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Chapter 705 What will happen when the broken face looks towards the divine realm?

Zanmian's eyes were not completely opened and closed, but only opened a gap.

The moment this gap appeared, Xu Qing's body roared, and indescribable severe pain overwhelmed him like a furious wave.

Pieces of flesh and blood in his body exploded rapidly, and the meridians and bones in his body were also collapsing.

The whole person couldn't hold it up and fell to the ground.

His soul and cultivation also seemed to be destroyed at this moment.

It's as if he has become a candle, burning everything, as the motivation for the god's broken face to open his eyes.

But his cultivation was not enough after all. At this moment, when the eyes of the residual face opened the gap, he was almost drained.

But even so, even if there is only a slit in the broken face's eye, the world in the Moon Palace still falls into deathly silence for an instant.

Chi Mu's past figure let out a wail, and her body was actually melting, exuding a red mist that was constantly fading, as if it had been wiped away.

The wooden door next to it was shaking violently and was decaying. Black air was rising, and an extremely frightening sound came from inside.

"Father God..."

As for the Crown Prince and others, their hearts were filled with turmoil, and their faces were all pale. Their bodies were being seriously affected. Xu Qing's move would affect everyone in this world regardless of who they were.

The same is true for the captain. He merged into his previous life and turned into a large number of blue worms. Although most of them collapsed during the fight against the Red Mother and the Devouring Wooden Door, there were still a few hiding on the ground.

They were originally merging with each other to form a body again, but now... they had to scream, and in this scream, there was panic in his eyes.

It's just that this panic doesn't seem to come from the remnants of the gods in the sky, but from the red moon and stars themselves.

Because, while the captain was wailing, he was looking at the red moon land... He seemed to want to say something, but all the words were strangely unable to come out.

At this moment, if someone can stand on a high place and look down at everything in the red moon, then he can see that the world of the Moon Palace is also affected.

The ruined city standing on the ground was blurry, as hazy as a ghost, silent in the rain of blood.

The sky dimmed, and lightning pierced the sky one after another, making the whole world shine.

But there was no thunder, only the rain falling silently.

As for the remnant face of the god hanging high in the sky, there is no joy or sorrow, and indifference seems to be its only expression. It seems that to him, whether he is a monk or a mortal, even if he is a god...

There's not much difference either.

The foreignness from the remaining face rises at this moment, like the source of everything, invading everything.

Its tyranny and terror are far beyond comparison with other gods. In other words, gods will also be invaded by it.

After all, in Wanggu Continent, His gaze can transform the forbidden area. If he looks into the restricted area, it will transform the forbidden area.

If you look towards the forbidden land, it is the realm of God!

And the Moon Palace itself is also a type of divine realm... No one knows what will happen if the broken face of a god looks into the divine realm?

In the entire Wanggu Continent, nothing like this has ever happened since the appearance of the residual face of the gods. The maximum limit that the residual face of the gods can see at present is three eyes.

His gaze formed the Divine Realm, but after the Divine Realm was formed, He never looked at it again!

Although the residual face that appears now is just a scene in Xu Qing's memory, the status of the residual face of the spirit is too high. Even though the eyes in this painting are far inferior to the original ones, they still possess some divine power.

As a result, at this moment, something unprecedented happened in the entire Wanggu Continent for countless years.

The eyes of the broken face of the gods saw the divine realm...

The entire moon palace, the entire red moon and stars, solidified in an instant, developing in an unknown direction...!

This development is extremely mysterious and profound.

First of all, whether it is the moon palace or the red moon stars, they seem to be isolated from the time of the ancient continent. The entire red moon stars and the moon palace decayed in an instant, and were formed again in an instant.

Everything on the rocks, palaces, and stars is changing.

This change is related to time.

The flow of time on the red moon and stars is going crazy!

The entire star sometimes appears with ancient landforms, and sometimes it is torn apart and destroyed. It is constantly changing during this period, as if it is beating extremely fast at different time nodes.

Only the red moon and stars are like this. Apart from the stars, everything is as usual.

And the shock and panic that this change brought to everyone became infinite and rose to the extreme.

There was even a trembling voice from the Yue Yan God inside the wooden door.


"When Father God looks into the Divine Realm, something terrible will happen!"


At the end, the God of Moon Flame inside the wooden door made a sound that was so sharp that it penetrated gold and cracked stone and could destroy all minds.

But at this moment, with the red moon and stars jumping wildly at countless points in time, it was impossible to spread it too far. In the end, he could only choose to let the sound fall on Erniu.

The next moment, Er Niu's forming body trembled, and his uncontrollable screams stopped. The fear in his eyes was extremely strong, and he looked at Xu Qing suddenly and spoke quickly.

"Little Ah Qing, stop quickly!"

"Once the remnant face of the gods looks towards the divine realm... the divine realm will appear!"

"It is incomprehensible to the divine world and is a great terror!"

The captain was anxious and crawled towards Xu Qing.

But at this moment, Xu Qing's consciousness had fallen into the void, without self or spirit. Only instinct drove his eyes, lying there, watching the changes of the red moon and stars.

