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Chapter 586: My...you are poisonous!


Late at night, the sky and the earth are pitch black, except for the scattered lights in the earthen cities in the Kusheng Mountains, which are dim in the wind.

The whining wind kept blowing, and occasionally some sand was lifted up and rolled into the earth city.

Although there is not much wind and sand in the mountains, it still makes a rustling sound when it falls on the door panel. Occasionally, I feel uneasy when I hear it, but after listening to it for a long time, I get used to it.

At least this is the case for Xu Qing. The howling wind outside has become a part of life in this little half year.

There was a strange light in his eyes.

Three days have passed since he returned from Niyue Palace. During these three days, Xu Qing has been analyzing the curse information, and now he has finally finished it all.

The people of Niyue Palace have studied the curse to such a meticulous level.

Xu Qing murmured that he felt that the cursed information he had exchanged for the poisonous pills and spiritual stones was well worth it.

This information is quite comprehensive. It was obviously not completed in one generation, but should have been passed down over the years. It contains various tests on the curse and a lot of conjectures.

Through many experiments, some people have determined that this curse is alive. Others, after researching hundreds of races, found that there are subtle differences in the curses of each race. It seems that some races have very few curses from birth, but they just change randomly.

As time goes by, it will slowly increase.

There are also people from the Niyue Palace who specialize in studying the changes when the curse breaks out, and have sorted out one hundred and thirty-seven different reactions. It seems that the details of different ethnic groups are different when the curse breaks out.

This curse can form torture specifically for this group according to different ethnic groups. For example, the Dingyang tribe is born with a lack of physical pain, so the curse that breaks out in their tribe is the soul.

There is another principle that has also been studied by Niyue Palace, that is... the curses of different ethnic groups can be mixed.

The curses in the bodies of the living beings in the Moon Sacrifice Domain are not static. The curses in different races can superimpose and influence each other through oral administration and blood.

Xu Qing's eyes revealed a strange light. This method opened up a lot of ideas for him. Before this, he had never thought that the curse could be used in this way.

For example, someone mixes a curse that mainly targets the soul after an attack into a group of people who are not afraid of soul damage, and then the curse of this group is mixed, thus reducing the torture at the moment of the outbreak.

The curses of different ethnic groups are different, so there are mutual alternations called melting... This is the principle of the problem-solving pill.

Xu Qing lowered his head and took out one of the many jade slips that recorded curse information in front of him. This was the method Bijian described, and Xu Qing finally understood why the price of the Solving Pill was so high and the quantity was rare.

Any problem-solving pill needs to combine the characteristics of multiple ethnic groups to achieve all-round offset and alleviate the curse that breaks out in the person who swallows it.

In addition, for higher levels, it needs to be customized by the alchemist and prepared according to the user's ethnic characteristics.

In other words, the solution pill is actually a curse pill that mixes the power of curses from multiple ethnic groups. However, the details require a lot of deployment and consideration, so that when these curses are mixed, they will not be increased in power, but will cancel each other out.


Use curse to fight curse, use mutual life to turn into mutual restraint.

Xu Qing lamented that he understood that the information he had obtained was only the tip of the iceberg from the research on the curse by Niyue Palace, but even if he only obtained a tip, he could still deeply feel the wisdom of the monks from Niyue Palace.

If they continue to study like this, maybe one day in the future, they can create a pill that can perfectly offset the outbreak of the curse, and in this way there will be a possibility of escaping from this realm.

The premise is that... the Red Mother did not change the way of the curse, and the inheritance of knowledge was not lost due to the destruction caused by the arrival of the Red Mother.

Xu Qing took a deep breath. After studying this information, he realized that the solution pill would be his breakthrough against the curse.

I have the same power as the red moon, and to a certain extent, I can use it to release the curse. In theory, my blessing not only deepens the curse, but also consumes it.

But I went in the wrong direction before. I wanted to solve the curse at once, but because my Ziyue level was not high enough, it was too difficult.

So if the curse is weakened... Xu Qing hesitated for a moment, with determination in his eyes.

I need a solution to the problem to verify my guess.

With this thought, Xu Qing took out the mirror and entered the Niyue Palace again.

