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Chapter 755: Too many curses, no title at all

The dim cave became bright the moment the emperor opened and closed his eyes, and the entire place was enveloped in colorful light.

The stars have moved, everything has changed, the caves have been hidden in this light, and a vast starry sky has replaced everything.

It was as if at this moment, Xu Qing was pulled outside Wanggu Continent and appeared in the boundless starry sky. Looking around, the stars were shining all around, and the stars seemed to be flowing in the distance.

At the same time, countless stars emerged from the galaxy, gathered together, and finally formed a tall figure.

The figure of the starlight, the dazzling imperial robe, the bright imperial crown, and the calm and majestic face.

It is the Great Emperor.

The great emperor outlined by the stars is sitting cross-legged in the starry sky. His power releases the universe, and his connotations spread throughout the past.

Xu Qing was like a speck of dust in front of him.

Xu Qing lowered his head and bowed respectfully.

"Tell me, what is the original intention of establishing the Sword-bearing Palace!"

The deep sound echoed in the starry sky, causing the void to wrinkle and countless stars to sway.

Xu Qing raised his head, looked at the figure of the great emperor in the distance, and spoke in a solemn voice with respect.

"Holding the sword to bring about the supreme glory of the human race and creating prosperity and peace for all eternity, this is the original intention."

"What is your mission as a sword bearer?"

The emperor asked again.

"Those who hold the sword use the sword as a command to protect the common people, and swear to cut off the fate of the people and shine light for the heaven and earth!"

As Xu Qing's words echoed, the stars that made up the emperor's figure shone brighter, which seemed to be a recognition that what Xu Qing said was indeed what he thought in his heart.

"What if there is any resistance from foreigners?"

The emperor's voice echoed, and these five words contained a fierce meaning.

Xu Qing looked more serious and spoke calmly.


"What if there is any resistance from the human race?"

Xu Qing did not hesitate and immediately made a sound.

"Behead! The emperor is ten thousand, and the emperor is short of one. I hold the sword on my behalf. Anyone under the emperor can be killed."

"What kind of emperor is this emperor?"

The stars of the Great Emperor shone brightly, and his voice was full of killing intent, making the starry sky rise with endless chill.

Xu Qing paused and lowered his head. He needed to think about this issue.

After a while, Xu Qing raised his head, with a strange light in his eyes, and slowly spoke.

"Is this emperor the ancient emperor?"

The emperor did not speak, and Xu Qing was silent until a long time. The emperor's voice echoed in the starry sky with vicissitudes of life.

"To the sword holder, this emperor is an ancient emperor and a human emperor. But to the Sword Palace, the emperor does not refer to a person."

"The role of the emperor is to continue the ethnic group, so the meaning of the emperor...is the continuation of the ethnic group."

"The so-called emperor and below can be beheaded. For Sword Palace, it means that anyone who affects the continuation of the ethnic group can be beheaded with a sword..."

"Even if the other party is the emperor!"

Xu Qing's body trembled. This statement made him breathe slightly faster. This was different from the sword wielder he knew.

At the same time, he also heard what the emperor said about the difference between the sword holder and the sword palace.

The earliest sword holders actually came from the Sword Palace lineage to which the Great Emperor belonged.

"But any right must have a degree, so after the Sword Palace lineage became the sword holder, I issued a decree. After my death, there must be a successor of the Sword Palace in any era. His responsibility is...

... Supervision, only heirs of the Sword Palace have the rights I just told you."

"As for Xia Xiangong, in addition to recording history, it also has the responsibility of supervising the successors of Sword Palace. In this way, a cycle is formed."

"However, this decree has never been actually implemented."

"Because, my clone still has a glimmer of vitality, because...the changes in later generations make me unable and dare not let go..."

When Xu Qing heard this, his heart was filled with excitement. He understood that this descendant of the Sword Palace was the last insurance for the continuation of the human race.

In the starry sky, the emperor stared at Xu Qing. He did not continue to speak, but closed his eyes. It seemed that he woke up this time just to tell Xu Qing about this insurance.

