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Chapter 741 Xu Qing, is he your brother?

If it had been any other time, Grand Duke Shenglan would never have participated in such a matter of seizing the heir.

After all, no matter in any era or in any ethnic group, seizing a direct descendant is a huge gamble with no return. If you win the gamble, you will have endless glory, but if you fail, you will be doomed.

Therefore, for Grand Duke Shenglan, living freely in the Shenglan domain is naturally the best choice.

But now, he can't do it anymore.

Fenghai County can already represent the Shenglan Territory. If he still wants to be alone at this time, it is impossible. In addition... the Shenglan Territory borders on Jiyue...

Therefore, he had no choice but to be tied to Fenghai County.

Even if King Tianlan died here.

"This is also where Fenghai County is clever... If at any other time, the King of Heaven died in battle, then the matter would have been extremely serious, but now the moon sacrifice is enough to shock all directions, and even the emperors would not dare to act rashly."

"In addition, it is included in the category of seizing the direct descendants, giving an explanation to the human emperor and giving an explanation to the imperial capital, so the death of the king of heaven will have a different meaning."

"The fight between Fenghai County and King Tianlan turned into a fight between the Twelve Princes and the Seventh Prince... From a fight between princes, it turned into a royal family affair."

"There are experts in Fenghai County!"

Grand Duke Shenglan took a deep breath and chose to surrender.

His joining completely unified the entire Shenglan Territory!

At this moment, Fenghai County has become the core of the Shenglan Territory. All forces and ethnic groups in the territory no longer have any ability to resist, nor do they have the slightest determination to resist.

With absolute strength, surrender is the only option.

Not to mention, Fenghai County also controls tens of millions of human armies, as well as the power of Grand Duke Shenglan. Such power puts Fenghai County at the pinnacle.

As for Xu Qing, the rising tide lifted all boats, and he also stood at the pinnacle of the Shenglan Domain.

Immediately afterwards, a decree spread from Fenghai County throughout the entire region.

"All races and sects unite to listen to the call. The battle of Black Sky will begin again!"

As soon as this decree came out, all the sects and tribes in the vast region did not dare to disobey it.

If it had been any other time, Grand Duke Shenglan would have had contempt in his heart, but after learning about the Moon Sacrifice Territory, he also learned that the god Chi Mu had actually died.

And Xu Qing is still one of the participants...

How could he despise all of this?

Not only was he not looked down upon, but in the heart of Grand Duke Shenglan, there were countless mysteries in Xu Qing's figure.

Because he couldn't imagine how a Lingzang monk could reach such a level that thousands of people looked up to him.

"When things go wrong, there must be a monster. This Xu Qing... is extraordinary!"

Therefore, his response was extremely thorough, and 80% of his army was dispatched to participate in this battle.

In this way, time passed. After the Shenglan Territory was unified, monks from various sects and tribes from all over the country went to the front line one after another. The seventh master, Yao Hou and others planned and deployed. When the war started again...

The matter of worshiping the moon also spread rapidly.

The reason why it spread so quickly after some time is that, on the one hand, the disappearance of the red moon was gradually noticed by people, and on the other hand... it was the jade slips from the Moon Sacrifice Domain that spread to all directions.

The jade slips were written by the Crown Prince and informed the entire Wanggu Continent.

Whether they are from the human race or other ethnic groups, most of them received the jade slip from the Crown Prince.

This jade slip explains the situation, explains the death of Chi Mu, and points out the resurrection of the Lord of the Moon Sacrifice.

This incident immediately caused a sensation among all ethnic groups and the entire Wanggu. Even some hidden gods were aware of it and set off violent fluctuations.

And it is easy to distinguish the true from the false. If you think of the broken face and the opening of the eyes before, and the changes in the Moon Sacrifice Domain, all of this becomes extremely clear.

The imperial capital of the human race naturally received the jade slip and learned about it.

At this moment, in the imperial palace of the human race, in a high pavilion filled with clouds and mist, with the strong wind howling, the human emperor stood inside, looking ahead in the distance.

On the table behind him were two jade slips, one from Prince Jie Yue and one from the Seventh Prince.

His expression was neither happy nor sad, and where he looked was a sea of ​​roiling clouds and mist.

And if you look carefully, you can see that the place where the clouds and mist is located is actually a huge star that can't even see the end... a huge star.

These stars are formed in a gaseous state, with clouds and mist flowing above them, like an abstract painting, so vast and astonishing.

After a while, a calm voice came from behind him.

"Your Majesty, I have read both jade slips."

The Human Emperor did not take his eyes away and spoke calmly.


There were several cases behind him, and at some point, there was an extra person.

This man has a jade-like face, long purple hair shawl, and is wearing a white robe. He is sitting there with a peaceful expression. He is the national master.

"Actually, that day, I noticed that my time was being borrowed."

The Imperial Master spoke softly, picked up the teacup on the side and took a sip.

"Besides, isn't this exactly what you want to see, Your Majesty?" The Imperial Master raised his head, stared at the Human Emperor in front of him, and smiled slightly.

The Emperor was silent. After a while, a deep voice echoed from his back.

"How certain are you?"