The next moment, at the foot of the mountain range where the Niyue Palace is located, the eyes of the statue on the altar of a small temple instantly opened and closed.

Without moving rashly, Xu Qing stood on the altar and felt the surroundings. After making sure that there was no problem, he controlled the body of the statue and stepped forward.

After landing, he moved his body again and checked whether there were any changes in the statue.

There are still cracks everywhere, and the appearance is the same as before. It is an old man in a robe, with a gourd behind his back.

Everything is business as usual.

Xu Qing then pushed open the temple door and walked out.

Looking at the blue sky and bright light here, as well as the statues coming and going, he did not hesitate to join them.

This time, his goal was very clear, to find a solution pill that he could exchange for. On the way, he passed by the temple where the poison pill was traded three days ago and instinctively took a look.

Although the temple was brilliant, it seemed that the owner had not come. Xu Qing didn't pay much attention and left quickly, looking for them one by one. However, there were too many temples here, and it was difficult to check them all at once, even if he encountered someone who could help solve the problem.

Dan's requirements were not met even by Xu Qing.

As for the temple where the twenty red Skyfire Crystals were exchanged, Xu Qing went there and found that the other party didn't know what had happened, closed the transaction, and did not allow outsiders to enter.

Xu Qing was a little regretful. After searching for a long time, he could only exchange some curse information in other temples and then left.

Time passed and ten days passed quickly.

During these ten days, while Xu Qing was digesting information and studying the curse of the beast, he spent almost half of every day immersed in the Niyue Palace, constantly looking for solution pills that could be traded by him.

During this period, he repeatedly paid attention to the temple that required heavenly crystals, but it was always closed.

Also missing was the master who traded poison elixirs with Xu Qing to cultivate immunity to all poisons. However, this master's temple was not closed and could be entered, but the statue was still inactive. Xu Qing entered a few times and found that

The transaction information in the floating light clusters in the temple has not been changed for a long time, and some of the medicinal herbs in the light clusters are even empty.

It seems that after the transaction with Xu Qing was completed, the master never came to Niyue Palace again...

Wouldn't something go wrong after taking the poison pill? Xu Qing was a little surprised in his heart, and even a little uneasy. The other party had no grudge against him...

But Xu Qing clearly reminded the other party.

Maybe I'm overthinking it, after all, those who can practice immunity from poison are all strong.

Xu Qing pondered, thinking that maybe he was filtering too much, and maybe the master didn't show up due to other things.

Until this day, Xu Qing continued to search for the solution to the problem. As he walked in and out of the shining temples, the entire Niyue Palace suddenly shook.

Dazzling light burst out from the sky, and a terrifying wave followed, covering the entire Niyue Palace Mountain.

Xu Qing felt something and walked out of the temple and looked up.

Not only him, most of the statues in many temples walked out and looked at the sky.

I saw nine ancient temples under the sun in the sky. One of the temple doors suddenly opened, endless light radiated from inside, and a huge figure was revealed inside the temple.

With its appearance, the entire Niyue Palace shook, the auspiciousness transformed in the sky, and the brilliance spread far and wide.

Meet the Deputy Palace Master!

Voices with a sense of respect came out from the mouths of the statues in an instant. After gathering together, they turned into a huge sound wave and spread in all directions.

Xu Qing was also among them, and his heart was churning. This was the first time he had seen the upper floors of the Niyue Palace. Although he was separated by the body of the statue and could not feel the specific cultivation level, it could cause such changes in the Niyue Palace.

One can imagine that the cultivation level of this deputy palace master must be extraordinary.

At the same time, as the temple door opened and the statue walked out, under the endless light shining, a deep voice reverberated in all directions like thunder.

Please tell me three things about my cultivation against the moon.

Gan Destiny's cultivation appears frequently, and a single spark is about to start a prairie fire!

In the past six months, I have successfully destroyed five Red Moon sub-temples, killed eleven divine envoys, dozens of divine servants, and hundreds of divine slaves!

According to the accurate news, the Lord Master and Princess Mingmei have recovered from their injuries and are in good condition. We are working hard to contact them. Once the contact is successful, our Niyue Palace will usher in glory!

