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Chapter 631 Dragon gives birth to nine sons

All things revived. These four simple words, spoken in an indifferent tone, gave Xu Qing extremely strong senses.

Especially the self-irreversibility in the back, there is a vague sadness here.

Dominate the youngest daughter, she was born with the power of authority, but this authority may not be a blessing to her.

She uses her own life to revive all things.

While this is powerful, it is also extremely cruel, and it obviously has limits.

The prince instinctively raised his hand and placed it in front of his fifth sister.

He has been doing this since he was a child. Not only him, but all his brothers and sisters also do this.

The same is true for Princess Mingmei.

"No need, I won't live long." The old lady in black robe said calmly.

"You won't live long, but you have to live!" The prince frowned, his expression showed majesty, and his words were so domineering for the first time.

He raised his right hand and clapped it, and a wisp of life spread out from him and went straight to the old woman in black robe.

Forced integration.

The next moment, the body of the old woman in black robe was shaken, and the aura on her body was obviously stronger. She looked at the brother in front of her complicatedly and remained silent.

The same method was also completed in the hands of Princess Mingmei. Xu Qing thought for a while and also sent a drop of Ziyue's blood.

"Forget it."

The prince raised his hand and bounced the drop of blood back to Xu Qing. Then he flicked his sleeve and everyone's figures disappeared together with the black and white door.

Three days later.

On the green sand desert, there is a whirlpool on the ground, and Xu Qing's figure is inside, trying to climb up.

The weight from the sun made him experience the hardship again in this desert.

But this time, Princess Mingmei did not carry him out. She, the prince, and their fifth sister were sitting cross-legged in front of the huge black and white door in the sky.

The opening of this door obviously cannot be completed instantly and requires the three of them to continuously integrate into the authority. So after returning here, these three Yunshen began to cast spells.

But Xu Qing, who no one cared about, chose to practice self-cultivation.

"This desert is actually the best place for me to adapt to the sun."

"If I can walk normally on the desert without sinking, it will be easier when I return to the Kusheng Mountains."

"Also, if I really do this, then I can try to fly!"

"Once I can fly normally, my other Nascent Souls can be promoted."

Xu Qing murmured in his heart.

The fruit transformed from that spirit treasure will be the great tonic elixir for his breakthrough in cultivation.

However, although Princess Mingmei gave it to him, the prince reminded Xu Qing on the way not to eat it immediately.

Swallowing the fruit before the other Nascent Souls have adapted to the pressure of the sun can indeed increase the growth of the Nascent Soul, but it also wastes a good opportunity to hone oneself.

Because the process of withstanding the pressure of the sun can completely hone more potential of the Yuanying, which is equivalent to raising the limit of the growth of the Yuanying. It is the most perfect to swallow the fruit at that time.

Princess Mingmei did not refute this point.

So based on these thoughts, Xu Qing immersed himself in his own practice.

Time passed, and three days passed quickly.

In the past three days, Xu Qing controlled his Nascent Soul day and night, causing them to explode continuously. Every time he was overdrawn, his body would sink under the desert.

Take a rest inside and start the same practice again.

Over and over again, he can now walk in the desert with only a one-foot dent.

"This is the current limit. It is not impossible to not sag at all, but it can only be maintained for an hour. The Nascent Soul will reach its limit and needs to be cultivated before it can continue to support it."

Xu Qing pondered, wondering if there were other ways to help him adapt, when suddenly there was a fierce knock on the door.

Although knocking on the door occasionally occurs in the past few days, this time it was obviously louder and shocked my soul.

Xu Qing raised his head and looked at the sky.

In the sky, the three brothers and sisters of the Crown Prince also opened their eyes.

"Lao Ba's character is still so explosive."

The prince frowned and then looked at Princess Mingmei.

"It's almost time."

"His mind doesn't seem to have fully awakened."

Princess Mingmei had no expression on her face and spoke calmly.

"Just give him a beating like he did when he was a kid."

