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Chapter 152 Night in the fairy tale city

 At three o'clock in the middle of the game time, a rapid knock on the door rang without warning.

Xu Huo lay on the bed without moving, opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the door.

"Knock knock knock! knock knock knock... dong dong dong! dong dong dong!"

The rapid knocking on the door gradually turned into banging on the door, and the sound continued to rise.

Xu Huo simply sat up and listened to the sound at the door. He didn't answer and didn't intend to open the door.

The knocking on the door continued for a while and then suddenly stopped, and then the sound of footsteps could be heard moving away.

A few seconds later, another set of footsteps of varying severity passed by the door.

After about a minute of silence, another set of footsteps came back from the direction they left and banged on the door: "Help! Help me! Someone wants to kill me! Please open the door..."

"He's coming soon. If he finds me, I'll be dead!"

"Please, open the door quickly. If you don't open the door, I will die!"

"I have a lot of valuable things. As long as you open the door, I can give you anything!"

"Open the door! Open the door!"

The sound of banging on the door and shouting got louder one after another. Xu Huo pressed the service button on the bedside. However, after the call was connected, the person who spoke was not the waiter, but the woman outside the door.

"Please help me, otherwise I will die here..."

Xu Huo hung up the call directly, but then the sound outside the door disappeared, and instead there was a knock on the window.

He stood up and walked to the window, opened the curtains, took out a lighter, lit a cigarette, and said to the woman hanging outside the window with disheveled hair and blood on her face: "It's late at night, go back to bed."

The woman's face was momentarily distorted, and then she threw herself at the person in the window!

Unexpectedly, Xu Huo suddenly reached out and opened the glass window at this time, and the barrier between the two people suddenly disappeared. The woman almost couldn't control her posture and started to fight with him. She reflexively grabbed both sides of the window, but she immediately realized that she

Showing timidity, he lowered his chin and stuck out a long tongue when he turned his head.

Xu Huo watched her performance expressionlessly, "The window is open. Are you tired of hanging outside? Why don't you come in and let's chat?"

The woman's expression froze, and when she saw him reaching out towards her, she turned away from the window, flew upward lightly, and then disappeared.

At this time, there was a faint scream not far from the Yongxing Club. Xu Huo looked over there and went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, at dawn, the tourist city resumed its bustle as yesterday. All the tourists who had disappeared during the night suddenly appeared, and the smell of food was everywhere in the city.

When Xu Huo went to dine on the second floor, he saw the waiter from yesterday. He asked, "No one is on duty here at night?"

The waiter smiled and said: "Our working hours are from six in the morning to nine in the evening."

Xu Huo nodded. Of course, hotels in the game cannot be compared with hotels in reality.

After breakfast, he planned to visit True Love Square.

When I walked to the lobby, I heard a waiter coming down from upstairs and said to the front desk: "The guest just now broke a crystal wine glass worth fifteen thousand white notes. He missed it when he first registered.


Xu Huo raised his eyebrows slightly, but he heard the woman with a backpack passing by him murmur: "This wicked and smoking Yongxing must have made his fortune by cheating customers..."

As he spoke, he raised his head and glared at him, "What are you looking at! Have you never seen a woman?"

Xu Huo glanced at her and turned away.

He headed towards True Love Square, but he was not in a hurry, but stopped and stopped along the way. When he was interested, he would get together with the locals and chat for a while before leaving.

It was already lunch time when we arrived at True Love Square, but there were still many people gathered here, most of them couples, all listening to the tour guide or locals telling the love stories engraved on the three stone tablets in the center of the square.

Xu Huo stood outside and read the stone tablet. The plot of the story was similar to what he heard yesterday, but the specific time was added, and the ages and lives of the male and female protagonists were also recorded. The female protagonist in particular was famous for her ability to cultivate new varieties of flowers.

After looking at the stone monument for a while, he caught a line of sight in the crowd. Looking back, he saw a girl in a white dress smiling at him through the crowd.

She wore the badge of "explainer" on her shoulder and waved to him again, "Sir, come over here, we're going to start from the beginning."

Xu Huo walked over calmly and listened to the love story again.

Some tourists and couples who listened were in tears and felt regretful.

"This may be the best ending for them." The girl in the white skirt said with a smile: "Life and death are the most painful things in the world. Maybe they can be happy in another world?"

The tourists nodded again, wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes, and rushed towards the small shop selling fried algae clams. A female tourist said while eating the algae clams: "This is the best way to replenish water."

The girl in the white skirt stared at them for a few seconds before turning around and saying to Xu Huo: "Algae shells are the most popular delicacy during this time. Sir, don't you try it?"

Xu Huo shook his head and handed her a bottle of water, "Moisten your throat."

"Thank you." The girl in the white skirt took it and said, "I see that your husband has been standing here for a long time. Is he missing his lover?"

"I have no lover." Xu Huo said.

"Ah, has she left you?" The girl in the white skirt said with comfort: "Don't be sad, you will definitely find the girl you love again."

Xu Huo smiled and turned his head to look at the stone tablet, "Except for this stone tablet, do they have no graves?"

The girl in the white dress followed his gaze and looked at the stone monument, and suddenly pursed her lips and smiled: "Sir, are you kidding? This is a fairy tale city. There are no tombstones in a fairy tale city. What if it scares the children?"

Xu Huo still wanted to talk, but someone in the distance called the girl in the white dress. She handed him a business card apologetically, "I still have work. If you need a tour guide or commentator, you can contact me."

"Okay." Xu Huo put the business card into his pocket and watched her disappear into the crowd before turning around and leaving True Love Plaza, calling a car and heading to the entrance of the tourist city.

At this time, at the entrance of the tourist city, the female player and the big man who came in the same car yesterday, as well as the male and female players came back here one after another. Also back was the kidnapped young man. The five of them looked at each other when they met.

To the exhaustion of others.

Several people found a resting place on the roadside. The young man with a scarred face was the first to speak, "Have you found any clues?"

This was the beginning of the conversation. The first person to speak was the man and woman. The woman touched the scratches on her face and said: "Don't say we found clues. Yesterday we didn't even dare to stay in the store, but we met a group of stray cats on the street.


"You were injured like this by stray cats and dogs?" The young man interrupted in shock.

"Do you think they are ordinary cats and dogs?" the woman said angrily: "The cats and dogs here are more ferocious than tigers and leopards, they all eat people!"

This chapter has been completed!
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