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Chapter 484 Repaying kindness to a hero! Good you, a white-faced monk

Shi Xiu's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately thought of what Brother Dai Zong had explained before, and she didn't dare to neglect it at all!

He still said: "The villain's business here depends on Mr. Pan and Brother Yang Xiong's care, so I am happy today. If you have something to say, just say it. As long as the villain can do it well, then it will be done!"

When Pan Gong heard this, he smiled happily and said immediately: "Your brother has many things to do. I'm afraid I need you to take care of one or two things at home tonight. This meat stall may have to be closed for a few days. It will delay the business a little."

Shi Xiu waved his hands and said: "The days are long and I can't make enough money from business. Since there is something going on at home, I will naturally help you."

"To tell you the truth, my little daughter was a poor person in the past. She married an escort. Unfortunately, my daughter was not convinced. The escort fell ill and died, and then she married your brother!" Mr. Pan said, holding the wine glass, "

My little daughter is also a thoughtful person. Thinking about the second anniversary of her husband's death, she wanted to invite the monks from Wanfo Temple to come over and do some religious rituals so that some rewards can be given to Naashi! These things need to be taken care of before and after. The old man is not good at it, and now he is in trouble.

It's not late at night, so I thought Brother Shi would stop working for two days to help the old man."

Shi Xiu calmed down. When he heard the monk's ritual, he immediately thought of what brother Dai Zong said.

I heard that a monk was seen entering the city during the day. Could it be the adulterers and his group?

With this thought, Shi Xiu raised his eyebrows and had a plan in mind!

True or false, just take advantage of this opportunity to take a look at that sister-in-law. If she is really fine, it is a good thing. If she is really having that adultery, she is a bitch!

Shi Xiu restrained her thoughts and said: "What I am taking care of, it turns out to be a family matter. If you leave this matter to me, I will help you to the end."

"Okay, okay! Let's have some drinks first and then go back to my daughter's house to have some more. When Pan Gong heard this, he was very happy.

Shi Xiu was impatient and simply said: "You are too polite, we are a family. You can bring these meat and wine back home, and I will go directly to Brother Yang Xiong's house."

Pan Gong declined several times, but when he saw Shi Xiu's sincere words, he stopped trying to persuade him. He immediately said a few good words and took Shi Xiu to his daughter's house!

The two of them arrived at Yang Xiong's home, and there were many people there. They saw monks arriving with scriptures and carrying burdens, setting up the mandala, placing Buddha statues and offerings, drums, cymbals, bells, chimes, incense, lamps and candles.

In the past, Shi Xiu would have been in awe, but after listening to Dai Zong's words, at this moment, looking at the bright things these people did, some monks in private were doing immoral things.

After a while, the chef came in and arranged for fast food.

Shi Xiu and others dealt with the Wu Zang Temple at will. When Yang Xiong arrived to apply for the card, he went home for a walk and told Shi Xiu: "Xian brother, I will be guarding the prison tonight and I am not allowed to come. Please help me with everything."

Shi Xiu looked at her brother working hard and had lost a lot of weight these days.

Thinking that his sister-in-law had done something wrong to his brother, Shi Xiu's heart felt like a knife, but he also knew that it was not the time to make any noise at this moment, so he said softly: "Brother, don't worry, I will cook for you tonight."

Yang Xiong patted Shi Xiu on the shoulder and said: "Although I have no biological brothers, as long as you are here, I don't have to worry about anything! I'll go this time, and I'll have free time later. Let's have a good drink."

Shi Xiu sent Yang Xiong away and returned to the door to take care of the guests.

Shi Xiuzi took care of the door. Not long after, he saw a young monk, lifting the curtain and entering.

When Shi Xiu looked at the monk, he was neatly dressed. His green bald head was newly shaved, and musk and pine nuts were evenly applied on it. His collar was yellow, and his waist was first sewn, and it was dyed with sandalwood.

Shangen shoes are dyed deep green in Fuzhou; the nine-strand silk ribbon is tied with real purple bought from the West.

