say their lines.

But the danger was not lifted. The next moment, the entire river surface suddenly churned violently, and the smell of blood became even stronger. Countless long blood-colored hairs rushed out of the river surface one by one and flew straight into the air.

In the blink of an eye, the countless blood-colored hairs gathered together, and they actually outlined a huge figure hundreds of feet tall. This figure only had an outline and no flesh and blood.

It looks like a skeleton, exuding a terrifying pressure.

At this moment, he lowered his head and looked down at Xu Qing and his group.


The sound of the Mo Lake was accompanied by a low roar, coming from the mouth of the huge bloody figure. As it reverberated around the world, the surrounding blood rivers also began to churn. The second body, the third body, the fourth body...

A total of thirty-seven identical figures appeared one after another, surrounding Xu Qing and the others.

Each one will say the same two words after appearing.

"These are the river spirits who worship the Yin River. It is also the rule here to send out sacrifices." The captain had already prepared for this. At this moment, with a wave of his hand, a storage bag was thrown out and fell into the river.

As for what was inside, Xu Qing didn't know, but as the storage bag fell, these figures slowly disappeared until most of them disappeared.

When the remaining ones were about to dissipate, they suddenly looked at Ning Yan at the same time.


Ning Yan's expression changed.

The captain also frowned. He knew that Ning Yan had good blood, but he didn't expect that here, He Ling would ask for a sacrifice a second time.

"I wonder if the Heling is delicious..." The captain looked around and felt that the Heling here might not be the only one, so he sighed.

Fortunately, he was well prepared this time. Although he felt unhappy at the moment, he took out a storage bag again and was about to throw it out when Xu Qing suddenly spoke.

"Elder brother, may I try?"

The captain pondered and nodded.

"That's good. The sacrifices I prepared will also be useful in the Moon Festival area."

After hearing this, Xu Qing took a few steps forward, looked at the bloody figure directly in front of him, and spoke calmly.

"Give Way."

As soon as he spoke, purple light appeared in his eyes, and the Purple Moon Yuanying in his body opened his eyes at this moment, exuding coercion and fluctuations, turning into a display of personality, and a touch of divine power descended.

In an instant, the fluctuations of the Siyin River stopped, the winds in all directions stopped, and everything seemed to solidify at the moment when the power of Xu Qingziyue appeared.

The bodies of the river spirits suddenly trembled, their heads bowed quickly, and they all knelt down in worship.

"See the Angel."

The same sound came from the surrounding rivers at this moment, and more river spirits emerged.

From tens to hundreds, until it reaches thousands, there is no end in sight.

They all knelt down and showed respect.

Although Ning Yan was prepared for this scene, his heart still beat faster.

Ling'er's eyes were wide open, a little dazed, and the captain was elated, secretly thinking that this time he was going to the Moon Sacrifice Territory, and with little Ah Qing here, his chances of success would be infinite.

As for Wu Jianwu, he took a breath, and the parrot above his head also trembled, forgetting to keep his head raised.

Just like that, after a brief silence around him, Xu Qing's calm voice echoed.


"Honor God's will!"

Thousands of human-shaped skeleton-like river spirits composed of long blood-colored hair spoke at the same time, and came one by one to surround Xu Qing's spirit wheel. They were mighty and powerful, escorting him forward.

The river water fluctuated on its own, accelerating it, and the river surface twisted as if crawling. This scene made Wu Jianwu's body tremble. Suddenly, the captain came to him, hugged his neck, and spoke in a low voice.

"Dajianjian, I didn't lie to you before. Do you want to be like this one day?"

Wu Jianwu must have thought, and he was destined to be unable to escape the clutches of the captain.

So soon, he was pulled aside by the captain, and there was a lot of cooing. Wu Jianwu had struggle and excitement in his eyes, and in the end the excitement surpassed everything.

"Idiot!" Ning Yan snorted in his heart when he saw this scene.

Xu Qing ignored these, he was sensing these river spirits.

They were different from the Heitian statues of the Shenglan tribe, and were more like living creatures, because in the breath of these river spirits, Xu Qing felt their awe.

There was even a faint wisp of fragrance, which was noticed by Xu Qing after he dispersed the power of Ziyue Nascent Soul.

Then Xu Qing's eyes flashed, and the Purple Moon Nascent Soul rose above his head, exuding bursts of coercion, and at the same time, he gently breathed towards the river spirits.

Immediately, the aroma followed the river spirit and poured into Ziyue Yuanying's mouth.

As he swallowed, an extremely comfortable feeling emerged in Xu Qing's mind, and his Ziyue Nascent Soul also trembled and obviously grew a bit.

