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Chapter 145 Ten Seconds Battle

The three members of the Holy Sword Club didn't talk nonsense. The leader stretched out his hand and wiped it in the air. The poisonous gas surging everywhere seemed to have been wiped by an eraser, and a clean, straight path appeared leading to the painting girl.

At the same time, Dou Shengnan also stood in the poisonous gas. Her red eyes shone slightly, shaking her pocket watch and ordering the painting girl: "Cut your own throat."

The painting girl looked back at her doubtfully.

Dou Shengnan was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the three members of the Holy Sword Club. The latter were frightened by her gaze and returned to the edge of the roof in an instant. At this time, the balloon boy stretched his legs and stepped straight on her head. Dou Shengnan could not help but

Don't move away!

The confrontation between the few people lasted only a moment. When they retreated to the edge of the dome, the hotel building began to collapse, and the smoke and dust rising into the sky covered the entire building, blocking the sight of all players.

While the players, including the drones, were looking for the figure of the painting girl in the ashes, the papers flying around the building suddenly stopped and fell one after another as if they had lost their power. Then a figure flew out of the smoke and dust, like a cannonball.

It ran through a nearby building, passed through several buildings, and was buried in the rubble!

"The one who flew out just now is the female player from Area 014!"

She was buried under the rubble and could not come out again, and the flying papers fell to the ground one after another. This can only mean one thing - the super prop has changed hands!

Who killed her?!

The three members of the Holy Sword Society wiped away the dust in the air, and only had time to see a hooded man wearing a black mask flash past. They were then forced out of the Pearl Hotel by overwhelming paper pillars and intermittent shelling.

At the same time, the papers all over the city gathered like white doves towards the hotel, twisting in the air to form an almost substantial giant pillar that quickly rose up and soon exceeded the coverage of smoke and dust. On top of it, stood a man in a pocket.

Hoodies, pants and masks!

The whirlpool formed by the black mask made it impossible to capture his appearance, but he looked like a man. The only exposed eyes seemed to be covered with a white film, and the whole person looked like an emotionless instrument.

"I order you! Commit suicide!" Dou Shengnan appeared directly in front of him, his eyes glowing red.

It's a pity that the person on the paper pillar ignored her order. Not only her, but also several people from the Holy Sword Club were treated as if they were nothing. He only turned his head and "looked" towards the southwest, and then disappeared from the paper pillar.


From the time he appeared to when he disappeared, the whole process didn't take more than ten seconds!

This unknown player appeared out of the blue and was confusing. The opponent was so powerful that Dou Shengnan's hypnosis was ineffective, and he didn't even notice the golden disciples of the Holy Sword Club. He seemed to come for a leisurely ride and took away what everyone was fighting for.

The super prop, before leaving, only gave a little attention to the team battle of the Sound Knights, but who dares to say that this attention is directed at the Sophon Knights, Lawrence Lee is an S-level player!

"Is he an S-level player?" Everyone was inevitably suspicious.

But the others have left, and even a few A-level players can’t be retained. What can happen to the other players?

The situation changed in an instant, and the battle between high-level players for super props ended before it even started. It also suddenly brought an end to the war for super props that shocked the entire E27 Wormhole Point.

The three members of the Holy Sword Society were the first to leave, and then Dou Shengnan and the Balloon Boy rushed to the southwest of Haishi. The players from the outer areas who were trapped in the life-and-death situation saw the result, and some people left one after another, and some of them stayed.

He was watching the team battle of the Sophistication Knights.

Similarly, the Haishi General Command Office also found it hard to believe that things ended so suddenly.

I couldn't help but feel angry and upset at the same time. So many people died, but in the end the painting girl was killed by players from outside the area, and the super props also fell into the hands of outsiders!

"The most important thing right now is not worrying about losses." The old man in Beijing said, "Saving people is important!"

So the command room quickly ordered the bombardment to stop, searched for the painting girl's body, and formulated a rescue plan.

The super props are gone, and the players are almost dead. There is nothing in Area 014 that players from other areas can miss. The only thing they have to wait for is the end of the battle with the Sophon Knights.

The command room didn't have the energy to take care of them. They just evacuated the Haishi people to make room for them to fight. After they had fought enough and the winner was determined, they would leave.

"We must find the body of the painting girl." The old man in Beijing repeatedly emphasized, "We cannot let the hero die like this!"

The black and white turntable has not disappeared yet. In addition to trying to protect the ordinary citizens inside and waiting for the incident to end, the only thing the rescuers can do is to find the body of the painting girl.

But at this time, the painting girl had quietly slipped away. She changed her face and clothes and hid in a hotel. She hugged the Bright Gentleman Medal and ate snacks while texting Xu Huo, "I'm waiting for you to come back."

Of course Xu Huo couldn't receive her message. He had now arrived at the station. The moment he arrived at the station, he put away the twisted mask, took off the film on his eyes and the earphones playing deafening music, and connected them with the hood.

Put the shirt together into the "stingy suitcase" and put it in the item inventory.

Then he looked at the time, and it was just right.

There were four other players in the station. When these people saw him, they approached him without leaving a trace.

He did not give the main spirit to these people.

Things went more smoothly than he imagined. The high-level players' mutual restraint gave him an excellent opportunity. In order to guard against the hypnotic players of the Soil Knights, he simply pretended to be blind and deaf. In fact, during those ten seconds, he completely listened.

I can't see or see anything around me.

The paper pillar seemed to be moving under his control, but in fact it was the painting girl pretending to be dead who was assisting remotely, and all he had to do was stand there and finally give a specious look to the southwest - the side where the beating was taking place.

Divert the player's attention.

If he successfully entered the station, his plan would be mostly successful. The only thing he was worried about now was that someone would catch up with him.

Just by looking at the brief confrontation when the painting girl was besieged in the Pearl Hotel, he knew that there were really advanced players who had mastered certain spatial characteristics or props. He didn't know whether the other party had accurate tracking or positioning props before getting in the car.

He couldn't breathe a sigh of relief until now.

"Little brother, do you have a ticket?" Among the people who gathered around, a kind-faced but skinny old man swallowed his saliva and said, "Can you sell us two tickets? We can exchange them with you for props."

Only then did Xu Huo raise his head and glance at these people, "Are two tickets enough?"

Several people's eyes lit up, "It would be better if you had more!"

Xu Huo raised his eyebrows, "How many times have you been hungry and your mind is still awake? How dare you rob someone who can get four or five tickets?"

Several people exchanged glances, and their expressions became fierce, "I have been hungry here for two or three days. Even if I die, I have to eat a mouthful of meat before I die!"

This chapter has been completed!
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