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Chapter 775 The other sides move

This clock asks the immortal and also asks the heart.

Speak the truth with sincerity, and the bells will ring.

From kneeling to standing up, Ning Yan went through the process of changing his mentality. When he hit the Wenxian Bell, his soul seemed to have been baptized by the echo of the bell.

This kind of baptism was cruel, like the struggle before turning into a cocoon and turning into a butterfly. His face was covered with blood, and his internal organs were churning. At this moment, he reluctantly raised his head and looked at the palace above.

Vaguely, he seemed to see the human emperor sitting in the middle of the palace with an expressionless face and full of majesty.

"I didn't do it."

Ning Yan's hoarse voice fell on the square and in the hearts of everyone, until his body tilted and he passed out.

Xu Qing supported him and placed him on the ground. Regarding today's incident, his heart was filled with ups and downs. Although all the evidence pointed to Ning Yan, Xu Qing believed that this matter was not done by Ning Yan.

He doesn't have the ability, nor the motivation.

Xu Qing felt that the Human Emperor could not be negligent about this, but... he did it anyway.

Xu Qing pondered, but his past experiences taught him that he should not just look at the surface of anything.

The behavior of the Human Emperor is even more like this.

Xu Qing thought about it, and he remembered the imperial edict given by the Emperor to Ning Yan after the death of King Tianlan. It seemed harsh, but it contained profound meaning, and was summed up in the word naughty.

"What if this is also a way of protecting Ning Yan from the Human Emperor?"

Later, Xu Qing remembered the way of thinking that his master once told him, put himself into the Human Emperor, and looked at the overall situation from the other person's perspective.

"If I were the Human Emperor and all the evidence pointed to my son, what would I do..."

"The Human Emperor is not the emperor of one person, nor is he a simple father, but the emperor of the entire human race..."

"Another point is that the time when Dazai walked out was exactly the moment when the Sunrise Fairy Bell appeared."

"Is this an opportunity to hint Ning Yan to ask Zhong? At the same time, it also stimulates Ning Yan's determination?"

"Of course there is another possibility. In the eyes of the Human Emperor, Ning Yan is indeed dispensable, and all the evidence points to Ning Yan. So in his opinion, even if Ning Yan is wrongly accused, he cannot escape his involvement.

, he or the people around him must be one of the clues, so I was summoned."

"Or, this is not all like this, and there is another possibility that I can't think of."

Xu Qing pondered, he couldn't guess the Human Emperor's thoughts.

At this moment, the lingering sound of the bell slowly dissipated in the sky and the earth. In front of the imperial palace, the Dazai lowered his head and waited for the decree. It didn't take long, and no emotion or anger could be heard. A voice that seemed to contain no emotion echoed from the palace.

"A group of people related to this in the Creation Palace are imprisoned in the Xuanzi Dungeon."

"Gu Yue Bi Xuan, Gu Yue Ning Yan, are imprisoned in the palace prison."

"Martial law is in place inside and outside the imperial capital. The formations are under full supervision. All teleportation formations will continue to be closed. The curfew will be activated tonight. Each of the five palaces in Shangxuan will investigate the matter individually and report to me. Within ten hours, we must find the missing Dawn of Light.


The Xuanzi Dungeon is located outside the imperial palace and is guarded by the Sword-bearing Palace. It only holds serious criminals. All the people who have committed crimes over the years have been imprisoned in it.

The heavenly prison in the palace is more special than the dungeon. It is the prison of the royal family.

At this moment, as the Imperial Decree of the Human Emperor came out, thunder roared in the sky, and the guards in the square stepped forward one after another and took everyone including Ning Yan away.

Xu Qing couldn't stop it, and there was no reason to stop it.

He looked at Ning Yan being taken away and analyzed in his heart the Imperial Decree of the Human Emperor. He was imprisoned in the prison in the palace. From an unfavorable perspective, this was a life and death disaster for Ning Yan.

But looking at it from the plus side, it seems... this is also a kind of protection.

And just after everyone was escorted away, the Dazai in front of the palace suddenly spoke.

"Xu Yuzun, His Majesty announces your entry into the palace."

Xu Qing looked calm, walked forward, stepped onto the steps, came to Dazai, and slightly cupped his hands.

Dazai nodded and turned forward. The moment the two of them entered the hall, the people who were originally attending the ceremony stepped back one after another and chose to leave. Even Dazai also took a few steps back, waved his hand outside the palace, and closed the palace gate.

Suddenly, only Xu Qing and Renhuang were left in the entire palace.

Xu Qing raised his head, stared at the Human Emperor, and bowed.

"I have met His Majesty."

On the ninth floor of the palace, the Human Emperor was sitting there. The pressure emanating from his body distorted the void, making everything he could see blurry. Only the eyes behind the beads were particularly clear.

Cold and sharp, being stared at by it feels like being in the middle of winter.

"Xu Qing, summon the imperial sword in your secret collection and let it kill me!"

The Human Emperor's voice echoed in the palace, forming a lingering sound that lingered for a long time.

Xu Qing's eyes were fixed. He didn't expect that the first words the Emperor would say when meeting him alone would be like this, so he stared into the Emperor's eyes.

After a while, he summoned the Emperor Sword in the secret treasure inside his body, but the sword... remained unmoved.

The Human Emperor was always sitting upright, the fluctuations in his body were as usual, his eyes did not change at all, and he spoke calmly.

"Do you know why the Emperor's Sword doesn't move?"

Xu Qing shook his head.

"That's because I am worthy of the human race and worthy of the Great Emperor. I am not your enemy!"

The Human Emperor's voice was deep and deep, echoing in the hall.