Everyone, the red moon is not eternal!

The voices of the statues echoed, and waves of stirring emotions rose in the hearts of many statues. Even many closed temples were opened, and the masters returned.

In the end, all the statues spontaneously bowed to the sky and responded with the same words.

“Hope is everlasting!”

The sound was so loud that it was deafening and resounded through the sky.

The seeds of hope were planted again.

Xu Qing was among them, looking at the huge statue in the Cangqiong Temple in the distance, and felt extremely strong. After announcing these things, the statue returned without saying much, and the door of the temple was closed.

Although he left, the information coming out here will spread to the entire Moon Sacrifice Territory at the fastest speed. Xu Qing thoughtfully looked at the excited statues around him, and was about to leave, but when he glanced around, he found that he

The temple that requires Skyfire Crystal that I have been paying attention to for a long time has also been opened.

He immediately flew there, stepped into the temple, felt the light inside, and found the exchange for the Difficulty Understanding Pill. Without any hesitation, Xu Qing took out twenty red Skyfire Crystals and completed the transaction.

The moment Xu Qing got the solution pill, she felt at ease and turned around to leave.

At this moment, Niyue Palace, following the announcement from the deputy palace master, all the statues that could come have chosen to return, making it extremely lively.

Looking around, it looks like gods and demons flying in all directions.

It's just that the temple where Xu Qing traded the poisonous elixir is still business as usual...

Xu Qing didn't know what to say, so he looked at it silently, quickly returned to his temple, and chose to return.

At the same time, in the green sand desert, a colorful light was moving forward rapidly, and the green sand behind it was faintly showing white at the moment.

It seems that Qingfeng is transforming into Baifeng!

The parrot inside looked frightened at the moment, cursing as it flew.

What the hell? I was just too lazy to fly a little slower and pooped in a pit of quicksand. The wind turned white!

As the parrot fled in terror and teleported many times, trying to escape the gradually whitening wind and sand, Xu Qing's figure was revealed in the back room of the Tucheng in the Kusheng Mountains.

He sat down cross-legged with expectation in his eyes, raised his hand and took out the solution pill that he had bought from the deal, and observed attentively.

This problem-solving elixir is colorful and mixed with a variety of colors. It looks very weird, but the curse breath exuding from it is very obvious.

Xu Qing did not act rashly. This problem-solving pill was too precious. He had no spare money to exchange for a second one. He could only use this only one to study it as thoroughly as possible.

So he first looked at it, carefully observing the outer layer of the cidan, and then he put it in front of him and smelled it again and again, his eyes showing deep contemplation and his heart analyzing rapidly.

There is no sense of any herbal medicine becoming an elixir.

But it does contain a curse, not just one, but many. The key point is the material inside.

An object that can absorb the power of curse.

Xu Qing continued to analyze.

The amount of each ray of curse is different. There should be a formula that uses the power of curses from different ethnic groups as plants and trees, and then transforms them into plants.

Interestingly, these curses obviously have the same origin, but they have different explosive changes.

But this is also a curse after all. Although the pain can be relieved after swallowing it, the curse is actually not reduced, but more.

Especially as the amount of curse increases, it will cause many chain reactions, such as the consumption of vitality and the decline of cultivation... These are the side effects of the Problem Solving Pill.

Xu Qing sighed deeply as he drank the dove to quench his thirst. Then he raised his left hand and the power of the purple moon in his body gathered together, forming purple threads.

Almost hundreds of them were fluttering in front of him. Following Xu Qing's thoughts, these purple threads went straight to the problem-solving pill.

Breaking open quickly and integrating into it, every thread came into contact with different curses in the problem-solving pill and began to imitate it.

This is something that is impossible for others, but Xu Qing's purple moon and red moon have the same origin, so the changes that the red moon can make can also be done by him.

It's just that there were no reference objects before and there was a lack of sufficient experiments, but now all these answers are included in the solution to the problem. For Xu Qing, this is an unlocked door.

As time passed, Xu Qing's expression became more solemn, and the purple threads he exuded were adjusted one by one in the constant simulation, changing according to different curses.

He was extremely cautious throughout the entire process, controlling the fluctuations of hundreds of threads and trying his best not to detonate the curse in the elixir.

