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Chapter 1543 A chance encounter with a super player

 Not only super-evolved players like Xu Huo can see this extraordinary space ray, but ordinary advanced players can also feel it to some extent, but they are not so intuitive.

So when the space rays dropped randomly, a large number of players hidden in the city suddenly appeared and began to flee out of the city. Because the space teleportation props failed, some players chose to teleport props at close range or simply rely on their own legs.

But this does not mean safety. Because after the space ray hits the ground, the colorful streamer will gradually expand, and players dare not touch or get close to it. Therefore, most players choose relatively empty high altitudes, and people come up.

It is not difficult to see other people's movements. Even in these three to five seconds, many players have automatically hit the space ray - because most of the short-distance teleportation props are in a straight line and cannot be caught by the naked eye.

They will disappear from the sky, so some people who are not very clear-minded abuse the props without understanding the situation, and just hit the space rays, and their lives are in vain.

"Everyone, be careful! New lines appear at any time, don't run into them!" Someone reminded his companions loudly, "Especially those lines with shear force!"

In fact, only a small number of rays in the air have the ability to cut. Occasionally, when players pass by and accidentally encounter the cut scene, it is very impactful, but in Xu Huo's eyes, it is far less than other rays that can pass through the body.


He saw with his own eyes that after two players accidentally touched the ray, their bodies changed from the position of contact - with his current level of evolution, he could not see the ray in the human body, but once he was touched by the colorful space ray

After that, the human body began to "objectify", and a little bit of subtle colored light came out from inside.

Just like porcelain has cracks, some people who have been penetrated by space rays are also "cracked" from the inside. Of course, except for those who are directly hit in important parts such as the head and heart, they will die immediately. Others with injured limbs can still move.

Smart people cut off their hands and feet immediately, while some people who tried to take chances left it alone and were completely covered by "cracks" in a very short period of time.

Xu Huo only felt shocked.

The control of space rays that Ms. Gong demonstrated previously to kill people is similar to the scene in front of her, but the difference is that Ms. Gong needs one-on-one control. The effect of her operation is very subtle. After assimilating the rays in the human body, the human blood is directly atomized.

But overall, the ray is still under her control.

Colored space rays are different. They can still affect a person's state after being separated from the human body. It is like a piece of glass being cracked. Because of this crack, new cracks appear later, until the piece of glass is completely covered. It looks like

It's like another level of manipulation of rays: only one contact is needed to produce a chain reaction!

He looked up at the colorful lines that were disappearing and appearing under the sky at any time. He was not sure whether they were under the control of the player at all times, but whether it was full control or laissez-faire, the person who could achieve this effect must be more than Ms. Gong.


The rays in the area in front suddenly became sparse. Feeling the flow of space power that was not obvious in it, Xu Huo accelerated his speed and rushed towards the city in the direction of most of the players. Under the surprised eyes of others

A thrilling escape from a space ray as dense as drizzle!

A large number of rays were scattered on the ground, almost grazing his back and falling from the high altitude. The dense gap did not allow anyone to gain a foothold. In an instant, more than ten players were hit - they did not have time to move to a slightly open area nearby.

place, and did not escape into the game. After being penetrated by the ray, he was half dead instantly!

The situation of the remaining half was not much better, but no one cared about their situation, because the colorful rays in the entire city suddenly became denser, especially concentrated on the edge of the city, which made some players who had already escaped have to escape.

Don't turn back to the city.

Like other players, the four people who were tracking Xu Huo also moved to the center of the city. I wonder if there was something wrong with the space instrument. When the space rays came down, one of them disappeared out of thin air as before, but only maintained

One second.

This incident caused the expressions of the four people to change slightly, losing their previous aloof indifference.

But they haven't given up on their goal yet.

With a ready-made opportunity in front of him, Xu Huo paused deliberately and waited for the four of them to catch up before moving towards the northwest corner of the city where the space power was most concentrated.

Without relying on props and instruments, he can move quickly in the air. In comparison, the four of them seem much slower. Every time they move, they have to use the terminal instrument on their wrists to measure it, as if to confirm the position distribution of space rays.

Xu Huo's eyebrows moved, he suddenly increased his speed and then turned back. He ducked behind one of them and used his backhand to cut his neck with the black knife - it didn't feel like it was cutting a real thing.

In fact, when the knife was swung out, the man in front of him disappeared, but he had no time to adjust his movements. Then he was plotted by another man on the left and was pushed dozens of meters away by the momentum!

Ordinary defensive props cannot protect against colored space rays at all, and even if space props are not completely suppressed, they may not be able to protect people when used. Under the crisis, Xu Huo can only keep opening doors in the air and rushing back in a circle to reduce the impact.

Fortunately, there is still enough room for movement around here. If the colored rays are denser, it will also affect his spiritual world. At least the portal can no longer be opened at will.

But when he came out of the last spiritual portal, a few people who had not attacked him along the way took action, but what they took out were not props, but energy weapons!

The appearance is somewhat similar to what he got from the Platinum Eye, but judging from the ores inlaid on it and the carved patterns that seem to have special meaning, it may be more powerful!

Xu Huo narrowed his eyes and before he could react, suddenly a huge black shadow passed over their heads. From the corner of his eye, he seemed to see a shadow floating by. The next moment, there was another person in his field of vision:

The other party was wearing a black coat and a top hat that remained motionless in the strong wind. His hand wearing leather gloves was holding a box steadily, and his blue eyes were staring at the man holding the energy weapon.

"This toy is not bad." He said with a smile, causing the three players to freeze without making any movement.

Then, Xu Huo saw him slowly reach out and take away the energy weapon, followed by the lock of the suitcase:

In an instant, Xu Huo's vision turned completely black, and he vaguely felt his body moving uncontrollably. When there was light again, he was already standing in a gorgeous and gloomy castle corridor.

This chapter has been completed!
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