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Chapter 181 Liangshan, a confidant! Revenge! Revenge!

Yuncheng, early morning of the second day, it was a foggy day.

That day, a big case happened.

Song Jiang, a well-known good man in the county government, actually killed his concubine and his adulterer together.

But right now, this person is nowhere to be seen. People in the city are already panicking, and there are rumors everywhere.

But some people said it was good, while others said Song Jiang was too ruthless.

There are various opinions.

"That adulterer and adulteress deserves to die! Song Yasi has always treated us well, but Yan Poxi wants to live a good life, but she wants to seduce others outside! This is a disaster that she has brought upon herself!"

"Hmph! Don't say that! Cuckolding people has always been the easiest way to cause love and murder, you bitch!"

"Those two bastards deserve it! Zhang Wenyuan is not a thing. He and Song Yasi are colleagues, but they still want to steal someone else's concubine! They have bad character and deserve to die!"

"Only that Yan Po's wife died unjustly."

As soon as these words came out, the prince who sold Erchen Soup stiffened his neck, turned red in the face, and cursed: "What kind of thing are you unfairly accusing? That poisonous woman is not a good bird! If you had stopped that one the first time,

Third, how could those things happen next?"

The prince was favored by Song Jiang. He got a gold bar, which was a huge fortune.

Now that I am pushing back the time, I am afraid that after killing the person, I will still be thinking about him.

"Oh! God, why is God so ruthless! Good people are always bullied!" The prince muttered in his heart, but he clasped his hands together, secretly praying to the gods and Buddhas in the sky, hoping that they would protect Song Jiang and escape the disaster.

As the discoverer, Tang Niuer was locked up in the Yamen until the early morning of the next day before he was released. At this moment, his eyes were dull and he was frozen in place, as if he had lost his soul.

This love-murder case will be the subject of conversation for a long time after dinner.


Outside Yuncheng, a hundred miles away, there is a wide road.

It rained in the middle of the night last night, but there was morning fog again in the morning. The visibility was very low along the way.

In the thick fog, the sound of bells rang out, but it was a group of officers and soldiers, equipped with armor, but they formed a formation and advanced all the way.

The speed was neither fast nor slow, and it was obvious that he was searching for something.

The leader, a captain, looked rather ugly.

Suddenly an officer and soldier came up and said: "Boss, this is the thirtieth corpse we encountered."

"Keep going! It's best to mark those corpses. When we find Mr. Murong Xuan, we can make arrangements together." The green-clothed captain said coldly.

The person next to the captain in green clothes said: "I'm afraid that Lord Murong will be in trouble."

"Alas! If Murong Xuan dies, how will he explain to the magistrate?"

"It's just that we kept trying to dissuade him, telling him to let Lord Murong Xuan lead more troops! It's a pity that Lord is eager to see success!"

"Stop talking, let's continue searching!"

"Fortunately, fortunately, the sun is out! This heavy fog will dissipate in a while!"

"It's possible that Master Murong Xuan won the victory. Maybe he can recover from his injuries somewhere."

"I hope so!"

"If that's the case, it's a first-class contribution, and we're all just going to get the credit."

The group of people were talking and moving forward. Suddenly, the leader, the captain in Qingyi, suddenly reined in the reins and raised one hand: "Wait a minute! Look, what is that?"

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by the leader. At this moment, the sun was shining on the earth, as if the clouds and fog were dispersed in an instant.

"That's..." The captain in Qingyi was shocked, got off his horse, and rushed over.

At this moment, there was a corpse lying on the ground, with an arrow in its back. The arrow penetrated the back of the body, and the blood on the ground had long been washed away by the rain.

"Dead! It's Master Murong Xuan!"

"News came from the front. Many people died in the front, and there are corpses everywhere!"

"Dead! They are all dead! Even the general is dead!"

"Wooden sign! The words on this wooden sign!"

Everyone looked sideways, staring at the wooden sign beside Murong Xuan, which read:

"The one who killed Murong Xuan is a hero from Liangshan!"

The font is ferocious and fierce, written directly with cinnabar, intruding into the wood. Even if it rains heavily, it is still clearly visible.


This group of officers and soldiers stared at these words, their faces turned pale with fear, they felt as if gods and demons were coming.

"What a strong evil spirit!"

The captain in green clothes took several steps back, his face changed wildly, and he felt as if a disaster was coming.

"Oops! Oops! This Murong Xuan died in battle! I'm afraid the prefect will go crazy!" The captain in Qingyi's face was as white as paper, "I'm afraid we all have to be held accountable!"

People around him looked horrified.

"Liangshan bandits! Are they really so bold?"

"Killed with one arrow! The battlefield was fought back and forth for seventy or eighty miles. It seemed that after many battles, General Murong Xuan's horse fell to death, as if it was dead from exhaustion!"

"Hundreds of elites were actually killed! How come these Liangshan bandits are so cruel?"

"What a killer! I'm afraid something bad will happen! Why is it so scary?"

"This Liangshan bandit is really terrifying! He defeated the Jeju army several times, but now he has killed our Qingzhou army again. If these bandits come down the mountain and sweep across the mountain, I heard that there are ten thousand soldiers in Liangshan, and they will fight for it."

How many people in each state and county can resist?"

The officers and soldiers looked at each other, and one of them suddenly said happily:

"Yesterday we were supposed to go on an expedition together, but Lord Murong Xuan couldn't wait, so he left first! If we had gone together yesterday, we still don't know whether we will live or die today!"

When the captain in Qingyi heard this, he agreed in his heart, but he reprimanded him: "You can just talk about this among our brothers! If you return to the camp, don't say it, otherwise it will cause trouble.

Then we will all be in trouble!"

Everyone was silent, knowing that the leader was right.

"Come here, collect the body of Lord Murong Xuan and bring it back to Qingzhou!"


Qingzhou, magistrate's office.

Murong Yanda was wearing official uniform at the moment and his face was blue.

He was walking back and forth, looking quite ugly.

"My younger brother is impatient. What should I do if he didn't return home all night after this pursuit?" Murong Yanda had a good relationship with this younger brother.

Although they have the same father and mother, they are as close as compatriots. They are both civil and military, and they protect each other.

"Then Lin Chong is really bold, he actually dares to come to Yuncheng!"

Murong Yanda's expression was gloomy: "That man fought his way out of Tokyo City. I heard that he killed hundreds of people along the way, and passed through several interceptions and pursuits! He even fought all the way to Liangshan, but Wang Lun was the one who destroyed the original village of the stronghold.

Get rid of the boss! This is a killer!

Murong Xuan, you must not let anything happen to you. If something happens, how do you want my brother to deal with it?"

It's okay not to think about it, the more Murong Xuan thought about it, the more anxious he became.

While he was thinking about it, there was suddenly a loud noise outside. Murong Yanda was startled. He walked up quickly and saw a black coffin being carried in.

"Master Murong, Master Murong Xuan died in battle!"

Fortunately, Murong Yanda didn't listen. After hearing this, he took several steps back, but he felt dizzy and fell down. If the captain in Qingyi hadn't rushed quickly and held him up, he would have fallen down.

On the ground.

"My good brother! You died so miserably!"


This chapter has been completed!
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