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Chapter 623 The secret of the gods!

In the green sand desert, there was no wind except that night when the light of the red moon first appeared. On the next day, the wind appeared again.

It was a little weak at first, but now three days have passed, and the blue wind is blowing the blue gravel, roaring all over the sky, pushing the sand mountains to move continuously, turning the desert into a sea of ​​sand.

The sound of sobbing seemed to gather the cries of all living beings and continued to spread throughout the world.

In this desert, most of Xu Qing's body was submerged, with only the smaller half exposed, motionless, like a dead corpse.

He has been thinking about what is human nature and what is divinity.

This question is so profound that it is difficult for Xu Qing to think it through, especially the latter...

He is not a god, and he cannot understand the divinity of a god as a human being.

But Xu Qing also has his own advantages. In his short twenty years of experience, he has seen too much evil, too much suffering, and he has seen the endless ugliness of human nature.

Therefore, he has an understanding of human nature.

In these three days, he has been recalling his past and the scenes he has seen since he can remember.

There is greed, there is madness, there is cannibalism, there is ferocity.

There is beauty in it, but it eventually bursts like a spark.

But no matter what, he remembered the moment when the spark appeared and how he felt.

Like the tranquility of Wushuang City when he was a child, like the impression his parents gave him, like the warmth brought to him by the Thunder Team, like Duanmu Zang's feelings.

And there is... the figure of Kong Liangxiu, the master of the Sword Palace.

a lot of.

"Human nature is endowed with good and evil."

Xu Qing murmured in his heart.

"Human nature also has emotions for things, and the resulting bonds."

Xu Qing thought of his master, the captain, Zixuan, Ling'er, and the figures he had known along the way.

Some he hates, some he is grateful for, some he hates, and some he likes.

"From the beginning, I was alone until now... Unknowingly, I have more concerns in my heart, and so are the bonds. All of them are like threads, woven into a big network."

"And human nature is the source of this network, which leads to my joy, anger, sorrow and joy."

Xu Qing opened his eyes, looked at the sky, and felt the whimpering sound of the wind, which sounded like the cries of all sentient beings.

"Human nature actually includes the desire for life and the fear of death."

"For example, my wish since childhood is to live."

"Even all mood swings and behavioral styles are actually manifestations of human nature."

"For example, when I was in Wushuang City, I didn't have any thoughts of killing in my heart. I didn't think about the future or what I would be like when I grew up. But after experiencing a series of things, I changed."

Xu Qing murmured that this kind of memory made him feel deeply in his heart. He continued to analyze himself, and the emergence of past events also made him understand human nature more deeply.

"One of the differences between human nature and animal nature is restraint."

Xu Qing looked down at his bare left arm, recalling his previous crazy scene. He felt that the source of restraint was self-restraint, and where did the origin of restraint come from?

Xu Qing pondered.

"It comes from the moral constraints in my cognition. This part is the attribute that makes people what they are."

"So, human nature is orderly, while animal nature is the opposite. It is disorderly chaos and relies on instinct to act. This is the state of the beasts in Wanggu Continent that have been invaded by the spirit of the gods."

Xu Qing understood.

"What about divinity?"

Xu Qing was silent, he still didn't understand, but he knew that his body was the body of a god. He also knew that his drug ban came from the god's domain, and his Ziyue was also the source of the god.

"Then, by spreading the power of my Purple Moon all over my body, in fact, to a certain extent, divinity already exists, but... I didn't realize it, or in other words, it didn't appear, because I am a human,

I am not God."

"What the Crown Prince wants from me is to feel hungry, as hungry as the naked mother."

"So hunger is the key to unlocking divinity?"

"And how does the hunger of the gods arise?"

Xu Qing was confused. At this moment, he could no longer feel hungry. His body had become accustomed to it, his weakness had adapted, and death was approaching.

After a while, Xu Qing sighed softly.

He still couldn't find the answer, but he didn't want to continue lying here, so he struggled to sit up from the sand.

Because, some ferocious beasts from the desert had appeared in the distance, and further away, he also saw a huge mushroom that exuded malice and moved towards him.

The terrifying aura and terrifying fluctuations emanated from the mushroom, giving Xu Qing the feeling that it was not the Nascent Soul, but the level of cultivating the Tao.

