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Chapter 1547 You stand up and take it

 Seeing that he was about to leave, Xu Huo and Lian Hanshan did not say anything, but Zhu Zhu wanted to seize this opportunity and hurriedly chased after him, "You should have prepared many A-level props. Can you sell me one?"


"Everyone wants to go out anyway. Doesn't your prop require more than three people to use it? It's mutually beneficial."

Guan Donglai glanced at her with a half-smile, "I believe there are many people here holding A-level space props."

After saying that, he left without hesitation.

Zhu Zhu couldn't help but said to Lian Hanshan and Xu Huo: "Don't you want to go out? Could it be that what he said was a lie?"

"That's true. Even if it's not the one who took it out, he should really have an escape tool." Lian Hanshan said.

"Isn't that okay?" Zhu Zhu couldn't help but said: "He doesn't have enough props. We can definitely negotiate the conditions again."

"His minimum condition is A-level space-time props or space instruments, and we can't get them, so there's no need to talk about it," Xu Huo continued.

"Why don't we have to talk? Doesn't he want to go out?" Zhu Zhu tried to persuade them to give it a try. "If he lowers the conditions, wouldn't everyone be able to go out?"

"Because he is not the only one who is afraid of the suitcase man," Lian Hanshan said with a smile: "We are all afraid, but he is the only one holding the escape rope, and the others can only leave through him. In a hurry, the others are better than him.


As for the prop he said requires more than three people to use, that's not necessarily true. Maybe two people can go out alone. He just wanted to take the opportunity to extort the prop.

Zhu Zhu's eyes lingered on them, "Do you have any other ideas?"

"Not really." Lian Hanshan answered all questions, "But haven't you noticed?"

"What?" Zhu Zhu asked subconsciously.

"There is only one A-level player who enters the castle, and most of them are C-level players." Lian Hanshan flipped his collar, "Players generally cannot get props higher than their own level in the dungeon. Privately purchasing high-level props requires

With a lot of money, for C-level and B-level players, even if they have it, taking out an A-level item is no less than cutting their flesh, and it is not that easy to achieve success."

Therefore, the next development can be expected. Guan Donglai took the props to find people to cooperate. In order not to pay the price of an A-level prop, other players will first target him, let alone the dominant A-level player.


When everyone split up just now, several players were following behind the A-level player. In terms of cooperation partners, he is certainly more suitable.

As for who gets the props in the end, or whether it really requires more than three people, and also requires space-time props as a price to go out without any results for a while.

"What do you think?" Lian Hanshan turned to Xu Huo.

"The castle may be a copy of the suitcase man," Xu Huo pinched his fingers, "then why not take a gamble and see if the suitcase man will put a copy of the authorization letter here?"

Just when he finished speaking, a moderate explosion sound came along the corridor. The continuous and regular sound showed that it was not players fighting, and the sound did not stop for a while.

"Someone took action first." Even Han Shan stood up, "Everyone should do it according to his own abilities."

After saying that, he took the lead and left.

Zhu Zhu followed without hesitation.

Xu Huo was the only one left in the corridor. He listened to the sounds of the castle and sat for a moment before walking into the shadows.

While the players who entered the castle were trying their best to find a way out, the situation outside also began to heat up.

The Suitcase Man and Lawrence Lee have destroyed three cities and have just entered the fourth city, which is also a safe city close to the capital's safe zone.

But it is no longer safe, because when the two came in, the suitcase man covered the whole city with gravity props. If Lawrence Lee's space rays interfered, the whole city would have been turned into ruins.

This is a battle between two people. Whether it is a city or a person, it is irrelevant to them. The only difference is that the suitcase man will look for suitable players during the fight.

This is also the purpose of his coming to Area 017.

After another failed "unboxing", he stopped a collapsing building, stood on the crumbling apron at the top, and looked at Lawrence Lee who was still on the ground, "You are really annoying."

Unlike the suitcase man who was full of evil spirits, Lawrence Lee's elegant aura seemed to come from his body. After fighting for so long, there was not even a speck of dust on his wheelchair, and vague space rays surrounded it irregularly.

Next to him, if you look closely, you can see that his entire body is actually being lifted up by space rays, but it is just too close to the ground to see clearly.

Lawrence Lee was playing with a ray with one hand. He did not raise his head to look at the suitcase man. Space had super evolved to his level, and the power of space could almost replace eyes.

"Did you take the super props from Area 017?" he asked.

The man carrying the suitcase walked along the slanted tarmac, "You can really work hard for two broken legs. It's a pity that there has never been a precedent in the game for the sequelae of evolution to recover."

"It doesn't matter whether there is a precedent." Lawrence Lee was not irritated and said calmly: "Just give me the super prop."

The man carrying the suitcase paused, and his whole body was slightly tilted according to the angle of the tarmac. He turned his head slightly and looked down, his eyes moving back and forth on the floating space rays, and said harshly: "Stand up and get it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he fell diagonally downwards. Unlike a natural fall, he accelerated very quickly during the fall. The defensive force rubbed the air and a bullet-shaped aerosol visible to the naked eye appeared. It stabbed straight down and approached the ground again.

At that moment, he made a sharp turn and flew forward, heading towards the location of Lawrence Lee.

"Boom!" However, just when he changed direction, a huge force made of space rays rushed up from the ground and hit the suitcase man!

In an instant, all the space rays dispersed, like thousands of sharp weapons that can cut all things, repeatedly attacking the defensive barrier of the man carrying the suitcase. Under the high-intensity and high-density attack, the bullet barrier outside the man carrying the suitcase was instantly broken.

At the same time, all the scattered rays gathered again, suddenly wrapping the suitcase man inside!

If you look further away, the colorful space rays gathered together are like a flower that opens and closes, and can assimilate everything in between.

But the suitcase man in the center of the "flower" didn't even try to dodge. He stood firmly there, and the rays approaching him collapsed like soft noodles. The next second, the street that had been broken by space rays began to

Large area collapsed.


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