And as he closed his eyes, the starry sky blurred, the stars dimmed, everything gradually returned to the appearance of the cave, and the figure of the emperor slowly dispersed, turning back into a dry skeleton with only a trace of vitality.

Xu Qing lowered his head, bowed respectfully, and slowly backed away.

But just when he was about to leave, and the world was in a state between the cave and the starry sky, the emperor closed his eyes and suddenly spoke.

"Do you still remember the words I gave you when I asked about my heart?"

Xu Qing paused and nodded.

"No matter when, this heart will never change."

The emperor stopped talking, everything was completely restored, Xu Qing's figure and the surrounding void disappeared together.

Great Emperor, fall asleep again.

The sky, the rainbow disappears.

Xu Qing's figure appeared outside the Sword Holding Palace, and everything before seemed like a dream that belonged to him alone.

And his return attracted countless eyes and thoughts.

Most of the forces in the entire imperial capital were paying attention to Xu Qing. They didn't know what the emperor said to Xu Qing. They just saw Xu Qing disappearing into the Sword Holding Palace and returning after a stick of incense.

The sword holders around him all looked at Xu Qing. Among them were the palace masters of the Sword Holding Palace of this generation, but he did not ask. He just stared at Xu Qing and then turned around and walked back to the Sword Holding Palace.

As he left, all the sword holders here also followed and returned to the Sword Holding Palace, but every sword holder had Xu Qing's figure imprinted in their hearts today.

As they left, there was an empty space outside the Sword Palace.

Xu Qing was the only one standing there, with his eyes closed, as the scenes of his previous meeting with the Emperor resurfaced in his mind, and a touch of sadness gradually rose in his heart.

"The Great Emperor, is he about to fall..."

Xu Qing murmured in his heart. He felt a sense of support for the orphan. This orphan was from the human race.

After a long time, Xu Qing opened his eyes, bowed to the Sword Holding Palace with clasped fists, and left with a complicated expression.

The sky, the night sky.

The moon was sparse and the breeze was caressing Xu Qing as he walked on the street, his clothes fluttering and his long hair spread out.

The wind here is different from the wind in Fenghai County.

Not that moist, a bit dry.

It blows on the body, giving it a strange feeling.

Xu Qing walked forward silently, and the things that happened after arriving in the imperial capital came to his mind, one after another, and he needed some time to settle them.

Just like that, after a while, Xu Qing saw the lake outside Ning Yan's mansion. Under the moonlight, the lake was like a mirror, reflecting the sky. If you look at it for a long time, you will have the illusion that the moon in the lake is bigger than the moon in the lake.

The moon in the sky is more real.

Time passes, and one night passes.

Xu Qing, who returned to his mansion, meditated all night, recollecting the events of the day in his mind one by one. At the last moment of dawn, he looked up in the direction of the Sword Holding Palace and sighed softly.

And with the arrival of daytime, the jade slip sent to the Tenth Prince's Mansion also received a response.

The tenth prince refused and told him that this was nonsense.

This is unreasonable.

You must know that Xu Qing's behavior after coming to the imperial capital made it impossible for anyone with some brains to choose to take the lead at this time and test Xu Qing's bottom line for others.

Especially when the Emperor's resurrection and summons just happened.

Logically speaking, the tenth prince should choose to return it, which is in line with human nature, unless he is a fool.

Xu Qing shook his head. He did not think that the tenth prince was a stupid person, so it was obviously more in line with the tenth prince's own interests to do so.

"This imperial capital is really complicated, and everyone has more than one mask."

With a cold look in Xu Qing's eyes, he stood up and left the mansion with Ning Yan, Kong Xianglong and others.

As for the captain and Zixuan, they went out again early in the morning and were nowhere to be seen.

On the way to the Tenth Prince's Mansion, Ning Yan looked at Xu Qing with admiration and awe. Naturally, he also knew about the emperor's resurrection yesterday.

