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Chapter 621 The sky is red with blood and the world is withering

Xu Qing did as he said.

After getting the direction, he immediately took out his poisonous herbs and poisonous elixirs from the storage bag. Some of them were swallowed directly, some were applied all over the body, and some opened his body and put them in directly.

This works better.

The same thing happened to his eyes. He turned the poison pill into liquid and dripped it into his eyes.

During this period, there is also drug prohibition, which is mixed in every package of poison and fills the whole body to nourish one's physical memory and refine one's physical instincts.

Time passed and half a month passed.

During these more than ten days and nights, Xu Qing was immersed in it. Many times what he saw became double images, but he did not give up.

Xu Qing understood that if he wanted to achieve the physical memory he desired, he would need not only a large quantity of poisons, but also a wide variety of types.

Although there is a lot of poison in his storage bag, it is still not enough, but it doesn't matter, there is the Palace of the Inverse Moon.

Every time Xu Qing has a new need, he will sell curse-resolving pills in Niyue Palace.

Price is weeds and poison.

In this way, as more and more monks from Niyue Palace took the Curse-Resolving Pill, the name of Master Dan Jiu became louder and louder in Niyue Palace, and more and more people followed him.

And the number of followers also increases dramatically every day.

Some alchemy masters also joined in because of Xu Qing's sentiments that day, especially Sheng Luo, who praised Xu Qing in front of everyone many times and showed respect in his expression.

For a time, almost no one in the Niyue Palace knew Danjiu's name, and it gradually attracted the attention of other deputy palace masters. It even spread out of the Niyue Palace and spread among the resistance forces in the Moon Sacrifice Territory.

There are many speculations about his identity.

Some people say that this is a great master who has returned to the void and studied medicine all his life.

Some people also say that he should come from an outside world, so there was no sign of him before.

Some people also say that maybe this is the secret behind the Red Moon Temple, but few people agree with this statement.

But no matter what, the mystery of Danjiu's identity remains in the hearts of many Niyue Palace monks.

Even the deputy palace master has no way of knowing and has no authority to investigate.

Only the master of Niyue Palace is qualified to see the identity of every monk in Niyue Palace.

It's just that the highest temple hall of the Niyue Palace has never been opened for countless years since ancient times.

Even if it shines occasionally, it usually fades away within a year.

Later, one more deputy hall master will appear.

Although some people know the specific reason, they will not talk about it easily.

As for Xu Qing, he was aware of his growing reputation, but now he was immersed in poisoning himself and didn't pay much attention to it, because his practice of drug prohibition finally stopped.

The scarcity of supplies in the Moon Sacrifice Territory resulted in the lack of too many medicinal herbs, so Xu Qing was unable to develop the body's instincts as he wanted.

"I need a large amount of poisonous weeds, and at the same time, I need to combine them into countless formulas, and I need to keep trying them."

"It might be possible in Fenghai County, but here... even if the monks from Niyue Palace search for me, it's still a bit incomplete."

"Especially some poisonous weeds, I haven't seen them before, I just read the records in the pharmacopoeia."

Xu Qing pondered, thinking that the prince came to him a few days ago and told him the pros and cons of taking action to change his cognition.

"Leave a mark on my soul..."

Xu Qing suppressed this choice and decided to rely on himself. Although time would be slower, Xu Qing felt that this method was the most suitable for him.

"However, the Crown Prince also said another method, which is related to me, Ziyue."

Xu Qing raised his head and looked towards the lobby, speculation rising in his heart.

He recalled the series of exercises that the prince had given him when he came to the Kusheng Mountains, and then thought about the other method mentioned by the other party. He always had a feeling that... the other party had been guiding him to make this second choice.

Xu Qing was silent, recalling the words of the Crown Prince a few days ago.

"Boy, there is actually another way that allows you to feel the sight of the gods and see the real world, so that your eyes can be filled with poison at that moment."

"This method is related to you Ziyue."

"However, this method is extremely dangerous. Even I am hesitant to tell you in my heart."

"But I can be sure that once you succeed, the world you see will be what it really is, but I'm not sure that at that time... you will still not be you."

"However, from the moment you obtain the source of the Red Mother God, perhaps this is the path you must take, unless you are willing to give up your power of the Purple Moon."

"So you can think about it on your own. I will give you seven days. If you decide, you want to find me in the early morning of the eighth day, and you must use this time."

"At that time, I will tell you the details. This statement involves gods and has cause and effect. If you don't come, I won't tell you."

Xu Qing has also been thinking about these words these days. He guessed that after the Golden Crow and the Drug Ban, this will be a sublimation of his Ziyue Nascent Soul.

But he didn't understand why the prince wanted to inform him in the early morning of the eighth day after he said he had made a decision.

At this point in time, Xu Qing was a little confused.

Today is late at night on the seventh day, and there are still two hours before the early morning that the prince mentioned.

Xu Qing sensed the outside world and saw that the prince was different from the past. He was not sitting in the lobby drinking tea, but outside, on the roof, looking at the sky.

