Turn off the lights
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Chapter 10 Reminders

Chapter 10 Reminder

"You are stupid to be a nun!" Li Fei looked at Yan Jiayu with a crazy look, but he still has a kind heart?

But the old man and He Yang immediately agreed. The female students listened to Professor Han. After Professor Han nodded, the remaining people were in the minority and could not twist their thighs with their arms.

Professor Han and Li Fei stood on both sides of the door, and Xu Huo opened the door.

The person pushing the wheelchair was a tall man. He stood on the spot and pushed the wheelchair forward. "She has inconvenient legs and feet. She can't survive the night in the third class seat. Can you take her in?"

The young woman in the wheelchair was pale and thin, with a timid expression. She had not woken up from the shock she had suffered all day and night. She looked at Xu Huo and others with only fear in her eyes.

"Are you brother and sister?" Xu Huo bent down and lifted up the skirt of her nightgown. Sure enough, one of her legs was already somewhat deformed.

"No." The man didn't stop him.

"No!" Li Fei objected first. Even though the person in the wheelchair looked weak, he couldn't take the risk. "What if she is a cannibal player?"

The young woman reacted, "I'm not a cannibal player..."

Probably thinking of the scene he had seen, he started retching before he finished speaking.

Xu Huo stepped aside and said, "Come in."

The man did not step into the carriage, but merely pushed the wheelchair in.

The young woman looked back at him, but the man didn't say anything, didn't even look at her, and turned back to the third-class compartment.

"You let other people in without their permission. Does this carriage belong to you?" Li Fei was furious, "One more person means more danger..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Huo pulled the wheelchair to the side, then grabbed his collar and pushed him out the door, slamming the door shut, "This is just right, no more, no less."

Li Fei suddenly changed his color, opened the door desperately, and kept yelling and cursing, but Xu Huo just pressed the door handle and stared at him expressionlessly.

Professor Han felt that this was not good and was about to give some advice when Yan Jiayu also ran over to lock the door and said seriously: "We will be reasonable and let you in if you agree!"

Xu Huo pulled the door open and found that her strength was amazing, so he stopped and backed away.

There was a strong look of resentment on Li Fei's face, but the gaze from the third-class seat was like a glare on his back. He had no choice but to say: "I agree! I agree that the woman can come in!"

The door behind him opened. Li Fei changed his resentment and shouted with a pale face: "I admitted that I was wrong, grandma. I was wrong. Please open the door quickly...!"

Just as the third-class player rushed out, Yan Jiayu let go and quickly pulled Li Fei in through the crack in the door. He closed the door again with a bang, isolating the man-eating player from outside!

The meat on the edge of his mouth flew away. The player was very reluctant and punched and kicked the metal door. However, the glass on the door was specially made. He smashed it more than ten times without even leaving a mark. Finally,

I can only hate to leave.

Li Fei fell into the carriage and gasped for breath, fear and anger intertwined for a moment, staring at Xu Huo and Yan Jiayu.

Yan Jiayu's eyes widened, "You want to regret it?"

Just as Li Fei was about to retort, he caught a glimpse of Xu Huo next to her who was looking at her coldly. He immediately swallowed his words and said, "If she is really a cannibal player... Anyway, it's not me who regrets it."

Taking Li Fei's lesson into account, the middle-aged woman did not dare to say anything and silently found a place to sit down.

Xu Huo waited for a while, but did not hear the announcement about violating the rules, then pushed the wheelchair to the window and asked: "What's your name?"

"Wang Xiaohui." Wang Xiaohui clenched her hands into fists and placed them beside her knees, and said nervously: "I am not a cannibal."

"I know." Xu Huo said: "I am not responsible for protecting you. There are also cannibal players in the second-class seats. You should be careful. By the way, how many players are left in the third-class seats?"

Wang Xiaohui said quickly: "Count me seven."

Xu Huo nodded.

Yan Jiayu gave her a pack of compressed biscuit paste, "Are you hungry? I soaked this in the water I bought."

Wang Xiaohui took it and stuffed it into her mouth with tears in her eyes, "You are so kind."

The next time passed very quickly, and the night vigil was decided. After everyone went to the bathroom one by one, they returned to the car again.

This time Professor Han and the female students guarded the front door, while Yan Jiayu and Li Fei guarded the back door.

The back door is not a big problem, the main problem is the front door, so Professor Han blocked the tables and chairs in front of the door in advance, and also told other players, "No matter what happens, don't turn on the lights, and you can't even use your mobile phone. You must turn off your phone today."

"I don't think there's any punishment for breaking the rules. There's no need to be so intimidated." The woman with heavy makeup glanced at Wang Xiaohui.

"What if it involves the reward at the end of the game?" Professor Han said seriously: "No punishment now does not mean there will be no punishment in the future. I will guard the switch tonight, Liu Jia, stand aside."

Female student Liu Jia followed him and looked at the switch, then stepped back nervously.

Xu Huo paid attention to her movements, frowned and looked out the window again.

"Except for the doorkeeper, can everyone else sit in the middle seats?" Professor Han looked around at everyone, "This way there will be a buffer distance between each other."

Keeping distance is actually to prevent cannibal players from attacking others.

"Aren't there three corpses in the carriage?" He Yang said coldly: "If you are hungry, you can eat them. Isn't it much more convenient than attacking others?"

All players have this vague idea. Using a few dead people to let everyone live in peace until they get off the bus is the best result.

The woman with heavy makeup walked to the side and sat down. Xu Huo chose the seat diagonally opposite her. A middle-aged woman and an old man were sitting at a table next to her.

Wang Xiaohui didn't know who to believe, so she subconsciously slid her wheelchair next to Xu Huo.

"Mr. Xu..." When the lights were about to go out, Liu Jia suddenly said to Xu Huo: "You...be careful." He also glanced at the woman with heavy makeup.

Because of Chen Yi's incident, others only regarded her as a savior who was worried about them and paid no attention to it. However, Xu Huo confirmed one thing, that is, the female student must have "seen" something last night.

At first he thought Chen Yi was also a cannibal, but last night he attacked him first, which proved that he was not a cannibal. If it was just to fill his stomach, it would be easier to attack Liu Jia.

An old man and a woman with an oval face who were in the same carriage and looked weaker were both attacked.

Chen Yi killed him probably out of playing the game itself and to get high reward points.

Liu Jia's shouting was not caused by being attacked. Now she specifically reminded herself to be careful. In fact, she was hinting that women with heavy makeup were cannibals.

The woman with heavy makeup didn't behave like a man-eating player. When she got on the bus, she reminded other players to keep it secret. Liu Jia was very fond of her at first, but after the lights turned on today, she has been keeping a distance from her.

The oval-faced woman had three wounds of varying sizes on her body. In addition to the square-faced man and Li Fei, the old man who was at the door at the time, the woman with heavy makeup nearby, and Yan Jiayu, who was silent in the dark, were highly suspicious.

These three people are highly suspicious, and Liu Jia’s hint may not be true. Let’s put aside the matter of cannibalizing players for now. Xu Huo looked at the two people guarding the light switch. They were too nervous. Although Professor Han did it yesterday,

They emphasized abiding by the rules and turning off lights and mobile phones, but they were not as threatened as they are now. This change came after they exchanged information today.

"Did you also see something outside the window?" he asked suddenly.

This chapter has been completed!
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