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Chapter 794 Locate the source!

Time passes, and there is still one day left before the big competition that Yisen Flow and Fusion God Flow have agreed upon.

The human royal capital seems to be calm during this period, but in fact, after the Tianzhao County Sheriff sent the Tao seed as evidence, a storm is about to come.

Therefore, in the calm before the storm, the atmosphere in the imperial capital was turbulent and unpredictable.

Everyone is waiting and watching.

Watching the human emperor, watching the stream of strange immortals.

The Yisen-ryu, both inside and outside Taixue, was in the midst of a storm, and because of the sealing of the tower, the once lively atmosphere seemed to be short-lived and returned to its former appearance.

Those who have recently practiced Yisen-ryu jutsu are suffering on their own and do not dare to reveal their identity to the outside world.

From the outside, all the forces seem to be waiting for the Emperor's decree.

It can also be imagined that the moment this decree was passed down, there was a great possibility that the Immortal Flow would plummet and its recovery would collapse, and it would not even be as good as its previous decline.

At least, the previous decline can be said to be eliminated by the times, but now if it involves extracting the souls of millions of people to practice, and is put on the table, the entire human race pays attention...

Then, this is the great sin of mankind.

In particular, the evidence seems conclusive.

Until the moment when the date for the great competition between the Fusion God Style and the Yisen Style arrived, the Human Emperor's decree that everyone had been waiting for came out from the palace.

"The seal of the Yisen-ryu White Pagoda is temporarily released, and Yun and the Rongshen-ryu school will discuss the Tao and prove it!"

This decree surprised many people, but it was also expected by many people.

The Yisen-ryu has existed for a long time. The time when Taixue was established is the annual cycle of the school's standing, and there are many human monks who have practiced the methods of the Yisen-ryu throughout the ages.

Although it declined in the later period, in these long years, the Yixian flow has long been inextricably linked with various forces of the human race, and there are too many incestuous feelings that outsiders are unaware of.

It is conceivable that the spread of this decree must involve many parties' games. This is something that happens behind the scenes and is not something that ordinary people can know.

In short, Yisenliu burned the passion it had accumulated since its establishment, and finally got an opportunity for itself at this critical moment.

A chance to prove your innocence.

So on the day before this discussion, at dusk, the gate of the Yisen-ryu white pagoda in Taixue was slowly pushed open, and the figure of the leader of the Yisen-ryu who was trapped inside and finally unsealed appeared there.

In half a month, his eyes had obviously become more weathered, and now he stood there, looking at the streets of Taixue, silently.

When the students in Taixue noticed this scene, they all watched from a distance, with complex expressions on their faces, some disgusted, some lamented, some angry, and some hesitant.

All kinds of thoughts vary from person to person.

After a long time, the sect leader turned around and sat in the lobby of Yisenliu White Tower again, waiting silently.

Until time passed little by little, no Yisen-ryu students showed up.

The leader's eyes gradually dimmed, but deep down, there was a fire of unwillingness burning.

At the same time, outside Taixue, dusk passed, night fell, and the cold wind whistled across the earth, like poetry, like crying, like complaining.

It blew past the ancient city wall in the distance, trying to blow up pieces of dust that had been invaded by snow, but in the end it could only stir up the chill and disperse it into the thoughts of the people in the imperial capital.

Like an ancient poet, telling the history of heaven and earth in sad verses, and like a ruthless bystander, silently recording the rise and fall of the world.

But at this moment, in this cold and windy night, a figure was like ink, integrated into the poem, and outlined a vague afterimage in the wind, quickly approaching a private house not far from the eldest prince's residence.

The dark night covered his figure, and the cold wind hid his breath. All of this made this figure appear silently in the courtyard of this house.

It was Xu Qing who rushed back to the imperial capital.

He stood here, sensing all directions.

Although Xu Qing used magic to see the black-robed man with the words of truth hidden in his soul, he could see a corner of his life, but in this corner, there was only the altar and his worship.

As for the appearance, he couldn't see it.

He only knew that the other party must also be from the Word of Truth, and behind this matter, through his inspection of the two Yisen-ryu students, he found that in addition to the Word of Truth, there was also a so-called employer.

Of course, it's also possible that the word "employer" is just a mystery.

"Also, after I indirectly integrated the man in black robe with my soul thread, not only did the strangeness of the spiritual thoughts hidden in him become familiar to me, but even the voice of the cold snort also made me familiar.


Xu Qing narrowed his eyes, opened the door of the house, and walked in.

Inside the house, it was pitch black.

But in his eyes, everything was clear.

The house is very simple, with a wooden bed, a table and a chair.

On the table, there was an extinguished oil lamp.

Staring at these, Xu Qing closed his eyes. Combining his soul search and divine skills, he locked onto this house. With his eyes closed at this moment, he seemed to have returned to the place a month ago.

The black-robed man was sitting there, with three Yisen-ryu disciples standing opposite him.