In his perception, time seems to be a straight line with a beginning and an end, and the red moon and stars are on this straight line, but they are not fixed, but constantly jumping and appearing anywhere on this line.

Every time it flashes, it is a different time node, getting faster and faster, and finally turns into a blur.

And in this blur, the next level of changes also occurred in the outside world.

I saw a second red moon star besides the red moon stars!

Then came the third, fourth...and then countless red moon stars, occupying the entire void.

"Time and space...are out of control..." the captain's voice became more and more trembling.

"The red moon stars at the beginning, with the gaze of the residual face, the concept of time appeared, so they were violent and beating, and then... were given space, so countless spaces and countless red moons appeared."

"It has become time and space, both one and countless."

The captain wailed, tried his best, and continued to climb.


Each of these red moon stars originally danced and shone in their own time and space, but now with the appearance of countless red moons, they... are no longer limited to their own time and space.

Instead, they jumped out. They were confused in time and space, constantly overlapping each other, and constantly spreading out. Sometimes they overlapped in several numbers, and sometimes they merged into hundreds or thousands of them. They surrounded each other, scattered around each other, and intertwined with each other.

There is no order, no rules!

The sense of oppression brought to Xu Qing and the others during this period has reached its extreme. At this moment, whether gods or monks, they are equal!

Because they can't face it and can't resist it.

Each collapsed, each spilled blood, each was horrified.

Until, the blur of countless red moon and stars merged together, turning all time and space into hazy.

And behind the haze...it seems that something else exists.

Xu Qing looked at it blankly, and just when he was about to see clearly, his body shook, and the sky and the earth where the red moon and stars were located froze in an instant and became motionless again.

Not only did it not move here, but the other red moon and stars also stopped.

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that they had no power to continue to sublimate, and each of them shattered into pieces!

The red moon and stars all shattered and dissipated, as if they had been erased, as if they had never appeared. In the end, only the one where Xu Qing was left was left, and the concept of time also dissipated on it.

Everything that happened before appeared, and now it has gone backwards.

The next moment, the red moon and stars were restored, the moon palace was restored, everything returned to normal, and the ruins of the moon palace and earth disappeared at this moment, and the remaining faces of the gods in the sky also dispersed.

From beginning to end, His eyes were only opened a tiny gap.

Xu Qing's strength could not support him after all... He opened his eyes completely.

In his purple crystal, there was no image of the god's broken face and eyes open at this moment.

And as everything was restored, the Chi Mother from Zhang Siyun's past memory appeared in mid-air. The time she was in was shattered into pieces, and she, along with herself, became ashes.

As time passed, Zhang Siyun's figure was also revealed.

He stood there, his body trembling, and his calm and calm expression was no longer there. It was replaced by extreme panic, and at the same time, his body was aging rapidly and gradually dissipating.

The wooden door of the Moon Flame God was trembling at the moment and quickly disappeared.

As for the prince and others, they were already unconscious.

The captain... was crawling next to Xu Qing, his mouth wide open, as if he was going to bite it to remind Xu Qing to stop. At this moment, as everything reversed, he opened his mouth wide and his eyes were stunned for a moment.

Then he spoke in a low voice.

"Junior brother, promise me not to use this trick in the land of gods..."

Xu Qing's face was full of exhaustion, and he struggled to sit up. While panting, he also felt palpitations spreading in his body. At that moment, he didn't know why this happened, but he felt great terror.

At this moment, Xu Qing reluctantly raised his head, glanced at the captain, and then looked at Zhang Siyun in the distance.

Zhang Siyun's body was dispersing, his legs had disappeared, his arms and most of his body had turned into fly ash, and finally disappeared from Xu Qing's eyes as if they had been wiped away.

The crown of thorns on its head also crackled and continued to shatter, but in the end... there was still a small section left!

The purple light shining in this section gave Xu Qing the feeling that it was somewhat similar to his own purple crystal light. When the light exploded, Zhang Siyun's blurry figure gradually formed inside, and a hoarse voice echoed.

"It's just a little bit, Xu Qing... you're just a little bit close to erasing my entire body..."

"But in the end, the main body is still there, so I will be fine."

This scene made Xu Qing's eyes freeze, but his expression didn't change much. His personality means that he never has only one way to do things.

So he spoke softly.

"His Majesty."

In an instant, the figure of the Ancient Spirit Emperor appeared directly in front of Zhang Siyun, who was forming his body. He did not take action against him, but held an object in his hand and pressed it towards Zhang Siyun's face.

Then, it disappeared for an instant.

While hiding, he instinctively glanced at Xu Qing, with strong fear clearly in his eyes.

At this moment, Zhang Siyun's expression changed, and something appeared on his face.

That's a mask.

To be precise, it was the face of an old man, with a sad expression and wrinkles all over his face.

It has a name, it's called compassion.


It was very tiring to write this chapter today. There is a lot to think about and some thoughts about the future. Now I feel dizzy after writing it.

If you owe a chapter, I will make up for it.

This chapter has been completed!
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