The monk, with his evil eyes, only took advantage of the benefactor's delicate skin and tender flesh. He must have offered a lot of food and her face was shiny with food.

Shi Xiu's eyes suddenly became sharp. He was afraid that this bald donkey was the sea lord. He didn't want to see him in person!

The monk went inside and asked Shi Xiu deeply.

Just looking at such a posture, complete etiquette, and extremely upright, I might be afraid that my belly is full of male thieves and female prostitutes.

Shi Xiu calmed down, and with a nonchalant look on his face, he replied: "Master, please sit down."

After a while, a young novice behind the monk came in picking up two boxes.

Shi Xiu immediately shouted: "Pan Gong, there is a master here."

Pan Gong heard this and came out.

When the monk saw Pan Gong, he smiled casually and said immediately: "Master, why do you never come to our temple? You can burn incense and worship Buddha, and we can drink some tea and talk."

Pan Gong said hurriedly: "I just opened these stores, but I don't have time to go out. After a few days, the old man will definitely go and take a look."

The white-faced monk nodded, turned sideways, pointed at the box and said, "It's the anniversary of the death of the emperor. I don't have anything rare to give you. I'd like to accept some dried noodles and a few packets of Beijing dates."

Lao Tzu said happily: "Aye! What's the reason for Teacher to waste money! It's too polite."

The white-faced monk said: "It's just some thoughts, not something expensive."

Pan Gong was in a good mood and said to Shi Xiu: "Please Shi Xiu, please take it away."

Shi Xiu moved in, ordered some tea, and invited the monks to eat in front of the door.

After a while, I saw Pan Qiaoyun coming down from upstairs. The woman did not dare to wear a very heavy filial piety, and only wore light makeup.

Pan Qiaoyun saw Shi Xiu packing the boxes and asked casually: "Uncle, who brought this box as a gift?"

Shi Xiu said in a deep voice: "A monk asked his father-in-law to be his godfather and sent it to him."

While he was talking, he peeked at Pan Qiaoyun's face.

When Pan Qiaoyun heard about the visitor, he smiled like a flower and said: "I see, I'm afraid I've never seen this before. That senior fellow apprentice's common name is Pei Ruhai, and he is an honest monk. He was originally a minor official in the Pei family's yarn shop, and he became a monk in Wanfo Temple.


Because his master was a disciple of the family and sworn to my father as his godfather. That senior brother was two years older than the slave, so I called him my senior brother.

His dharma name is Hai Gong.

Uncle, if you just listen to him asking the Buddha to recite sutras at night, with such a good voice, your attainments in Buddhism will be very profound in the future!"

When Shi Xiu heard this, his eyelids twitched slightly. He felt that what this sister-in-law said was a bit frivolous, but he still said patiently: "I see, that's it!"

He said this, and he already had some clues in his mind, but this alone was not enough, and more evidence was needed.

Stay calm!

Be calm!

Shi Xiu secretly felt cruel and warned in her heart. She also thought about what Dai Zong said. She must not talk about this matter lightly until the truth is revealed!

Pan Qiaoyun came downstairs to see the monk.

Shi Xiu deliberately crossed his hands behind his back, then followed him out and looked through the curtain.

Pan Qiaoyu stepped on small steps and walked very fast. When she went outside, the monk hurriedly stood up and came forward, clasped her hands and asked deeply.

The woman smiled, like a spring breeze blowing on her face. She was really beautiful. She said softly: "What's the reason for brother's bad money? It's too polite."

The white-faced monk said: "My good virtuous sister, these few small gifts are not worth mentioning. I just said it to you, my virtuous sister, I will feel sorry for you now."

Pan Qiaoyun said: "Brother, why do you say that? How can you bear the things that a monk has?"

The monk said: "Our temple has newly built Shuilu Hall, and I also want to invite the beautiful sisters to celebrate it. I am afraid that the festival will be strange."

When Shi Xiu heard this, he frowned and thought to himself: "Sure enough, he has some skills, and he speaks with tact. That monk is not a good person!"


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