While flicking the flame of the oil lamp, words echoed.

No one sees each other's appearance.

After a long time, Xu Qing opened his eyes, walked to the place where the man in black robe was sitting, sat down there, raised his hand and waved, the oil lamp in front of him started to glow again.

Between the uncertainty of light and darkness, Xu Qing raised his hand and gently flicked the flames. The power of the purple moon in his body spread out, forming his own heterogeneity, which followed his fingers and blended into the oil lamp.

Slowly, the flame of the oil lamp shook violently, and its material was gradually affected, until finally, there was a hint of activation.

This is also the power of the gods.

Aliens can invade all things, but they can also produce a certain degree of activation. This is why many new races appeared in Wanggu Continent after the arrival of the Remnant.

Similarly, it is also the core of the emergence of restricted areas.

In this way, the restricted area in the scavenger camp in Qing Dynasty was caused by the activation of a guzheng.

And now, Xu Qing is also using this method to activate this oil lamp.

It is true that no one in this house has seen the face of the man in black robe, but... this oil lamp has.

This technique cannot be mastered by anyone, just like the method of rummaging through the years. Maybe powerful people have special techniques that can imitate it, but what Xu Qing has to do now cannot be done by gods.

After a long time, the light swayed more and more intensely, and the oil lamp began to melt and split. Tentacles grew from the inside, slowly swaying, and even the facial features gradually appeared on the oil lamp, as if it had grown a face.

But it was obviously extremely unstable, and while it was trembling, cracks appeared.

Xu Qing paused his fingers and spoke calmly.

"Reveal the appearance of the man in black robe you saw a month ago!"

As soon as Xu Qing's words came out, the oil lamp trembled violently. It seemed that Xu Qing's voice was the highest decree to it, so it released it at all costs.

The next moment, the oil lamp itself melted rapidly, but its flame suddenly increased. After the oil lamp itself completely disappeared, the remaining flame rose, and a face appeared inside it.

A pale, ordinary and unfamiliar old face.

Xu Qing had never seen this face before in his memory.

At this moment, the flames swayed, and the face became clearer and clearer. Until it was finally revealed, the firelight slowly dimmed, as if everything had been released, and the activated life also bloomed with the spark of life.

Now, it begins to disappear.

But its meaning was extremely important to Xu Qing. Xu Qing's body leaned forward involuntarily, staring at the face emerging from the flames.

What he saw were the eyes of this face!

In those eyes, four figures are reflected!

What the oil lamp revealed was a scene from a month ago, and these four figures were different from the ones Xu Qing looked at when searching for souls.

From what he searched for souls and divine arts, it was clear that there were only three students of the Yisen style here.

But in fact... there were not four people here that day, including the men in black robes, but five.

There is another person here, too.

It's just that the existence of this person cannot be seen by the three Yisenliu students. Only the man in black robes can see it due to a mysterious connection.

It was precisely because of this that Xu Qing used this incredible technique to indirectly see it.

That extra figure was wearing a white robe and a Taixue mask on his face. Everything seemed unfamiliar, but the charm radiating from the exposed eyes made Xu Qing feel murderous in his heart.

This look reminded him of the leader of the Fusion God Sect whom he saw when he first entered Taixue.

At that time, he had doubts about it.

At this moment, combined with the familiar snort and the charm in the revealed figure's eyes, an answer appeared in his heart.

"The leader of the Fusion God Sect is...Bai Xiaozhuo!"

Xu Qing murmured in his heart, raised his right hand and waved lightly, the flames dissipated in front of him, and after the house turned dark again, he spoke lightly.

"After watching for so long, it's time to show up."

Xu Qing's voice echoed in the quiet house. After a few breaths, a hoarse voice came from the corner of the house.

"As expected of Xu Yuzun, not only can he find this place, but his methods... are really amazing."

As he spoke, a man in black robes who looked exactly like what Xu Qing saw walked out of the void and appeared in the house.

Xu Qing turned around and looked.

"You are not the one."

He spoke calmly. The person in front of him and the man in black robe had different breaths and feelings.

"It's true that I'm not, but I might be in the future."

The man in black robe stood there and observed Xu Qing carefully. As for his face, it was all blurry.

He looked at it very seriously, and Xu Qing was also staring at it.

After a while, the man in black robe raised his right hand, and a jade slip flew out and landed in front of Xu Qing.

"The employer is the Seventh Prince. Here is all the evidence. I have collected it for you. It is up to you to decide how to do it."

After saying that, he turned around and walked outside, his figure gradually blurring.

When Xu Qing heard this, murderous intent rose in his heart, but he did not look at the jade slip, but looked at the disappearing figure of the man in black robe. While guessing about the identity of this man, he suddenly spoke.

"If you have time, go back and see Ning Yan."

As soon as Xu Qing spoke, the blurry figure of the man in black robe seemed to be slightly shaken, turned back to look at Xu Qing, and completely disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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