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Chapter 757 The Immortal is Drunk in the Red Dust and Wind and Moon

At this moment, in the fairy pond cave of Hongchen Tower, the sounds of laughter and music gradually became more and more lively along with the emotional changes between men and women.

Xu Qing was also keenly aware that as the emotions of everyone in the cave sky rose, there were fluctuations in the operation of the formation.

The function of this formation is towards collection, similar to the Spirit Gathering Formation, but it gathers the seven emotions and six desires.

Xu Qing looked thoughtfully and glanced at the wine glass in front of him. The amber-colored wine inside exuded a unique aroma. He had taken a sip before and already felt how good the wine was.

"The wine in Hongchenlou is not for ordinary people to drink, because if you take one sip, you will definitely die of drunkenness."

The woman next to him noticed Xu Qing's gaze and spoke with a smile.

"The wine here is called Immortal Drunk. Although there are some exaggerated elements, it is difficult for monks below Guixu to use their cultivation to resolve it. To a certain extent, it is actually a kind of poison."

"But it's harmless to the body, which is why this wine is even more precious, because for us, sometimes the operation of cultivation is instinctive, and coupled with the extraordinary physical body, it is difficult to experience intoxication."

"Only this immortal drunkenness can make us feel the intoxication after being drunk, and it can also amplify some emotions."

"As for the formation here, this is the reason for practicing in Hongchen Tower."

Xu Qing glanced at everyone after hearing this. He didn't quite understand. Poison is used to kill people, so why should he swallow it to pursue this so-called drunkenness?

This kind of thing will never happen in Nanhuangzhou or Fenghai County.

"Perhaps, because this is the imperial capital."

Xu Qing didn't agree, but he wouldn't say anything. Not only did he feel the formation in Hongchen Tower, but he also felt that all the women in Hongchen Tower here were absorbing the power of emotions around them.

In such an environment, Xu Qing felt uncomfortable and disgusted at the same time. He noticed that Meng Yunbai was enjoying himself by exchanging cups with others, while Huang Kun was also very happy and was whispering to the woman next to him.

All of this made it difficult for Xu Qing to integrate into it, so he didn't want to stay any longer and was about to leave. But at this moment, a brilliant light appeared in the cave, and a red teleportation formation shone on the fairy pond, and he walked out of it.

Two figures.

The visitors were all women. The person in front of Xu Qing was the grandmother of the old lady who led the way. As for the daughter behind her, her appearance made the fairy pond cave sky seem a little darker.

Its glory fades away.

Everyone here looked at him sideways.

The emperor's son of the Supreme Sect of the Star Emperor has even more fiery eyes. The purpose of his coming here is for this girl.

This woman wears a touch of green gauze on her face, only her eyes are exposed, and her eyes are full of clear spring water. She is wearing a yellow Bixialuo with phoenix embroidered on it, and a pink smoke gauze skirt that sweeps the floor. She folds her slender waist and steps slightly, showing a bright

Wrist on the gauze.

The outline of her graceful figure is looming, endlessly charming, and she is holding an ancient pipa in her arms.

A peony flower is inserted sideways into the misty temples in a bun on her head, which makes her look like her eyebrows are blooming and her green temples are rich in spring smoke.

She is truly a stunning beauty who can make hundreds of flowers dim and make all living beings beautiful.

With gentle steps, she walked out of the fairy pond and walked to the front of the crowd. After bowing and bowing, she sat on the jade pier. With a move of her slender hands, the music began to play.

The first note is graceful, regretful, seems to contain a story, infinitely long...

Then the tune rises and echoes melodiously, like butterflies dancing in the air, like tinkling spring water flowing in the mountains, like bright stars twinkling in the night sky.

It seemed that the woman thought of the good things she had with her lover, which spread to everyone's hearts.

Wonderful and moving.

But soon, the music changed, and there was more parting and more reluctance.

It's like the lover is going to the battlefield and has to be separated, leaving only longing.

Later, sadness became the theme in the melodious sound, as if it was telling the lover with music... Every place you have stayed is dyed with your breath, and when you come, the music is playing, and after you leave,

This music becomes you forever.

Everyone was moved.

And gradually, the pipa sound changed again, this time it was more heroic, more fierce, scattered in all directions, causing snowflakes to actually fall here.

The tent in the cave above the head suddenly became dark, and countless stars gradually appeared, rotating rapidly, turning into tombstones.

This scene captured everyone's thoughts and gave the impression that the woman was filled with grief and anger when she learned that her confidant died in battle. She felt helpless and helpless hatred for the world, for the heaven and earth, for all living things...

It’s just that no one from thousands of miles away collects the bones, and the souls are summoned and buried under every city.

My husband died on the battlefield with his son in his belly, but my body remains like a candle in the daylight.

There was silence in the fairy pond cave.

Some people think of the Black Sky Clan, some think of the Human Clan, and some think of their ancestors.

Finally, the last note of the music, endless and long, gradually turned into the first note.

It's like traveling through time and returning to the past, only sighing that life would only be like the first time we met...

"Okay!" The emperor stood up, his eyes were bright, and he spoke in a deep voice.

As soon as he spoke, everyone around him stood up one after another, and everyone praised him from the bottom of their hearts. Even Xu Qing was in a state of shock.

He had listened to music, but never like this before. It was as if he heard a complete story, and his heart and even thoughts all followed the other person's pipa.

The woman lowered her head slightly, picked up the wine glass in front of her, raised it towards the crowd, then lightly lifted her veil and took a sip.