In the green sand desert, this kind of mushroom is a strange existence. There are not many of them, and their roots can outline the figure of a giant. Few people will provoke them.

Xu Qing felt this when he first came to this desert.

But now, just the act of standing up cost him a lot of energy. As he sat up, the pit formed in the sand behind him was quickly filled with the influx of sand from all around.


Xu Qing was stunned, and turned to look at the filled pit. His mind roared at this moment, as if lightning flashed across it, making him forget the dangers around him and ignore everything. Only the filled-in pit could be seen in his eyes.

Filled sandpit.

"Being filled..."

"When I was lying there, I was part of the sandpit, and when I got up there was a piece missing, so...the sand poured in and restored it to its original state."

"Then, if this sand pit is compared to me, the original sand is regarded as human nature...The sand filled in later is compared to divinity..."

Xu Qing's face moved, and his breathing quickened slightly. He vaguely felt that he had grasped an important point, and was about to think about it, but in the next moment, a huge scorpion tail quickly emerged from the sand around him and pierced Xu Qing's body.

With a flick, Xu Qing's body fell into the distance with a bang like a kite with its string broken.

In an instant, three sand scorpions went straight to where he landed, quickly approached and started biting.

Xu Qing ignored these. Although his body was weak, it was still resilient. These scorpions could not tear it apart in a moment. Although the pain would still come, Xu Qing's thoughts were the most important thing now.

He let those scorpions bite him and closed his eyes to continue his previous thoughts.

"Erase your own humanity, no longer use humanity to restrain the animal nature, so that divinity can be filled in, and divinity can act on the animal nature!"

Xu Qing's heart roared.

He understands.

"I don't need to understand what divinity is. What I need to do is to feel it when divinity is integrated. To understand it with God's sight."

"At that time, I probably wouldn't have restrained my animal nature, because it didn't need to be restrained, it just obeyed my orders."

"So, the Crown Prince told me that to achieve this, humanity and divinity need to overlap. This is a kind of blending and trade-off!"

"But why does hunger appear?"

Xu Qing understood some of the answers, but there were still some questions that he didn't understand, but in the final analysis, he needed to face a choice at this moment.

Do you want to try it?

After a while, Xu Qing remembered the tea mentioned in the prince's earliest advice to him.

Then he thought about his experiment on the Golden Crow and the prince's enlightenment when he took off the branches and leaves of the grass seedlings.

"Tea and water can be fused, but they can also be separated. The branches and leaves are still part of the grass seedlings, and they have the same origin."

"So, even if we try, it's not irreversible."

Xu Qing was silent for a moment, with determination in his eyes, because he knew that unless he was willing to give up and completely master the power of Ziyue, this would be the only way for him.

"As for how to erase humanity..."

Xu Qing closed his eyes. The way to erase his humanity was to no longer restrain his instincts.

So, he began to adjust slowly.

After a while, Xu Qing's breathing gradually became faster, and his body slowly trembled. After a long time, his eyes suddenly opened, revealing the madness like a wild beast.

He no longer restrains his instincts, no longer restrains his own behavior, no longer considers morality, good and evil, or his own dignity as a human being.

Don't think about memories, don't care about emotions.

Release, release, instinct continues to release.


The next moment, a low roar like a beast came from Xu Qing's mouth, his eyes were red, and he suddenly lowered his head to look at the scorpion that was biting him.

His saliva flowed uncontrollably from the corners of his mouth, and the hunger from his body exploded infinitely at this moment.

He didn't know where the strength came from, grabbed the scorpion, and started biting it madly.

Sand and soil flew, and the roar echoed.

Roars and sharp sounds continued to intermingle and merge, and after a stick of incense, a figure roared out from within.

It was Xu Qing.

But at this moment, he was disheveled, panting, with blood all over his face and body. The left hand that he had bitten off a lot of flesh and blood before was completely severed.

But this does not affect his speed.

He no longer knows how to think, only instinct exists. He wants to eat, eat everything.

His instinctive hunger drove him into madness. He wanted to devour, not only his desire for flesh and blood, but also a deeper demand.

He didn't know what it was. He felt as if there were countless holes in his body, a kind of remnant that was extremely important to him.

