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Chapter 723 The stars lost their light, the sun and the moon changed

The excitement spread to all directions as Xu Qing and the captain stood tall in the sky.

All the sword holders felt excited in their hearts, and they vaguely felt like they were back to the moment when Fenghai County Governor changed.

At that time, Xu Qing also stood like this between heaven and earth, his figure falling in everyone's hearts.

But today, this figure is even more majestic, with a rainbow-like momentum that is earth-shattering.

So in this excitement, these sword holders flew out one after another and gathered towards Xu Qing. More and more, the entire Fenghai County also formed a strong fighting spirit at this moment.

Although Qi Ye and Yao Hou are far superior to Xu Qing in terms of cultivation and status, they are in the clouds in everyone's hearts. They can watch from a distance, but they dare not approach.

Because it's too far.

But Xu Qing is different. Xu Qing is their comrade. They have shared life and death together. While they are familiar with each other, they also recognize Xu Qing's character.

Therefore, they respect Xu Qing and are very kind at the same time.

At this moment, all the sword holders were standing beside Xu Qing, standing together with him.

Looking at these comrades, Xu Qing's heart also rose. He always remembered what Zixuan once said to him. At that time, he had just arrived in Fenghai County and did not have much sense of identification with the sword holder.

Not sure if I want to really get into it.

It was Zixuan who told him that when he first developed respect for this organization and the people in it, and then developed respect for it, he might be able to get the answer.

Respect comes from understanding and respect, from Kong Liangxiu, the old master of the Sword Palace.

All kinds of emotions were rising in Xu Qing's heart. He took a deep breath and suppressed them, because now was not the time to reminisce about the past.

This major crisis involving Fenghai County is not over yet.

The only ones who died were the ancestors of Lingyun and some of the monks who had defected to Fenghai County. They may have thought that they were good, that they could control the wind and rain within their own scope, and they also felt that they were valued.

But in fact, in the heart of the middle-aged man sitting on the white elephant, these people are just house sparrows in the backcountry.

For him who came out of the imperial capital and was used to being aloof, these were not important.

He only felt sorry for the Lingyun ancestor.

But this pity is not very strong.

What made him look serious was that Xu Qing and the captain were able to return to the void with the spirit hidden slaying. This had never happened before even in the Imperial Capital area.

"Only those super wealthy families in the Wanggu Continent have such a situation, but they are rare."

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and focused on Xu Qing and the captain.

Before this, he had heard of Xu Qing's name and knew the meaning of this name to Fenghai County. He also admitted in his heart that such a talented person indeed deserved the attention of Fenghai County.

"This child is not far away from fully growing up. There is also a person next to him who has never been heard of before."

Thinking of this, he spoke slowly.

"Are you Xu Qing?"

"Before I came here, I heard the Seventh Prince mention you and praise you very much. The Emperor was so thoughtful that even His Majesty also praised you."

"Therefore, I will not pursue the matter of your killing Ling Yun for the time being."

"For your first-class military exploits in the human race, you have been awarded a gold medal, a yellow robe, and the qualification of an imperial scholar. You must understand the righteousness well."

"This time, Fenghai County's recruitment will be led by you to the battlefield, and you will perform meritorious service. Are you willing?"

The middle-aged man on the white elephant spoke calmly.

As soon as he spoke, tens of thousands of war warriors wearing blood-colored armor and sitting on giant lizards around him all stepped forward. Their movement immediately set off a stormy sea, causing the color of the sky to change. The wind howled, forming a storm and stirring up the wind and clouds.


The killing intention was extremely strong, as if with an order, they would conquer all obstacles in front of them.

Here in Fenghai County, under the influence of this energy, the murderous intention also rose, and the sword holders drew their swords one after another, just waiting for Xu Qing's order.

The monks from the other two palaces and disciples from various sects were also in awe.

Xu Qing was silent and did not immediately answer the warlord's question. Instead, he turned to look at the sword holders around him, at all the monks in Fenghai County, and finally at Qi Ye and Yao Hou.

Master Qi's eyes became more pleased and he smiled.

"You've grown up."

This sentence fully expressed his feelings, and he handed over all choices to Xu Qing.

