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Chapter 687: Nose, Mouth, Brain, Limbs, and Organs, Return

As Xu Qing walked out, the blood beasts on the battlefield became more and more restless, and their emotional fluctuations of struggle and panic were particularly obvious on them.

They roared instinctively, and the thorns on their bodies moved rapidly and unconsciously. The blood-colored pupils in their eyes shrank, and some of them were scratching the ground impatiently, their bodies trembling.

This is a kind of suppression that comes from the authority of the Red Moon, like blood.

Before this, only the Red Mother and the Son of God could control these blood beasts and make them move according to orders. Outsiders could not do this, and even the emperor could not give too many orders.

But now, with Xu Qing's appearance, he has the same qualifications as Chi Mu and the Son of God.

That day in the Qingsha Desert, Xu Qing had already tried it, but now his cultivation level has been greatly improved. The cultivation level of the first secret of the spiritual treasure has made his Red Moon power more majestic, and the invisible suppression from the superiors has become more powerful.

To be obvious.

In a few steps, Xu Qing walked out of the Mirror of the Counter-Moon, with countless blood droplets scattered all over his body, converging into a bloody vortex surrounding his body.

During the rumbling rotation, the superior aura was released with all its strength towards the heaven and earth.

For a moment, the sky turned red and the earth was stained with blood, but this red light brought not protection and blessing to the Red Moon monks, but endless fear and horror.

Not all Red Moon monks have heard about Xu Qing. For most Red Moon monks, they actually don't know the true meaning of Xu Qing.

Therefore, the red light and authority emanating from Xu Qing's body at this moment, as well as the pressure of a personality comparable to that of the Son of God, shocked most of the Red Moon monks here.

Countless people were moved and their expressions changed drastically. These Red Moon monks could clearly feel the faith in their bodies, which was now tumbling uncontrollably, as if to tell them that the person in front of them was one of the sources of faith.

This absurd perception immediately made the Red Moon cultivator here feel extremely emotional.

Compared to them, the blood beasts who act based on intuition and instinct have much simpler thinking. At this moment, all the blood beasts in all directions are trembling.

Gradually, the restlessness dissipated and was replaced by surrender. Everyone lowered their heads towards Xu Qing, showing a sign of submission.

Looking around, in the sky and on the earth, countless blood beasts were crawling down.

These ferocious blood beasts are like demons running out of hell, but no matter how bloodthirsty, cruel, or hungry they were before, now... they all instinctively bow their heads in worship, as if they were meeting a monarch.

And Xu Qing, whom they worshiped, was standing outside the Mirror of the Counter-Moon, with his long hair fluttering in the wind.

His handsome face is indifferent and as perfect as a sculpture, matching the bloody vortex outside his body...

For a moment, some people even exclaimed.

"Son of God?"

At this moment, Xu Qing indeed looked like the Son of God.

The emperor's face was solemn as he stared at Xu Qing, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

Xu Qing ignored it. He stood silently in the air, scanning the blood beasts in all directions, and sent out his spiritual thoughts to mark the cultivation of the Red Moon here.

"Eat them."

The next moment, all the blood beasts raised their heads and looked around at the Red Moon Cultivator and the Emperor. Their eyes showed bloodthirsty and madness. They roared in their mouths and rushed out, roaring towards the Red Moon Cultivator.


The situation on the battlefield was reversed at this moment, and there was chaos in an instant. Screams, exclamations, and roars kept rising and falling.

As for the counter-moon side, their morale has now greatly increased. With the help of the blood beasts, their pressure has been reduced too much. After quickly reorganizing, they are joining the battlefield in an orderly manner and fighting together.

But at this moment, a muffled thunder sound, like the first thunder after the creation of the world, suddenly came out from the red mother's slough, and the red mother's slough shrank rapidly and expanded rapidly.

Vaguely, there was a shrill sound coming from inside.

Obviously, there have been some changes in the war within the Red Mother Mortal Transformation.

This scene made the Red Moon cultivators here even worse. Their expressions changed, but the emperor's eyes finally showed decisiveness at this moment.

He really didn't want to take action personally. The previous battle in the Kusheng Mountains made him extremely wary of Niyue Palace's various methods, and the words of Shen Quezi made him even more uneasy.

Especially what the other party said about his eyes made him very uneasy. Even though Shenquezi was in danger now, he instinctively did not want to get close to Xu Qing.

Because the junior standing next to Xu Qing was the owner of the eyes that Shenquezi mentioned that day.

Although he also conducted some investigation after his return, the Reversible Moon Palace arrived too quickly, and the Son of God chose to break through, which made it too late for him to explore everything.

And the most important thing is that he also heard the message that the person just sent to Xu Qing in a special way...

But now, he had no choice but to take action.

However, he did not approach, but stood there, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, and raised his right hand to point to the sky.

"Heavenly fire and sea!"

As soon as the emperor's words came out, the sky rumbled, the stars moved, and the sky began to flow like a river. It was as if the entire sky had become a piece of cloth. At this moment, someone was quickly pulling it, moving the sky in the Sky Fire Sea area to the island.

In the blink of an eye, a huge crack appeared in the sky, and endless sky fire roared down from the inside like a waterfall. It was controlled by the emperor and gathered together to form a huge finger, heading towards the Mirror of the Counter-Moon.

This is moving to heaven!

