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Chapter 867 The ninth skull!

The entire mountain and sea area, the sky is blurred, the earth roars when the wind and clouds rise, and countless ferocious beasts roar in different habitats.

The sounds merged together and finally echoed through the sky, causing the color of the world to change.

The roar was accompanied by a series of miserable wails, full of shrillness and filled with extremely strong resentment.

It seems that we blame the sky for being unfair and blame the land for being unfair!

Blame the tribe for betrayal, blame yourself for being foolish and loyal!

All of this seems to exist in the depths of the souls and blood inheritance of these ferocious beasts. It is usually hidden so deeply that they themselves cannot even sense it. Now, due to the changes in the mountains and seas, and the aura of powerful enemies, certain phenomena have appeared.

A degree of recovery, instinct emerges.

The expressions of the trialists of the Yanyue Xuantian Clan's big hunt were constantly changing, some were surprised, some were horrified, and some were shocked. All kinds of emotions broke out in their hearts like a storm.

"What's going on!"

"How come this vast area of ​​mountains and seas suddenly behaves like this!"

"These ferocious beasts seem to be greatly stimulated!"

Not only the ordinary trialists are in a state of inner turmoil, but also the great geniuses of Yanyue in this vast area of ​​mountains and seas at this moment.

While Jidongzi looked at the Jiuli Forbidden with palpitations, in another area, Mortal Shuang, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating with a calm expression, suddenly opened his eyes, his expression changed, and he quickly turned his head to look at the Jiuli Forbidden in the distance.

Gradually, his expression became serious and his eyes shrank.

"The source comes from Jiuli!"

"What happened there...?"

Fan Shishuang felt uneasy in his heart. No matter in his experience or what he heard, this scene had never happened before.

There are also Tianmozi and Tuoshishan, and they are all different. Similar storms rise in their hearts, and they are shocked by the fluctuations produced by Jiuli.

The feeling of uneasiness spreads more and more.

At the same time, in the lower ring area of ​​the Shanhai Domain, in the Land of Shanchi, a figure was running fast.

This figure is extremely fast, but if you look carefully, for some reason, you will always feel that there is a sense of vulgarity.

It is Erniu.

He also felt the vast fluctuations. During this galloping, he raised his head and glanced at the sky, and a guess arose in his heart.

"How do you feel that you have something to do with your junior brother?"

Erniu blinked and secretly thought that his junior brother didn't come to join him. Could it be that he found some better treasure...

Just as he was thinking, a sharp whistling sound came from behind him, and a young man with a crown of jade rushed out from the jungle behind Er Niu.

Even though the world is changing like this, nothing seems to be important in this young man's eyes, only the two cows in front of him are the only ones in his eyes.

So after he appeared, he chased after him fiercely.

If there are other Yanyue monks here, they will definitely recognize that this young man is Yanyue's greatest genius, the aloof Yan Xuanzi!

As the number one genius, his status and identity are extremely high. No one of his generation dares to provoke him, so there are not many cases where he is chased by him.

But here, it appeared.

The most important thing is that Yan Xuanzi appears here, his clothes are a bit messy, his expression is gloomy, and his eyes contain murderous intent, as if Er Niu is incompatible with him.

This kind of thing is rare.

"Swallow, why do you insist on chasing after me, a grown man? I belong to you in my heart, so you should give up."

Er Niu's voice was low-pitched and filled with emotion.

After saying that, his body swayed and he got into the rain forest again, but his eyes now showed madness.

When Yan Xuanzi behind him heard these words, bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes, and his murderous intent became even more violent. He gritted his teeth and chased away.

Just like this, waves and storms appeared throughout the mountains and seas.

At the core of this storm, in the land of Jiuli, Xu Qing's heart was also roaring. The tremors coming from the shrine thousands of feet under the mud and the terrifying aura made him like a lonely boat in the angry waves, with a feeling that it would collapse and fall apart at any time.


Obviously, when the last skull was fished out, the matter touched on the root cause, which caused the changes in the shrine.

If you want to resolve it, it's actually easy, as long as Xu Qing gives up trying to get it.

But eight have been obtained, and only the last one is needed to complete it. If he gives up, Xu Qing will be very unwilling to do so.

In particular, he had a strong hunch that if the ninth skull could be fished out, there would most likely be some strange changes among the nine skulls.

He couldn't sense what this change was, but he felt it must be quite big.

It's just that the price of acquisition is a bit high.

Once it is taken by force, it will definitely stimulate the shrine to have an even more terrifying aura.

Facing this kind of god who surpassed Chi Mu, Xu Qing knew very well that he had no power to resist at all.

It's just...if he had encountered such a choice before he understood the history of Yanyue Xuantian Clan, he would naturally choose to give up without hesitation.

After all, staying alive is the most important thing.

But... understanding the history of the Yanyue Xuantian Clan, Xu Qing has a vague judgment that he... is not unable to seize food from the tiger's mouth!

So he quickly weighed it in his mind, and the pattern under the mud thousands of feet emerged in his mind.

"The shrine was suppressed by the three gods... His tremors will definitely trigger the seals of the three gods!"

"Judging from the previous history, there are clues between the three gods and the spider god..."

Thinking of this, Xu Qing's eyes showed determination and a hint of madness similar to Er Niu's.

