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Volume 1 Family Business Startup Chapter 12 Spirit Carp

However, Mr. Yang Boqiao knew his grandson's abilities well and would not make any mistakes, so he ordered: "Cheng Ming, Cheng Bo, you two go to the water plants to set up nets on the left and right. Cheng Wei and I will go to the front of the water plants to block them, and Huairen will get the fish behind me."

Catching the fish that slip through the net, you can drive away the fish in the aquatic plants from afar."

After the elders set up the net and waited, Yang Hongyuan plunged into the water and dived into the aquatic plants. Huge water patterns swayed from the aquatic plants, instantly breaking the tranquility in the aquatic plants.

I saw fish shadows rushing out of the water and grass, rushing into the net in a panic. However, there were few people in the Yang family and the water and grass were too big to completely block it. Even with Yang Huairen blocking them, they still managed to escape a small part of the way. Fortunately,

Most have been caught in the net.

I saw everyone walking out carrying the spirit fish in the net. Grandpa Six and Grandpa Seven were on both sides, so they rarely missed the net, so they each caught seven or eight fish. Grandpa Eight and Grandpa had a great harvest, each netting nearly twenty

Of the remaining ones, my father also caught three or four.

Seeing that everyone was overjoyed, Yang Boqiao said: "This is a red-tailed golden-scaled carp. It is very popular because of its bright color, delicate meat, and abundant spiritual power. It is an extremely precious middle-grade spiritual fish of the Dharma level. One-tailed spiritual fish."

The fish is comparable to a Fayun Dan. I also took care of it once during the war decades ago. At that time, this fish was specially eaten by seniors in the late martial arts realm. I didn’t expect that we caught so many at one time.”

After listening to Yang Boqiao's words, everyone knew that the spiritual fish was extraordinary, but they did not expect that a spiritual fish could be comparable to the Fa Yuan Dan, which was a useful elixir for cultivation in the middle stage of the mortal realm. But then came a huge surprise.

At this moment, Yang Hongyuan emerged from the bottom of the water and said in surprise: "Grandpa, there is about half a spiritual land under the water plants, and there are dozens of spiritual algae. The key is that there are spiritual fish eggs on the spiritual algae."

There were actually spiritual land, spiritual algae, and spiritual eggs below. This was remarkable. Everyone immediately went into the water to explore again, and this also explained why there was such a group of spiritual fish in this aquatic plant. It seemed that the spiritual fish were captured by this

It is attracted by the spiritual algae there, eats and lays eggs here.

Everyone is also discussing how to deal with it. The key is that this place is within the scope of Qinghe Village. If you stay here frequently, it will definitely alert others.

It was Yang Boqiao who said: "No one will find out here for a while. Let's go back and discuss it later."

When the father flattered the old man and hinted that he wanted to beg for a spiritual fish to satisfy his appetite, he was directly punched away by the old man. These sixty spiritual fish were more valuable than his grandson.

It was Yang Hongyuan who said that everyone had moved recently and his mother had just given birth to a younger brother, so why not stew two of them in the evening for everyone to try, so the old man reluctantly agreed.

That night, Yang Hongyuan's family was not only given two pieces of plump spiritual fish meat, but also the spiritual fish head. This made Yang Huairen very happy. He also knew that he had benefited from his wife's son, so he immediately tasted it happily.

Yang Hongyuan also took a bite of the soup. It was extremely delicious, and then he started eating, but most of it was left to his parents.

After all, he has not yet tried to practice immortality. It would be a waste if his body cannot store the spiritual energy. His mother can use it to replenish his body, while his father can use it to improve his cultivation.

Early the next morning, I saw my great-grandfather Yang Mingzhen also coming early. He was overjoyed to see the sixty spirit fish with his own eyes. Not to mention their value, they were rare spirits that could not be bought in the entire Qingshi Town with money.


