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Chapter 1083 The patient has taken medicine

 The constant movement of the pen on the paper aroused Ms. Ma's nerves. After repeatedly trying to use props to no avail, she began to curse again.

However, the man opposite had no reaction to this. He was observing her with a pair of cold eyes through his lenses while recording in his notebook. Although his expression did not change much, judging from the speed of writing, he was not as relaxed as before.


"It seems that your condition has not improved." After Miss Ma finished scolding, he closed the notebook and said, shaking his head, "You can't leave this room for the time being."

Miss Ma had a look of doubt on her face. She had no idea what this person was doing from the beginning. It sounded like she wanted to get some information from her, but she didn't ask about the key points. Instead, she was busy writing notes.

"Don't think you can deceive me like this. You are nothing more than a spiritual super evolver. Even if you want to control me, how long can you control me? Or you can just kill me. It is impossible for me to surrender!"

Xu Huo picked up his notebook and prepared to leave.

Miss Ma found that she could move, but there was an extra chain on her hands and feet, which only allowed her to move in a small area. At this time, the room was no longer pure white as before, but returned to its original appearance.

Although her hands and feet were still tied, Miss Ma looked a little more relaxed. She walked to the door lightly holding the chain. When she was about to open the door and call someone, she heard Xu Huozai and Zheng Da say from outside: "Her condition is worse than last time."

If the assessment is poor, she may have violent tendencies, so don’t open the door for her, and be careful when delivering food.”

Zheng Da, who was also wearing a white coat, nodded. His face did not have the fake smile of the past, but a serious look that looked like he was working hard.

Miss Ma twisted the door handle hard and shouted: "Zheng Da, what are you doing! Why don't you come to help!"

Zheng Da, who was outside the door, was waiting for Xu Huo to leave, and his expression became fierce, "Be honest, or you won't be able to eat!"

"You're crazy!" Miss Ma kicked the door in anger, but Zheng Da turned around and left without even looking at her.

"Come back!" Miss Ma slammed the door desperately, but got no response. At this time, a bright light reflected on her face. She subconsciously blocked it. When she looked up, she saw Zeng Shangping in the opposite room holding a mirror to her face.

Photo above.

"Zeng Shangping, you have no hair..." He stopped mid-sentence. Miss Ma's eyes widened, "Why are you also wearing a hospital gown? Why is there the sun outside? Are there birds chirping?"

"Room 23, Ma Chunchun, it's time to take your medicine." A nurse with bright red lips came over and placed the prepared medicine on the window, "Take it well and don't spit it out, otherwise I will have to tie you up.


"Qian Zi, it's me!" Miss Ma threw herself on the glass of the door and said eagerly: "It's me. I came to Xiaohe City behind you. You and Zeng Shangping used to be lovers, but later they broke up and fell out with each other.

Cao is just in time!"

Red-lipped nurse Qian Zi slapped the door and said angrily: "If you continue to spread rumors, I will give you a sedative! There is so much nonsense, don't think that you don't need to take medicine, just take it quickly!"

Miss Ma saw that she didn't recognize her at all and couldn't help but take two steps back. However, Qian Zi looked at her with a bad look and pulled out the intercom on her clothes, "Old Zheng, Room 23 refuses to take medicine.


Ms. Ma didn't know what was said on the walkie-talkie, but Qian Zi put down the walkie-talkie, pulled out a simple firearm, and shot her through the medicine delivery window.

Miss Ma fell into a coma, but did not lose consciousness completely. She vaguely felt that she was tied to the bed. Zheng Da and Qian Zi worked together to give her medicine, and mentioned that another patient had mysteriously disappeared in the hospital.

"... He must have run away. Who wants to stay in this damn place?" Qian Zi said.

"Shhh... I heard Dr. Xu say that you can often smell the smell of cooking meat in the dean's office..." Zheng Da said: "You also know that our place is short of everything, how can we have such good food?

What the hell is this!"

"Hey, I've heard what you're talking about. There are often female patients in our hospital who get pregnant. After the babies were born, Director Kang said they would send them away. I don't know where those babies went afterwards..."

"Stop talking! We have no front and no store here, and Dean Kang is the only one in power. No matter how angry you are, you have to endure it!"

"That old guy, pretending to be a good guy, never let him ruin the female patient who came. I think he was just afraid of being exposed, so he secretly asked us to increase the dosage of medicine..."

"...Say less..."

Miss Ma fell asleep. She didn't know how long it had passed before she suddenly woke up and found that the chains on her hands and feet were missing. She quickly opened the door and rushed out, but she met Qian Zi who was delivering medicine.

The other person smiled and said, "Doctor Xu said that you have been much stable these past two days. You might as well go out and bask in the sun. Come on, take the medicine."

Miss Ma resisted and wanted to retreat, but when she caught a glimpse of Qian Zi's complexion, she honestly picked up the medicine again, but changed her direction in mid-air, grabbed Qian Zi's hair, and pushed the entire cup of medicine into her mouth.

"Bitch! Take medicine, take medicine, take medicine, take it by yourself!"

There were people running around, all of them medical staff with familiar faces. There were also some patients standing not far away who had no interest in her resistance. They also had familiar faces. Ms. Ma was dragged into the room.

At that time, some of them were taking medicine obediently, some were playing with the nurse, and some were smiling and clapping at her, looking like fools...

"This is not true!"

Ms. Ma was tied back to the bed and received another injection of sedatives. When she woke up midway, the nurse had to continue injecting the drug because of her fierce resistance.

In this way, she woke up several times and fell asleep several times. Finally, she learned to be honest and no longer resisted the nurse. She would eat whatever she was given - it was an illusion anyway, and the food she ate could not be real. After being docile and cooperative, she gained

Gained personal freedom and the opportunity to go for a walk.

There were not many changes outside the room, except for the addition of a few iron doors in the corridor, as well as a nurse's desk and a marked doctor's office. She found Zeng Shangping downstairs and whispered urgently: "Are you trapped too?

That person named Xu is really awesome. Have you contacted anyone else? Or are all the things we saw fake?"

Zeng Shangping also had a solemn look on his face, and also lowered his voice, "It seems that you are also awake, and I have also been hit. No matter what, I can't get out of the hallucination. When the person named Xu comes later, you and I will work together to hold him down."


He said, flashing the broken mirror, "Kill him and we can get out!"

"Your props can't be used?" Miss Ma frowned, "Without the props, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to compete. Besides you, who else came in?"

Zeng Shangping pulled her aside and quietly pointed to another man not far away, "Have you seen him?"

"Cao Zheng, Qian Zi's man." Miss Ma hasn't turned the corner yet.

"He is a bodyguard sent by my uncle. He is not mentally ill at all. He is here just to keep an eye on me and not let me out, so that my uncle can inherit all the inheritance!" Zeng Shangping said angrily: "I won't let him.

If they succeed, I will definitely get out!"

Miss Ma's expression was a little dazed, "This is also fake..."

"Room 23 Ma Chunchun, Dr. Xu is looking for you." the nurse called.

This chapter has been completed!
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