Turn off the lights
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Chapter 289 Song Jiang's face is dazed! Destroy the mountain

Late at night, the lights are brightly lit on Qingfeng Mountain. In the village, the leaders are gathering and talking about it.

Song Jiang was sitting on a big tiger-skin chair, with Wang Ying, Yan Shun and Zheng Tianshou sitting underneath.

There are also small leaders on both sides, dozens of people.

Wang Ying said with excitement on his face: "Brother Song Jiang, that official Chai Jin is really generous and spends a lot of money. He even sent us food. All of this depends on my brother's reputation!"

Yan Shun on the side also rubbed his hands and said: "It's a shame that Liangshan, the government and the army have repeatedly attacked, but they can't do anything! They even destroyed the government's stronghold. Murong Yanda is like a bereaved dog, running faster than anything else."

"Hmph! If he hadn't been running behind us, our sneak attack plan wouldn't have been in vain. This person's position as the prefect of Qingzhou must be based on his status as a relative of the emperor. This ability is very common. He has not even fought yet, but he just ran away.

It's such a useless time!" Song Jiang had a dark face, thinking that he was a dignified Yuncheng commander, but he ended up in such a situation!

Today he looks majestic, but he is just a bandit.

I am still too weak these days. How can I, Song Jiang, be like this?

It's just something that noble man told me.

In the past, he would definitely find a way to get down from the mountain. He would rather go back to Yuncheng and ask the county magistrate to plead guilty. Then he might be able to rely on his many years of connections to get a lighter sentence, and then there would be some new opportunities!

Now that I have agreed to that noble man, I really have to stay in this mountain. Unfortunately, Qingfeng Mountain is too small. If I can occupy Erlong Mountain in the distance, it may still take a lot of effort.

Wang Ying and others are reckless men, but I just think what Brother Song Jiang said is reasonable!

Song Jiang simply blamed Murong Yanda for his failed sneak attack. This was a brilliant plan!

Song Gongming cherishes feathers, which is a failure. If there are too many feathers, it will not only damage morale, but most importantly, it will affect his reputation!

Fame is something that is difficult to accumulate and cannot be achieved overnight. He has been working as an escort for many years, working both black and white, and managing everything up and down. It took more than ten years of hard work to achieve the famous name of "Timely Rain" today.

Prestige and reputation are easy to build, but destroy in an instant.

Just like a palace, once it collapses, it will happen instantly!

Fortunately, entering the mansion of a high official from Chai was a break from the autumn breeze.

Song Jiang would be somewhat grateful to him, but he was thinking more long-term and wanted to complete the noble man's idea.

He can't just rely on a few people from Qingfeng Mountain. If he wants to expand his power and gain the respect and trust of noble people, he must have more chips!

If things are going to be big, there will be more people involved, and the power will be strong!

Thinking about it this way, Song Jiang's gloomy face looked better.

Wang Ying said hurriedly: "Brother Song Jiang, everything depends on people, and success depends on heaven. Don't force it. How can the world's way be as per people's wishes? My brother's plans are all appropriate, but it is Lin Chong who is cunning and cunning, which is why he has achieved today's results. Fortunately,

With your foresight and the help of gold and silver, you will still be able to recruit troops and horses in the future, and your life will be very easy."

Song Jiang nodded with satisfaction. Wang Ying was the most loyal, and what he said was really capable!

Yan Shun and Zheng Tianshou on the side also followed suit, and the atmosphere became better and better.

Song Jiang slapped his thigh, laughed loudly, and said: "Let the young ones bring up all the chickens, ducks, fish, melons and fruits. Let's have a good drink tonight. The days ahead are still long, and we brothers must work together."

Working together, we will surely make a good name for ourselves!”

Wang Ying said happily: "Brother Song Jiang, we will all follow you, and we will have to fight all over the country in the future. I, Wang Ying, am still waiting for my brother to marry me a wife."



Everyone burst into laughter, and outside the house, minions kept bringing wine, meat and dishes. After a while, the air was filled with a strong aroma.

When the drinks arrived, everyone ate happily, and the scene was very happy.

Song Jiang took the opportunity to say: "Brothers, a real man should aim high and not live in ignorance. We must train our troops and horses every day, look for heroes in the world, and conspire for great things! That Liangshan is a treasure land, and our future will be bright.

It must have landed in Liangshan!

Liangshan is a serious enemy of ours, and Lin Chong is Song Jiang's life-and-death enemy. Between me and him, there is him without me, and there is me without him!"

Wang Ying was the first to stand up and said heartily: "Brother Song Jiang, don't worry, Liangshan will definitely be our destination in the future! As for that traitor Lin Chong, sooner or later, he will die in our hands. By then,

My brother is determined to marry Lady Lin to me as my wife. Hehehehe."

Song Jiang smiled slightly and said: "Brothers, Lin Chong is extremely lustful. He bought thousands of girls from the mountains and brought them back to the mountains to play with. They are all waiting for us to rescue them. If we rescue them one day, these girls will definitely be grateful.

Everyone, when the time comes, you will all have a wife to help you continue your heirs, wouldn’t it be wonderful?”

I have to say that this Yuncheng Song Yasi is really a master at deceiving people!

In just a few words, he confuses right and wrong and stirs up people's hearts, but he does it to the extreme!

As expected, the bandits below were all yelling excitedly.

"Destroy Liangshan, kill Lin Chong!"

"Rescue women and children, get wives and have children!"

"Brother Song Jiang is the most heroic!"

"We all listen to Brother Song Jiang!"

"Destroy Liangshan, kill Lin Chong! Kill, kill, kill!"


The mood was raging and the morale was high. Song Jiang was condescending, holding a wine glass in his hand and looking down below with a slight smile on his lips.

"Lin Chong, let's wait and see whether we succeed or not! The dispute between us has just begun!" A cold light flashed in Song Jiang's eyes, and a strong self-confidence emerged spontaneously!

While the atmosphere was harmonious, there was a sudden noise outside, and several mountain soldiers rushed in with panic: "Chiefs, something happened, something big happened!"

Wang Ying smashed the wine bowl on the table, frowned, and cursed: "Why panic! What could happen in the middle of the night?"

Song Jiang raised his hand and said: "Brother Wang Ying, please don't reprimand us. We are here to guard and protect our brothers. If you perform your duties to the best of your ability, we will be rewarded heavily!"

The mountain soldier looked at Song Jiang with a grateful face, clasped his fists and said, "Just now news came that a troop of soldiers and horses, together with the government, are coming to kill us!"

"What?! Where are the troops? Why are you here trying to suppress us?" Wang Ying was startled and broke into a sweat. Most of his alcoholism had dissipated, and he hurriedly said, "Quickly tell me why."

Song Jiang was also shocked, but his energy-raising skills were not good enough to make him lose his composure like Wang Ying.

His muscles tightened, then slowly relaxed again, and he said nicely: "Don't panic, just tell me one by one!"

The mountain soldier was panting heavily, fearing that he might have been running all the way, but now he was breathing a little calmer, and said: "They sent a message to us! They said that we killed Mr. Hu Jiabao, and Hu Jiabao said that we would destroy Qingfeng Mountain!"


This chapter has been completed!
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