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Chapter 579: The wind will rise when worshiping the moon, and the sparks will start a prairie fire

The gods have dreams, dance as sacrifices, cut paper and paint all living beings.

The good ones are blessed by gods, blessed with everlasting blessings; the bad ones have evil spirits, and will be destroyed with just one thought.

This is the ritual dance.

At this moment, as the old man in Twin Peaks perished in the backlash, all the dancing butterflies produced by this failed sacrificial dance also disappeared with him.

After these dancing butterflies devoured his flesh and blood, they melted into the world without leaving a trace, allowing all living beings to become clear.

And for the sentient beings in the Weiyang Mountains, being awake...may not be a kind of happiness.

A life that is not arranged may bring more confusion.

Looking around, starting from the city at the foot of the mountain, this confusion is like a storm sweeping across, submerging the city.

In the city, both laymen and monks were silent for a moment of clarity.

Some couples, some friends, some relatives, some masters and apprentices, they look at each other, their expressions are complicated instead of confused, they are strangers and yet familiar to each other.

What's strange is that we didn't know each other before, and we were given roles to be together. What's familiar is that this memory has not disappeared, and what's confusing is where we should go after we wake up.

The city is like this, the sect is like this, and every family is like this. The storm swept through the entire Weiyang Mountains and enveloped everything.

Some people choose to leave and never return to this place that makes them feel frightened and absurd.

Most of them are outsiders.

But in fact, the vast majority of sentient beings in the Weiyang Mountains have been here since they were born, and their destiny was changed in their infancy.

Even going back to the present day, their ancestors have been like this for generations.

They are used to their lives being arranged and everything being on a predetermined track. This habit has even become instinctive, because before they wake up, they don't know the truth at all.

In their understanding, heaven and earth have not changed, and life is normal.

It's like being locked in a cage. When the cage is opened one day, they...will still choose to stay in the cage.

Even in their minds, in order to strengthen their thoughts, they will have some doubts, questioning whether this so-called awakening from a dream is a scam.

This was used to prove that he was awake from beginning to end.

This is a kind of happiness and a kind of sadness.

Xu Qing was silent.

At this moment, with the help of the blue ice coffin where the captain lived in his previous life, and the power of the scepter inside, his spiritual thoughts covered the entire Weiyang Mountains.

This allowed him to clearly perceive the thoughts coming from all living beings.

In the end, Xu Qing and the captain chose to leave.

Before leaving, the captain also felt all this and sighed.

"These living beings who have been here since they were born and whose ancestors have lived here for generations, even if they wake up from the dream, they are still the same as in the dream."

"They will continue to live here the same as before, no changes."

"Little Ah Qing, let's go... Maybe for them, our appearance is a disturbance."

The captain shook his head, put away his ice coffin, and walked toward the sky. After a few steps, he paused and turned to look at Xu Qing.

Xu Qing took a deep breath, withdrew his senses, and walked towards the captain.

The two left silently in the sky, until they stopped in their tracks outside the Yin Yang Flower Sect.

Wu Jianwu, there.

At this moment, the Yin Yang Hua Jian Sect is no longer alive. The mountain has collapsed, the spiritual pool is also filthy in the dust, and most of the disciples of the sect have left after waking up.

Only the monk who was born here sat silently on the broken rocks, his thoughts in confusion.

Wu Jianwu's figure stood blankly at the foot of the mountain, and in front of him was Yun Xiazi, who was walking away.

The sunset sky carries the meaning of the end, giving people a sense of depression, just like his heart at this moment, and Yun Xiazi's complexity at this moment.

Wu Jianwu stared blankly at Yun Xiazi's figure, feeling speechless in his heart.

After feeling the drastic changes happening here, he ran back here immediately and saw the collapse of the mountain, the chaos around him, and Yun Xiazi.

He once recited a poem, but the other person seemed not to understand and did not even look at him from beginning to end.

This made Wu Jianwu feel bitter. Looking at the other party's back, he suddenly spoke loudly.

