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Chapter 708 The secrets of thick soil and brilliant sky

Li Zihua's voice had a heavy feeling. Although it came out softly, it made the Moon Palace tremble, and the sound wave caused the sea of ​​blood around Chi Mu to become still.

Xu Qing and others also breathed a sigh of relief and quickly retreated.

They knew very well that the next battle was not something they could participate in. Even Yun Shen... was not qualified to do so.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​blood, Chi Mu's face was expressionless, and two balls of blood-colored fire rose up in her empty eyes. She looked at Li Zihua, as if she was not surprised by his recovery and arrival.

"Xuanyou has left, time has changed, Li Zihua, it is meaningless for you to wake up."

Chi Mu spoke calmly, her voice did not contain the slightest emotion, neither happiness nor sadness.

This scene looks different in the eyes of different people.

The picture in everyone's eyes is a transformation of the cognitive instinct to the limit that can be tolerated. For example, in the eyes of Shizi and others, the Chi Mother they saw was a fusion of human form and feathers, which was more ferocious and evil.

, even more terrifying.

And the fire in his eyes was not a flame, but two wriggling stars.

This is the spirit. Because the level of life is so high, in the eyes of all living beings, the spirit has countless appearances.

Therefore, once a god wants to destroy the world, it is extremely simple. He only needs to reflect his true appearance in the eyes of all living beings, and then death will come.

From this point, we can also see the horror of the remnant face of the god, because all sentient beings, no matter what their level of cultivation, see him with the same appearance.

At this moment, Chi Mu's voice fell in the ears of Xu Qing and others, turning into rumbling thunder, rolling in their hearts, causing everyone to lose all resistance in an instant.

The prince and others each deployed their own methods to barely endure it.

Without any hesitation, Xu Qing immediately took out a ball of mud and held it in his hand.

This is what the mud fox left for him.

The captain also quickly took out a piece of hair, which was a token of God Yueyan. Although the other party came and left, the captain always kept this hair.

Only Li Zihua did not need any resistance. He stood silently in the Moon Palace, looking at Chi Mu in front of him. After a while, a soft voice came out.

"The mission remains."

These four words seemed to be able to create some kind of stimulation for Chi Mu, so in the next moment, more blood flowed from Chi Mu's body, and the thorns wrapped around her became tighter. Behind her, among the countless other shore flowers blooming on the sea of ​​blood, countless

She was confused, her expression turned into resentment, and she let out a low roar.

"Mission? Is it Huangtian's mission or Houtu's mission?"

"Li Zihua, have you forgotten what happened in Huangtian?"

"We were originally born as gods, but who sealed our ancestors so that future generations would lose their status as gods?"

Li Zihua closed his eyes for a long time and shook his head.

"Never forget."

Chi Mu's whole body was shining with blood-red light. When the red light was overwhelming, her body took a step towards Li Zihua.

"Who raised up the so-called law of heaven in our sacred land to suppress us?"

"Who banned us under the ancient land of Wangwang and built a world of monks in our sacred land!"

As the voice echoed, the appearance of Chi Mu changed in Xu Qing's eyes. Her original appearance of a beautiful woman was now shattering, and the bloody feathers were gradually replacing flesh and blood.

And his words continued.

"Li Zihua, I chose to become a god. It was not wrong. You were the same as me when you left, but why did you extinguish the divine fire and betray our bloodline?"

"You come from the bright sky, but you became the thick earth!"

"I am from Huangtian, and I still represent Huangtian!"

After Chi Mu said these last words, she appeared in front of Li Zihua. In Xu Qing's eyes, her body suddenly changed. The woman's appearance completely disappeared, and she turned back into the terrifying flesh and blood from the beginning.

And at this moment, all the feathers spread out rapidly, revealing the inside of this mass of flesh and feathers. There... there was a huge eye hole. There were no eyeballs, only endless blood flowing out from there.


Facing Chi Mu's words and the approaching figure, Li Zihua fell silent, and finally let out a sigh. He raised his right hand and pressed it toward the sky.

With this press, the sky curtain shattered and fell into countless fragments.

And each fragment is changing as it falls, forming a series of earth-shattering auras, and then... transformed into countless illusory shadows.

Inside there are the sun, moon, stars, dragons and phoenixes, and various ancient spirits. Xu Qing even saw a golden crow inside.

With their appearance, and with the explosion of aura, a wave of unique imperial-level skills suddenly rises from the phantom formed by these fragments.

All of them are imperial-level techniques, covering all races, and their number is no less than tens of thousands.

At this moment, he was summoned by Li Zihua.

The moment they appeared, these tens of thousands of emperor-level skills each showed their true origins. In the blink of an eye... taboos appeared in the phantoms transformed by each of the emperor-level skills, just like the seals were being unlocked.

Weapons and items, including the spear of destruction that Xu Qing felt in the Golden Crow, are now all revealed on the sky.

This is the Forbidden Soldier!