At the same time, the river spirit whose fragrance was sucked away showed a pious expression.

Xu Qing's heartbeat accelerated slightly. He instinctively felt that the fragrance was a good thing. Just when he was about to continue, a sense of crisis rose in his mind, which made him immediately restrain his behavior.

"This is the Red Moon Ranch. Theoretically, Red Moon can suck it, and so can I. But this kind of plundering is also easier for them to detect. If the stimulation is too great, it will wake up early..."

Xu Qing felt regretful and did not continue to try. He planned to enter the Moon Sacrifice Domain and see the situation before making a decision.

In this way, escorted by thousands of river spirits, Xu Qing's spirit wheel sped along the Siyin River, getting closer and closer to the shore.

This scene was so vast and astonishing that it naturally attracted attention.

Xu Qing and his party were not the only ones going to the Moon Sacrifice Territory. In fact, due to the special nature of the Moon Sacrifice Territory, monks from nearby areas would occasionally enter and trade items there.

At this moment, there were dozens of such boats on the Moon Sacrifice River. After paying the sacrifices, they were allowed to pass, and then they saw a scene that made them unbelievable and horrified.

All the boats came to a halt instinctively, and the monks inside all had different thoughts, and countless speculations arose.

"To be escorted by thousands of river spirits...what kind of identity is this!"

"Could it be from the Red Moon Temple? And it's also a high-level person within it!"

"This is the only answer, and only the Red Moon Temple can have such an identity."

"Red Moon Temple rarely appears on weekdays. This is the first time I have seen them."

These speculations made everyone excited. They had been going to the Moon Sacrifice Territory all year round. They knew very well that in that cursed territory, all living beings were lambs, and only the Red Moon Temple stood high above them, grazing for the gods.

So they lowered their heads one after another, and did not set sail again until the thousands of river spirits had gone away.

In this way, another two and a half days passed, and Xu Qing and his party finally crossed the sea-like long river of Sacrifice to the Yin, saw the shore, and saw the great area of ​​the Sacrifice to the Moon.

The land here is dark black.

The sky is dark, there is no sun, only the moonlight from nowhere falls on the entire Moon Festival area, covering this black land with a mysterious veil.

The place where Xu Qing and his party landed was a patch of bare and chaotic hills.

There are some birds in the sky hiding in the night, emitting shrill cries. As for the ground, you can occasionally see decayed skeletons.

Xu Qing put away the spirit wheel, and the moment everyone stepped onto this land, they worshiped the thousands of river spirits in the Yin Chang River, bowed to the shore, and then submerged into the river and disappeared.

The captain looked around, with a look filled with reminiscence, and spoke with emotion.

"After many years, I returned to this area."

"Junior brother, when we get here, we are actually relatively safe. Chi Mu is sleeping. As long as we don't expose our identity too much, we will be fine."

Xu Qing nodded. There were basically no people who knew them here.

The captain patted Xu Qing's shoulder.

"Then let's separate here. You go and deal with your affairs. I'll take little Ningning and Da Jianjian to do something."

Ning Yan felt bitter after hearing this, and Wu Jianwu's face was filled with excitement. He felt that he was very respected.

Xu Qing glanced at them, blessing them silently in his heart, and then looked at the captain.

"Elder brother, take care!"

This was their agreement on the road, and the current location belongs to the eastern boundary of the Moon Festival Region. Starting from here and heading east, it is not very far from the Sea of ​​Sky Fire where Xu Qing wants to go.

"I'm fine. I'm protected by Xiao Ningning and Da Jianjian. No one dares to touch me."

The captain blinked at Xu Qing, then raised his right hand and slapped his forehead. His body suddenly changed, and he turned into a graceful middle-aged monk, and his appearance became much more handsome.

Especially the smile on the corner of his mouth and the complacency in his expression made him look a little more evil.

At this moment, half-smiling, the captain patted the crying Ning Yan on the stomach with his right hand. Ning Yan shuddered and his appearance changed, turning into a maid.

He obviously knew this, so there was no surprise, but his original bitter expression now became behind the maid, giving people the feeling of being bullied all the time.

As for Wu Jianwu, his face was full of expectations at this moment. The captain did not favor one and the other. He patted him in the same way, and his appearance was covered up, turning him into a boy.

Seeing the three captains changing like this, Xu Qing was not curious. As the seal was unlocked, the captain gradually used various methods.

"Junior brother, I have prepared your identity for you."

The captain waved his hand and threw a jade slip to Xu Qing.

"From now on, you are a traveling disciple of the Yin Yang Huajian Sect in the Moon Festival Domain, named Tian Qingzi."