"It's dark and the wind is blowing the clouds, but it's light and it's raining. I have an umbrella!"

Wu Jianwu's voice spread to heaven and earth and fell in Yunxiazi's ears, but Yunxiazi's footsteps did not pause or look back, and eventually disappeared without a trace.

Wu Jianwu was so lost that he took a few steps back and sat aside.

Xu Qing and the captain came silently. Seeing Wu Jianwu's expression of sadness, Xu Qing raised his hand and gave Wu Jianwu a bottle of wine. He felt that Wu Jianwu at this moment probably wanted to drink.

Wu Jianwu took it tremblingly. After taking a big sip, his eyes turned red and he murmured.

"She doesn't understand it at all, it's all lies!"

The captain sighed, patted Wu Jianwu on the shoulder, and said nothing more.

After a while, as Wu Jianwu's mood recovered a little, the group of them left the place, but Wu Jianwu was silent all the way.

On the way, the captain found Ning Yan hiding in a crack in the ground and picked him up.

Ning Yan was frightened. The previous scene here made him feel extremely dangerous. So after seeing Xu Qing and others, he was also excited. Then he glared at Wu Jianwu and was about to speak, but found that Wu Jianwu's mood was not right.

Ning Yan was surprised and wanted to ask, but he also knew that it was not the right moment, so he suppressed his curiosity in his heart.

In this way, the group of them left the Weiyang Mountains. As the captain took out the artificial sun, their figures flickered inside and disappeared into the horizon.

Time passed and seven days passed quickly.

What happened in the Weiyang Mountains gradually spread from the mouths of those who left. At the same time, the death of Ji Wu also attracted the attention of all the Yin Yang Huajian Sect.

During these seven days, many powerful men from the Yin Yang Huajian Sect, after hearing about this incident, came over with the help of their disciples to check it out.

Finally, a wanted order from the Yin Yang Huajian Sect spread throughout the entire Moon Festival area.

The blasphemers headed by Wei Yangzi and Tian Qingzi are wanted.

If anyone provides clues, they will gain the friendship of the Yin Yang Huajian Sect. If someone brings their head and soul, the Yin Yang Huajian Sect will reward them with a solution to the problem.

As soon as this wanted order came out, the entire Moon Festival area was shaken. On the one hand, it was a big deal, and on the other hand, it was the solution to the problem.

This elixir has only one function, which is to relieve the pain caused by the curse.

For monks in the Moon Sacrifice Domain, the red moon curse in their bodies will gradually bring extreme pain to their bodies and souls as their cultivation grows and time goes by.

The torture caused by this kind of pain is something that no monk wants to bear, and the only thing that can alleviate this pain is the Difficulty Solving Pill.

It's just that there are too few elixirs, and there are many living beings who need them, so they are extremely precious. You can't buy them with spiritual stones. Any one of them is often a rare commodity.

For example, the ancestors of the alliance between the two races planned to capture Xu Qing alive and send him to the temple in exchange for the Solving Pill.

From this we can imagine how tempting this wanted person is.

Xu Qing, the captain and others who were wanted at the moment had already left the Weiyang Mountains and appeared near the west.

Here, the captain wants to avoid the limelight while preparing for another event.

Xu Qing doesn't plan to follow, he has his own matters to deal with.

He always remembered that there were more than 100,000 cursed humans in the Firefly City over Duanmuzang, and he wanted to help them resolve the curse.

But to undo this curse, he needs to conduct a lot of research and experiments, which requires a relatively stable environment and a certain amount of time.

With the captain's out-of-touch personality, it's obviously not suitable to be with him.

At the same time, there was a place that Xu Qing also planned to visit.

So Xu Qing informed the captain of this idea.

"Studying curses?" The captain's eyes lit up when he heard this. After taking out a peach and taking a bite, the light in his eyes became even stronger.

"Haha, little Aqing, your idea was originally the eighth major event I prepared. If you can have some experience in advance, we can save a lot of time in the follow-up matters."

