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Chapter 373 All the way to the north! The lion opened his mouth

The leading yamen servant held a fire stick in his hand. As soon as he arrived at the door, the shop owner trotted out, nodding and bowing.

The chief of the government officials looked like a governor at first glance, almost the same position that Wu Song had held before.

"Store, we have received news from the Yamen. We must be careful of Liangshan bandits recently. If there is anything unusual, please report it." Nadu said coldly with scars on his head and face.

The shopkeeper patted his thigh and exaggeratedly said: "Oh, Fang Dutou, I am a business traveler here every day. If anything is wrong, I will tell you as soon as possible."

The scar on Fang Dutou's face was like an ugly centipede. When he spoke, it moved as if it were alive.

"Okay! That's good. What's going on in your store today?" Fang Du changed the topic and asked Lin Chong and others.

"This is a businessman from the north, and he is heading north now." The shopkeeper bent down and spoke carefully.

"Businessmen from south to north? So many people?" Fang Dutou frowned, walked towards the crowd, and asked doubtfully, "Who is the leader? What are you selling?"

Hua Rong stood up, clasped his fists and said, "Here, Dutou, we are merchants selling cloth. We purchase goods from the south and plan to transport them to Daming Mansion for sale."

As Hua Rong spoke, he walked in, raised his hand, took out a piece of silver from his sleeve, and put it into Fang Dutou's hand, "Please make it easier for Dutou."

Fang Du lowered his head and took a look. He saw a big piece of silver, enough for ten taels. His eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "Oh, so that's it. It's better for you to travel around and make money everywhere, unlike us, who only raise money."

Keep your head on your toes and do hard work."

Hua Rong hurriedly said: "What Du Tou said makes sense. We businessmen are all lowly people who live in the open air. If one of them is not good, he will encounter bandits and may not be able to save his life. We all rely on heroes like Du Tou to protect us."

Our safety is in danger."

The flattery felt comfortable. Fang Dutou easily collected the money, raised his hand and patted Hua Rong, saying: "You, a northern man, are really smart in your words. You must be a scholar, and you can speak nicely. Please listen to me."

It’s so refreshing.”

Hua Rong nodded and said: "This is what we should do. If you are free, would you like to sit down and have a few drinks? Even if it is recorded on the villain's head, it is also my luck."

Fang Dutou laughed loudly, glanced at the caravan, and walked straight over.

His movement made everyone present tensed up instantly.

There was indeed cloth in the carriage, but there were also weapons and even wrapped light armor hidden under the carriage.

If I insist on exploring this, I'm afraid it will cause trouble.

Hua Rong also had a condensed look on his face, but there was no expression on his face.

Fang Dutou walked closer and pointed to the carriageway: "Here, give me the cloth covering it."

Hua Rong stepped forward quickly and said: "Fang Dutou, there are some pieces of cloth inside. If you open it, it will be scattered. It will take another half an hour to reorganize it. Please make it easier for Dutou."

Fang Dutou frowned and said dissatisfied: "What are you talking about? I am Dutou, I am here to facilitate you, do you mean I am making things difficult for you? If there are thieves hidden in your car, the county magistrate will blame him, and then

Which one is more convenient for me?"

When Hua Rong heard this, he understood instantly.

This person is greedy for money. He is clearly looking for faults and wants benefits.

However, if this benefit is really given too much, it is easy for a brat like this to be greedy and have no bottom line, causing trouble.

It is very easy to kill these people, but if something happens, their whereabouts will be exposed.

At present, everyone in Liangshan is scattered, and they can't walk far from each other. Once the government finds out, it will be troublesome.

They are still in Jiangzhou, and there is still a long way to go north to the cave.

Hua Rong subconsciously turned his head and saw brother Lin Chong.

Lin Chong was seen sitting there, shaking his head gently.

Hua Rong Miao understood and immediately took a step forward and said: "Fang Dutou, it's because he can't speak. Since you want to see it, just watch it if you want."

Fang Du turned his head, laughed, and said: "Come here, open the covers of this carriage and see if there are any Liangshan bandits."

Several government servants were laughing. It seemed that they had done a lot of this kind of thing. They immediately took the knife and cut the cover directly, and pieces of silk fell immediately.

Fang Dutou's eyes instantly turned red!

"The fine silks from Yuhang are fine!" Fang Du picked up a piece and said, "Your business is doing well, and you even got the silks from Yuhang. I'm afraid the tributes are of this high quality.


Hua Rong said with a smile: "Fang Dutou has good eyesight. How about this? Meeting each other is fate. These six pieces of silk are a meeting gift for Dutou."

"Hahahaha! You can do things well, but..." Fang Dutou's eyes suddenly turned cold, he raised the water and fire stick in his hand and said viciously: "I suspect you are Liangshan bandits!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere became tense!

Everyone was drinking. In an instant, they all stopped and looked at Fang Du's head.

Fang Dutou felt an inexplicable chill on his back, as if there was a sword in the wind.

He couldn't help but take a step back, and the terrible feeling dissipated in an instant.

"Fang Dutou, you can't make this joke. We are all businessmen. These brothers are all guys who come out to make money. If we want to do that kind of thing, why do we need to bring others with us?"

Wearing silk." Hua Rong quickly explained.

Fang Du's eyes were looking everywhere, especially at the cart of silk, which he couldn't bear to move away from.

Hua Rong understood instantly and said immediately: "Fang Dutou, please take a step to speak."

Fang Dutou smiled slightly and said: "You are quite smart. Just now there were a few unscrupulous businessmen on the road. Now they have been arrested and are going to be imprisoned and tortured."

Hua Rong still doesn't understand that in the name of searching for Liangshan bandits, these government officials are actually reaping benefits everywhere.

Feel free to assign crimes to passers-by!

Hua Rong's gift of money cannot satisfy Fang Dutou's appetite at all!

What a piece of shit!

The common people, these government servants are the source of trouble!

The common people are free and lawless, they are just like these bastards wearing government clothes.

Hua Rong's heart was filled with murderous intent, and he wished he could kill them all with one knife.

This group of people have fat heads, big ears, and a mean look on their faces. It is obvious that they have been able to do this kind of frame-up thing for a long time.

Speaking of which, how could Hua Rong not understand!

"Fang Dutou, we are all ordinary people, we all work hard. We only pay a small amount of money for passing by, but we still expect to be promoted to a noble person. It is not easy to run a small business with so many people to support," Hua Rong said hurriedly.

Fang Dutou smiled proudly, raised his hand and said: "Ten bolts of silk, one hundred taels of silver, don't shout, this silver is not the price of goods, but the money to buy your life!"

One hundred taels of silver!

This is no small amount!

This is a big number, and this guy really dares to speak!


This chapter has been completed!
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