Yao Hou looked at Xu Qing with a dazed expression. Vaguely, he seemed to see the figure of Kong Liangxiu in Xu Qing, so he smiled and nodded towards Xu Qing.

"You have made great achievements for the people of Fenghai County. If you had not cultivated enough, the post of county guard would have belonged to you. Your master and I were in charge of Fenghai County before you grew up.


"You decide the future path of Fenghai County."

As the two spoke, the palace masters of the three palaces, the deacons, and the powerful men of various sects all looked at Xu Qing, their eyes mostly soft.

Xu Qing took a deep breath, bowed to Master Qi and Marquis Yao, turned around and looked around. Looking at the eyes of the monks from Fenghai County, he knew what they were thinking.

Therefore, Xu Qing's eyes were troubled, he looked at the White Elephant Warlord, and spoke calmly.

"The Human Emperor has decreed that Hai County should be granted self-government. I'm sorry to have to obey your orders!"

As soon as Xu Qing's words came out, Fenghai County's momentum exploded. The people in Fenghai County had long wanted to say this, but they lacked the confidence, so they could only endure it.

Now, Xu Qing said it, like thunder from the sky exploding, reverberating in all directions.

The middle-aged warlord on the white elephant had a cold light flash in his eyes when he heard this, then his eyelids drooped slightly and he spoke calmly.

"Capture Xu Qing and send him to the King of Heaven to punish him. If anyone else obstructs him and accuses him of treason, he will be killed on the spot."

In the next moment, the tens of thousands of blood-armored troops in mid-air erupted with evil energy. They marched into formation, and the energy surged into the mountains and rivers, roaring towards Fenghai County with overwhelming force.

Looking from a distance, the shadow of a bloody giant lizard emerged from the aura erupting from the tens of thousands of military cultivators, and a deafening roar spread across the sky toward Fenghai County.

The sound explodes into nothingness, forming a storm.

Suddenly the earth trembled, the clouds and mist rolled, and the sun and moon lost their color.

Fenghai County, on the other hand, had already endured to the extreme, and now its momentum also exploded, with figures turning into rainbows and forming formations in mid-air.

There are three formations, and the three palaces are different.

On the other side of the Sword Holding Palace, the auras gather to form the shadow of the sword, which can kill all living beings in mountains and rivers.

The Fengxing Palace and the Silu Palace are the same, each with its own momentum.

On the ground, there were tall puppets flying out quickly, each driven by multiple monks.

At the same time, a large net appeared in the sky, and the forbidden magic weapon of Fenghai County was opened, along with the taboos of multiple sects, spreading across the world.

Perhaps for human counties in other regions, they have not experienced many wars, and most of them are small-scale, but for Fenghai County, they just experienced a large-scale war a few years ago, and the remaining people are all

The practice of hundreds of battles.

So they are no strangers to war.

In an instant, the two sides fought together in the sky and the earth. Xu Qing bowed to the sky and asked Lao Jiu to take action, but there was no response.

Xu Qing sighed secretly, but he understood that people like Grandpa Jiu could not take action just because they wanted the other party to take action.

It depends on the level of the enemy.

So soon, the battlefield roared endlessly, the thunder collapsed, and the golden-armored subordinates around the middle-aged Bai Xiang showed coldness in their eyes one by one, and flew out one after another. When Guixu's cultivation exploded, Qi Ye, Yao Hou and others also

Fly away.

The strong men from both sides returned to the ruins and started a battle.

As for the traitors from Fenghai County who were not killed by Xu Qing's previous boat in the army, they all felt nervous when they saw the war. However, out of recognition of the situation, their panic quickly disappeared and they joined the battle.

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes, swayed his body, and flew straight towards those people. Wherever he passed, there was a roar of nothingness. In the blink of an eye, Xu Qing was approaching a Lingzang monk.

Xu Qing's first-level spirit state was too fast. The opponent was shocked and was about to retreat, but it was too late. Xu Qing raised his left hand and punched down.

This punch did not hit the opponent, but it changed the surrounding rules and regulations, forming a pull that turned retreat into forward.

In the blink of an eye, the retreating Lingzang monk spurted out blood, his own rules were backlashed, and his body went straight towards Xu Qing uncontrollably. When his expression was desperate, Xu Qing stabbed with the black spear in his right hand.