"That's fine!" The captain showed determination on his face, handed Xu Qing an apple, put his arms around his neck, and spoke in a low voice.

"Little Aqing, if you go out by yourself, remember to be careful not to be found by the Yin Yang Huajian Sect. I am going to do a small thing first. It will probably take more than half a year."

"How small?" Xu Qing glanced at the captain.

"Haha, it's a very, very small thing." The captain raised his hand, touched his thumb and index finger, and then separated them a little, using this as a metaphor for what he wanted to do.

"Then take care." Xu Qing smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

The captain laughed and looked up at the distant world.

"Okay, let's separate here and meet up at the Kusheng Mountains in half a year. Let me tell you, little Ah Qing, don't be late this time. It's best to arrive early. In half a year, senior brother will take you to join a special awesome team.

Awesome organization!"

"That's an important step in our fight against Hongyue!"

A strange light appeared in Xu Qing's eyes. The first time he heard about the place name Kusheng Mountain was from Duanmu Zang, who told him that there was a way to join the Niyue Palace there.

As for the specifics, Xu Qing didn't know, and the place he originally planned to go also included the Kusheng Mountains.

Because Duanmu Zang told him that Niyue Palace has conducted in-depth research on curses, and if he could obtain relevant information from it, it would save him a lot of research time.

And by drawing parallels, it can also provide him with a lot of ideas.

So Xu Qing nodded, and after discussing some details of the meeting with the captain, Xu Qing stood up and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, the captain took some seeds from Wu Jianwu and handed them to Xu Qing.

"Little Junior Brother, if you arrive at the Kusheng Mountains in advance and plant these seeds there, if I encounter any emergency here and need to find you, I will ask Da Jianjian to arrange for his heirs to follow the scent of the seeds to find you.

You. I can also find you through this after I finish my work."

Xu Qing took the seed and felt a little strange in his heart. He knew the specialness of Wu Jianwu's descendants. The wish box from back then came to mind, so he looked at Wu Jianwu.

Wu Jianwu still looked as lost as ever, lying there helplessly, sighing from time to time.

"Don't worry about him. It's normal for him to fall in love. He'll be fine in a few days."

The captain smiled and spoke. After speaking, he took a deep breath and looked at Xu Qing with blessings in his eyes.

"Well, little junior brother, let's each settle on our destiny and take care of each other!"

Xu Qing nodded after hearing this.

Ning Yan pricked up his ears and kept eavesdropping on the conversation between the two. Until he heard the word "broken love", he finally understood why Wu Jianwu was acting like this these days. Disdain rose in his heart, and he secretly thought that this is it?

Seeing that Xu Qing was about to leave, he quickly stood up to see him off, his eyes even more eager. He hoped that Xu Qing would take him away...

Xu Qing ignored it and left the artificial sun in one step. The sky flickered and disappeared in an instant.

"When I grow up, I won't play with my senior brother any more." The captain watched Xu Qingyuan go away, sighing in his heart, then raised his hand to seal the secret, the artificial sun roared, and he accelerated forward.

Time passed, and half a month passed quickly.

The wanted person of the Yin Yang Huajian Sect is still there, but no clues have been found about the wanted person. It is like disappearing from the world. At the same time, the news of another major incident made this wanted person instinctively ignored by people.

This event was so shocking that the entire Moon Festival region was in a state of shock.

The Son of God is seriously injured!

The cause of this incident was well hidden at first. No one except the headquarters of the Red Moon Temple knew about it. They only knew that there had been drastic changes in the northern ice field, that there was a strange phenomenon in the Sky Fire Sea, and that they felt it for more than a month.

The heaven and earth fluctuate.

Although there are many speculations, there is no real information.

It was only now that several months had passed that the true situation of this matter was spread, and it was not the Red Moon Temple that spread the news, but people from the Counter Moon Temple who spread it in various places.

They told the world that the vision of the sky and the sea of ​​fire was caused by the prince's escape from trouble.

