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Chapter 759 Yin Yang Water Evil Soul Game

The sound of the curse formed wisps of black mist, spitting out from the mouths of the bald statues, criss-crossing in the air, and forming a black rune.

This rune is long in shape, rain falls on it, and ink drips from the rune, exuding a sense of decay and gloom.

Then, he rushed towards Xu Qing to seal it.

At the critical moment, Xu Qing's eyes darkened in an instant, and poisonous bans formed in his eyes. He could curse everything he looked at, and looked towards the coming black runes.

Staring for a breath, the runes swayed, showing a gloomy meaning, and the poison spread inside, making it have to emit a ghostly light to resist.

After staring for two breaths, the poisonous intention surged, and the poisonous mist spread out, turning into vague and ferocious faces, wailing.

After staring at it for three breaths, the runes roared, cracked, and began to corrode, but they were less than three feet away from Xu Qing.

The poison in Xu Qing's body exploded at this moment. Not only did his eyes disperse, but the poison also dispersed from his body, covering all directions and forming a storm, rolling towards the runes.

The sound spread, and the black runes seemed to be alive. They were not suppressed by force, but melted on their own in the storm, forming countless runes that spread across the long street.

From a distance, it looks like flying coins, opening the path of Yin and Yang and locking the soul of eternity.

The sky is dark and the earth is dark.

The four directions were blocked, covering the sky and the earth, making the long street on the left and right sides isolated from the imperial capital and becoming an independent space.

In this space, the rules are changed, the laws are affected, and everything will be completely different from the outside world.

The water on the ground has long turned into a lake and is rising rapidly, submerging Xu Qing's legs and waist, as if it is going to submerge everything here.

There were fifty-two words in total for those incantations, which were the same number as the surrounding statues. While blessing this place, the fifty-two statues also stood up from their cross-legged positions and walked straight towards Xu Qing, riding on the water.

There are also a large number of water beings that appeared before. They are not monks, but are formed by supernatural powers. They have strong murderous intentions and are already approaching Xu Qing.

There are also palms formed under the water, with the intention of extermination, killing, and even ghosts, grabbing them here.

Looking around, this scene of killings was approaching Xu Qing from the sky, the earth, left and right, and from all directions.

The rain was heavier and Xu Qing's clothes and long hair were wet.

The murderous intention became stronger and stronger, attacking Xu Qing's body and soul.

The long street is in chaos, concealing the sky and flooding the earth. This is a situation where the evil spirits of water are trapped.

To be able to perform this method, you need at least the cultivation level of Lingzang Dzogchen, and it still requires many people to join forces and form an array, and the greater possibility is that Guixu will take action.

Only in this way can such a killing be carried out in this instant.

Moreover... there is a high probability that the opponent will not arrive in person, but cast spells from a distance. They want a quick victory, and they know Xu Qing's route very well, so the long street they choose must be arranged in advance.

All these thoughts flashed through Xu Qing's mind. His expression was solemn, and there was a chill in his eyes. He had not felt such a sense of life and death crisis for a long time since he left Jiyue.

To solve the problem, there is a very simple way, which is to explode the ancient sun. However, if you do this, you will not be able to bear it. And the most important thing...exploding the ancient sun here will affect the entire imperial capital.


This matter...maybe one of the other party's goals.

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed, and the cultivation within his body exploded instantly. The three divine treasures behind him rose into the sky, and the oven inside them rumbled, forming divine power and flames that spread in all directions.

The high temperature instantly filled the entire space, and the water on the lake surface evaporated rapidly to form mist. At this moment, Xu Qing's body soared into the sky with the help of Shenzang's power. The moment he left the water, the water below him churned, and his palm suddenly stretched out from the inside.

Caught immediately.

Xu Qing's face was expressionless, and he raised his right hand and pressed it towards the sky.

Suddenly, shadows appeared all around, with him as the center, spreading rapidly to the surroundings. As the shadows dispersed, heterogeneous waves rose.

That was Xu Qing's shadow. It spread out at this moment. After covering this place, it released the swallowed restricted area in this space, covered the sky, and turned into a black vortex above Xu Qing, rapidly

of rotation.

There is water on the earth, there are shadows in the sky, and Xu Qing is in the middle.

Since this place is isolated and has become an independent existence, it is naturally the most suitable place to release shadows in the restricted area.

Using the power of the gods to suppress the monks' spells is a way of fighting.

At this moment, as the shadow spread, the entire space shook, and Xu Qing's shadow was also rapidly distorting, forming a palm similar to the water surface below.

This palm is dark, with a big tree visible in the palm, hanging a coffin, swinging like a pendulum clock, and the sound of Jie Jie echoing like a murmur, affecting the surrounding Dao curses, and with the murderous intent exploding in Xu Qing's eyes,

The right hand fell.

Immediately, the palms formed by his shadow descended from the sky. After passing through Xu Qing's body, the palms of water rising toward the water below directly touched each other.

The roaring sound turned into a deafening sound wave, rumbling and spreading in all directions. Wherever it passed, all the rainwater collapsed, and the water life that rushed towards it also showed ripples.

As for the fifty statues, they all walked forward with the same pause.

At the same time, Xu Qing's body bent slightly, his back arched, and his whole body shot out like an arrow from the string, heading straight for the statues. The demon-subduing pestle flying around him exploded with speed, shooting towards those statues.

The rippled water life is approaching with a roar.