It was not until three hours later that, under such concentrated control, some mistakes finally appeared.

In an instant, this extremely precious problem-solving pill trembled, and the next moment all the curses surged and collapsed, turning into black ash and falling to the ground along Xu Qing's fingers.

Xu Qing had no regrets. There was a strange light in his eyes. In three hours, he had simulated all the 300 different ethnic curse powers contained in this problem-solving pill.

Looking down at the black ash on the ground, Xu Qing let out a light sigh, picked up a handful and placed it in front of him. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it became.

"This is it." Xu Qing's eyes flashed, he took out a bag and poured out the black ash inside. After comparing, he found that the two sides were exactly the same.

Xu Qing's black ash was the result of his previous research on the curses in the beasts' bodies, and after their curses fully erupted, his body was transformed. At that time, he did not feel that the black ash had any use, but he also put it away.

If you look at it now, this is the material that absorbs the curse.

Xu Qing pondered, and after a while he grabbed a ball of black ash. The power of the purple moon in his body spread out and turned into hundreds of threads, which were quickly integrated into it. According to his previous research, he quickly simulated different curses.

, attached to the black ash.

During this process, the black ash began to shrink, and its color gradually changed, until it turned into mottled colors, and its size also changed.

Xu Qing squeezed it, and an irregular pill appeared in his palm.

The appearance is almost the same as the Difficulty Solving Pill, and the breath is exactly the same, but the essence is different.

Because all the curses were actually transformed by Xu Qing's power of the purple moon.

If the curse of the red moon is compared to the enemy, then the current state of my purple power is that I have changed the enemy's clothes and changed my appearance. This makes it difficult for the enemy to detect clues and allows me to successfully blend into the enemy.


In this way, by instantly erupting inside the enemy, you can directly offset the curse before it has time to devour it.

With clear thoughts in Xu Qing's mind, he took out a ferocious beast used in experiments, which was a scorpion. After it appeared, his body trembled and he did not dare to lift his tail.

Xu Qing took a look and put the elixir in his hand near its mouth.


Xu Qing spoke calmly.

The scorpion did not dare to refuse, so he could only swallow it obediently. Then his body shivered more and more, and in more than ten breaths, it collapsed with a loud bang and turned into black ashes.

No pretense succeeded.

Xu Qing frowned, and after recalling his previous refining process, he took out the black ash again, made slight adjustments and continued refining.

Time passed day by day, Xu Qing's attempts continued, and every time he failed, he would make fine adjustments. Finally, on the dusk of the tenth day, his elixir was successfully disguised.

The ferocious beast that took the elixir did not collapse, and even the curse in its body calmed down.

Xu Qing's heart was filled with excitement as he looked at the problem-solving elixir he had made in his hand. This was the result of his little research over the past six months.

Although there is still some gap with the problem-solving pill due to the direction, the effect is not far different.

The direction of the solution pill is to alleviate the pain of the curse. My direction is to completely resolve the curse. Relieving the pain is just incidental. Even if it is not possible yet, this method should be right.

In addition, my power of Purple Moon also needs to be improved...and more information about the curse needs to be collected, so that it can be gradually improved.

Xu Qing looked expectant and was about to refine some more trouble-solving pills while waving his hands, but the next moment he raised his head with a sharp look in his eyes and looked to the outside world.

With a shudder of his body, he disappeared from the back room and appeared next to the pharmacy counter.

Ling'er was happily keeping accounts, and when she noticed Xu Qing appearing like this, she immediately turned into white and got into Xu Qing's sleeves.

The ancestor of the King Kong Sect also showed a fierce intention in an instant. When he locked a position, Xu Qing's expression softened slightly and he looked out the window.

A colorful light appeared out of thin air there, and then a flash of light entered the medicine shop and appeared next to the seedling that had grown more than a foot tall.

Xiaomiao swayed for a while, not daring to move at all, and the colorful light turned into a parrot, and a proud voice came from its mouth.

"As soon as a parrot is born, it's no good. Call daddy!" After saying that, the parrot looked at Xu Qing, arrogantly.

Hey, so and so, Chen Mouniu asked me to call you and light something on fire.

