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Chapter 1263 Medical Alert

 "Is there anyone from Flower City on the boat?" Someone asked, looking around.

"Isn't that there?" A person who knew something about Flower City recognized the two. "Did you see the lace exposed on the collar of their cloak? That is the unique logo of Flower City."

It was a mother and child. The child was only six or seven years old, and was still held in the mother's arms. Facing everyone's gaze, the mother stood up and wanted to leave, but a nearby passenger reached out to stop her, "Don't leave in a hurry, Flower City."

Are all people so arrogant that they are not even willing to say a word to outsiders?"

"I have something to do..." The mother wanted to leave eagerly, but before she could finish her words, the person who stopped her suddenly pulled off her cloak, revealing a costume specially made by the Flower City government for the citizens of the city.

In a city like Flower City with very good welfare, the government takes care of food, clothing, housing and transportation. However, because they are uniformly customized, the clothes are mostly the same, and Flower City particularly likes colors that look warm, so most of their clothes are embroidered on a white background, which varies according to the season.

, the pattern content will change...

But what is surprising is that this outfit seems to be very hateful.

Those who gathered together to discuss the various benefits of Flower City now saw that the mother and son had a natural malice.

"I thought the people in Flower City were all outstanding people, but I didn't expect there were people like this." The man who took off his cloak laughed loudly.

The onlookers also burst into laughter, and one person said: "Some people rely entirely on the fate they carried in their mother's womb, and they are so lucky that they can live without worrying about food, clothing, and sleep all their lives!"

"It's a pity that Huahua City's household registration is strictly controlled now. Otherwise, I would have lived halfway in the city. Anyway, I am strong and can always make some contributions to the city. It is much better than living for nothing!"

"I would say that Flower City should implement an elimination system and eliminate a group of people who are not engaged in production every year. This will ensure that the urban environment will get better and better!"

"If I can live a happy life in Flower City for a few years, I can even be used as flower fertilizer in the future..."

Everyone was talking to each other, making no secret of their envy of the clothes that represented the residents of Flower City and their jealousy of the mother and child. However, there were surveillance equipment around them, so they did not do anything more extreme.

The woman seemed to know how to deal with this situation. She just covered the child and lowered her head without saying anything. Others saw that she didn't respond after talking for so long, and they didn't dare to really pull it. They felt bored and found a seat to sit down.

The woman sat in the corner with her child in her arms.

Xu Huo was not far away, walked over and handed her a potion, "Your child is sick, don't cover him up so tightly."

The woman glanced at him warily, not even paying attention to the potion in his hand, and quickly left with the child in her arms.

"She won't ask for your things." An old man who was drinking next to him burped and wiped his mouth and said: "People who live in Flower City have everything. How can they use cheap medicines from you, a foreigner? Every household uses them.

All of them are high-end pharmaceuticals issued by the government... It's not fair, why don't we get this kind of treatment..."

Xu Huo did not expect that such serious household registration discrimination existed in the game world.

But the woman's condition didn't look like "pampered."

This was just a small episode on the flying boat. Xu Huo didn't pay much attention to it. When the boat was a third of the way, six players avoided the monitor and sneaked onto the boat from different places.

This is not surprising. In places where there are monitors everywhere, people's behavioral norms will be relatively strict. Especially players, whether they are locals or players from outside the area, are very likely to violate the rules. Once they are under official surveillance or

Being wanted means not being able to take any transportation freely. After all, the monitors in Area 001 can judge a person's identity based on their behavior and habits. Their appearance and appearance can be changed, but their behavior and habits cannot be changed easily.

However, for a cheap and big flying boat like this, the monitors on the boat cannot be one-to-one, and the chance of success in fishing in troubled waters is higher.

Coincidentally, the two people who came up from Xu Huo's side happened to be the two who were chased in the hotel - even though they had changed their appearance, the numbers on their heads were so obvious that it was difficult not to notice them, let alone them.

There is also the mark of "friend and foe" on his body.

"Friends and Foes" can mark ten people at once. Regardless of whether they are friends or enemies, a prompt will appear as long as the other party appears within 50 meters of you. Even if the appearance is modified, it will be effective.

Compared with the wide range of characteristic scores, "Friends and Enemies" can accurately know which of these people have been met and which are simply strangers with malicious intentions.

The two people with high ponytails also saw Xu Huo from a distance, but their feelings for him did not change much. The characteristics of the top of his head were rated at 5, and the color of the numbers was also light.

They walked over without looking back, like the other players on the ship.

The two finally stopped in a crowded place not far from Xu Huo, and quickly blended into the chatting crowd, as if they had been talking to them from the beginning.

At this time, the alarm on the flying ship suddenly sounded, the red warning light on the ship's dome kept flashing, and the passing monitors suddenly stopped and played a warning sound:

"A passenger has triggered a medical alarm. Please stop walking around and prevent stampedes!"

All nearby flight monitors are playing this notification, but if you pay close attention, you can find that when the notification is playing, the metal ring in the middle of the egg-shaped monitor slides down, revealing a circle of small holes the size of peas.

That's the weapon hole.

Some people on the ship were very nervous because of this unexpected incident, and some people were accustomed to it. Through conversations with others, they learned that this alarm would only be triggered when a seriously ill person appeared. At this time, the medical robot on the ship would be dispatched immediately. Although

Traveling in the air will not interfere with the ground, but it will inevitably cause unnecessary misunderstandings, so an early warning is issued.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, two half-human-tall robots flew quickly over the heads of the crowd.

"Someone is just sick. Wouldn't it be more likely to cause panic by making such a big noise?" A new player was puzzled.

Someone has also given an explanation for this. In some large cities in Area 001, there have been precedents of players using the sick and injured to cause trouble, and there were many casualties. Therefore, if there is an emergency on large public transportation, the surveillance robot will

Control the situation immediately - except for people with evil intentions, there is usually no one who can't wait for these few minutes.

"Times have really changed. Robots can handle emergency medical emergencies." Some players lamented.

Some residents of Area 001 were very proud and said: "If the robot cannot handle it, the medical team will arrive within ten minutes."

Most of the people on the ship were discussing the emergency speed of the flying ship. Xu Huo took the time to look at the place where the incident occurred and found that it was the mother and child who triggered the medical alarm. The woman was holding the child who was breathing rapidly and looked at the robot defensively.

Allow them to get closer.

This chapter has been completed!
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