A corner of the veil was lifted, revealing her pretty face, which was as delicate as a flower. The hand holding the wine glass was as white as peeled onions, alluring.

The small mouth is filled with vermillion, and the corners of the mouth are raised when the wine glass is put down, and the smiles and frowns move the heart and soul.

Just looking at it makes people's hearts stir, and they have the urge to own it.

Seeing that the mood was in place, the grandma who arrived with the girl smiled and spoke.

"My lords, this fairy is my master Ling Yao from the Hongchen Mansion. Ling Yao and his master rarely show up on weekdays. Today I heard that there are distinguished guests, so I invited you here."

"As for Ling Yao's rules, you young masters should know them."

After grandma finished speaking with a smile, Emperor Peng nodded and spoke in a deep voice.

"Of course we know that Ling Yao and everyone can sit next to whomever they fall in love with. You can't force this matter."

As he said that, he looked at Ling Yao affectionately. He came here this time just for the other party. He had expressed his feelings many times. According to the feedback he felt, the other party was also interested in him.

The most important thing is the female cultivators in the Hongchen Building, because they practice the way of forgetting love, but to forget love you must first be dedicated to love. Being dedicated is not about taking but giving, so practicing double cultivation with them for the first time is of great benefit to the man.

And the more advanced your cultivation is, the more amazing this benefit will be.

"With the help of Ling Yao's power, my confidence in stepping from the Great Perfection of the Lingzang to returning to the void will be even greater."

When the emperor surnamed Peng was thinking deeply, Ling Yao, who was holding the pipa, had beautiful eyes, bright and lively, and was full of flattery and enchantment.

After everyone scanned it one by one, he finally landed on Xu Qing. He smiled softly, walked over with lotus steps, and sat next to Xu Qing under everyone's gaze.

Xu Qing's body stiffened instinctively. This reaction made him wary.

He didn't know this woman, but she was sitting next to him when he met her for the first time. This couldn't be simply looked at.

Xu Qing frowned slightly and turned to look at the woman sitting next to him.

Ling Yao's beautiful eyes were full of energy. She looked at Xu Qing and spoke softly.

"Sir, why are you looking at me like that?"

The voice was soft and seductive. Meng Yunbai next to Xu Qing felt flustered when he heard it. The emperor named Peng looked away expressionlessly at this moment. Without saying anything, he just picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

, then put it down and closed his eyes.

As for the others, their expressions were different. They looked at Xu Qing and then at the emperor. They looked at each other in the same way. After everything was in their hearts, the young man sitting next to the emperor laughed at Xu Qing.

"Brother Xu is indeed a man among men. When he arrived for the first time, everyone in Lingyao fell in love with him. We should celebrate this. Brother Xu, I'd like to toast you and keep in touch with you in the future."

As the young man spoke, he picked up a large glass of wine, raised it politely, and drank it first.

The other party's words and demeanor were very polite, and Xu Qing couldn't refuse. He picked up the wine glass and drank it as well. But just as the glass of wine was finished, another young man raised his glass.

"Brother Xu is a very talented person, and he is a member of our human race's territory. I have heard about it many times over the years. When I saw it this time, I admired him very much. I will drink three cups."

As he said this, the man drank three drinks in a row.

Xu Qing's expression was calm. He glanced at the young man and understood the reason in his heart. Soon, others followed suit, each of them toasting with polite words and goodwill in their expressions.

This approach makes it difficult for people to attack the opponent even though they know their purpose. Meng Yunbai stood up during the period and wanted to help, but was stopped by Xu Qing.

These poisonous wines would make others drunk, but to Xu Qing, he didn't care as long as they were poisonous, so he accepted everyone who came, one cup after another, and after everyone took turns, shaking them in various ways, Xu Qing remained as usual.


So everyone here looked at him with some strange eyes.

Xu Qing faced everyone, and after remembering the names and appearances one by one in his heart, he smiled slightly.

"I am very happy to see all of you heroes today. You are all the pillars of our human race. You are all talented people. The glory of the human race needs to be carried on by my generation. How about one of us?"

Xu Qing said and looked at her grandma.

Grandma was stunned for a moment, but she quickly summoned the maid and brought over ten jars of wine.

Seeing this, everyone hesitated, and they did not dare to drink too much of the wine here.

And wine, sometimes, is also a weapon.

Xu Qing's heart was calm, and his face showed the smile that his senior brother had taught him.


The scene was a little frozen. The emperor opened his eyes and looked at Xu Qing. He stood up and walked out calmly and without showing any emotion.

"I'm tired today, let's meet again another day."

Others also stood up one after another. Meng Yunbai looked at this scene, apologized to Xu Qing, then looked at everyone, frowned, and was about to speak.

But at this moment, light shone on the fairy pond, and an old woman with white hair walked out of it.

This old woman looked serious and majestic, and the whole cave shook when she appeared.

Upon her arrival, all the female cultivators from Hongchen Tower in the cave stood up to pay their respects.

"Big brother."

Even the emperor's son and others looked solemn after seeing the old woman and paid their respects.

This shows her identity.

This person is the great elder of Hongchen Wangqing Tower, and is in charge of the affairs of the sect in the capital.

After she appeared, she just nodded when she was greeted by Emperor Zi and others. To her, these were all juniors.

She didn't care. At this moment, her gaze fell on Xu Qing. The solemn expression on her face turned into gentleness, and she spoke with a smile.

"Is this Mr. Xu?"

This chapter has been completed!
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