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Chapter 1095

 Xu Huo read his lips, raised his eyebrows and said, "They are going to pick a hallucinogenic mushroom."

"For whom?" Zhou Yuanzhu responded quickly, "We don't know how to eat their food. We even prepared our own water for cooking today."

"I don't know." Xu Huo paused and said, "I'm very interested in fungi and I want to go take a look."

Zhou Yuanzhu had no objection, "I have difficulty moving, so I'll go back to the meeting place and wait. Be careful."

The two of them separated. Xu Huo put away the 114, looked at the hole in the ground, and simply jumped in.

The passage below is not as big as the cave entrance, but it can still be crawled through by two or three people.

It is not a wise move to enter a tunnel that is inconvenient to turn back and forth in a place full of alien species, but 114 dug through the underground, and he can directly see farther underground.

After assessing the situation nearby, he ducked in and used the flying "near-ground levitation" to go to the nearest exit - 114 had created more than one passage underground.

The prop glove touched the ore in the cave, and easily broke off a piece from it. Xu Huo looked around. The ore that could be seen in the cave that was suspected to be abandoned by the alien species in front of him was like the piece in his hand, which looked a bit transparent.

, but dry and fragile.

After testing it with a detector, he found that the ores were radioactive.

The types of radioactive substances in the game far exceed the known quantities in Area 014, but most of them are still harmful to the human body, even for evolvers. There are such large mineral resources underground, but they are radioactive.

Abandonment is not surprising.

Radioactive elements are used in all aspects of human social life, but not every district can make use of these things. Districts with more developed technology may have better and more substitutes, and some areas have high mining costs.

It is reasonable for resources that are not very efficient to be placed in awkward positions.

Obviously, this high-risk copy is an abandoned place.

Looking at the various alien species here, I wonder if they are related to these radioactive ores.

Hiding his figure and figure, Xu Huo found some scattered fungi growing along the passage.

Previously in Clown City, he got a book about fungi, and he read it in his spare time. Among them, there are two types of fungi that are similar to those in the cave. They are both highly toxic, but they are affected by radioactive elements.

, the appearance of these fungi has changed, including some non-toxic bacteria.

Elements mutated by radioactive elements were no longer edible. Considering the inconvenience of preservation, he gave up picking them.

Avoiding the alien species inhabiting the cave, he found the place where Zheng and Da were staying, and found that a large area of ​​non-toxic bacteria had been picked not far from this location.

He picked one at random and picked it up to look at. The green umbrella flower looked clear and beautiful. It had also appeared on the dining table in Wagga, Little River City. This should be the hallucinogenic mushroom they were talking about. When he was eating in the restaurant before, he made it clear

I see that most of the players have eaten this kind of mushroom stew soup.

Radioactive mutated hallucinogenic mushrooms. It seems that players in Little River City have been eating this stuff for a long time. Have they evolved resistance?

The players in Little River City have no desire to overeat. I don’t know if it’s because they ate the food in this dungeon, or because the water filtered through the filter is enough to remove impurities, and eating fruits, vegetables and plants alone is not a big problem?

But no matter what the reason was, Zheng Da and Jiang Wenzhang mentioned the word "hallucinogenic", which shows that their purpose of picking this kind of mushroom is impure.

Xu Huo randomly packed some in his pocket, carried it on his back and continued walking forward.

"Woo!" There were alien species fighting not far away, and they made threatening sounds from time to time. This sound made the nearby alien species uneasy, and they made high or low voices in response.

After a while, a small group of alien species rushed over, and Xu Huo jumped into the air and ducked into the corner.

Fortunately, some underground caves are quite spacious, otherwise there would be no way to hide from the alien species that are filling the passages.

He waited until the small group of aliens had gone away before he returned to the ground, but he stopped as soon as he took a step and turned to the left.

Mutated animals are not all big-bodied, and there are also some such as geckos, lizards, and bats, which have penetrated into almost any caves and passages, but they are quieter than large mutants and will not move for a long time, but when he steps on them

At this moment on the ground, several geckos opened their eyes.

He made no sound and only left a footprint on the ground.

Three geckos swam down from the wall and quickly rushed to his feet. Xu Huo did not move, letting the geckos circle around his feet - he had already used medicine to cover up the smell on his body.

After a while, the gecko crawled over his feet and ran quickly along the passage, making a delicate cry at the same time.

This cry summoned several alien species that were wandering nearby. They rushed past Xu Huo in one breath and headed towards a fork in the road on the right.

Xu Huo followed, and not far away he saw several alien species surrounding Zheng Da and Jiang Wenzhang.

The two people used invisibility tools and defensive tools, but they were also trapped in the defensive tools. They were pulled up, down, left and right by aliens, and could not escape for a while.

However, the real reason why they couldn't come out was not because of the alien species outside, but because they worked together to cover a huge object with an invisibility cloak.

Xu Huo couldn't see anything. He could only feel that it was an elliptical object about two meters long. It was a bit difficult to see the two people "hugging each other".

It is not a problem to store such objects in the luggage compartment, but neither of them let go... Xu Huo used "Everything wants to cut everything" to cut through the defensive barrier between the two.

Zheng Da and Jiang Wenzhang, who had a premonition of danger, successively dealt with the alien species that rushed towards them. However, they could no longer hold the objects in their hands, and the wrestling between the two parties was unstable, and the objects wrapped in the invisibility props rolled out.

It's a big stone.

It is different from the ores I have seen before. This piece is as black as ink, faintly shiny, and looks a bit like a gem.

It is not surprising that some gems of good quality occasionally appear in the ore cave, but the fact that Zheng Da and Jiang Wenzhang are in a stalemate shows that this is a good thing.

Xu Huo nailed the balloon string and dragged the stone towards him.

Zheng and Jiang had known that there was a third person here, but the reason why they were in a stalemate was simply because they could not destroy the other party's props. Therefore, when the balloon string lifted the stone, two invisible pulling forces appeared on it.

However, due to Xu Huo's aggressive approach, both of them were led forward two steps.

"Stop it!" Jiang Wenzhang took the first step and locked the stone in a square barrier. Xu Huo and Zheng Da, who were a little slower, failed to break it with one blow, and each retreated within seconds and returned to a safe position.

"Who are you?" Zheng Da looked at Xu Huo and asked angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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