"Ten points, all I need is your Majesty's nod to agree to this deal."

The Imperial Master smiled and spoke.

There was a profound meaning in the Emperor's eyes, and he continued to look at the clouds and mists in the distance.

There was silence in the attic until after a while, the Emperor took a step forward and disappeared into the attic.

Only his cold voice, with the unique majesty of a superior, echoed.

"That Xu Qing is your brother, right."

The Imperial Master's expression remained as usual without any change. After he finished drinking the tea in the cup and put it down, his figure was smiling and blurred.

The strong wind blew up, rolled up the clouds and mist, and submerged the attic in the sea of ​​clouds.

At the same time, with the gathering of monks from various sects and tribes in the Shenglan Domain, the war against the Black Sky Clan broke out again.

This time, it has nothing to do with the Seventh Prince and King Tianlan.

This time, it was Xu Qing who initiated an unfinished battle against the Black Sky Clan, led by the Twelve Princes.

The number of monks was greater than before, and Grand Duke Shenglan personally led the team, together with Qi Ye, Yao Hou and others, divided the army into three legions and entered the Black Spirit Territory.

Although King Tianlan was defeated previously, his foundation was still there, and his magic skills could still explode, especially since the territory he had conquered was so large that he had already forced the Heitian clan he was facing to a certain extent.

The Black Sky Clan's wars in other directions also prevented the Black Sky Clan's reinforcements from arriving, so they could only stand firm in various places and fight on their own.

But in fact, if the Black Sky clan in the Black Spirit Territory really resisted, the war would still be tragic.

But the strange thing is... facing the entry of the Shenglan Territory, the Heitian Clan in the Black Spirit Territory did not fight back at all. This was completely different from when they faced King Tianlan.

As for Xu Qing, he did not go to the battlefield, but was sorting out information from all sides at the border between the Black Spirit Territory and the Shenglan Territory.

As time passed and the army successfully launched, Xu Qing also made a judgment on the combat power of the entire Black Sky clan.

The Black Sky clan has two major domains, namely Black Spirit and Black Sky.

The emperor of his clan and some of the top experts were severely wounded by the mysterious man before the war started. This behavior, which was like beheading, caused the Black Sky clan to retreat steadily when they faced the human army at the beginning.

Furthermore, because the group of dragons was leaderless and faced with the danger of annihilation, the Black Sky clan also split into three parties based on different ideas.

On one side, there is a large army led by the Black Sky Royal Family. They are mainly in the Black Sky Territory and are the main force fighting against the human race.

The other side, led by the powerful, did not contribute much. Most of them chose to stay together and hide, hoping to negotiate with the human race. This side was active between Black Sky and Black Spirit.

The last party was the one that King Tianlan fought here. They were led by the priests of the Black Sky clan.

The sacrifices of the Black Sky clan belong to the divine authority. They were originally above the imperial power and had the supreme status in the Black Sky clan. However, the magic of divine subjugation failed, the clan was defeated, the gods ignored it, and the rumors fell into sleep.

As a result, the status of the people worshiping here is not as good as before. Now in the war with the human race, it is even more weak and angry by the ethnic group.

So they can only choose to stick to their temple in the Black Spirit Realm.

Therefore, this party is basically composed of sacrifices and divine guards. They have been working tirelessly to summon their gods and pray for their coming.

They were also the first to sense Chi Mu's death.

Regarding the entry of Xu Qing's army, they also issued a decree from them, not to resist or fight back, and allowed the army to appear smoothly outside the fog where their temple was located.

This is also the place where King Tianlan fell into his trap.

Having learned from the past, the team led by Shenglan Dayu, Qi Ye, Yao Hou and others did not break in directly. On the one hand, they spread the magic, and on the other hand, they sent people to investigate.

But before Shenglan could make arrangements, one person from the Heitian tribe stepped out of the mist.

This man had no hair and was wearing a purple robe. After appearing, he bowed to the Shenglan army and made a request.

They asked Xu Qing to come in person.

They want to meet Xu Qing.

As long as Xu Qing arrives, no matter what happens in the end, they will choose to surrender.

Grand Duke Shenglan was a little hesitant about this request. If it had been changed before, this choice would have been extremely simple for him, it was just a spiritual treasure.

But things are different now. He knows very well who has the final say in Fenghai County now.

So he sent his decision to Qi Ye and Yao Hou.

Soon, Xu Qing, who was on the edge of the great domain, received a message from Master Qi.

Holding the sound transmission jade slip, Xu Qing remembered the feeling of being summoned on the Forbidden Sea.

So he stared into the depths of the Black Spirit Clan and chose to go.

A few days later, his figure appeared in front of the Shenglan army, outside the fog. Standing here, Xu Qing felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Deep in the mist of knowledge, he felt...the power of his own authority.

And his appearance also caused the mist to billow, and more than a dozen Heitian clan priests wearing purple robes walked out of the mist.

The moment they saw Xu Qing, they were obviously excited. After bending down and bowing, the old man in the leader looked at Xu Qing and let out a hoarse voice.

"Please Lord Purple, return to your seat!"

This chapter has been completed!
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