Sometimes, life cannot be too routine and you need to take a gamble!

At this moment, Jingzhonglaoyue is collapsing under the influence of this aura. Even Erniu's formation is like this. The opportunity is about to disappear in an instant.

Xu Qing no longer hesitated, his whole body cultivation and the power of his spirit exploded together, turning into a powerful force, integrated into the magical power of fishing for the moon in the well, and fished out the last skull hard.

The sound of water rushed and Xu Qing's whole body trembled. Such forced fishing caused his body to collapse in many places. His whole body had numerous scars and turned into a bloody man.

But after paying this price, the ninth skull clearly emerged from the water mark on his raised right hand.

The moment he took it out, Xu Qing swallowed it into his mouth without thinking. At the same time, his body quickly rose into the air and he was about to escape from here.

But even more violent fluctuations rose from under the mud.

Along with a sense of recovery, it spread across the board.

The sky shattered and the earth collapsed.

Like the end is coming!

A murmur that seemed to come from ancient times echoed from the depths of the earth. The muddy land was affected, and a huge vortex was formed as it trembled.

The rumbling rotation of this vortex stirred up all the mud. It was a little slow at first, and the size was only a few thousand feet, but in the blink of an eye it was extremely amazing, reaching tens of thousands of feet or hundreds of thousands of feet.

Eventually it covered the entire land of Jiuli, and the rotation became faster and faster, pulling in all directions and causing countless silts to splash out.

The depth of thousands of feet under the mud was instantly revealed in this whirlpool.

The cave inside it appears in this world!

The shrine inside is rising upward like this!

The light emitted from it reflected the sky, and from a distance, the gray fog in Jiuli began to dissipate.

And the monstrous fluctuations that erupted from the shrine sent the murmurs in it to every corner of the mountains and seas.

Suddenly, the howling and roaring of the ferocious beast became stronger, and the monk's body and soul trembled more intensely.

The mountains and seas... completely exploded!

As for the spider statue at the source, amidst the roar of heaven and earth, its aura rises, and its meaning of recovery is even more obvious.

The power of the sun's flames between his brows, the marks of the moon's flames on his body, and the surrounding star flames all showed signs of being expelled and began to loosen.

His eyelids were also trembling, as if they were about to open.

Seeing this, Xu Qing was breathing rapidly. Now his body was on top of the whirlpool. As he galloped, a large amount of gray mist came to him from all directions, surrounding him and blessing him.

But this kind of blessing won't have much effect when facing the spider god.

In this strong explosion of resuscitation, a huge suction force also rose from within, shrouding Xu Qing within it, causing the departing figure not only to be unable to continue, but to be rolled back by the suction force.

It seems that it is impossible for him to leave here without giving up the skull.

"Is it because I made a mistake in my judgment that there is no clue between the three gods of the sun, moon and stars and this god?"

At the critical moment, when Xu Qing was faced with the choice of whether to give up, something unexpected happened again!

The spider statue in the shrine had branches transformed by the power of the sun's flames between its brows. After being forced out an inch, it suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

This light was like the sun, extremely bright. As it spread across the sky and the earth, it gave Xu Qing the feeling that a sun really appeared between the eyebrows of the spider statue.

Painful wails came from the body of the spider statue.

When it fell on Xu Qing's ears, there was a bang in his mind, and blood spurted out, which he couldn't bear.

Fortunately, due to the completeness of the nine skulls in Xu Qing's purple crystal, the gray fog completely merged with Xu Qing at this moment, filling the air with a roar and dissolving it.

At the same time, the four spears formed by the power of the moonfire on the spider statue's body became sharp in an instant, and the cold feeling spread. Overlapping shadows appeared on them, forming four spears again and falling directly.

The wailing is even more sad.

There are also eight clay jars from Xingyan, which seem to become heavier, and they are pressed hard.

The Jiuli whirlpool paused for an instant, and the shrine that was about to rise within it trembled violently. Under the power of the three gods of the sun, moon and star, it could not continue and could only fall back into the cave.

The dissipated suction also disappeared.

As for Xu Qing, he was trembling all over. In the previous wail of the spider god, he suffered tremendous pain, his body continued to collapse, and his soul became dim.

If it were not for the protection of the gray mist, I am afraid that both body and soul would have been destroyed by now. At this moment, I forcibly cheered up, used the suction to dissipate, put all my strength, and rushed forward.

With a bang, he finally left the area and appeared thousands of feet away.

Without any hesitation, Xu Qing bit the tip of his tongue to clear his mind, which was about to fall into coma, and continue running.

Until he flew a hundred miles away, vast ripples like huge waves spread out behind him, accompanied by three earth-shattering divine pressures.

Xu Qing's breath stagnated and she looked back.

A hundred miles away, above the core of the whirlpool where the Spider Shrine is located, in the sky, a magnificent and world-shaking scene appeared at this moment!

Those are three huge shrines that appeared out of thin air!

One statue is shaped like a chariot, with a sun enshrined inside it.

One is shaped like a phoenix palace, with the moon enshrined inside it.

One statue looks like a red sedan chair, with a star enshrined inside it.

At the same time, they emerged, and the sky was filled with golden light.

Downward, hit hard!

This chapter has been completed!
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