"This is a jade slip of identity, which can be used as a guide. The countries and tribes in this Moon Sacrifice Territory are in chaos with each other, so wherever you go, you need a guide. The Yin Yang Huajian Sect is here, because it is responsible for the ritual dance of the Red Moon Temple.

So it’s considered a big deal, like a tiger skin!”

Xu Qing glanced at the captain and took the jade slip. He could feel that the captain was extremely well prepared this time. He thought that the other party wanted to swallow the heart of the red moon and was extremely determined.

"Then we will separate here first, and then we will meet up at Weiyang Tianniu Mountain. No matter who arrives first, we will wait there for a while."

"If the other party does not come, we will hide and go to the place where the other party went to explore."

After the captain finished speaking, he raised his right hand and grabbed the air. A fan appeared. He opened it with a swipe and fanned it a few times, looking leisurely and contented.

"Junior brother, remember, my current identity is Wei Yangzi, and I am also a disciple of the Yin Yang Huajian Sect, your senior brother! In the next few months, this name will definitely become famous in the Moon Festival Domain, and you will probably hear it on the road.


"Let's go!" the captain said, waving to Xu Qing. After Xu Qing said goodbye, he took Ning Yan and Wu Jianwu and walked towards the distance.

Ning Yan was a little reluctant to give up, and sometimes looked back at Xu Qing with a very helpless expression.

Xu Qing pretended not to see it and watched the three of them off.

The captain walked more than ten feet, paused in his steps, looked back as if remembering something, and shouted loudly.

"Little Ah Qing, you can go to the Yin Yang Huajian Sect when you have time. The identity is real. This sect emphasizes the harmony of Yin and Yang and complements each other. I think little Ah Qing you can really go and study it.

With your qualifications, you should be able to learn quickly, so that if you encounter a witch, you will have self-defense skills and will not be taken advantage of!"

Hearing this, Ling'er quickly got out of Xu Qing's collar and spoke loudly.

"As long as I'm here, Brother Xu Qing will never encounter a witch!"

Seeing that the captain was about to speak, Xu Qing showed no expression as he took out a peach and took a bite.

The captain stared, mumbled a few words, and pulled the two people around him away.

Xu Qing watched until the three captains disappeared into the night. Ling'er looked expectant and spoke shyly.

"Brother Xu Qing, does this count as a date for the two of us?"

Xu Qing smiled, nodded, swayed, and walked straight away. His appearance also changed, not so prominent, and became much more ordinary.

Just like that, time passes.

One night passed.

That night Xu Qing was galloping between the heaven and the earth in the Moon Sacrifice Domain. He saw many skeletons on the ground, from various ethnic groups, and most of them died from the heterogeneous explosion.

Others died in fighting.

All of this is just as Xu Qing had expected. The special environment of this Moon Festival Domain makes it certain to be filled with death and malice.

There were even a few places where Xu Qing was silent for a while after seeing them.

That's a pit of bones.

In the area near the shore, Xu Qing discovered dozens of huge deep pits covering an area of ​​10,000 feet, each with countless bones piled inside.

It can be seen from the scratches on the bones that the flesh and blood were removed raw, which is obviously more convenient for eating.

Ling'er also fell silent.

Looking at these, Xu Qing left silently, and the vigilance in his heart increased infinitely. Until early morning, when several dim artificial lights appeared in the sky, the earth was no longer pitch black, but turned into a dim color.

This color is the normal state of the Moon Festival area.

Xu Qing stood on a bare mountaintop, looked into the distance, and identified the direction. He took out the jade map slip given by the captain and checked it.

"This area is called the Small Altar. Half a month's journey from here is a place of alliance between the two races. After that, there is the Sea of ​​Sky Fire."

Xu Qing put away the jade slips and whizzed forward in the dim sky.

In this way, time passes day by day.

Half a month later, Xu Qing, who crossed the area called the Small Altar and was about to enter the border between the two ethnic groups, had a better understanding of the name of the area behind him.

There are thousands of bone pits there. They are arranged in the shape of a crescent, and in the center, there is an ancient altar as big as a city.

Xu Qing did not come close. From a distance, he felt more of the remaining breath of the red moon.

"Spiritual confinement."

Xu Qing murmured, stepping into the place where the two races were alliance.

But the moment he entered the border, Xu Qing paused and looked up ahead.

Soon, dim lights appeared on the ground in front of him, and irregular-shaped mirrors rose from the ground, all shining towards Xu Qing.

Most of these mirrors are about the height of a person. The mirror surface is molded into a lake, and there are some cracks, but Xu Qing's figure is still reflected.

What's strange is that Xu Qing's figure in these mirrors has malice in his eyes and a cold voice.

"Lu Yin!"



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