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Chapter 752 Borrowing must be repaid

In the inner ring of the Ancient Emperor Star, outside the human capital city, at the end of the White Jade Avenue, Li Yunshan and 30,000 sword-holders did not enter the city.

Even though their number is insignificant compared to the imperial capital, they are inevitably suspected of overstepping their bounds.

Li Yunshan knew this very well, so after escorting Xu Qing to the end of Baiyu Avenue, he took the sword holders and camped nearby. He only arranged for Kong Xianglong to lead a hundred sword holders to follow Xu Qing and Princess Anhai.

Enter the capital.

Due to the previous fluctuations in the formation, the originally bustling crowd in the capital was now much empty.

Even though the crisis of the formation was lifted, the number of pedestrians was still sharply reduced than before.

But even so, looking at it, it is still more lively than the county capital of Fenghai County, and the level of excitement is getting more and more intense as time goes by.

At this moment, Princess An Hai was walking in the capital with Xu Qing and his party while speaking.

"Xu Qing, in addition to the Fifth Palace of Upper Xuan and the Fifth Palace of Lower Xuan, there are other places in our royal capital that need to be dealt with with caution."

"For example, the Thirty-three-day Prince's Palace...it is now thirty-two."

Princess Anhai paused for a moment.

"In addition, there are also important officials in the court, such as the Prime Minister, Shangshu Taiwei, the 108th Heavenly Marquis, and the Prince's Mansion."

"All princes are qualified to open mansions, but they are only limited to the capital."

"After that, there are the ten super sects of our human race. These sects have such profound foundations that some of them can even be traced back to the era of the ancient emperors."

When the captain heard this, he blinked and looked at Princess Anhai.

"I heard that there is a very famous sect called...Xia Xiangong?"

This name made Xu Qing's heart move, and he also looked at Princess Anhai.

There is also Ning Yan. Although he knows something about these things, he obviously does not know as much as An Hai, so he also listens. Wu Jianwu is even more energetic. Everything related to Xuanyou is his obsession.


However, Kong Xianglong was not interested in these. He abided by his duties, guarded Xu Qing, and paid attention to all directions.

Princess Anhai nodded after hearing this and continued the introduction.

"These ten super sects are...the Star Emperor Supreme Sect founded by the Starry Sky Emperor, the Shenhe Cangyu Sect who was born as the Yuling Heavenly King, the Ghostly You Sect who is in charge of the way of the netherworld, and the Taishang Yue of the national master lineage.


"As well as the Xuanhuo Jiuli Sect formed in later generations, the Hongchen Wangqing Tower with business spread across many large areas, and the equally terrifying Litu Sect's branch of the human race, as well as those who worship the residual face and have been looking for the word of truth from the Son of God, and

One is the Tibetan Road that is located under the abyss of the Imperial Capital and has a special mission."

These words of Princess Anhai contain a lot of information. It seems that every sect has its own special features, such as the Li Tu Sect. Xu Qing has known for a long time that it is a super sect with power throughout Wanggu.

Its teaching is to leave Wanggu and pursue the Holy Land. All ethnic groups have this religion, and its chief religion is mysterious. Xu Qing knows that its leader is called Da Siming.

There is also the Tibetan Earth Road. Princess Anhai didn't know its mission because she didn't know Huangtian well, but Xu Qing immediately made a guess after hearing about it.

The mission of the sect living in the abyss is nothing more than... guarding the gate.

As for the Word of Truth, Xu Qing had also heard of it. When he was first in Nanhuang Continent, he knew that there was such an organization. The organization was very mysterious and Xu Qing rarely had contact with it.

At this moment, I realized that the other party was actually one of the superpowers in the imperial capital.

"Words of truth, worship the broken face?" Xu Qing looked at An Hai with questions in his eyes.

Princess Anhai sighed softly.

"Some people fear it and some people hate it, so naturally there will be worship. This is true for all races, and the human race is no exception. This Word of Truth is such an organization. Just like the Litao Cult, it exists in all races."

"As for their doctrine, it is to search for the Son of God... They believe that those who can open their eyes and see the immortal face are the relatives of God and have the potential to become the Son of God, so they are looking for such people throughout Wanggu."

"I even heard that they believe that there must be a life, because they have endured many incidents of mutilated faces and open eyes, but they still survived. Such people are not God's loved ones, but the Son of God they are looking for."

"After finding it, as long as they share it as a sacrifice, they will gain divine power."

Princess Anhai's words made Xu Qing silent.

"The last one is what you called Xia Xiangong before."

"This palace is extremely special. It is said that this Xia Immortal Palace was the first sect to appear among all the sentient beings in Wanggu Continent, and the original Xia Immortal Palace was not only the human race."

"Then the Xia Immortal Palace split, and this palace existed in many large clans."

"It is even rumored that before the era of Ancient Emperor Xuanyou, Xia Xiang Palace communicated with Heaven and was above the imperial power to a certain extent. The reason why the former Ancient Spirit Emperor wanted to replace Heaven was also related to the hostility between this palace."

"It wasn't until Ancient Emperor Xuanyou succeeded Queen Guling to unify the ancient world and abolished the system of Xia Xiangong that the imperial power was greater than anything else, and even made an agreement on Xia Xiangong for all ethnic groups."

"Since then, Xia Xian Palace has been closed all year round and has not had much contact with the outside world. Every thousand years, only one disciple emerges. He does not participate in disputes and only chooses to record the thousand-year history of his ethnic group."