Xu Qing's body swayed and disappeared into the back room. When he appeared, he was still on the roof.


The prince glanced at Xu Qing and spoke calmly, still looking at the sky.

Xu Qing nodded, sat aside and looked up at the sky.

The sky of the Moon Festival Domain is dim with little light during the day, and even darker at night, like a black curtain covering it without any stars, as if it is nothingness.

The surrounding wind roared, whining like a whistle, echoing between heaven and earth.

The entire Kusheng Mountain Range became much quieter on this day than before.

All the local monks seemed to be a little uneasy that night.

Xu Qing's consciousness spread and he noticed that although Li Yougui was sitting cross-legged in the house, his heartbeat was obviously accelerated and his expression was confused.

Xu Qing was a little strange, and he could sense all directions. In the entire Kusheng Mountains, even the sounds of birds and animals were greatly reduced.

It seemed that something was about to happen.

Time passes, and an hour passes.

When there was still an hour before morning, the captain walked out of the medicine shop and came to the roof. After bowing to the prince, he sat next to Xu Qing and winked at Xu Qing.

"Elder brother." Xu Qing looked at the captain.

"Shh..." The captain raised his index finger, put it in front of his mouth, and pointed at the sky.

Xu Qing was thoughtful and waited silently.

Slowly, half an hour passed.

And at this moment, the wind disappeared.

All sounds disappeared.

The entire Kusheng Mountain Range was in perfect silence.

The green sand desert is like this, this county is like this, the entire Moon Sacrifice Territory is like this, at this moment... it's all dead silence!

And light appeared in the sky!

It was red light. Although it was very faint, it became the only color in this void, so it was still conspicuous and dazzling.

It was just a bunch at first, but soon became countless, like sharp blades piercing the sky, like divine edicts of death, announcing catastrophe.

Xu Qing's mind was shaken violently, and the power of the purple moon in his body fluctuated violently at this moment, as if he was about to lose control.

On the distant horizon, as the red light was revealed, it gradually became more and more numerous, and even gave people a sticky feeling, like blood, spreading and invading towards the sky of the entire Moon Sacrifice Territory.

A vast meaning, with earth-shattering momentum at this moment, with terrifying and terrifying fluctuations, with supreme divine power, as the red color spreads in the sky... descends on the Moon Sacrifice Territory!

It is the sky that is red with blood, the earth that is churning, all things withered, and the world suffering.

At this moment, the Kusheng Mountain Range trembled, the Heavenly Fire Sea trembled, the Tianniu Mountain Range trembled, and the entire sentient beings in the Moon Festival Territory were trembling. Their eyes showed helplessness, and despair rose in their hearts.

The long River of Sacrifice to the Yin surrounding the Sacrifice to the Moon domain is causing huge waves. As it continues to churn, countless bones rise and fall, and endless cries and howls can be heard.

At this moment, only the temple monks in the temples in the Moon Sacrifice Region were extremely excited.

They all walked out of their residences and knelt down on the earth toward the red horizon. Each one of them was extremely pious and looked fanatical.

"My lord, the red moon, welcomes you and looks back to the past. May the suffering sentient beings live in peace and happiness."

Countless voices came from all directions and echoed continuously.

The red moon is here.

Although His body is still a little far away from the Moon Sacrifice Territory, it is closer than ever in the past many years, so the light appeared first and enveloped the great territory.

Soon, when the entire sky will turn like blood, the entire earth will turn red, and a huge red moon will appear in the horizon.

At that time, the harvest of Chi Mu is about to begin.

Xu Qing's heart roared, and he finally understood why the Crown Prince decided to set the date in the early morning of this day.

I also understood why the captain appeared.

"It won't take too long, Chi Mu... will enter the world." The prince looked at the horizon and murmured softly.

"At that time, all living beings were food."

The prince withdrew his eyes from the sky and turned to stare at Xu Qing.

"Xu Qing, tell me your decision?"

"How to do it?" Xu Qing spoke slowly without hesitation.

The prince stood up and his voice echoed.

"Xu Qing, I actually don't understand Chi Mu, nor do I know how you should use your power of the Purple Moon. I don't even know Chi Mu's specific authority as a god. This is the secret of the gods."

There was reminiscence in the prince's eyes, and under the black-red sky, his figure showed a hint of desolation.

"But I have seen the battle between my father and Chi Mu."

"The feeling Chi Mu gave me at that time... was hunger, infinite hunger!"

There was a hint of palpitations in the prince's eyes.

"That kind of hunger is so terrifying, not only the body, but also the soul and everything. It seems that when He appears there, the hunger is endless."

"You are not hungry enough, so you cannot show your true power of Ziyue. You have to experience the ultimate hunger!"

"I can only tell you...it is the overlap of human nature and divinity, and it is also a kind of blending and trade-off."


Handsome guy and beautiful girl, please vote for me~~

This chapter has been completed!
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