In the blink of an eye, they are fighting with each other.

Under the special refinement of Master Qi, the power of the iron sign is astonishing. The three faces on it are all opened at this moment, the eyes of the red mother are opened and closed, and the immortal forbidden gods are also blessing it, so that the power of the magic pestle is greatly increased.

Everywhere, traveling through water life.

Every time one penetrates, one collapses and cannot be regenerated. It is like losing its life and turning into ordinary rain.

Xu Qing is even more powerful here. He bursts through the rainwater so fast, and his form changes rapidly. The first divine cave behind him erupts with the sound of thunder, and separates countless parts. He chases Xu Qing. As Xu Qing moves forward, he suddenly

Once integrated into its body.

This is the source of God.

In the integration of this divine source, his body tore apart, his flesh and blood grew, and his body became taller and larger, forming a vast body!

He has a body like a ghost emperor and wears an imperial crown on his head.

Dazzling golden light emitted from this body and turned into colorful colors all around.

The heart of the Heavenly Oven is beating loudly, and every beat is like thunder, bursting out with blazing fire and burning the whole body.

There was also a black spear surrounded by countless lightnings, which came out of thin air. Xu Qing grabbed it and appeared in front of a statue. He swept the gun across the statue. The whole body of the statue was shaken and collapsed directly, turning into countless pieces scattered in all directions.

This is the first level of Xu Qing's spiritual state. After it is revealed, its combat power skyrockets, especially the forbidden spear, which contains terrifying power.

At Xu Qing's speed, his body shuttled through the dozens of statues. Wherever he passed, no statue could withstand a single blow and collapsed one after another.

But Xu Qing's brows slowly wrinkled.

Until the last statue shattered under his spear, a strong life and death crisis suddenly rose in Xu Qing's heart. Without any hesitation, he suddenly raised his right hand, threw the spear in his hand towards the end of the long street, and threw it fiercely.

At the same time, he took out a piece of Red Mother flesh and blood and held it in his palm.

The black spear brought countless lightning bolts and made a sharp sound. It fell instantly, and the loud noise echoed. The spear pierced the air at the end of the long street and could not penetrate.

There is a seal barrier, and at the tip of the spear, a black piece of clothing can be seen nailed.

Someone was hiding here before...

At the same time, a cold voice echoed in the long street.

"We underestimated you, and you also underestimated Dao Ju."

"Tao Zun asked: What is the meaning of grievances in the four lives? The one with a head will die, and the one without a head will live? We all said: Therefore, the way to descend is like a body locked in heaven!"

As soon as these words came out, the fragments of the fifty-two black bald statues that Xu Qing collapsed exploded out of the lake and formed fifty-two iron chains, heading straight for Xu Qing. No matter what Xu Qing did,

Even if he dodges, it won't help, so he just surrounds and binds him.

Fifty-two iron chains were tied to Xu Qing at one end and left in the lake at the other end. From a distance, this scene seemed to be locking the body of a demon.

"Tao Zun closed his eyes and asked: The wind and meteor knife kills people, and the water overflows and hangs their lives. Why is this? We all say: However, Dao water can seal all gods!"

There is no end, as the sound comes up again, the lake water becomes a thread, shuttles through each iron chain, goes straight to Xu Qing, and wraps around his body again. This thin illusion has reality, so it can seal all spiritual consciousness and all orifices, and even more obscure it.

Xu Qing's eyes.

"Dao Zunxin, asked again: There is injustice that is good, surrender and death is good, the world is upside down, right and wrong are chaotic worlds, what is the explanation? We all understand: There is a curse to nail the soul!"

Fifty-two black nails rose from the lake. If you look carefully, you can see that on each nail, there is a black bald statue that has been shrunk many times cross-legged.

They whizzed away and stabbed directly into Xu Qing's body at an astonishing speed. Wherever they stabbed were the veins related to Xu Qing's soul. This was nailing the soul of reincarnation.

"The Taoist Master is silent and sighs: Hundreds of ghosts are in their places, serving the Lord of the Underworld, souls and chains, five secluded and filthy places, a hundred wines of mysterious infusion, the seven liquids are not filled, eternal life is immeasurable, and the laws and regulations capture it."

As soon as the words came out, chaos arose all around. The figures of all living beings and the souls of all races were transforming, eventually forming wisps of black mist, which gathered together to form the black rune that first appeared. It quickly moved toward Xu Qing's eyebrows.


What is even more shocking is that the appearance of the long street where Xu Qing is isolated from the imperial capital has finally changed...

This is not a long street at all.

This is a long piece of talisman paper that has been enlarged countless times!

There are two talismans, one yin and one yang, one bright and one dark!

The end of the long street is the end of the dark talisman. At this moment, it is rolled up. The talisman... is rolling towards Xu Qing, in order to cooperate with the black talisman in front of him to... truly seal it.

The sense of life and death crisis continued to rise in Xu Qing's heart, but he still did not choose to explode the ancient sun, but crushed the piece of Red Mother flesh and blood in his hand.

The second divine treasure behind it suddenly rose up and turned into a thick black mist, instantly covering Xu Qing's figure and blending into his body.

The next moment...a terrifying aura, as the mist rolled, dispersed earth-shatteringly from within.

There was also a painful roar coming from Xu Qing, like a god and demon, and a mist spread out. Wherever it passed, the void exploded, the runes trembled, and the lake water caused violent ripples.

This chapter has been completed!
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