"Even now, Xia Xiangong is still like this, abiding by the agreement with Ancient Emperor Xuanyou."

Just as he was talking, everyone passed by the octagonal tower built entirely of white wood and towering into the sky like the Temple of Heaven.

The tower is surrounded by white walls, and nothingness fluctuates around it, preventing anyone from approaching.

"The national master who was born in the Taishang Yue Qing Sect has been in this star-catching tower all year round. Even many princes and ministers have never seen his face. Only my father and the fourth prince have seen his face."

"The fourth prince is a disciple of the Imperial Master."

"It is said that the Imperial Master has extraordinary powers and strategies that are astonishing."

Princess Anhai raised her head and looked towards the clouds. There was a mist there, and a pavilion could be vaguely seen, with dragons and beasts flying around, full of auspiciousness.

Xu Qing glanced over and nodded slightly. Princess Anhai accompanied her all the way here and informed her of all the forces in the imperial capital. Her sincerity was also full.

At this moment she was facing Xu Qing.

"Young Master, An Hai is about to return to the palace. The situation in the imperial capital is changing, people's hearts are complicated, and all parties are intertwined. I hope you will keep your eyes open and identify carefully."

After An Hai finished speaking, he bowed and Xu Qing returned the bow. He felt Princess An Hai's friendship very strongly along the way, and when others showed kindness to him, he naturally wanted to respond.

"I also hope that everything is well with the princess. If there is anything that needs to be done in the imperial capital from now on, please let me know."

An Hai smiled, turned and left.

Looking at Princess Anhai's back, Ning Yan blinked and was about to say something, but after taking a look at Zixuan, he chose to keep silent.

But his actions were clearly visible to Zi Xuan, so Zi Xuan spoke lightly.

"Ning Yan, go to your mansion."

Ning Yan nodded quickly and led the way towards his residence in the imperial capital.

As princes, they live outside their homes as adults. Each prince has his own mansion in the capital. Ning Yan's mansion is located in the northern district of the capital, which is slightly remote compared to other places.

But if you look at it from another angle, this place is very quiet.

In particular, the mansion is quite large, with three floors inside and outside, and a mirror-like lake outside, which forms a whole with the mansion. Both the scenery and the atmosphere are very stylish.

The style is delicate and elegant, and there are some bells in the turrets of the mansion. When the wind blows, the surface of the lake ripples, sending away the coolness, but at the same time, there are crisp sounds that echo in all directions.

Looking at this place from a distance, Zixuan's eyes showed satisfaction and appreciation.

Xu Qing also saw the difference between this building and the other houses he saw along the way, and the captain on the side also praised it.

"The wind blows and the water moves here, and the sound rises according to the heart, refreshing the mind. It is unique. Generally speaking, there must be treasures here."

As he spoke, he instinctively looked towards the lake and licked his lips.

"This was built for us according to my mother's wishes during her lifetime."

Ning Yan looked at the mansion with melancholy on his face and spoke softly.

Then he led the way, not by flying, but directly to the lake.

The moment its footsteps landed on the water, a colorful koi jumped up from the water. The sun fell on the koi, which was colorful. Its whiskers were very long and splashed some water droplets, which was very beautiful.

In front of the water, there were such koi one after another. They seemed to have intelligence and recognized their owners. They jumped up on the water and carried Xu Qing and his party all the way to the lake shore.

But unfortunately, the moment I stepped ashore and appeared at the gate of the mansion, that artistic conception was somewhat dissipated due to the dilapidation of the mansion.

This mansion looks fine from a distance, but up close, it has been uninhabited all year round, and with the passage of time, the smell of decay is coming.

The red door was mottled and the bell was full of rust. When the door was opened, the courtyard was overgrown with weeds and full of desolation.

Looking at this, Ning Yan felt bitter in his heart. He forced a smile and looked at Xu Qing and the captain.

"I'm home now."

Xu Qing patted Ning Yan on the shoulder, and the captain waved his hand.

"Xiao Ningzi, your home is nice. Come on, let's clean it up together. I think this place is a geomantic treasure. According to my deduction, this place is obviously a hidden dragon, which means your future will not be easy."

Ning Yan was moved, nodded heavily, and worked with everyone to clean the mansion.

It didn't take long, and the entire mansion quickly became tidy under the cleaning of Xu Qing and his team. Kong Xianglong even led the sword holder to check the surroundings carefully.

But Ning Yan, after checking all the houses, looked a little depressed and stood there in a daze.

Seeing this, Xu Qing went over to inquire.

Ning Yan hesitated, but finally whispered the reason.

"There are a few things missing, which are relics left behind by my mother. I was in a hurry when I left, and I couldn't carry those items, so I left them at home."

"It's gone now. I just sent a message to Third Sister to inquire. She checked for me. It was the Tenth Prince who took it away privately."

"The tenth prince's mother clan has King Zhenyan, the current first heavenly king of the human race. However, the tenth prince has a domineering personality and is not liked by the first heavenly king, but few people dare to provoke him."

"If he takes it away, it will be difficult to get it back."

Ning Yan spoke bitterly.

When Xu Qing heard this, he pondered for a moment and then turned to look at Kong Xianglong.

Kong Xiang's eyes shone brightly, and he looked at Xu Qing, knowing Xu Qing's thoughts in his heart.

"Brother Kong, have someone send a jade slip to the Tenth Emperor's Mansion, and tell the other party that the borrowed items will be returned within one day."

This chapter has been completed!
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