After saying this, the Emperor closed his eyes and ended this simple conversation.

After a long time, Xu Qing bowed, turned around and walked towards the palace door. When he reached the palace door and was about to push it open, the Human Emperor's last words came from behind him.

"Since Ning Yan has chosen you, his future will be left to you."

The palace door opens.

Xu Qing stood there, paused for a few breaths, nodded, and walked out of the hall. When he walked across the square and out of the palace, he stood under the giant in golden armor and looked back at the hall in the distance.

"What kind of person is the Human Emperor?"

There is no answer.

Xu Qing withdrew his gaze and walked into the distance in the wind and rain.

He did not return to the mansion, but immediately went to the Sword-bearing Palace to join the investigation of the theft of the Sun of Dawn.

Regarding Xu Qing's arrival, Zhijian Palace chose to accept it, and Zhijian Palace's investigation was also very fast. The direction they immediately targeted was the Emperor's Tomb!

The ancestral tomb is not the ancestral tomb.

The latter is where only the emperor can be buried after death, while the former is where the royal bloodline is buried after death.

There, the Sword-bearing Palace found a tomb.

That is... the tomb of Ning Yan's brother, the eleventh prince.

Since the only clue is the figure and aura that appeared after going back in time, and Ning Yan asked the immortal to prove it, there is only another possibility.

A man who looked exactly like Ning Yan and even had the same aura appeared in the Palace of Creation.

As for changing the appearance and breath through magic, this kind of thing is possible in the ordinary world, but in Wanggu Continent, if you are willing to investigate, unless your cultivation reaches the sky, it is impossible to hide it from the human race's king and the secret of the formation.


Not to mention, the Human Emperor has been paying close attention to the process of looking back.

Therefore, Ning Yan's compatriot brother became the first thing to be investigated to determine whether the prince was really dead.

This is an old case, but now it has to be brought out.

The results were obtained quickly. Through a series of methods, it was confirmed that the eleventh prince was indeed dead and was indeed buried in the tomb.

In the Jianjian Palace, among the ceremonial officials involved in the investigation, some people proposed to re-investigate the cause of the death of the eleventh prince, thinking that through this, new clues might be obtained.

But this matter was stopped by the contemporary master of the Palace of Swords.

The master of the sword-holding palace spoke meaningfully.

"This matter involves royal secrets and has nothing to do with this case. Do not get involved unless authorized by the emperor."

Xu Qing was also among the ceremony attendees, looking at the grave of the eleventh prince. He thought that Ning Yan had told him that his brother and mother died on the same day.

But it involves royal secrets and is difficult to investigate. As a result, the clues can't help but be interrupted.

But there were still clues from other directions, so the focus of the Sword-bearing Palace's investigation was on the Creation Palace and the Ninth Prince. The palace owner went to the Tianlao in person to interrogate the Ninth Prince.

At the same time, the other palaces are also conducting separate investigations, and they do not communicate with each other. Some of the investigation directions are consistent and some are different. In the end, all investigation reports must be sent to the Human Emperor for personal judgment.

Although this method is a little less efficient, it is not too different. The most important thing is that this kind of investigation will make it difficult to engage in malpractice for personal gain, and all details will be investigated.

So time passed and five hours passed.

During these five hours, the entire imperial capital was sealed off, and the personal guards from the imperial capital and the guards from the Fifth Palace of Shangxuan searched the imperial capital almost thoroughly.

Clues one by one appeared in front of each palace in detail.

"Three months ago, the second prince, in order to bless his forbidden treasure, proposed to go to the Palace of Creation, hoping to use the power of the Sun of Dawn there. His application was never approved. He expressed his grievances many times. It was found that the forbidden treasure was great.

Area-of-effect magic weapon."

"The eldest prince left the capital in a hurry yesterday to go on a mission to the Yanyue Xuantian Clan, and the Yanyue Xuantian Clan invited our human race to pay tribute to a Sun of Dawn many times. The time of the eldest prince's departure is intriguing."

"There are many people in the Seventh Prince's Mansion. During this month, they often appear around the Palace of Creation. They even exchange secret letters with the Fifth Prince who is guarding the border with the King of Heaven..."

"The aura of dawn once appeared in the Tenth Prince's Mansion."

"Seven days before the incident, a foreigner found the eighth prince and proposed a mysterious deal. He inquired about the Palace of Creation, but the details are unknown."

"The third prince visited the Creation Palace ten days ago and had a secret conversation with the ninth prince for half an hour."

These clues may seem normal, but if you look carefully, they will be shocking.

Undercurrent is surging!

This is the consensus in the hearts of all those involved in the investigation of the case, including Xu Qing.

Except for the fourth prince and the romantic sixth prince, all the other princes were involved in the case to some extent, and each had varying degrees of suspicion.

This matter can no longer be explained by coincidence.

"There is a big hand behind the scenes, and many things have come to light with the help of various palace investigations."

Xu Qing was silent. He thought of his inner thoughts when he first saw Zi Qing in the palace.

If one side makes a move, then according to the chessboard, the other side... also has to make a move.

All the palaces were silent.

Finally, holding the sword in the palace, the contemporary palace master shook his head.

"Someone has forcibly revealed the inheritance hidden under the water, and let us use our hands to inform His Majesty of this undercurrent, so that His Majesty can make a choice as soon as possible."

"Otherwise... greater undercurrents and explosions may appear at any time."

"As for why the Twelve Highnesses were pushed out, it might be that person's temptation, or it might be a deterrent."

After saying that, the Master of the Sword Holding Palace cast his eyes on Xu Qing.

"Xu Qing, are you going to meet Ning Yan?"

This chapter has been completed!
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