"That's fine!" The prince nodded, clasped his hands together, and pointed towards the door.

The same is true for Princess Mingmei and her fifth sister.

Seeing the three Yunshen like this, Xu Qing instinctively ran away. He heard their conversation and didn't want to get too close.

Facts have proved that Xu Qing's approach is correct.

Because when he ran for ten miles, the knocking on the door in the sky was extremely violent, as if there was a terrifying being who turned the sky into a war drum and was beating it with all his strength.

The sound that came out was deafening, causing countless gravels on the ground to collapse and shatter, and the void also showed signs of shattering.

The green sand desert is obviously unique. It is different from the outside world. The fluctuations produced here seem to have a natural hiding effect.

Xu Qing thought thoughtfully and understood that this might be the reason why the Crown Prince and the others chose to break the seal here.

"Ten miles is still a bit close..."

The power of the purple moon in Xu Qing's body suddenly exploded, blood filled the air, and his speed suddenly increased.

Although the prince did not allow him to rely on the power of Ziyue, Xu Qing felt that it didn't matter if he used it at this time.

Just like this, after taking a few breaths, Xu Qing was already a hundred miles away. Only then did he feel calm and look up at the sky in the distance.

As far as the eyes could see, the figures of the three princes could no longer be seen, only the door to the sky could be vaguely seen, and in the next moment, a bright light emitted from there, reflecting the sky and covering the earth.

The knocking on the door was more intensive than ever at this moment, and what was even more shocking was that the sound actually affected the heartbeat. Xu Qing could clearly feel that his heart was beating out of control.

While frightened, Xu Qingziyue's blood power burst out, and a bloody whirlpool surrounded his body. After resisting all this, he ran wildly again.

At the same time, in front of the black and white door, as the three princes took action, a sharp friction sound came from the door. From the outside in, it was slowly pushed open, revealing a gap.

A green mist burst out from the gap at an alarming speed, as if it had been sealed for too long. At the moment it burst out, a violent aura rose inside.

Green appeared in the sky, and so did the earth. Under the gathering of mist, a tall, bare-chested figure was looming inside.

Roaring to the sky.

This figure had an astonishing pressure. Xu Qing was so far away, but just after feeling it, there was a sense of anger in his heart, which broke out on its own.

Extremely angry, extremely furious.

This emotion came suddenly, without any reason, and exploded in Xu Qing's heart out of thin air.

Not only him, but all the ferocious beasts in the surrounding sand suddenly became furious at this moment. Even the sandworms that were usually relatively gentle became extremely ferocious at this moment.

Everything is affected.

The vortex of blood around Xu Qing turned more and more, and only then did he regain his consciousness. At this moment, when he stepped back, he had a clear understanding of the authority of the eighth son of the master.


Xu Qing looked solemn, and for a moment, a cold snort came from the distance as he murmured in his heart.

"What the hell!"

As the sound echoed, the Crown Prince raised his right hand as if to make a fist, but as if he was worried that the opponent would not be able to bear it, he instead pointed one finger and lowered it towards him.

In an instant, the surroundings were distorted and blurred in all directions. The roaring tall figure roared, and his whole body trembled as if suppressed by an invisible force.

But in the next moment, the figure suddenly raised its head, revealing a ferocious expression. Not only did the anger not diminish, but it became even greater.

"I want..."

The violence all over the tall figure was like waves, waves rising up in endless waves and about to pour out, but at this moment, Princess Mingmei frowned.

"Your Majesty, you are too gentle."

As she spoke, Princess Mingmei stepped out, directly in front of the tall figure, and pressed down with her right hand.

In an instant, the tall figure's whole body was shaken wildly, and his whole body was twisted, and turned into a meat ball, which was smashed to the ground.

The ground shook and deep pits appeared.

Before the meat ball could struggle, its body was quickly pulled out, and Princess Mingmei tore it apart with her hands.

With a stabbing sound, the meat balls were torn in half, quickly moved away from each other, then converged on each other at a faster speed, and finally collided hard together.