Unable to dodge or resist, the forbidden spear directly penetrated the monk's neck, and the power contained in it exploded, exploding the monk's body and secrets.

Both form and spirit are destroyed.

Xu Qing didn't pause, turned around and swept away, killing the next person.

The captain has also rushed over. At this moment, blue light envelopes one person. As the blue light dissipates, the other person's figure disappears. Only the captain licks his lips, his whole body is shining with light, and he rushes towards the other person.

Surrounded by them were the former Shuling Division sword holders. They spontaneously chose to become personal guards and accompanied Xu Qing and the captain in their killing spree.

Soon, under the action of everyone, these traitors died tragically one after another, and some of them cursed viciously before they died.

"The Seventh Prince must know what happened today. Xu Qing, we are waiting for you in Huangquan!"

"The moment King Tianlan returns, he will definitely kill you all!"

Xu Qing remained unmoved. After killing these traitors, he looked towards the battlefield in the sky.

At this moment, the armies of both sides were in contact for a short period of time. Due to the blessing of the forbidden treasure and the sharpness of the monks from Fenghai County, Fenghai's side had a huge advantage.

The tens of thousands of blood armors kept retreating.

And the battle of Guixu above the sky is the same.

This scene made the middle-aged warlord sitting on the white elephant look colder and colder. He admitted that he had underestimated Fenghai County before, but it didn't matter. As a warlord, he came back from the battlefield to recruit troops. He was not relying on these sergeants, but him.

The decree held by King Tianlan.

So he calmly raised his hand, and a golden jade pendant bloomed with monstrous light in his hand.

This golden light spreads outward and is continuously released. It is astonishingly bright and dazzling. At the same time, Yun Shen's aura turns into coercion and rages inside.

The sky was dim, the void was blurry, and the earth was shaking. The monks in Fenghai County were trembling in their hearts. They fell back, trembling with grief and anger in their hearts. Their cultivation was suppressed, and their souls were shaken. Everything about them, in front of the breath of Yun Shen,

Extremely fragile.

"How dare the shining fire compete with the bright moon?"

The middle-aged Bai Xiang spoke calmly, with a look of indifference in his eyes. At the same time, huge golden handwriting quickly formed in front of him.

"Recruit all the sentient beings of all races in the Shenglan Domain to fight."

The moment these twelve golden characters appeared, the aura from Yunshen reached its peak, and the heaven and earth shook violently.

It was at this time that Xu Qing looked up at the sky higher up, cupped his fists and bowed, and spoke in a solemn voice.

"Please Grandpa Ninth."

As soon as Xu Qing spoke, a sword light cut through the sky and fell from the sky.

With this sword, the sky rises and the earth falls, and the energy destroys all magic.

With this sword, all the stars lost their light, and the sun and moon changed.

The sky was torn apart, huge scars appeared, and the void was shattered, forming a long black hole.

All light, all sound, all gods, and all will were pulled by the sword and swallowed by the black hole at the moment it appeared.

Everything disappears and time stops.

Only this sword light fell silently, with stunning and peerless energy, striking at the divine aura released by the jade slip in the middle-aged Bai Xiang's hand.

King Tianlan's aura instantly collapsed, the golden light dimmed, and became ordinary.

The twelve large golden characters that appeared before the White Elephant made all living beings tremble. The light on them could not shine again. As the sword light swept by, they all collapsed, fell into pieces, were destroyed and turned into ashes.

Also exploded was the jade pendant in the middle-aged Bai Xiang's hand.

There were more and more cracks on the jade pendant that contained King Tianlan's decree. In an instant, they all spread and turned into dust, falling on the middle-aged Bai Xiang's body.

The middle-aged Bai Xiang's body was shaking uncontrollably, and his eyes showed unprecedented horror. He raised his head with difficulty and looked at the sky.

He couldn't see anything, but he could imagine what kind of being existed there.


The middle-aged Bai Xiang opened his mouth to speak, but there was no chance. When the wind blew, his body turned into dust and fell around.

Only when he died, the white elephant beneath him was unscathed, but trembling and fell down directly.

As for the blood-armored sergeants around, no one was injured by this sword.