But the power from the Emperor was not over yet. He looked at Xu Qing coldly, focusing on the captain beside Xu Qing, and made another seal. Suddenly, the northern ice field of the Moon Festival Territory trembled, and the earth changed instantly.

As the surrounding area suddenly became colder, the entire northern snowfield ice was moved to the island.

There is also a finger of ice that rises from the earth and goes straight to the Mirror of the Counter-Moon.

This is a land swap!

Then, the Emperor narrowed his eyes, with his head on the sky and the sea of ​​fire, his feet on the northern ice field, and he grabbed the space between heaven and earth with his right hand.

In an instant, the endless wind in the heaven and earth appeared out of thin air.

The wind blows the fire from the sky, the sea of ​​fire rages, the wind sweeps the ice field, and the cold air is overwhelming.

This endless wind quickly gathered around the palace, forming a storm that connected the sky and the earth, carrying the power of ice and fire and rumbling in all directions.

It is also like a finger, pressing towards the mirror of the counter-moon.

This is catching the wind!

This scene made everyone change their expressions, and then the Emperor raised his hand again and waved violently at all the cultivators of the Counter-Moon here, including Xu Qing and the captain.

With this wave, the bodies of Niyue cultivators here were shaken violently. Their bodies were not seriously injured, but the expressions of almost everyone changed. The shadows under their feet were blurred rapidly by the light of the sky fire, and finally


All the shadows, as if captured, gathered on the emperor's right hand, turning into a black mist. It spread along the palm of his arm until it spread all over the body. A huge shadow finger rose up and pressed towards the counter-moon.


This is shadow-catching!

Moving the sky and changing the earth, catching the wind and catching shadows, and accumulating the power of the gods, this is evident from this.

Only Xu Qing's shadow was still there, struggling fiercely.


The Emperor's eyes narrowed, but this was not the time to pay attention to this matter. The four fingers formed by his shot were moving toward the Mirror of the Counter Moon with the power to destroy the world.

Once it falls, the Mirror of the Counter-Moon may still exist, but its impact on the cultivation of the Counter-Moon will definitely be considerable.

Suddenly, a crisis arises.

But at this moment, the captain smiled.

He took a step forward while laughing, his expression was excited, his eyes showed excitement, and he even couldn't help but lick his lips due to the excitement of his mood.

"Eye-thief, you piecemeal monster has finally taken action. Do you think I don't know that you can hear the message I sent to my junior brother? I told you on purpose, and you weren't the one I was waiting for.

But you use your magical powers!"

"You are still affected by my eyes after all. The judgment brought by the pictures you see is actually... what I want you to see."

The captain laughed, his expression rising crazily as he stepped forward, and he had the aura to dominate the battle and fight fiercely. His right hand suddenly raised and pointed towards the sky.

"Big nose, big neck, come out!"

As soon as he spoke, the color of the world changed, nothingness twisted, and a huge nose and neck appeared out of thin air, summoned, with a large number of seals on them, and even a temple on them.

After this moment appeared, the temple collapsed, the seal exploded, and the nose and neck roared closer, slamming into the fingers formed by the sky and sea of ​​fire.

Amid the roar, Tianhuo pointed his finger, but the captain's crazy voice was still echoing.

"Here comes the big head!"

In the blink of an eye, a huge head without facial features flew out of the void. This head was bare, but after it appeared, it was so majestic that it shook all directions and headed straight for the glacier finger.

"Arms, legs, body!"

"And my insides!"

"The divine body from the previous life is back!"

The emperor's expression changed wildly, and the captain yelled. Suddenly, the broken body of his previous life descended from the void one by one. There were also two golden kidneys inside, one of which Xu Qing helped him get back from the mud fox.

Now they all appear, roaring away towards the two fingers formed by catching wind and shadow.

Immediately afterwards, the captain looked at the emperor whose expression changed, with a strange light in his eyes.

"Left ear!"

The void roared, and a huge ear came from the broken void. Then the captain raised his hand and waved out a blue coffin. There was a corpse inside, which was what Xu Qing and he had obtained in Tianniu Mountain.

At this moment, the corpse walked out of the coffin, its whole body melted, and turned into a right ear!

In the captain's previous life, he sucked a mouthful of blood from the Red Mother and was disgusted by the Red Mother. Therefore, his body was torn into pieces and became the power source of the Red Moon Temple in various places in the region. He was dragged around the temple as punishment.

Originally, the captain could not continue to control it. He could only rely on Yanyue's help and hid one ear.

It was not until some time ago that he finally sensed all the organs and body through the blessing of the power of the Anti-Moon Palace, and established a connection, and then he had today's summons.

And all of this, whether creating an artificial sun or becoming the Lord of the Counter-Moon, is his plan.

Now, it's all completed.

At this moment, seeing the arrival of his previous body, the captain was excited, raised his hand and pointed at the emperor in the distance who quickly retreated with uneasiness in his heart, and let out a low roar.

"Where is the mouth!"

"Swallow this eye-thief!"

Thunder came from the sky, and a huge mouth transformed into the sky. With the captain's long smile, the mouth went straight towards the emperor.

The mouth opened wider and wider, until it finally seemed like it could swallow the earth and envelope the entire palace.

When the emperor's breathing was rapid and his heart was horrified, the captain's eyes became even more crazy.

"Eye thief, yesterday you stole my eyes, now I will take your body!"

This chapter has been completed!
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