The rumbling sound echoed in all directions.

It didn't end. The two flesh balls that hit each other melted together because of the great force, but were torn apart again.

This time it turned into four parts. After they were separated, they collided rapidly from four different directions.

Then eight copies, sixteen copies, thirty-two copies...

But Princess Mingmei just stood there, waving expressionlessly.

The prince looked on with a smile, and their fifth sister showed a rare smile on her face. It seemed that this scene reminded her of the beautiful past.

Xu Qing saw this scene with his spiritual consciousness from afar, and when he had a better understanding of Princess Mingmei's strength and attack style, a wailing sound finally came from the flesh ball formed by the collision of the sixty-four pieces.


"Sister, I'm awake. Stop fighting. I'm really awake."

Without saying a word, Princess Mingmei waved her hand again, and one hundred and twenty-eight pieces of flesh and blood were torn apart, roaring in all directions, and the impact seemed to be accelerating, and the screams echoed inside.

"Brother, fifth sister, please persuade third sister, I was wrong, it was just because I didn't control it well!"

This wailing was full of panic, and after it spread to all directions, Princess Mingmei snorted coldly.

Although he still waved, this time the one hundred and twenty-eight pieces of flesh and blood did not collide with each other, but merged with each other and transformed into the tall figure before.

This figure looked like a young man, with a tall and burly body, standing there like a hill. The anger that originally existed in him had all disappeared, replaced by flattery.

"Eldest brother, third sister, fifth sister, has my father recovered? Has my mother been killed? Haha, I am finally out of trouble!"

The eighth son of the ruler spoke excitedly. After speaking, he looked up at the sky, sensed the four directions again, was stunned for a moment, and then took a breath.

"What's going on? My father hasn't recovered yet, but my scarlet mother still exists?"

"Well, there is also a son of the Red Moon God?"

"How brave!"

The burly young man suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Xu Qing, with anger in his eyes. He instinctively raised his right hand and grabbed it.

Xu Qing was horrified. His body was instantly restrained. He even felt that the space around him was collapsing at this moment. His entire body was forcefully pulled away by a strong force and appeared in front of this burly young man.

"That is your eldest brother's half-disciple, and he is also the benefactor who helped me, Fifth Sister, and you get out of trouble."

Princess Mingmei spoke calmly.

The next moment, the burly young man's body trembled, and his movements were gentle. He put Xu Qing down, straightened his clothes, and laughed.

"Hello, little one."

This smile conveyed a ferocious and crazy look on the face of this burly young man, especially his bloodshot eyes and the terrifying fluctuations on his body. It gave Xu Qing the feeling that he was like the eyes of the gods he had seen in the ghost cave.

This put him under a lot of pressure.

"When he was a child, he was stupid and his brain was damaged. He was really damaged, so Xu Qing, don't mind."

The prince spoke calmly, and after speaking, he raised his right hand and grabbed the black and white door in the sky.

The door turned into flowing light, fell into his hand, kneaded it and turned into a gray hat, and threw it to Xu Qing.

"The body of this door is a morning glory given to my father by the ancient emperor. It is a good thing. You can bring it with you to train your soul."

Xu Qing took it hesitantly, and after thinking about it, resolutely put it on his head.

The soul roars, just like the feeling of being tied to the sun, it comes again.

This time, it falls on the soul.

Xu Qing's vision blurred for a moment, his soul shook, it seemed as if the world was double-imaged, and his consciousness fluctuated violently.

He took a breath, gritted his teeth and tried to adapt, when the prince's words came to his ears.

"Third Sister, Lao Ba, and Yaomei, this guy has a pharmacy here. It's very cozy there. You can go with me."


Today is the last day that monthly tickets are doubled. It coincides with the opening of the most powerful medicine store during the festival of the moon. Please give me monthly tickets.

Beautiful girls, it is said that voting for monthly votes can make you more handsome and good-looking. I love you.

This chapter has been completed!
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