Their appearance caused extremely terrifying fluctuations, and then they headed towards Chi Mu and killed them!

From the Golden Crow's body, Xu Qing had already sensed the secrets of the emperor-level skills. He knew that every emperor-level skill was actually a seal, sealing things that were not allowed to appear by heaven.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, his mind was filled with endless waves.

Such magical power is unimaginable and even Yun Shen cannot master it.

This is a shocking power that only the Lord can unleash.

Whether it was Chi Mu's attack or Master Li Zihua's counterattack, it was far beyond the scope of everyone's understanding. So in the next moment, Xu Qing and others spurted blood and fell back, all looking horrified.

The picture in front of them also changed with different levels of tolerance.

When Xu Qing's eyes reflected the world, there was no Li Zihua or Chi Mu. The broken sky was now replaced by a huge picture.

This picture consists of two colors, red and white.

These two colors are intertwined and distinct, rotating on the sky, forming a huge vortex.

In the center of this whirlpool, there is an open white eye. It has no pupils and is replaced by a bloody heart. The heart is beating at the moment, making a sound like thunder from the sky.

Around the eyes, there are countless eyelashes. These eyelashes are like tentacles, constantly spreading and swaying, and sometimes touching each other, forming fuzzy shadows composed of a third color.

It is black, like a shadow, and its shape is irregular. The moment they appear, they will be swallowed up separately.

This is the divine battle in Xu Qing’s eyes.

Because this battle was beyond his level, in his eyes, the battle between Lord Li Zihua and Chi Mu was like an extremely abstract painting.

The red color in the painting represents Chi Mu, and the white color represents Li Zihua.

As for the third color, Xu Qing didn't understand it. It seemed to be the shadow of Li Zihua and Chi Mu.

This reminded Xu Qing of his own shadow.

"Little Aqing, remember what you saw. This is the peak collision of the two levels of life, the monk and the god!"

The captain was beside Xu Qing, holding the Moon Flame's hair firmly while looking at the sky obsessively and murmuring.

"Yifang is the embodiment of taking the path of spiritual practice to the extreme."

"On the one hand, he chose to become a god and was the source of the great catastrophe in Wanggu Continent."

"The cultivation of the former is a path towards the pinnacle level of life. The monks who have reached the extreme level are given many names. Some universes call them respected ones, and some call them immortals.

In Wanggu Continent, this kind of pinnacle cultivation is called a master."

"This is the monk's lifelong yearning and dream."

The captain's voice fell in Xu Qing's ears, with a hint of time and a sense of vicissitudes.

"Junior brother, do you know that there is actually an even older legend in Wanggu Continent..."

"Legend?" Xu Qing's heart moved.

"According to legend, a long time ago, Wanggu Continent was not what it is now. There were no monks, no rules and regulations, and naturally there was no way of heaven.

And monks come from the lower world.

When the pinnacle cultivators of the lower world reach the realm of immortals, they travel through countless universes and worlds, and no existence can pose a threat to immortals.

They control all rules, understand all origins, travel through any time and space, change all things, and can also create sentient beings."

Xu Qing was shocked when he heard this.

The captain looked at the sky and still murmured.

"Whether they are immortals or masters, they are immortal to a certain extent and live as long as heaven. Their thoughts and desires have also changed. What they are pursuing is the Tao, and what will happen after this path of cultivation ends.

open up.

And based on different experiences, different cognitions, and different ideals, their respective developments vary. Some immortals have gone very far, while some are still standing still.

Therefore, in the past era, the only ones who could threaten the immortals were themselves."

"Until, as they moved forward... they broke the boundary wall and came from the lower world to the upper world, and then gods, another extreme form of life level, appeared in the cognition of immortals.

At that moment, it changed."

"They were told that these countless universes and countless worlds never actually belonged to the monks.

Whether it is the past, present, or future, everything and all definitions, in the final analysis, come from God.

It is the gods who divide the world into upper and lower realms.

The lower realm is thick earth, and the upper realm is bright sky.

The frog at the bottom of the well has become the most suitable metaphor for monks at this time."

"So, war... ensued."

"It was a battle between immortals and gods, a battle between the lower world and the upper world, and even more... a battle between thick earth and brilliant sky."

The captain spoke softly and paused for a moment.

Xu Qing instinctively sent out his spiritual thoughts.

"What's the ending?"

"In that battle, Xian won, but also lost." The captain murmured.

"The glorious sky fell, became a taboo and was sealed, the way of heaven was raised, and the rules were redefined. This was a manifestation of the victory of the immortals, but it was also at that time that the immortals from the lower world knew a desperate truth.

The infinitely large Huangtian is just a great divine realm of gods.

And in this vast upper realm, there are many great gods like this... Huangtian is just the tip of the iceberg, and it is far from the strongest.

This place truly belongs to the gods."

Having said this, the captain turned his head and looked into Xu Qing's eyes.

"As for Li Zihua and Chi Mu, they... both come from Huangtian."

This chapter has been completed!
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