Then after Yang Hongyuan's non-stop running around to test spirits, he finally chose a place in the north of Xishan Mountain near Li River. Under the leadership of Mr. Yang Boqiao, the Yang family, young and old, dug a lake and introduced the water from Li River.

, and then released more than sixty golden-scaled carps into the lake.

It was said to be a lake, but in fact it was just a big pit. However, after Yang Hongyuan personally named the big pit Dongting Lake, everyone thought it was very elegant and settled on it.

Then, under the leadership of Yang Huairen, he returned to the patch of water plants and transplanted all the algae with fish eggs back. Except for a few spiritual algae seedlings left in the original place, all the other spiritual algae were also brought back. After all, they were low-grade magical grasses. If not, That piece of spiritual land is beyond the reach of Qinghe Village, and that piece of spiritual land must be occupied.

After struggling for a long time, I finally transplanted the spiritual algae into my own Dongting Lake. At the same time, in order to prevent the spiritual algae from dying, under the guidance of Yang Hongyuan, I put more than ten spiritual coins on the roots of the spiritual algae to nourish it.

As for the spiritual algae attached to the fish eggs, Yang Hongyuan opened a small separate pond by Dongting Lake, called the nursery pond. He explained to everyone that this could better detect the hatching of the fish eggs and increase the survival rate of the fry.

Everyone couldn't help but look at him like a little monster. Fortunately, Yang Hongyuan set up his character as a child prodigy. Although it was a bit unbelievable, it could only be attributed to someone having extraordinary talents and extraordinary intelligence.

It was Yang Boqiao who joked and said: "Yuan'er, it's a good thing that our ancestors were virtuous and left some property behind. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to stop you from spending money here and there. When you start practicing, I'm afraid your family's fortune will be completely wiped out."

Just listen to Yang Hongyuan laugh and say: "When the time comes, won't there be grandfathers in other houses!"

Yang Boqiao's eyelids twitched when he heard this. Everyone else was thinking about this.

Ever since we got the red-tailed golden-tailed carp, my family always likes to come to Dongting Lake when they have nothing to do. After all, they can’t eat, so it’s good to have a look.

The nursery pond next to it is even more popular. Under the guidance of Yang Hongyuan, it is placing stone coins, blocking the sun, supplementing the light, and insulating and heating. Yang Huairen feels that it is more complicated than raising small ginseng. After all, it is The child eats and sleeps, eats while sleeping, and can only make a fuss for a while.

That day, Yang Hongyuan was teasing the little ginseng in his old house. He saw his sixth uncle, Yang Huailian, running in out of breath: "Nephew, the spirit fish... the spirit fish... has hatched. Go and have a look."

Yang Hongyuan was instantly overjoyed. He said hello to his mother, put down the ginseng, and headed straight for Dongting Lake. After hearing the news, he saw his great-grandfather Yang Boqiao and a group of grandparents already at the edge of the lake. Seeing Yang Hongyuan's arrival, they quickly moved out of the way.

Yang Hongyuan looked into the nursery pond and saw the little soul fish that had been born shaking their heads and wagging their tails beside the algae. Some were struggling to get out of the eggs, and some were beating from time to time inside the eggs.

Yang Hongyuan immediately asked his father to get his own special fish food, which was a spiritual bait mixed with spiritual algae and spiritual wheat flour. He twisted a small handful and sprinkled it in. The spiritual fish fry instantly started to scramble for it, and everyone present looked at it. Very excited.

I heard grandpa say: "Yuan'er, there are at least two thousand fry in your nursery pond, but with Dongting Lake and my Yang family, I'm afraid I won't be able to raise them."

Only Yang Hongyuan could be heard saying: "Grandpa, do you think that these two thousand fry are all spiritual fish? We can't guarantee that everyone has spiritual orifices, let alone just a mid-level spiritual fish of the Dharma level. If it's so easy, this golden-scaled carp can't do it." It won’t be so expensive, and it will eventually grow into hundreds of spiritual fish, all because I am good at raising fish.”
This chapter has been completed!
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