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Chapter 1335 The fact of coming in and out

 Xu Huo did not object to the players joining behind him, and even invited his companions to join him. "Since everyone's purpose is the same, of course, the more people, the safer it is."

The man standing opposite him reached out and wiped his shiny hair, "My brothers all have homes and families to take care of them, so I don't want to take this risk."

The other players present did not speak, obviously it had been discussed long ago, but they looked slightly worried after the man with the back of his head finished speaking.

The only person who still objected was the white-haired old man. He was worried about Dr. Dole's safety and was not at all confident about the players in the outer area. He even proposed to raise the price again and asked all the companions of the player behind the scenes to protect Dr. Dole.

But no one paid attention to him. Only Dr. Dole turned around to comfort him and said that he would be the first to contact him after arriving in the secondary city.

In the end, all parties reached a cooperation, and the player behind the scenes, Dai Song, disguised Dr. Dole's appearance, and put a special prop on him to disguise him as a player - this was the most convenient method.

It is too obvious for a few players to lead an ordinary person towards the goal. It is best if everyone is a player. After all, not all people who enter the Stairway to Heaven are doing it for Dr. Dole.

Of course, there is also an alternative plan, which is for Xu Huo and Dai Song to disguise themselves as ordinary people in different forms.

This is not an easy thing. Just as it is difficult for ordinary people to pretend to be players, it is also difficult for players to be thought of as ordinary people. Not to mention the props they wear, which are different from ordinary people's breathing rhythms and enhanced evolution.

Physical strength can also make the same difference.

Dr. Dole relied on props to become a "player". The disguised effect may be revealed. If he is seen through, the alternative plan can play a certain delaying role-mainly to prevent assassination.

Whether it is true or not, even if someone sees that Dr. Dole is wearing a prop, he will not immediately regard him as a target.

"In that case, why don't you let me go with you?" The white-haired elder said, "You can just disguise me as Dr. Dole."

Dr. Dole was the first to object, and Xu Huo said: "You are not helping, bring you with you, we have to devote our energy to protecting you. If you think you can be sacrificed, don't think about fellow players giving up your protection easily."

The consequences of another person leaving.”

It is so obvious that the other person is not a fool. He will not be able to delay or cover up, but will waste his life in vain.

The words were spoken so clearly that there was no need for anyone to persuade him. The white-haired elder bowed solemnly to Xu Huo and Dai Song, "I will entrust Dr. Dole to you two."

"I will try my best to protect the doctor." Dai Song said.

The three of them left the basement. After the disguise, Dr. Dole looked powerful and not as thin as he originally was. Xu Huo walked behind him, reminding him to change his walking posture and said: "The car will be at you at eleven o'clock."

direction, just walk up and say hello to them normally."

Dr. Dole did as he was told and got into the passenger seat, while Xu Huo and Dai Song got into the back seat.

"Let's drive." Dr. Dole said to Qiu Ming familiarly.

Qiu Ming subconsciously wanted to look back at Xu Huo, but was kicked by Cao Qinglin from behind and started the car silently.

The journey out of the city was uneventful.

"Is it necessary?" Seeing Xu Huo's relaxed expression, Song asked, "No one is following us."

This is the strange thing. When Xu Huo walked out of the basement, he noticed that there were at least six players within a radius of 500 meters paying attention to them, but no one followed them until outside the city... It was unclear where those people came from.

But he didn't think that their disguise could hide the truth. Even the group of people who broke into the laboratory knew to leave a surveillance prop to get a handful of second-hand information after they walked out. These people gave up too simply, and it happened to be Dr. Dole.

A hiding place.

However, there was no need to explain this to Dai Song. He only said: "Safety comes first."

"Mr. Xu is right, it's best to be careful." Cao Qinglin's eyes wandered between Dr. Dole and Dai Song, and then stopped at the former, "This must be Dr. Dole."

They both looked back at her at the same time, "How did you tell?"

"Your posture and expression." Qiu Ming also said: "People who often do dungeons have different eyes, and they won't be so scared."

Dr. Dole was in a dilemma. "It seems that my disguise is not good enough. Can I deceive other players like this?"

"It's not a big problem," Xu Huo said, "Don't we still have an alternative plan? Even if someone sees through it, we can take some time to figure out whether the other party is a friend or an enemy."

It is difficult for non-professionals to make a perfect disguise, just have a look.

"It's easy to see through it if you observe it at close range and for a long time. It's not so easy just to meet or pass by." He added: "Doctors can pretend to rest and try not to make eye contact with outsiders. Even if they do, treat the other person as an experiment.

Just the patients in the room will be fine.”

"This is a good idea." Dr. Dole breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in his position with his eyes closed to rest.

Not long after walking, the car started to bump.

Qiu Ming looked at the overly dense vegetation in front of him and frowned: "I'm afraid the car won't be able to drive for long and we'll have to walk."

This is still relatively close to the capital city of the Twin Cities, and has not yet entered the Stairway to Heaven.

"This is the accurate route map of the original Stairway to Heaven," Dai Song handed the map to the front. "Although it is the original tourist route, which is a little circuitous, it is also a shortcut through the Stairway to Heaven. There are fewer stops on the way. Under normal circumstances, two

It’ll be over in three days.”

"Although the road is now covered with mutant plants, it is still the best way to go compared to other places. Avoid some of the places that are completely occupied by mutant plants. I estimate that it can be reached in five days."

The original travel schedule for Stairway to Heaven was five days.

Mentioning this, Dai Song sighed with emotion, "At that time, there were still trains imported from other regions."

Unfortunately, after the area was occupied by outsiders, these were all gone.

"Aren't you a resident brought in from other districts by the subsequent district government?" Cao Qinglin asked: "Weren't the aboriginal people in District 023 almost slaughtered?"

Dai Song couldn't hide his surprise, "The aboriginal people in Area 023 were slaughtered completely? Who told you?"

"Didn't Area 023 experience a large-scale evolution more than 20 years ago?" Cao Qinglin elaborated on some aspects, "Many ordinary people evolved, but a large number of them died."

"You should have come from the desert area." Dai Song quickly understood, "There was indeed a large-scale evolutionary event twenty years ago, and a lot of people died, and nearly half of Area 023 was

Because the climate suddenly turned into a desert, more than half of the people in Area 023 still survived."

Cao Qinglin couldn't help but look at Xu Huo: So Mr. Chi and the others are lying? What's going on with those numbers?

(End of chapter)

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