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Chapter 904 Finally returning to the void!

The Great Si Quan is becoming a god, the three gods are crossing over, and there are five divine domain powers.

At this moment, in the whirlpool of the Divine Realm, with the Emperor's Corpse as the carrier, the chance of upgrading the Divine Realm is also proceeding with the captain's wild laughter.

"Little Aqing, what do you think of this opportunity?"

The captain's tone was excited, and his inner pride was transmitted to Xu Qing's heart.

"Let me tell you, everything in the world, everything in the universe, can be used by us, even the remnant face of that son of a bitch!"

"Back then, when Chi Mother's place, Yuexing, was promoted, I was extremely greedy, but conditions didn't allow it at that time, especially when things happened suddenly. I didn't expect that such changes would happen before."

"But this time..."

The captain's heartbeat accelerated a lot, and his inner turmoil became even more violent.

"This time, it's time for us to get in the car and see the scenery."

Xu Qing's eyes glowed.

"Junior brother, to this day, senior brother tells you a secret from ancient times!"

"This is related to your path, my path, and Master's path!"

The captain's voice was passionate and fell on Xu Qing's mind. When he heard the word "master", Xu Qing was shocked.

"You have been practicing so far, and you should also know the great realm of the gods. Before the divine fire, everything is divinity. After the divine fire is flawless, there is the great realm of the divine platform. What is behind the divine platform?"

"Today I tell you, that is the same person as Xia Xian... the true god."

As soon as the captain's words came out, thunder roared in Xu Qing's mind, but the captain's voice continued, and every word was like thunder, echoing in his mind.

"After the true God is the God Lord, above the God Lord is the God Lord, and above the God Lord are the gods!"

"This is a clear and traceable road. Both the Red Mother back then and the three gods now are walking on this road."

"Among them, Li Zihua has gone the fastest. From the peak of the Monk Dominance Realm back then, he merged with the Red Mother to transform the Cause and Effect, and his layout spanned tens of thousands of years from ancient to modern times, and finally reached the peak of the Divine Platform!"

Some of these things Xu Qing knew before, some he had guessed in his heart, but most of them were heard for the first time, and he finally had a mind-exploding understanding of the system of gods.

After the captain finished speaking, he controlled the emperor's corpse to raise his head, his gaze seemed to penetrate the vortex, penetrate the divine realm, and look at the remaining face of the sky.

"Junior brother, look at that broken face, do you know why the Sun God's sacrificial words are not empty in ancient times, and Ming is in the wilderness."

"Why can its source dissipate time? Why does Xuanyou, the last Xia Immortal of Wanggu, have to flee in the face of the wind?"

"Because, His name is Huang!"

"Because, his realm is that of a half-step god!"

"To be precise, he failed to attack the gods and has fallen asleep to this day!"

"And why are monks inferior to gods..."

The captain's voice paused.

Xu Qing was silent, already having an answer in his heart.

"Junior brother, do you know what the first thing you did when Zanmian arrived?"

"He swallowed up the ancient heavenly law that ranked first among them all!"

The captain's voice was low.

"That is Wang Gu's strongest Heavenly Dao. Its original form came from the lower realm and killed the strongest one among the several Xia Immortals from the Wang Gu Huangtian Divine Clan!"

"After this immortal suppressed the Wanggu local god tribe, he once looked at the stars and cried, saying that he had abandoned the immortal, so the path of the gods started and the immortal lost his position."

"Therefore, this immortal closed his eyes and left the immortal slough, turning his immortal soul into looking at the ancient first heaven, hoping to reverse the world."

"And what the First Ancient Heavenly Dao recorded is the inheritance of immortals in the practice system of our monks!"

"But he was swallowed and merged with the remaining face."

"This is the reason why the path to immortality was cut off after the Lord!"

The captain's tone could not hide his depression, with some inexplicable meaning.

Xu Qing's heart was churning. He originally thought that the immortal road that he knew in the human royal capital was broken because of Xia Xian's disappearance. But now he knows that besides this reason, the most important thing is that the heavenly path where the immortal path inheritance is located has been destroyed.

Be the first to devour!

"This is also the reason why, in the hope that there will be no great emperor in future generations, all races are trying to continue the path."

The captain continued to speak.

"Since then, the road to Yun Shen has been cut off. The practice system has reached the nine realms of Yun Shen, and there is no way."

"So after Xuanyou, no monk of any clan can once again enter the realm of a quasi-immortal emperor with a similar status to the divine platform, let alone Xia Immortal."

"In fact, even if the first heavenly path is not swallowed up, the monks will only take a few more steps than they have now. In the end, it is still inevitable... there is no way to go."

"Because Xia Xian is the ultimate monk."

The captain sighed.

Xu Qing was silent.

"But some people firmly believe that Xia Xian is not the end of the cultivation system."

The captain's voice came up again.

"Do you know why I am called Xia Xian?

Xia, let’s go!”

"The immortals in the lower world are also lower immortals!"

"Beyond the Lower Immortals, there should be Upper Immortals, but throughout the ages, no group of practitioners has been able to achieve the realm of Upper Immortals.

As time goes by, no one believes in me anymore, so I can only become an immortal as the end of my practice."

"Gradually, because the word "Xia" was unlucky, it was changed to "Xia".

"But I always believe that there is an upper immortal above the lower immortals, and there is an immortal at the top of the upper immortals. At the end of the immortal... there must be a way!"