This is Lao Jiu. His sword has reached the ultimate level. He can destroy thousands of armies with one thought, or he can kill just one person with one thought without damaging anything else.

Obviously, although Lao Jiu took action, he still had the human race in his heart, so he did not kill more.

But enough.

The moment the sword light dissipated, the moment the middle-aged white elephant turned into dust, the whole world fell silent.

The bodies of the blood-armored sergeants and the governor's subordinates were trembling violently, and their faces and hearts were replaced by intense panic, which turned into a roaring storm throughout their bodies.

They saw this sword and understood the meaning of this sword. It was this understanding that made everyone's minds go blank, leaving only fear.

The same was true for Fenghai County. All the sword holders, the monks of the Three Palaces, and the elites of various sects were all turbulent in their hearts, as if a big wave turned into a stormy sea.

The same was true for the various sect leaders, the Lords of the Three Palaces, and the deacons in mid-air. Their hearts were shaking like never before, and they instinctively looked at Xu Qing with disbelief.

They vaguely remembered that before this earth-shattering sword fell, Xu Qing bowed to the sky and called out the title of Grandpa Nine...

Zixuan was also stunned, looking at Xu Qing in a daze.

Yao Hou's heart also fluctuated. When he saw the word "Jicang" on Xu Qing's boat, he felt familiar. As a member of the Tianhou family, although the family was in poverty, there were many ancient books left behind.

Thinking about the great domain that Xu Qing was in before, he vaguely remembered that the last ruler of the Moon Sacrifice Domain a long time ago was named Li Jicang!

And the ninth son of the Lord is good at using swords...

Thinking of this, Yao Hou's heartbeat was extremely strong.

As for the Seventh Master, his expression was very strange. He looked at the sky with some emotion and some sadness. Then he seemed to be relieved, shook his head, and looked at Xu Qing and his eldest disciple, with relief in his eyes.


The captain saw this scene, but Xu Qing didn't pay much attention. He focused on the trembling blood-armored army.

Grandpa Jiu did not want to kill these people, and they were not easy for Xu Qing to deal with, so after being silent, Xu Qing turned to look at the giant boat.

Ning Yan and Wu Jianwu were squatting there, secretly looking at the outside world.

Noticing Xu Qing's gaze, Ning Yan blinked and instinctively lowered his head with a grimace, not daring to look at her. However, out of the corner of his eye, he could not help but pay attention to Xu Qing.

Seeing this, Xu Qing's eyes turned cold and his brows furrowed.

The captain also looked over with a half-smile.

Ning Yan's heart thumped. He was afraid of the captain, but the one he was most afraid of was Xu Qing. After all, the captain only bit him, and his acquaintance with Xu Qing almost killed him.

At this moment, both of them were looking at him. Ning Yan knew that if he didn't obey, he might not get anything good, so he sighed in his heart, gritted his teeth, stood up from his squatting position, and walked out of the boat.

Wu Jianwu on the side blinked. He naturally understood what Ning Yan was going to do, so he began to write poems in his heart.

Ning Yan's appearance did not attract much attention at first, until as he walked, his blood burst out, forming a golden canopy floating above.

There was even a four-clawed golden dragon that transformed as the blood continued to spread, flying in the sky and earth, and letting out an earth-shattering roar.

As soon as the golden dragon appeared, the sound was heard in all directions, and a royal robe appeared on Ning Yan's body. All of this made Ning Yan's place attract everyone's attention in an instant.

The monks in Fenghai County all looked at him, and their expressions all changed, full of surprise and shock.

What was even more shocking was the tens of thousands of frightened blood-armored troops and those under the command of Gui Xu. They were frightened by that sword and were in a dilemma. When they saw Ning Yan, their expressions changed drastically.

The blood fluctuations from Ning Yan's body and the golden four-clawed dragon made them from the imperial capital area immediately feel the aura of the royal family.

This scene immediately made these sergeants suspicious, but they did not know Ning Yan. It was obvious that Ning Yan was not prominent among the descendants of the Human Emperor.

Therefore, Ning Yan, standing in mid-air, felt a little embarrassed, but he couldn't directly introduce himself, so he could only stand in mid-air and release his blood aura with all his strength.