The drastic change in the northern ice field was where the prince rescued Princess Mingmei, the daughter of the ruler at that time.

These two astonishing beings rushed towards the headquarters of the Red Moon Temple immediately after escaping from the trap.

A terrifying battle unfolded there.

This is why the fluctuations in heaven and earth last for a month.

As for the outcome of this battle, the Crown Prince and Princess Mingmei disappeared, and the Son of God of the Red Moon Temple was seriously injured.

This incident revealed a key point, that is... the Red Moon Red Mother has not yet arrived.

This is unreasonable, because if the Son of God is seriously injured, then he will inevitably launch the magic of divine subjugation, but judging from the fluctuations of the heaven and earth during this period, this did not happen!

So two more rumors spread along with this incident.

The first rumor was that the true identity of the Son of Red Moon and the souls he had collected from his suppressed brothers and sisters over the years were taken away in that war.

These souls are the reason why the sealed descendants of the Lord lost their minds.

It is said that at the moment it was taken away, countless wailings came from the Red Moon Temple, which did not sound like human voices.

This incident caused a sensation, and some people analyzed that the Crown Prince's plan was by no means a decisive battle with the Son of God as it seemed on the surface, but had a deeper meaning.

Perhaps these souls are just one of its purposes.

As for the specifics, no one knows.

The second rumor touched the hearts of all living beings even more.

"The Red Moon Red Mother fell into a deep sleep due to events in the outside world and will not be able to wake up in a short time!"

The information contained in this rumor was so shocking that the sky in the Moon Festival Domain seemed to have changed.

Some people believe it, some people don't believe it, but no matter what... the entire Moon Festival Territory began to be in turmoil because of this series of events.

It's like waves appearing in a pool of stagnant water.

Suddenly, some non-governmental organizations, such as Sparks, appeared in every county and state.

They promoted the slogan of going against the moon, calling on people to rise up and resist, trying to start a prairie fire.

However, the Red Moon Temple and all the forces attached to the temple, as well as a large number of divine envoys, divine servants, and divine slaves, soon all went out and were suppressed.

The emperor of the temple even woke up from his slumber after the Son of God was seriously injured and took charge of the overall situation.

His style is iron-blooded, setting off a bloody storm that sweeps across the vast territory.

But finally... the moon-sacrifice wind started blowing.

At this moment, in Qingsha County in the west of the Moon Festival Region, blue wind and sand blew between the sky and the earth, seeming to connect the sky and cover the sight.

Qingsha County is one of the seven counties in the western part of the Moon Festival Region, close to the center.

The name of this place comes from the fact that the entire county is completely composed of desert.

And the desert here is very special. The gravel is not yellow, but cyan.

Therefore, the hanging wind is also a blue sandy wind that lingers all year round.

People living here must also adapt to the climate here and live and multiply in this endless blue sand.

There are many legends about the blue sand here, among which one is the most recognized.

Legend has it that this place was not a desert a long time ago, but a huge basin with countless tall peaks within it.

At that time, the soil on the earth was black, and fog would rise from the ground, forming a sea of ​​fog here.

Until one day, a blue hair fell from the sky. The hair floated here, turned into dust, filled the basin, and formed blue gravel.

This also made this place turn into a desert.

At that time, most of the tall peaks were submerged, and the exposed parts were connected with each other to form large and small mountain ranges.

The largest mountain range among them is called Kusheng.

This desert is also called the Qingsi Desert.

Due to the harsh climate, there are not many local residents in Qingsi Desert, but due to some special reasons, there are many outsiders here.

So as time went by, one earth city after another gradually formed here.

These cities are built in the mountains and do not exist on the sand. The Red Moon Temple has also established a stronghold here.

At this moment, in the blue sand, the sky and the earth are hazy, and there is a figure in this lake, walking forward inside it.

The wind was very strong, and there was a whistling sound, falling on the body as if countless hands were pushing in front of the body, hindering the forward movement, and even blowing the clothes and shaking constantly.

