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Chapter 1571 Change of Decision-making Level

 The Special Defense Department did not send any more players to interfere with Xu Huo. He returned to his residence smoothly and met with representatives of the original Special Defense Department two hours later.

Nie Xuan was brought in by other players in a wheelchair. He had a thick blanket on his knees. He was quite thin and his mental state was not very good. There was a layer of stubble on his chin, which seemed to have been there for two or three days.

Take care of it.

The person who brought him up put him down and left. Father Xu and Ms. Yu took Tongtong out for a walk. At the beginning of spring, they stayed in Xu Huo's room and watched Meng Cun. In order to prevent others from overhearing the conversation, Xu Huo used silencers.

"There is no need to do this. Shangguan Jing suffered a loss from you and injured more than twenty B-level players. He has been punished. In order not to anger you, the new person in charge did not dare to make small moves." Nie Xuan said slowly.

, but I can’t hear the feeling of weakness.

"I almost thought you were dead." Xu Huo glanced at his legs, "It seems you are recovering well."

Nie Xuan touched his leg, "I almost died. I felt like I couldn't hold on many times, but considering the situation of the Special Defense Department, I still have to live."

The last time they met, Nie Xuan had a sense of urgency to get everything done. Under the double pressure of death and responsibility, he became a little extreme, like a knife eager to drink blood.

Looking at it now, it seems that it has changed back to the appearance that I saw on the first trial train.

"Congratulations." Xu Huo said.

Nie Xuan smiled and returned to the topic, "You don't actually need to come back for this mutated bacterial infection. Three hours before I contacted you, the government had decided to secretly execute those who were infected, including some government officials or

Families of senior officials. This decision was unanimously approved by senior government officials."

"The infectiousness of mutated bacteria is not as strong as you think. It needs to reach a certain concentration to infect another person. After special disinfection, even the isolation room of infected patients can reach below the infection concentration standard."

Xu Huo knew this before. In order to keep Lu Yin infected, the Special Defense Department deliberately placed human tissue with mutated bacteria attached to it in the ward, and had to open the cabinet several times.

"Has the person who deliberately spread the mutated bacteria been caught?" he asked.

"A few have been caught, but this cannot solve the fundamental problem," Nie Xuandao said: "But sometimes solving a problem does not necessarily have to start with the problem itself. Our country was the first to break out of mutated bacteria, and has preserved a large number of live mutated bacteria, which have been managed by players.

It has been brought to several other major countries in batches and has been successfully launched a few days ago. It is estimated that there will be news in a day or two."

"At that time, in order to prevent both sides from losing, someone will take the lead in signing a truce contract, and someone will also restrict the country that first released the mutated bacteria."

If everyone doesn't want to finish the game or engage in this meaningless mutual consumption, they will regress.

"This can be considered a solution." Xu Huo said, the reason why he said it is because those who have been infected can only be given up.

"After all, what the country can do is limited. It cannot guarantee that everyone is alive or living well," Nie Xuandao said: "You know very well what the situation is in District 017. District 014 is now starting to prepare for the integration of the district and the game."

"It should be." Xu Huo nodded, "District 014 is making rapid progress."

Hearing this, Nie Xuan said meaningfully: "With how many people are there in our country, is there still a shortage of geniuses? Why do you think Shangguan Jing's plan of action against you was passed?"

"The military has cultivated super evolutionaries?" Xu Huo could only think of this answer.

Nie Xuan stroked the cartoon pattern on the blanket, "Of course it is very rare to have a spiritual super evolution, there are only one or two, and the progress is slow, but there are many physical super evolutions, and there are several space super evolvers like me.

The only thing we don’t have is time to super evolve. Currently, the military has invested a lot of money and energy in this area. Maybe it will change from 0 to 1 in the near future.”

"Time has evolved to a super level and is no longer the same dimension as ours."

Xu Huo has been in the game for so long, and has only encountered the Time Evolver once when the Soil Knights attacked Area 011. Although it is not completely impossible to restrain him, the unknown represents danger.

"Why did the military ask you to come and talk to me?" He returned to the topic of mutated bacteria, "Providing some of the hyphae of the detoxifying bacteria is the greatest help I can provide."

"The relationship between people is very subtle, and there is no fixed relationship," Nie Xuandao said: "When a person is sick and weak, you can get thanks by giving him a hand, but when he becomes strong and far beyond

When you are with me, your existence will be dispensable, and naturally there will be no strong friendship.”

"No one is willing to rely on others, and a country is not willing to be restricted. As long as you do not join the military or the special defense department, this kind of temptation will never stop. Now you are a test stone for B-level players, and you will be a super player in the future.

The test stone for evolvers.”

"It's not just you, all domestic player organizations have been affected to some extent."

"The state apparatus is ruthless."

He didn't say it clearly, but his meaning was very clear. As the leader of the Special Defense Department, he couldn't tell Xu Huo to just leave. As a friend, he had to fulfill his responsibility as a reminder.

"The state machine is ruthless..." Xu Huo repeated this sentence, and suddenly changed to another topic, "There must be many high-level government officials who have died recently."

Nie Xuan's expression did not change, and he continued to listen to him.

"The state machine may be ruthless, but it is people who control the machine. Whether it is the changes in the Special Defense Department or the changes in the plans for player organizations you mentioned, they all imply the attitude of the decision-makers. One person will often not be too inconsistent.

The only possibility for a change is to change people."

"The large number of players trained by the military and the Special Defense Department have made the second-line personnel who have not directly faced the pressure of the super prop incident drift away, right?"

"In other words, the era of players taking power is about to begin. These people have no say at all as they strive to seize the last opportunity to consolidate their power and put pressure on other player organizations to avoid being excluded from the center of power."

"Maybe it's not just that. Maybe there are players who have entered the decision-making level, so they intentionally or unintentionally target other players and player organizations."

"Because the selfishness of some individuals affects the overall living environment of players, you know the consequences very well. If a large number of players are lost, does the government have any way to recover now?"

After all, after ordinary people become players, their dependence on the country will be greatly reduced, and it is also very simple for players to leave Area 014.

Nie Xuan listened quietly, and after a while he said: "The reason why a lesson is called a lesson is because it is painful. Only pain can make people remember. Otherwise, no matter how hard others try to dissuade and stop, sooner or later they will still jump into the pit.


"But for my family, rather than letting others educate me, it's better to do it myself."


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