Gradually, its aura became stronger and stronger, and the royal bloodline fluctuated with great force, covering all directions.

It was at this time that the captain flew out, arrived behind Ning Yan, and shouted at the blood-armored army.

"Bold, wait until you see the twelfth prince and you won't pay your respects!"

As soon as the captain's words came out, the surroundings were even more shocked, and Ning Yan was relieved from the bottom of his heart. He kept his expression solemn, calmly looked at the army in front of him, and spoke lightly.

"I am the twelfth son of the Human Emperor, Gu Yue Ning Yan. You should know my name."

As soon as Ning Yan's words came out, these blood-armored troops were moved one by one, especially the powerful Guixu warriors inside. Their minds were agitated, and they remembered that among the princes of the Human Emperor, there was a prince who rarely appeared after his biological mother died.

In front of him was the twelfth prince.

The blood fluctuations on the opponent's body cannot be faked. The most important thing is that the shadow of the giant lizard formed by their army is also bowing to the golden dragon at this moment.

All this is enough to prove everything.

So after hesitation, everyone bowed their heads and paid their respects to Ning Yan.

"I've met the Twelve Princes!"

The people in Fenghai County were as excited about this change as they lowered their heads one after another and paid their respects to him.

Yao Hou was also like this.

Looking at all this, Ning Yan felt proud and raised his chin, almost forgetting his status in Fenghai County. Fortunately, the captain coughed thoughtfully behind him, which made Ning Yan wake up instantly.

Ning Yan was shocked in his heart, and he quickly suppressed his arrogance. After correcting his attitude, he glanced at the army and spoke calmly.

"It is my father's order to grant Hai County autonomy."

"Although you have been deceived by others, you are also guilty of offending. Please tie yourself up and wait until I ask my father to tell you before I make a decision."

Ning Yan's voice came out, and the tens of thousands of troops fell silent. There was that astonishing sword in front of them, and the prince appeared behind them. They couldn't help but obey due to emotions and reasons.

Likewise, this also made them feel relieved. They were already riding a tiger and knew the danger of life and death, so now taking orders from the prince was naturally the best choice.

So without any hesitation, they all claimed their own cultivation status and tied themselves here.

It didn't matter whether they were the warlord's cronies or not. What mattered was that that sword... had completely shocked them.

After doing this, Ning Yan glanced at Xu Qing secretly and noticed Xu Qing's expressionless face. He couldn't help but feel a little worried, so he looked at the captain.

The captain put his arms around Ning Yan's neck, smiled, and indicated that he was doing a good job.

Ning Yan was relieved.

This kind of treatment was indeed the best way for the current situation. Soon Yao Hou arranged for the assistance of the monks from Fenghai County and took tens of thousands of monks into custody in the Prison Department of Fenghai County.

There was no abuse, they were all human beings after all.

Soon, the crisis in Fenghai County came to an end. Next, Yao Hou announced that Xu Qing was the county governor and ordered the entire Fenghai County.

Due to the current unstable situation, no ceremony was held. In fact, with Xu Qing's background and reputation in Fenghai County, there was no need for any ceremony.

He is the governor of Fenghai County.

Even for some cultivators of the sect and people within Fenghai County, as the past few years have passed, their memories of what Xu Qing did back then have faded, and they regard Xu Qing's cultivation as the county guard in their hearts.

There are doubts.

But the sword that fell from the sky shattered all doubts.

It even adds endless mystery to Xu Qing, and the attitude of the Twelve Princes towards Xu Qing also evokes many associations in people's hearts.

Xu Qing did not refuse. He understood the responsibilities of the county guard and finally decided to take on this important task.

After he settled in the county governor's mansion, he issued a series of decrees that day.

The first step is to prepare the whole county for war.

The second way is to always open the taboo magic weapon.

Afterwards, several volleys were fired, and the sword bearers were dispatched to eliminate all rebellions in Fenghai County.

Be prepared to face the Seventh Prince and King Tianlan next.

With the spread of these decrees, Fenghai County, which was originally in confusion, once again glowed with vitality, and people's aspirations gathered in Fenghai.

The big bird Qingqin no longer retreated, and hovered over the county capital again that night, sending out a high-pitched cry towards the county governor's mansion.



Two in one!

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