But he couldn't stop the figure in the wind and sand. His speed seemed not very fast, but every step he took was within a few feet. Only occasionally he would stop and take out the jade slip to identify the direction.

"There's still a little distance."

Xu Qing murmured, his face was wrapped in a scarf, his hair was also the same, only his eyes were exposed and stared into the distance.

After parting with the captain, he thought about his next trip and simply set his destination directly at the Kusheng Mountains.

I am going to find a way to join the Moon-Reverse Palace here, and at the same time I am looking for a place to settle down and study the curse.

Today is the third day that he has entered this blue silk desert.

The Taoist robe on his body has been changed into local clothing, a close-fitting top, wide-crotch trousers, knee-high boots made of animal skin, and a large gray robe, which covers the whole body and also the soul.

The child is well protected.

The wind here also has penetrating power for monks. If they rely on their cultivation to resist, it will be okay for a short time, but once it takes a long time, it will definitely dry up.

Because the spiritual power of heaven and earth in the entire desert is fragmented in the wind and sand, and is very thin.

At the same time, the wind here also carries a bit of silence. If it blows for a long time, the life will gradually fade away, until it is filled with death and becomes a skeleton.

Only some special creatures can thrive here and adapt to the environment.

For example, when Xu Qing was checking the direction at this moment, a green scorpion that was as long as half a man rushed out from the sand behind him.

He was so fast that he was close to Xu Qing in an instant. The scorpion's tail shone with cold light, and he was about to sting him, but the shadow under Xu Qing's feet instantly rose up, directly covering the scorpion.

The scorpion disappeared and the little shadow quickly returned.

From beginning to end, Xu Qing did not check at all. After entering here, he encountered many similar ferocious beasts, each of which contained a curse, which made Xu Qing very happy.

So I had already ordered the shadow to be captured alive in the body for later study.

Now that he had determined his position, Xu Qing put away the jade map slip and continued moving forward.

The information about the Moon Sacrifice Territory that the captain once gave him was only part of it. When Xu Qing arrived this time, he also spent some effort and cost to buy more information about this Qingsha County.

Therefore, he was very clear about the legend here and the direction of the Kusheng Mountain Range.

During this journey, another seven days passed. As the journey continued, Xu Qing saw some strange things in the blue sand.

It was a huge mushroom more than ten feet tall.

These mushrooms are like tall houses standing in the desert. Their bright colors make people instinctively yearn for them when seen from a distance.

Xu Qing did not come close. After scanning his eyes, he chose to avoid it.

He was unwilling to come into contact with such unnecessary trouble, and in addition to the huge mushrooms, some phantoms would occasionally appear in the desert.

It was formed by wind and sand, transforming into men and women, laughing and moving forward between heaven and earth.

Their voices have the power to capture the soul, and wherever they pass, a long trail will appear in the desert.

It seems like there are long worms under the desert, and they are following them around.

In addition, there are also pillars that appear in Xu Qing's eyes from time to time.

Weathered skeletons are hung on these pillars, as if they are warning something.

Xu Qing stared at these and continued to move forward until a few days later, he saw a group of giant beasts with bells tied to them in the desert.

These giant beasts look like rhinos, and the sound of bells can be heard in all directions wherever they pass. Sitting on them are some tall and thin aliens. Their whole bodies are also wrapped tightly, leaving only their white eyes, watching everything around them.

After meeting Xu Qing, the giant beasts were stunned, and the aliens on them also looked wary.

Xu Qing clasped his fists and chose to retreat. After thinking about it, they nodded to Xu Qing and went away without provoking each other.

In this way, time passed, and a month passed quickly.

The Kusheng Mountains are far away in front of my eyes.

Under the dim sky, the sky and the earth were hazy. The Kusheng Mountain Range was like a stegosaurus lying in the desert, with undulating peaks stretching from west to east for more than 8,000 miles.

This chapter has been completed!
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