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Chapter 1346 Unresolvable Hatred

 Dai Song did not refute, but his expression became angry. His whole body tensed up involuntarily, and there was a faint hint of humiliation and shame in his hateful eyes.

"You don't mean to say that the Ya clan caused the tragedy in Area 023, and they deserve to be captured and used as experimental subjects, right?" Xu Huo looked at him and spoke out the secret thoughts in his heart.

Dai Song understood that experiments on living subjects were not tolerated by humans, and at the same time, he could not agree with this method with peace of mind. But when he was aroused by the words, he stood up suddenly and blurted out, "Don't those people deserve to be punished?"


The voice echoed in the venue props, and the irritated Dai Song quickly calmed down after speaking. He said expressionlessly: "I went to carry corpses, but I was young at the time, and the corpses were all children."

"Have you ever seen a mountain of children?"

"I have seen it. Before that, I never thought that fifty children together could be that tall..."

Everyone present was silent. From his point of view, he would not feel relieved to take revenge by any means.

But at this time Xu Huo spoke again, "Has the Spring Bamboo Laboratory conducted experiments on living subjects?"

The others couldn't help but look at him intently for a second, but Xu Huo seemed not to notice the heavy atmosphere at all, and then asked two questions, "Since the genetic disease in the Twin Cities only targets some people, do experiments on the Ya people?"

It’s useless, what kind of experiment did you do with them? How were the corpses disposed of in the end?”

"I don't know." Dai Song sat back down again, "The laboratories in the Twin Cities can't even save themselves, so how can they have the spare time to do other experiments? Moreover, very few people from the Ya tribe are sent to the Twin Cities. Even if there are... soon...

It will also be moved to other cities."

"Tell me two place names," Xu Huo said.

Dai Song then looked at him, "What do you want to do?"

"Come here because of your reputation, and leave because of your reputation." Xu Huo's eyes were calm, and there should be no disturbance caused by what he just said.

"Ha!" Dai Song laughed sarcastically, "You sympathize with the Ya people because they are used as experimental materials?"

As he spoke, his expression changed, and he said with hatred and ruthlessness: "Those people should be killed by a thousand cuts, and they should not have descendants. They are so cruel, and the cruel genes should not continue!"

Xu Huo did not interrupt his mood, nor did he make any comments on the past grievances. He said: "I am just curious about what human experiments are being done in Area 023. Isn't it that you are so angry because of human experiments?"


"Don't you want to know what your fellow citizens are doing? They're not helping the Twin Cities, your cities aren't helping each other, so what are they doing?"

Dai Song's expression was obviously shaken. Obviously he also had doubts about these, but he was too weak to take care of so many things. But people are like this. Once he takes on responsibilities, he can't help but want to take on greater responsibilities.

, people who are awake and alive are in pain, they cannot be numb, let alone sit back and watch the numbness of their fellow citizens.

"If you want to know, go find it yourself." He did not let go, but turned his back and lay down in the sleeping bag, ending the conversation.

"Do you know about human experiments?" Fan Zhigang took up the topic.

"Just out of curiosity." Xu Huo didn't explain much.

Fan Zhigang couldn't guess his intention, but after a while he said: "Cities that can afford human experiments are relatively prosperous. I passed two big cities when I came here. If you are interested, you can go and have a look."

Xu Huo accepted his kindness and said: "Take the time to rest."

They were lucky. Except for two alien harassments that night, they encountered no major danger. However, when they collected the props and prepared to set off, they discovered that a kind of red grass had grown outside the props.

Compared with the lush weeds all over the ground, they are not big or dense, but the color is too eye-catching in the green, and the growth is also very strange. Although the props are surrounded by it, it grows into the picking garden in the shape of a trail.

, looking out from inside, the place they passed yesterday was only one meter wide covered by such red grass.

"What kind of strange species is this?" Qiu Ming fiddled with a prop, "Is it following people?"

Xu Huo could see farther away. These grasses indeed followed the route they came in yesterday.

Others felt that something was wrong, so they got in the car and left without saying anything.

After walking out of the picking garden, I started to repeat yesterday's experience. Wave after wave of mutated animals and plants attacked, and the frequency was higher than yesterday. It was not always large-scale. Occasionally, one or two releases would fall while walking.

Unknown fruits with poisonous gas, or inconspicuous leaves of vegetation on the roadside turn into sharp blades when brushed against them, or plant seeds sprayed out from nowhere, scratching people's skin and quickly taking root, making it difficult to prevent them.

"When I become an A-level player, I will definitely come back and burn this damn place down!" Qiu Ming said fiercely while plucking out the seeds that sprouted from the roots and buds.

"You should wear protective clothing." Fan Zhigang drank water and rolled up the sleeves of the protective clothing higher.

"It's so hot that you can't wear it. I can't." Qiu Ming wiped his sweat, "If this continues, I'll be dead from the heat before I even get out of the Stairway to Heaven."

"Are you okay?" He turned back to care about Cao Qinglin and Dr. Dole. They had disguised identities. He couldn't help but only care about Cao Qinglin, so he handed one of the supplies to each of them.

Now Dr. Dole also moved to the back seat and sat with Dai Song. Xu Huo went outside and stayed with Fan Zhigang and the other three.

Fan Zhigang and others had a new understanding of Xu Huo's strength. Not to mention the powerful props, his fighting style of killing aliens with a knife alone could not be learned by others. In a crisis situation, he used attacks instead of props to form a

A tight defensive barrier, almost no alien species can break through his sword. Anyone who gets close will be killed, just like a head full of eyes, no trouble can be hidden from him.

But just when they were in admiration, Xu Huo suddenly stopped and said, "Someone is catching up soon. Qiu Ming, you guys keep going forward. Fan Zhigang and I will go to the front."

"Is there anyone?" Fan Zhigang's expression changed, "Is he also a player who has cleared the level?"

"I don't know if it's a player who has cleared the level, but they are coming for us." There are always traces of red grass within the range of Xu Huo's mental power. There is a section in the middle where they slowed down due to the attack, and they can clearly see

I saw that the red grass was growing along the place where the car drove by. It didn't grow before yesterday's break. It was probably because of a few hours of trimming that the red grass successfully touched them and dropped its seeds on them, so it grew today.

so fast.

(End of chapter)

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