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Chapter 526

Hu Sanniang dared to speak and act, so she glared at her brother and said, "If your brother hesitates, then I will take my father and others to the Liangshan Army first! If your family still wants to watch Zhujiazhuang, just go!"

When Hu Cheng saw his sister getting angry, he sighed and said, "It's a pity that you are not a man. If you were a man, my Hu Family Village would be completely different from now on!"

"Where are you talking about? Who said women are inferior to men? I will take down those two heroes in Liangshan. Brother, just say it and you won't go?" Hu Sanniang said in a deep voice.

Hu Cheng laughed loudly and said: "To be honest, I have exactly what I want! Liangshan is at the height of the sun, and now it occupies the land of Yunzhou. Lin Chong is a kingly man. He has strong soldiers and horses. You have also seen this court, which is incompetent.

.That’s what everyone in Zhujiazhuang did?

They bully the weak and boss around, if they are allowed to rise, how can we in Hujiazhuang live a good life?"

Hu Sanniang's eyes lit up and she said: "I don't care about those things. Then Zhu Biao treats me like a fool. I'm afraid that he has the intention to kill me. How can I just sit back and wait for death? If Liangshan is defeated, then Zhu Biao will definitely give us a buckle."

With the reputation of colluding with villains, what will happen to my brother and me when the time comes? I’m afraid it will be hard to die!"

Hu Cheng immediately said: "Sister, I am decisive in my actions. As a brother, I will naturally go with you!"

"I'm going to report this to my father. I can't waste any time." Hu Sanniang said again.

"It doesn't have to be like this. Father said that we, brothers, only need to make up our minds on all matters in the family." Hu Cheng said again.

The brother and sister discussed for a while and immediately took five hundred bankers. Without saying a word, they took another five thousand silver and hurried to Liangshan Military Stronghold.

They were marching very fast, and just as they were approaching the gate of the military camp, they saw Wang Zhengqing standing at the gate.

Hu Cheng asked strangely: "Wang Xianggong, who are you waiting for again?"

Wang Xianggong cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Of course we are waiting for Hu to become brothers and Miss Hu to visit."

"Is this? Could it be that Wang Xianggong had expected this?" Hu Cheng was surprised.

"No, it's my general who asked me to wait for you two outside the stronghold after sunrise." Wang Xianggong took Hu Cheng's hand and said, "Come on, come on, a banquet has been prepared in the Chinese army's tent. Let's

Let's have a good drink. My general has said that we welcome these two great talents to join Liangshan."

Hu Cheng and Hu Sanniang looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Hu Cheng said with admiration: "It is said that General Liang Shanlin is a god in predicting events and has great plans. Today, my little sister and I are convinced!"

"Don't say anything here, just go back to camp!"

Mr. Wang was in front and led the brother and sister to the military tent.

When the curtain was opened, many heroes gathered, including Hua Rong, Wu Song, Liu Heizi, Qin Ming, Huang Xin, Zhou Jin and others.

There were wine and meat on the left and right tables, and everyone turned their attention to Hu Cheng and Hu Sanniang.

Hu Cheng looked around, cupped his fists and said: "The villain Hu Cheng, together with Hu Sanniang, has surrendered to Liangshan this time, and I hope General Lin will take him under his wing."

He spoke humbly and showed no arrogance in his attitude.

Hu Sanniang secretly looked at Lin Chong. As a prisoner, she didn't look at him seriously.

After all this time, the original enemy turned out to be the one who surrendered.

Lin Chong wore a layer of soft armor, his black hair was neatly combed, his eyebrows were dark and thick, his eyes were sharp and energetic, and he was sitting tall on a chair.

Hu Sanniang was looking at him and happened to catch Lin Chong's eyes.

The two people's eyes met at the same time, and Hu Sanniang's heart suddenly flashed, as if the eyes were burning, causing her to step back subconsciously.

"This man, for the sake of his wife's safety, gave up his position as the instructor of the 800,000-strong Forbidden Army. He was not afraid of the strong and powerful, and killed people in anger! Such a person is a real hero, right?" Ever since Hu Sanniang heard this, she said it over and over again last night.

The cycle seems to be unstoppable.

Women sometimes empathize with each other, and that's how it is. People who you hated a second ago will actually feel kind to you when you look at them again, and even feel a strange sense of security.

Fortunately, Lin Chong's eyes instantly moved away, and Hu Sanniang breathed a sigh of relief, but she still took a peek out of the corner of her eye.

With the waist of a wasp and the back of a monkey, he is tall and tall. This is the standard figure of a military commander!

Those hands were rough and slender, with veins spreading on them, as if they had endless strength.

"It's broken!" Hu Sanniang was shocked. Just looking at the hand, her body was a little soft, as if the hand was about to touch her.


She reacted quickly and her eyes instantly became cold.

At this moment, after hearing his brother's words, Lin Chong actually stood up from his seat and strode over.

Standing half a step behind Hu Cheng, Hu Sanniang felt a powerful momentum coming towards her face.

"That day, he defeated me with just three or two blows and even spanked me!" Hu Sanniang looked at the man in her head, getting closer and closer, feeling her head buzzing.

When it comes to spanking, Hu Sanniang has mixed emotions. Yesterday it was shame, but today she is a little shy. The most magical position of her butt is actually a little painful at this moment, making her subconsciously take a step back, as if all the muscles in her body are following.

Take a twitch.

Lin Chong glanced at Hu Sanniang strangely, feeling that this little lady was like a frightened little rabbit, her eyes passing by strangely, and then he said to Hu Cheng: "Master Hu, you are serious! I, Lin Chong, value your talent very much.

With you two brothers and sisters in Hujiazhuang, we will definitely achieve great achievements in the future! Come on, today you two are honored guests, regardless of seating order, just come and sit next to me!"

"How dare you, how dare you! I am a man from the countryside, and my little sister and I are deeply grateful to be accepted by the general. We dare not ask for anything else." Hu Cheng was flattered and thanked him repeatedly.

"Don't be polite, come with me!" Lin Chong did not hesitate, holding Hu Cheng's hand and walking towards his seat.

Hu Cheng felt a strong force coming towards him, and he couldn't help but move straight forward, followed closely behind him. He felt like he was stepping on clouds, and then he reached the front seat.

Wang Xianggong on the side said: "Young Master Hu, Miss Hu, please take a seat! Prepare some drinks today. When we conquer Zhujiazhuang and return to Liangshan Dazhai, we will have a good celebration."

Hu Cheng and Hu Sanniang received high standards of courtesy, which was beyond their expectations.

Immediately, the atmosphere became cheerful, and people exchanged glasses of wine. Hu Cheng was holding the wine glass and just came to drink.

Sitting next to Lin Chong, Hu Sanniang felt hot all over her body, her face was red, she felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, and she was twisting and turning, quite nervous.

Her mind was still confused, but this time she was so close that she could smell a special smell on his body.

"I can't smell other people's scent, but why is his so strong?" Hu Sanniang thought to herself.

Hu Sanniang was confused when Lin Chong's rich voice suddenly came to her ears: "Miss Hu, I'll give you a toast!"


This chapter has been completed!
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