And with the hiding, the feeling of hunger becomes stronger, coming from the body and the soul.

At the same time, his body shone with purple light!

This is the power of the purple moon!

It fluctuated like never before at this moment, and it was extremely close and infinitely integrated with Xu Qinghui at this moment.

The surroundings were distorted, the world was blurred, and the power of the gods roared and exploded on Xu Qing.

The gravel trembled, and the green wind stopped and rolled back, as if it didn't dare to get close.

A wailing sound came from Xu Qing's mouth, and he ran wildly towards the mushroom in the distance, approaching it in an instant.

In his heyday, it would have taken a lot of mana to break the surface of the mushroom, but now he just waved his hand, and the surface of the mushroom cracked by itself.

As the shrill screams echoed, Xu Qing dived directly in, opened his mouth and swallowed it fiercely.

The only remaining right hand was waving constantly, grabbing pieces of flesh and blood and stuffing them into his mouth desperately.


The resistance of the mushroom itself was also extremely fierce. A large number of tentacles flew out from the sand, forming the outline of a giant and suppressing Xu Qing.

Under its breath, all Nascent Souls will collapse. Even Xu Qing would have to go all out to fight against it.

But now... these tentacles containing the power of suppression collapsed and shattered on their own as soon as they approached Xu Qing.

There was absolutely nothing that could be done to Xu Qing.

Shocked emotions emanated from the mushroom, and the painful wails turned into cries of life, but Xu Qing was still devouring it, bite after bite.

His stomach swelled, but instead of feeling less hungry, it became even more terrifying.

In the end, it was as if all the holes in his body melted together, forming a huge black hole that swallowed him up.

The divinity from Ziyue also shined more strongly at this moment.

Purple meaning from all directions covers the heaven and earth.

Divine source, explosion.

Xu Qing's movements slowly stopped at this moment. In his mad state, his red eyes became cold and clear, and he vaguely seemed to feel divinity.

Indescribable, indescribable.

Xu Qing didn't understand everything, but at this moment, he had some sudden feelings.

For example, whether Chi Mu comes or not is no longer important in his mind.

It doesn't matter who you are anymore.

He remembers emotions, the past, good and evil, grudges, all people, all things, but at this moment, they are all unimportant.

His views on things and his understanding of all things are different from before.

"So, the prince said that at the moment of success, he doesn't know if I am still me..."

"Because, at the moment when divinity completely replaces humanity, the things and people that were once extremely important to me are insignificant at this moment."

Xu Qing thought indifferently, but he only thought about this question briefly and found it meaningless.

For him, thinking about this matter is also unimportant.

As for the world in front of us that is filled with decay, blowing with the wind that makes people age, with the world between heaven and earth filled with ferocious shadows, and the ground covered with withered bones and flesh maggots submerged in ruins, it doesn't matter.

Even the vague remnant of the sky has changed its shape. His eyes are open and looking at the earth, as if they have never been closed.

It's not important either.

The important thing is that Xu Qing is very hungry, extremely hungry.

Boundless, without beginning or end.

Xu Qing understood the source of this hunger.

That is another instinct, the pursuit of the evolution of life.

It is also a farewell and reluctance to the past.

It is a black hole formed by the imperfection due to the incomplete disappearance of humanity after the loss of humanity and the integration of divinity.

"The only way to solve this hunger is to make yourself perfect and completely erase your humanity."

"I haven't completely done it yet, and Chi Mu hasn't done it either, and the Ancient Spirit Emperor hasn't done it either, and the same is true for the captain... So, they will be hungry."

Xu Qing thought indifferently about such unimportant things that he didn't know why he wanted to think about, so he soon stopped thinking.

But after he stopped, he vaguely felt that this was very important.

The collision of the two thoughts made his eyes show struggle, sometimes indifferent, and sometimes regaining the color of humanity.

As they continued to intersect, Xu Qing's veins bulged on his forehead, and he let out a painful cry. The clarity in his eyes quickly disappeared, and madness emerged again. The instinct to pursue perfection, erasing the pace of humanity, broke out uncontrollably.

Xu Qing went crazy again, with purple light all over his body, like a god descending, speeding towards the distance.

There, there is food.

And where he left, not a single mushroom was left, and everything was eaten cleanly.


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