"What kind of fire should I light?" Xu Qing knew this parrot and heard its words. He frowned and didn't quite understand.

How the hell do I know what kind of fire to light? A certain cow just asked me to tell you to light the fire. Light the fire! Light the fire! Hurry up and light the fire!

The parrot spoke proudly, then turned around and bit the seedling, then started eating it.

Xiaomiao trembled and did not dare to hide.

Ling'er quickly emerged from Xu Qingyi's collar and glared at the parrot.

"Shut up!"

The parrot glanced sideways at Ling'er, then looked at Xu Qing, then raised his head, raised his body like a stick, pointed his nostrils at the person, and continued to be proud.

"I won't!"

The ancestor of the Vajra Sect passed by in an instant, but the moment he approached, the parrot suddenly disappeared, teleported to the other side of Xiaomiao, and took another bite.

"I don't!"

This speed frightened even the ancestors of the Vajra Sect. Just as he was about to continue chasing, the parrot flashed continuously and teleported around the small seedling, one bite after another.

"I don't I don't I don't no!"

When the parrot was feeling proud, his body suddenly trembled, his eyes widened, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood.


"You are poisonous!!"

It glared at Xiao Miao, who trembled, and the parrot coughed up blood again at this moment, and its body began to rot. It also realized that it was not the Xiao Miao that was poisonous, but the poison around it, so it was about to speak, but it fell down and fell on the ground.

After falling to the ground, he looked at Xu Qing in horror.

At the same time, Xiaomiao quickly uprooted the roots, jumped down suddenly, and trampled on the parrot to take revenge.

The parrot wailed and wanted to escape but could not. It could only roll on the ground continuously until the ancestor of the Vajra Sect appeared. The parrot did not dare to move, with extremely fear in its eyes.

The seedling did not dare to continue, crawled back slowly, and continued to plant itself.

Xu Qing had no expression on his face and sat aside, looking down at the parrot struggling on the ground.

"Now, can you talk properly?"

The parrot nodded quickly. It finally found out why its father was usually afraid of the person in front of him. This person was unreasonable and poisoned his own people.

Master Xu, can you detoxify the poison for me first... After saying that, the parrot coughed up blood again and was dying, its body was about to rot.

Xu Qing raised his hand and waved, and most of the poison on the parrot dissipated. It immediately started shaking, but after Xu Qing glanced at it, its body trembled and it quickly became obedient.

"Master Xu, I was wrong. Master Erniu really asked me to call you to light a fire. I don't know what to light. It seems to be related to the sun."

Xu Qing looked at the parrot thoughtfully. He was a little surprised by the other party's previous speed, so he asked.

"What are your abilities?"

I can teleport. I am the fastest among my father's children, and my teleportation power is not affected no matter how harsh the environment or the sealed place. Before, when my father was in danger, I was the one who took him there.

He teleported them away, anyway, I can move them, uh, even the small ones.

After the parrot finished speaking, he looked at Xu Qing cautiously.

Xu Qing nodded and was about to speak, but the next moment he felt something in his heart and walked towards the window.

The wind blew from the sky into Tucheng, causing the houses to tremble and the wooden doors to shake. It also blew on Xu Qing's face and lifted his hair.

In the distant sky and earth, the storm connects the sky. Large masses of wind and sand are like a sea of ​​fog, rolling and spreading continuously. Lightning flashes inside, and roars echo in all directions.

It seems that there is a spirit inside, driving the wind and sand forward. Wherever it passes, the color of the sky and the earth changes, and the wind and clouds roll.

That was a sandstorm.

And its color is rapidly changing from cyan until it completely turns into white.

The sound of sobbing was extremely strong at this moment, as if the sky was mourning and the earth was wailing, wanting to bury all living beings and bury them with all things.

Even more terrifying pressure descended on the entire desert with the emergence of white sandstorms.

The white wind and sand have arrived. It swept across the earth, covered the sky, and affected the Kusheng Mountains, making everything in the outside world at this moment hazy white and full of unknown.

Xu Qing's eyes were solemn and he looked down at his feet. The shadow was hunting outside and had not returned...

This chapter has been completed!
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