Then he thought of the behavior of the tenth prince, and he got closer to Xu Qing and spoke in a low voice.

"Boss, the tenth prince is heartless. His qualifications are ordinary, and his cultivation is average so far. When he was a child, he was not liked by his mother's clan, and his father didn't like to see him. My mother saw how pitiful he was when he was alone, so she used to take care of him in the palace.

I had been with him for several years, but he immediately became ungrateful after my mother’s death.”

"Just go and take a look and you'll find out."

Xu Qing spoke calmly, and Ning Yan stopped talking. The group gradually arrived at the east of the city, and soon a luxurious mansion came into their sight.

This mansion is splendid and resplendent, as if it is afraid that others will not know its dignity. Even the beasts outside the mansion are made of spirit stone. There is a lot of people inside, as if there is a banquet.

The sounds of talking and laughing came from inside, and the sounds of music also echoed.

Outside the gate, there were two guards. Regarding Xu Qing's arrival, these two guards were a little nervous. Their cultivation level was rising, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Xu Qing did not choose to force his way in. Outside the gate, he let the guard at the gate report. However, after waiting for a long time and receiving no response, he thought about it and walked forward.

The two guards were about to stop him, but as soon as they saw it, Xu Qing walked past them and reached the red door. He raised his right hand and pressed it.

With this press, the door roared, and cracks spread rapidly from the place Xu Qing touched. After spreading to the entire area in the next moment, they fell apart and collapsed.

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed, and the broken door panels were rolled into the mansion at this moment, scattering all over the floor. Sharp sounds were heard from the mansion, and soon hundreds of monks were seen walking in as Xu Qing walked in.

, roaring towards him.

"He who comes is stopped!"

"This is the Tenth Prince's Mansion, how dare you be so disrespectful!"

Although each of the hundreds of monks roared, their speed was somewhat slow for some reason, and the roar was loud, but no one really came close. Xu Qing and his party were allowed to walk directly through the courtyard and appeared at the banquet place.

At the current banquet, there were dozens of dandy people sitting, surrounded by maids, and it was a scene of debauchery.

There was a young man in the middle, wearing a prince's robe with a domineering expression. He looked sideways at Xu Qing and Ning Yan who were approaching. He took out a special storage bag in his hand, put it on the desk, and sneered.

"Get out."

Everyone around looked around.

Xu Qing's expression remained as usual, but he raised his right hand and purple balls floated up.

The expressions of everyone at the banquet suddenly changed. The tenth prince looked grim and stood up. Just as he was about to speak, Xu Qing's body swayed and he came directly to the tenth prince. With a thoughtful look in his eyes, he raised his right hand and pressed it.

The god hidden behind him transformed into a terrifying aura. When he pressed it, the pupils of the tenth prince's eyes shrank, and then blood spurted out. He took a few steps back and passed out.

Ning Yan walked a few steps quickly and reached the case area. He picked up the storage bag and checked it before nodding excitedly to Xu Qing.

Xu Qing glanced at the unconscious Tenth Prince, then turned and walked towards the door. Before leaving, he looked back with a meaningful look.

After a stick of incense, in the prince's palace, Lao Shi opened his eyes in a daze and saw everything clearly and learned the follow-up from everyone around him. He was furious.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly left. Lao Shi punished all the guards with anger. After the roar echoed, he walked into the dormitory angrily with resentment in his eyes.

But when the door of the dormitory was closed, no one saw that the resentment in Lao Shi's eyes disappeared for a moment, and a hint of emotion appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Aunt Qing, Xinhai's abilities are limited. All I can do for you is to protect your relics on behalf of Twelve... Now the relics have finally returned to their original owners."

Lao Shi murmured in his heart, thinking of his deceased elder, he felt a little bitter.

In that cold and indifferent palace, he could never forget who gave his mother the warmth.

"It's a pity that I can only use this method. I can't let people see my nostalgia, but I can definitely find out the cause of your death, Aunt Qing!"

This chapter has been completed!
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