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Chapter 1173 Space puzzle

 Wang Dafa was flexible and flexible, but Sun Minqi couldn't pull it off. Ban Tao and Wei Yan preferred to act on their own, and in the end they left the decision-making power to Wei Mang.

"The purpose of our trip is to find props or get the dungeon venue for the lady." Wei Mang said: "With Xu Huo, good things won't get to us."

"In this case, it's okay to go it alone." Wang Dafa said in a good temper: "But we hurry up, otherwise all the good things will be taken away by others."

Not only did they think so, the players near and far also sped up and dispersed in all directions.

Song Xiaohua noticed the movement around him and couldn't help but said: "Should we continue to take pictures? What's the use of taking pictures of these things? It's the same. If we let others get the copy or good props first, won't our trip be in vain?"

"It's indeed a waste of time. This shouldn't be a dungeon site being formed." Xu Huo said, it is most likely just a ruined space.

In his opinion, what this place presents on the surface is multiple spaces, and they are spaces within spaces. The specific boundaries are not fixed, and there are no unified standards for location and form. The rules require time and manpower to explore, but there are

Very restrictive.

First, ordinary players cannot take the initiative to access multiple spaces, unless this ruined space automatically changes. This alone will almost exclude most of the players who came in today - if this is a dungeon that is being formed, at least it must

It is obviously impossible for these players to understand some of its laws.

Second, there are black parts that appear in the space from time to time, and light cannot shine in. Whether it is just pure darkness or connected to other spaces as Song Xiaohua said, if there are missing members of the Special Defense Department, it is very risky to go in directly to explore.

The biggest premise of this ruined space is that its space is chaotic. Compared with other copy sites with controllable risks or the state of the space before the formation of the Seventeenth Hospital, its dangers are more objective.

In other words, if you mistakenly enter some unstable space or a space that the game has not yet intervened in, it may really be doomed.

The most obvious evidence is the missing island. The island is undoubtedly included in this space, but so far, Xu Huo has not seen anything related to the island in any space he has been to before.

He didn't think about the reason. Either there were too many independent spaces and it was difficult to encounter them at the moment, or they disappeared into the darkness like the sky buildings he saw now.

So in his opinion, this space does not seem to have the conditions to form a dungeon. To say the least, even if it is a dungeon that is being formed, the players who enter here now are not capable of controlling it.

"Then why don't we get out quickly?" Song Xiaohua pointed at the buildings that were engulfed in black in the sky, "There are two more buildings. I'm worried that sooner or later this place will be swallowed up."

"Probably not." Xu Huo continued to walk forward, "Didn't you hear the people from the Special Defense Department just said that these black blocks will disappear after a while, sometimes more and sometimes less. As long as you don't go in, there is basically no danger."

"Hey, look, there are two warriors over there." Song Xiaohua listened to him, his eyes suddenly focused, and he pointed over, only to see two members of the player organization testing the edge of darkness.

He probably put the props in first and made sure there was no danger before deciding to go into battle in person, so while Song Xiaohua was talking, the two of them had already walked in.

"Didn't they hear from the people from the Special Defense Department that there was danger inside? This dog must be too brave!"

"Maybe they have ways to avoid risks." Xu Huo didn't pay much attention and raised his phone again.

From the photos taken, it can be seen that the architectural ruins left behind in the places they walked repeated at intervals. This repetition did not refer to the layout and size, but to the shape and degree of damage to the ruins.

Only the direction has been changed.

Overall, this ruin space is a bit like a giant jigsaw puzzle. Each piece of the puzzle is about the same size and shape. Simply adjust the angles of the puzzle pieces and repeat the layout to create a boundless ruin world.

But according to this idea, this space is limited. Maybe you can enter the next space by finding the boundary.

Of course, it's just the next space. I don't know if there will be as many spaces as puzzle pieces.

A space that may be repeated infinitely from different dimensions has a strange and magnificent beauty when viewed from other angles.

"How was such a space created?" Xu Huo touched a stone on the ruins, but the next second, the stone he touched automatically flew up.

In fact, there is more than just this one stone, first there are some smaller stones around him, and then there are the ruins of buildings ranging from the size of a human head to half a person - the remnants of these ruins are floating in the air at different heights with him as the center.

Covering a full range of one hundred meters!

Song Xiaohua in the rear was shocked. Just as he was about to say something, all the stones flew towards Xu Huo!

The stones rubbed against the air at high speed, causing a roaring sound. In just a blink of an eye, these bullet-like things sealed the place where Xu Huo was originally standing. The impact of big rocks on top of small rocks made a sound as if

A loud noise like an explosion!

This movement attracted the attention of the players who were still nearby, but they only had time to turn around to see a figure flying out of a ball of roughly circular smoke, and then a large amount of gravel poured towards the ground.

And as the figure retreated, the large and small stones in the ruins floated up one after another, chasing the figure as if they were conscious!

The front and back were blocked again, and the "Go to Destination" was suppressed by the props and could not be used, so Xu Huo relied on the power of space to continuously create space barriers while traveling through the ruins to block the stones that flew in almost without interruption.

With the cube space in hand, he could clearly see the rays of different thicknesses in the air, and naturally he could also capture the source of the rays that controlled the stones. He accelerated and jumped over several boulders, unfolding the spiritual world along the way, and opened the portal when he jumped from the air.

Instantly traveled to the source of the rays that control these stones:

"You've already come, why don't you come out in an open and honest manner?"

"Death of the Holder" passed through the position directly in front of him. Along with the two opened portals, the black metal beads that could not penetrate multiple spaces sank into an invisible place for a moment. Then, glass appeared in the space.

The magician with heavy makeup and painted face appeared in front of the metal bead twenty meters away from Xu Huo.

There is no doubt that he successfully escaped the assassination of this A-level prop, but in this moment, Xu Huo had already circled behind him, and what greeted him was criss-crossing tangents hanging in the air!


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