"I walked this road in one direction, and Master walked in another direction. I hope that many ethnic groups in the ancient continent also have people who take other paths."

"Everyone is groping and trying to get out!"

"Today, you will also join in!"

"This is also the reason why I asked you to postpone your breakthrough before. Returning to the ruins is an important critical point!"

"Actually, before setting off to Yanyue, Master had been to the Imperial Capital Region, and I had met the old man."

"Master has been here?" Xu Qing was startled, but soon felt relieved. He had already understood that both the captain and the master had extremely mysterious origins.

Or to be precise, they are all moving forward on different roads that belong to each other.

Senior Brother, it must be related to his past lives.

As for the master, Xu Qing couldn't understand it, but he could guess that it was related to recovery.

In response to Xu Qing's question, the captain replied softly.

"I've been here before. He asked me to let you know that he was asking you to postpone at the critical moment. The reason why he didn't tell you in advance was because he was afraid of affecting your path."

He merged with Xu Qing's mind and his words were meaningful.

"Next, little junior brother, the choice is up to you whether you want to take a path of exploration that belongs to you. If you don't want to, you can cut off the power of the divine realm and continue to break through like before."

"If you want to explore, then the power of this divine realm upgrade will be the wind to help you move forward. However, this road must be dangerous. Whether the future is a road of life or death, how far you can go, everything is unknown, you... measure it."

Xu Qing did not speak, and the captain also stopped speaking. He was taking this opportunity to go his own way and find his own path in the dark.

"The road belongs to me..."

Xu Qing murmured, closing his eyes and concentrating. He didn't need to think.

Because he already knew and made his own path clear a few years ago!

It was in the Taixue Palace of the Great Realm, the imperial capital of the human race, that after practicing the Yisen style, the path had been decided.

This road... will use the gods as fuel, burn all the gods, pay attention to the power of gods, and transform the sources of gods.

He also uses the divine source as firewood and burns it all, turning it into his own strange fairy soul thread.

Then use the soul silk to transform all things into all divine bodies. The ultimate in imagination is the ultimate in this way.

It can also bring together all divine powers and can be called the God among Gods.

Finally, focus on your own will and achieve a path of cultivating immortality through the help of gods!

This is the strange fairy.

"Then my return to the ruins will really become a ruins... a ruins for refining the gods!"

Xu Qing's eyes suddenly opened.

The five hidden gates in the body immediately restarted from the previously suspended state and roared again, like five huge volcanoes that shook the world and erupted at the same time.

The sound of the creation of the world roared in Xu Qing's mind, the volcano erupted, and a large amount of volcanic ash swept across the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

This volcanic ash seems to be the same as that of ordinary monks when they are promoted to the ruins, but the material is different.

Xu Qing possesses the Divine Treasure and the Divine Source. His original Guixu is different from others.

The volcanic ash in his body contains the aura of the gods.

But at this moment...the path he wants to take, these divine auras are obviously not enough.

So Xu Qing didn't hesitate at all. In the next moment, there was a wail in Ding 132, and the god's fingers collapsed directly. Xu Qing decomposed them into nutrients and merged into the five volcanic hidden gates.

After burning, the ashes of the volcano erupted, and the aura of the gods became stronger.

Immediately afterwards, with the authority of the divine realm, at this moment when the emperor's corpse breathed, the terrifying power caused by the upgrade of the divine realm also poured into the emperor's corpse, split into two, and fell on Xu Qing and Er Niu.

The share that fell to Xu Qing poured directly into the ashes of the ruins.

This is the power of the divine realm, and the divine realm corresponds to the divine platform. It can be said... this is the power of the divine platform!

Use this power to turn the ruins into ashes, thus creating a ruins that can bury the refining gods!

Boom boom boom!

The sound in Xu Qing's sea of ​​consciousness was louder than the last, and in the end it was earth-shaking. Until the next moment, the entire sea of ​​consciousness was filled with ashes.

It can be seen that there is no sea within the sea of ​​consciousness.

All of them are formed after the ruins ashes have settled down...the ruins soil!

Boundless and astonishingly vast.

If any other Guixu cultivators could see the ruins in Xu Qing's body at this moment, they would be shocked, because the scope of Xu Qing's ruins is dozens of times larger than the normal Guixu.

And the material is even more amazing.

At the moment when the ashes of the ruins turned into soil and turned into a foundation, Xu Qing's Heavenly Palace and the five hidden gates above the Heavenly Palace fell on the ruins soil one by one.

The moment it merged with the ruins soil and became one, Xu Qing's cultivation level suddenly broke through.

Step in and return to the ruins!

To be precise, this is a ruin that is different from all other ruins. This is Xu Qing's unique path, his way, and it can be called a divine ruin!

Terrifying fluctuations continued to rise in Xu Qing's body. This promotion was a breakthrough in a major realm, and it could be said that Xu Qing's combat power had been improved unprecedentedly.

But the realm of Guixu is not complete at this moment. The Ruixu soil is there, and the next step is the traces of form and path.

Xu Qing's Dao Mark, because of its amazing ruins, is naturally very different from ordinary monks, and this difference, if traced back, is the essential difference!

And whether it is him, the captain, or the great Si Quan who is becoming a god, or the three gods who want to cross the calamity fire and achieve flawlessness...what they want now is extremely great.

So there must be some existence that will not allow all this to happen!

So, outside the vortex, resistance suddenly came!

(End of chapter)

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